mirror of
synced 2024-11-05 06:35:54 +00:00
Sync matrix with master
This commit is contained in:
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ void CReplay::RecordThisFrame(void)
tGeneralPacket* general = (tGeneralPacket*)&Record.m_pBase[Record.m_nOffset];
general->player_pos = FindPlayerCoors();
general->in_rcvehicle = CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_pRemoteVehicle ? true : false;
Record.m_nOffset += sizeof(*general);
@ -4055,9 +4055,17 @@ CCamera::CalculateDerivedValues(void)
CCamera::IsPointVisible(const CVector ¢er, const CMatrix *mat)
RwV3d c;
c = center;
RwV3dTransformPoints(&c, &c, 1, &mat->m_matrix);
#ifdef GTA_PS2
CVuVector c;
TransformPoint(c, *mat, center);
CVector c = center;
#ifdef FIX_BUGS
c = *mat * center;
RwV3dTransformPoints(&c, &c, 1, (RwMatrix*)mat);
if(c.y < CDraw::GetNearClipZ()) return false;
if(c.y > CDraw::GetFarClipZ()) return false;
if(c.x*m_vecFrustumNormals[0].x + c.y*m_vecFrustumNormals[0].y > 0.0f) return false;
@ -4070,9 +4078,17 @@ CCamera::IsPointVisible(const CVector ¢er, const CMatrix *mat)
CCamera::IsSphereVisible(const CVector ¢er, float radius, const CMatrix *mat)
RwV3d c;
c = center;
RwV3dTransformPoints(&c, &c, 1, &mat->m_matrix);
#ifdef GTA_PS2
CVuVector c;
TransformPoint(c, *mat, center);
CVector c = center;
#ifdef FIX_BUGS
c = *mat * center;
RwV3dTransformPoints(&c, &c, 1, (RwMatrix*)mat);
if(c.y + radius < CDraw::GetNearClipZ()) return false;
if(c.y - radius > CDraw::GetFarClipZ()) return false;
if(c.x*m_vecFrustumNormals[0].x + c.y*m_vecFrustumNormals[0].y > radius) return false;
@ -4090,11 +4106,24 @@ CCamera::IsSphereVisible(const CVector ¢er, float radius)
CCamera::IsBoxVisible(RwV3d *box, const CMatrix *mat)
#ifdef GTA_PS2
CCamera::IsBoxVisible(CVuVector *box, const CMatrix *mat)
CCamera::IsBoxVisible(CVector *box, const CMatrix *mat)
int i;
int frustumTests[6] = { 0 };
RwV3dTransformPoints(box, box, 8, &mat->m_matrix);
#ifdef GTA_PS2
TransformPoints(box, 8, *mat, box);
#ifdef FIX_BUGS
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
box[i] = *mat * box[i];
RwV3dTransformPoints(box, box, 8, (RwMatrix*)mat);
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){
if(box[i].y < CDraw::GetNearClipZ()) frustumTests[0]++;
@ -633,7 +633,11 @@ public:
bool IsPointVisible(const CVector ¢er, const CMatrix *mat);
bool IsSphereVisible(const CVector ¢er, float radius, const CMatrix *mat);
bool IsSphereVisible(const CVector ¢er, float radius);
bool IsBoxVisible(RwV3d *box, const CMatrix *mat);
#ifdef GTA_PS2
bool IsBoxVisible(CVuVector *box, const CMatrix *mat);
bool IsBoxVisible(CVector *box, const CMatrix *mat);
@ -447,7 +447,11 @@ CEntity::GetIsOnScreen(void)
RwV3d boundBox[8];
#ifdef GTA_PS2
CVuVector boundBox[8];
CVector boundBox[8];
if(TheCamera.IsPointVisible(GetBoundCentre(), &TheCamera.GetCameraMatrix()))
return true;
@ -60,14 +60,20 @@ CMatrix::Detach(void)
m_matrix = *m_attachment;
GetRight() = m_attachment->right;
GetForward() = m_attachment->up;
GetUp() = m_attachment->at;
GetPosition() = m_attachment->pos;
if (m_attachment) {
*m_attachment = m_matrix;
m_attachment->right = GetRight();
m_attachment->up = GetForward();
m_attachment->at = GetUp();
m_attachment->pos = GetPosition();
@ -75,104 +81,96 @@ CMatrix::UpdateRW(void)
CMatrix::operator=(CMatrix const &rhs)
m_matrix = rhs.m_matrix;
memcpy(this, &rhs, sizeof(f));
if (m_attachment)
CMatrix::CopyOnlyMatrix(CMatrix *other)
CMatrix::CopyOnlyMatrix(const CMatrix &other)
m_matrix = other->m_matrix;
memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(f));
CMatrix &
CMatrix::operator+=(CMatrix const &rhs)
m_matrix.right.x += rhs.m_matrix.right.x;
m_matrix.up.x += rhs.m_matrix.up.x;
m_matrix.at.x += rhs.m_matrix.at.x;
m_matrix.right.y += rhs.m_matrix.right.y;
m_matrix.up.y += rhs.m_matrix.up.y;
m_matrix.at.y += rhs.m_matrix.at.y;
m_matrix.right.z += rhs.m_matrix.right.z;
m_matrix.up.z += rhs.m_matrix.up.z;
m_matrix.at.z += rhs.m_matrix.at.z;
m_matrix.pos.x += rhs.m_matrix.pos.x;
m_matrix.pos.y += rhs.m_matrix.pos.y;
m_matrix.pos.z += rhs.m_matrix.pos.z;
GetRight() += rhs.GetRight();
GetForward() += rhs.GetForward();
GetUp() += rhs.GetUp();
GetPosition() += rhs.GetPosition();
return *this;
m_matrix.right.x = 1.0f;
m_matrix.right.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.right.z = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.y = 1.0f;
m_matrix.up.z = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.z = 1.0f;
m_matrix.pos.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.z = 0.0f;
rx = 1.0f;
ry = 0.0f;
rz = 0.0f;
fx = 0.0f;
fy = 1.0f;
fz = 0.0f;
ux = 0.0f;
uy = 0.0f;
uz = 1.0f;
px = 0.0f;
py = 0.0f;
pz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.right.x = 1.0f;
m_matrix.right.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.right.z = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.y = 1.0f;
m_matrix.up.z = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.z = 1.0f;
rx = 1.0f;
ry = 0.0f;
rz = 0.0f;
fx = 0.0f;
fy = 1.0f;
fz = 0.0f;
ux = 0.0f;
uy = 0.0f;
uz = 1.0f;
CMatrix::SetScale(float s)
m_matrix.right.x = s;
m_matrix.right.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.right.z = 0.0f;
rx = s;
ry = 0.0f;
rz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.y = s;
m_matrix.up.z = 0.0f;
fx = 0.0f;
fy = s;
fz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.z = s;
ux = 0.0f;
uy = 0.0f;
uz = s;
m_matrix.pos.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.z = 0.0f;
px = 0.0f;
py = 0.0f;
pz = 0.0f;
CMatrix::SetTranslate(float x, float y, float z)
m_matrix.right.x = 1.0f;
m_matrix.right.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.right.z = 0.0f;
rx = 1.0f;
ry = 0.0f;
rz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.y = 1.0f;
m_matrix.up.z = 0.0f;
fx = 0.0f;
fy = 1.0f;
fz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.z = 1.0f;
ux = 0.0f;
uy = 0.0f;
uz = 1.0f;
m_matrix.pos.x = x;
m_matrix.pos.y = y;
m_matrix.pos.z = z;
px = x;
py = y;
pz = z;
@ -181,17 +179,17 @@ CMatrix::SetRotateXOnly(float angle)
float c = Cos(angle);
float s = Sin(angle);
m_matrix.right.x = 1.0f;
m_matrix.right.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.right.z = 0.0f;
rx = 1.0f;
ry = 0.0f;
rz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.y = c;
m_matrix.up.z = s;
fx = 0.0f;
fy = c;
fz = s;
m_matrix.at.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.y = -s;
m_matrix.at.z = c;
ux = 0.0f;
uy = -s;
uz = c;
@ -200,17 +198,17 @@ CMatrix::SetRotateYOnly(float angle)
float c = Cos(angle);
float s = Sin(angle);
m_matrix.right.x = c;
m_matrix.right.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.right.z = -s;
rx = c;
ry = 0.0f;
rz = -s;
m_matrix.up.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.y = 1.0f;
m_matrix.up.z = 0.0f;
fx = 0.0f;
fy = 1.0f;
fz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.x = s;
m_matrix.at.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.z = c;
ux = s;
uy = 0.0f;
uz = c;
@ -219,26 +217,26 @@ CMatrix::SetRotateZOnly(float angle)
float c = Cos(angle);
float s = Sin(angle);
m_matrix.right.x = c;
m_matrix.right.y = s;
m_matrix.right.z = 0.0f;
rx = c;
ry = s;
rz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.x = -s;
m_matrix.up.y = c;
m_matrix.up.z = 0.0f;
fx = -s;
fy = c;
fz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.z = 1.0f;
ux = 0.0f;
uy = 0.0f;
uz = 1.0f;
CMatrix::SetRotateX(float angle)
m_matrix.pos.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.z = 0.0f;
px = 0.0f;
py = 0.0f;
pz = 0.0f;
@ -246,18 +244,18 @@ void
CMatrix::SetRotateY(float angle)
m_matrix.pos.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.z = 0.0f;
px = 0.0f;
py = 0.0f;
pz = 0.0f;
CMatrix::SetRotateZ(float angle)
m_matrix.pos.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.z = 0.0f;
px = 0.0f;
py = 0.0f;
pz = 0.0f;
@ -270,21 +268,21 @@ CMatrix::SetRotate(float xAngle, float yAngle, float zAngle)
float cZ = Cos(zAngle);
float sZ = Sin(zAngle);
m_matrix.right.x = cZ * cY - (sZ * sX) * sY;
m_matrix.right.y = (cZ * sX) * sY + sZ * cY;
m_matrix.right.z = -cX * sY;
rx = cZ * cY - (sZ * sX) * sY;
ry = (cZ * sX) * sY + sZ * cY;
rz = -cX * sY;
m_matrix.up.x = -sZ * cX;
m_matrix.up.y = cZ * cX;
m_matrix.up.z = sX;
fx = -sZ * cX;
fy = cZ * cX;
fz = sX;
m_matrix.at.x = (sZ * sX) * cY + cZ * sY;
m_matrix.at.y = sZ * sY - (cZ * sX) * cY;
m_matrix.at.z = cX * cY;
ux = (sZ * sX) * cY + cZ * sY;
uy = sZ * sY - (cZ * sX) * cY;
uz = cX * cY;
m_matrix.pos.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.pos.z = 0.0f;
px = 0.0f;
py = 0.0f;
pz = 0.0f;
@ -293,23 +291,23 @@ CMatrix::RotateX(float x)
float c = Cos(x);
float s = Sin(x);
float ry = m_matrix.right.y;
float rz = m_matrix.right.z;
float uy = m_matrix.up.y;
float uz = m_matrix.up.z;
float ay = m_matrix.at.y;
float az = m_matrix.at.z;
float py = m_matrix.pos.y;
float pz = m_matrix.pos.z;
float ry = this->ry;
float rz = this->rz;
float uy = this->fy;
float uz = this->fz;
float ay = this->uy;
float az = this->uz;
float py = this->py;
float pz = this->pz;
m_matrix.right.y = c * ry - s * rz;
m_matrix.right.z = c * rz + s * ry;
m_matrix.up.y = c * uy - s * uz;
m_matrix.up.z = c * uz + s * uy;
m_matrix.at.y = c * ay - s * az;
m_matrix.at.z = c * az + s * ay;
m_matrix.pos.y = c * py - s * pz;
m_matrix.pos.z = c * pz + s * py;
this->ry = c * ry - s * rz;
this->rz = c * rz + s * ry;
this->fy = c * uy - s * uz;
this->fz = c * uz + s * uy;
this->uy = c * ay - s * az;
this->uz = c * az + s * ay;
this->py = c * py - s * pz;
this->pz = c * pz + s * py;
@ -318,23 +316,23 @@ CMatrix::RotateY(float y)
float c = Cos(y);
float s = Sin(y);
float rx = m_matrix.right.x;
float rz = m_matrix.right.z;
float ux = m_matrix.up.x;
float uz = m_matrix.up.z;
float ax = m_matrix.at.x;
float az = m_matrix.at.z;
float px = m_matrix.pos.x;
float pz = m_matrix.pos.z;
float rx = this->rx;
float rz = this->rz;
float ux = this->fx;
float uz = this->fz;
float ax = this->ux;
float az = this->uz;
float px = this->px;
float pz = this->pz;
m_matrix.right.x = c * rx + s * rz;
m_matrix.right.z = c * rz - s * rx;
m_matrix.up.x = c * ux + s * uz;
m_matrix.up.z = c * uz - s * ux;
m_matrix.at.x = c * ax + s * az;
m_matrix.at.z = c * az - s * ax;
m_matrix.pos.x = c * px + s * pz;
m_matrix.pos.z = c * pz - s * px;
this->rx = c * rx + s * rz;
this->rz = c * rz - s * rx;
this->fx = c * ux + s * uz;
this->fz = c * uz - s * ux;
this->ux = c * ax + s * az;
this->uz = c * az - s * ax;
this->px = c * px + s * pz;
this->pz = c * pz - s * px;
@ -343,23 +341,23 @@ CMatrix::RotateZ(float z)
float c = Cos(z);
float s = Sin(z);
float ry = m_matrix.right.y;
float rx = m_matrix.right.x;
float uy = m_matrix.up.y;
float ux = m_matrix.up.x;
float ay = m_matrix.at.y;
float ax = m_matrix.at.x;
float py = m_matrix.pos.y;
float px = m_matrix.pos.x;
float ry = this->ry;
float rx = this->rx;
float uy = this->fy;
float ux = this->fx;
float ay = this->uy;
float ax = this->ux;
float py = this->py;
float px = this->px;
m_matrix.right.x = c * rx - s * ry;
m_matrix.right.y = c * ry + s * rx;
m_matrix.up.x = c * ux - s * uy;
m_matrix.up.y = c * uy + s * ux;
m_matrix.at.x = c * ax - s * ay;
m_matrix.at.y = c * ay + s * ax;
m_matrix.pos.x = c * px - s * py;
m_matrix.pos.y = c * py + s * px;
this->rx = c * rx - s * ry;
this->ry = c * ry + s * rx;
this->fx = c * ux - s * uy;
this->fy = c * uy + s * ux;
this->ux = c * ax - s * ay;
this->uy = c * ay + s * ax;
this->px = c * px - s * py;
this->py = c * py + s * px;
@ -373,18 +371,18 @@ CMatrix::Rotate(float x, float y, float z)
float cZ = Cos(z);
float sZ = Sin(z);
float rx = m_matrix.right.x;
float ry = m_matrix.right.y;
float rz = m_matrix.right.z;
float ux = m_matrix.up.x;
float uy = m_matrix.up.y;
float uz = m_matrix.up.z;
float ax = m_matrix.at.x;
float ay = m_matrix.at.y;
float az = m_matrix.at.z;
float px = m_matrix.pos.x;
float py = m_matrix.pos.y;
float pz = m_matrix.pos.z;
float rx = this->rx;
float ry = this->ry;
float rz = this->rz;
float ux = this->fx;
float uy = this->fy;
float uz = this->fz;
float ax = this->ux;
float ay = this->uy;
float az = this->uz;
float px = this->px;
float py = this->py;
float pz = this->pz;
float x1 = cZ * cY - (sZ * sX) * sY;
float x2 = (cZ * sX) * sY + sZ * cY;
@ -396,18 +394,18 @@ CMatrix::Rotate(float x, float y, float z)
float z2 = sZ * sY - (cZ * sX) * cY;
float z3 = cX * cY;
m_matrix.right.x = x1 * rx + y1 * ry + z1 * rz;
m_matrix.right.y = x2 * rx + y2 * ry + z2 * rz;
m_matrix.right.z = x3 * rx + y3 * ry + z3 * rz;
m_matrix.up.x = x1 * ux + y1 * uy + z1 * uz;
m_matrix.up.y = x2 * ux + y2 * uy + z2 * uz;
m_matrix.up.z = x3 * ux + y3 * uy + z3 * uz;
m_matrix.at.x = x1 * ax + y1 * ay + z1 * az;
m_matrix.at.y = x2 * ax + y2 * ay + z2 * az;
m_matrix.at.z = x3 * ax + y3 * ay + z3 * az;
m_matrix.pos.x = x1 * px + y1 * py + z1 * pz;
m_matrix.pos.y = x2 * px + y2 * py + z2 * pz;
m_matrix.pos.z = x3 * px + y3 * py + z3 * pz;
this->rx = x1 * rx + y1 * ry + z1 * rz;
this->ry = x2 * rx + y2 * ry + z2 * rz;
this->rz = x3 * rx + y3 * ry + z3 * rz;
this->fx = x1 * ux + y1 * uy + z1 * uz;
this->fy = x2 * ux + y2 * uy + z2 * uz;
this->fz = x3 * ux + y3 * uy + z3 * uz;
this->ux = x1 * ax + y1 * ay + z1 * az;
this->uy = x2 * ax + y2 * ay + z2 * az;
this->uz = x3 * ax + y3 * ay + z3 * az;
this->px = x1 * px + y1 * py + z1 * pz;
this->py = x2 * px + y2 * py + z2 * pz;
this->pz = x3 * px + y3 * py + z3 * pz;
CMatrix &
@ -436,21 +434,18 @@ operator*(const CMatrix &m1, const CMatrix &m2)
// TODO: VU0 code
CMatrix out;
RwMatrix *dst = &out.m_matrix;
const RwMatrix *src1 = &m1.m_matrix;
const RwMatrix *src2 = &m2.m_matrix;
dst->right.x = src1->right.x * src2->right.x + src1->up.x * src2->right.y + src1->at.x * src2->right.z;
dst->right.y = src1->right.y * src2->right.x + src1->up.y * src2->right.y + src1->at.y * src2->right.z;
dst->right.z = src1->right.z * src2->right.x + src1->up.z * src2->right.y + src1->at.z * src2->right.z;
dst->up.x = src1->right.x * src2->up.x + src1->up.x * src2->up.y + src1->at.x * src2->up.z;
dst->up.y = src1->right.y * src2->up.x + src1->up.y * src2->up.y + src1->at.y * src2->up.z;
dst->up.z = src1->right.z * src2->up.x + src1->up.z * src2->up.y + src1->at.z * src2->up.z;
dst->at.x = src1->right.x * src2->at.x + src1->up.x * src2->at.y + src1->at.x * src2->at.z;
dst->at.y = src1->right.y * src2->at.x + src1->up.y * src2->at.y + src1->at.y * src2->at.z;
dst->at.z = src1->right.z * src2->at.x + src1->up.z * src2->at.y + src1->at.z * src2->at.z;
dst->pos.x = src1->right.x * src2->pos.x + src1->up.x * src2->pos.y + src1->at.x * src2->pos.z + src1->pos.x;
dst->pos.y = src1->right.y * src2->pos.x + src1->up.y * src2->pos.y + src1->at.y * src2->pos.z + src1->pos.y;
dst->pos.z = src1->right.z * src2->pos.x + src1->up.z * src2->pos.y + src1->at.z * src2->pos.z + src1->pos.z;
out.rx = m1.rx * m2.rx + m1.fx * m2.ry + m1.ux * m2.rz;
out.ry = m1.ry * m2.rx + m1.fy * m2.ry + m1.uy * m2.rz;
out.rz = m1.rz * m2.rx + m1.fz * m2.ry + m1.uz * m2.rz;
out.fx = m1.rx * m2.fx + m1.fx * m2.fy + m1.ux * m2.fz;
out.fy = m1.ry * m2.fx + m1.fy * m2.fy + m1.uy * m2.fz;
out.fz = m1.rz * m2.fx + m1.fz * m2.fy + m1.uz * m2.fz;
out.ux = m1.rx * m2.ux + m1.fx * m2.uy + m1.ux * m2.uz;
out.uy = m1.ry * m2.ux + m1.fy * m2.uy + m1.uy * m2.uz;
out.uz = m1.rz * m2.ux + m1.fz * m2.uy + m1.uz * m2.uz;
out.px = m1.rx * m2.px + m1.fx * m2.py + m1.ux * m2.pz + m1.px;
out.py = m1.ry * m2.px + m1.fy * m2.py + m1.uy * m2.pz + m1.py;
out.pz = m1.rz * m2.px + m1.fz * m2.py + m1.uz * m2.pz + m1.pz;
return out;
@ -458,43 +453,50 @@ CMatrix &
Invert(const CMatrix &src, CMatrix &dst)
// TODO: VU0 code
float (*scr_fm)[4] = (float (*)[4])&src.m_matrix;
float (*dst_fm)[4] = (float (*)[4])&dst.m_matrix;
dst.f[3][0] = dst.f[3][1] = dst.f[3][2] = 0.0f;
dst_fm[3][0] = dst_fm[3][1] = dst_fm[3][2] = 0.0f;
dst.f[0][0] = src.f[0][0];
dst.f[0][1] = src.f[1][0];
dst.f[0][2] = src.f[2][0];
dst_fm[0][0] = scr_fm[0][0];
dst_fm[0][1] = scr_fm[1][0];
dst_fm[0][2] = scr_fm[2][0];
dst.f[1][0] = src.f[0][1];
dst.f[1][1] = src.f[1][1];
dst.f[1][2] = src.f[2][1];
dst_fm[1][0] = scr_fm[0][1];
dst_fm[1][1] = scr_fm[1][1];
dst_fm[1][2] = scr_fm[2][1];
dst_fm[2][0] = scr_fm[0][2];
dst_fm[2][1] = scr_fm[1][2];
dst_fm[2][2] = scr_fm[2][2];
dst.f[2][0] = src.f[0][2];
dst.f[2][1] = src.f[1][2];
dst.f[2][2] = src.f[2][2];
dst_fm[3][0] += dst_fm[0][0] * scr_fm[3][0];
dst_fm[3][1] += dst_fm[0][1] * scr_fm[3][0];
dst_fm[3][2] += dst_fm[0][2] * scr_fm[3][0];
dst.f[3][0] += dst.f[0][0] * src.f[3][0];
dst.f[3][1] += dst.f[0][1] * src.f[3][0];
dst.f[3][2] += dst.f[0][2] * src.f[3][0];
dst_fm[3][0] += dst_fm[1][0] * scr_fm[3][1];
dst_fm[3][1] += dst_fm[1][1] * scr_fm[3][1];
dst_fm[3][2] += dst_fm[1][2] * scr_fm[3][1];
dst.f[3][0] += dst.f[1][0] * src.f[3][1];
dst.f[3][1] += dst.f[1][1] * src.f[3][1];
dst.f[3][2] += dst.f[1][2] * src.f[3][1];
dst_fm[3][0] += dst_fm[2][0] * scr_fm[3][2];
dst_fm[3][1] += dst_fm[2][1] * scr_fm[3][2];
dst_fm[3][2] += dst_fm[2][2] * scr_fm[3][2];
dst.f[3][0] += dst.f[2][0] * src.f[3][2];
dst.f[3][1] += dst.f[2][1] * src.f[3][2];
dst.f[3][2] += dst.f[2][2] * src.f[3][2];
dst_fm[3][0] = -dst_fm[3][0];
dst_fm[3][1] = -dst_fm[3][1];
dst_fm[3][2] = -dst_fm[3][2];
dst.f[3][0] = -dst.f[3][0];
dst.f[3][1] = -dst.f[3][1];
dst.f[3][2] = -dst.f[3][2];
return dst;
CMatrix::CopyToRwMatrix(RwMatrix* matrix)
matrix->right = GetRight();
matrix->up = GetForward();
matrix->at = GetUp();
matrix->pos = GetPosition();
Invert(const CMatrix &matrix)
@ -3,9 +3,36 @@
class CMatrix
RwMatrix m_matrix;
#ifdef GTA_PS2
float f[4][4];
float rx, ry, rz;
RwMatrix *m_attachment;
float fx, fy, fz;
bool m_hasRwMatrix; // are we the owner?
float ux, uy, uz, uw;
float px, py, pz, pw;
float f[4][4];
float rx, ry, rz, rw;
float fx, fy, fz, fw;
float ux, uy, uz, uw;
float px, py, pz, pw;
RwMatrix *m_attachment;
bool m_hasRwMatrix; // are we the owner?
CMatrix(CMatrix const &m);
@ -25,36 +52,39 @@ public:
CMatrix &operator+=(CMatrix const &rhs);
CMatrix &operator*=(CMatrix const &rhs);
const CVector &GetPosition(void) const { return *(CVector*)&m_matrix.pos; }
CVector& GetPosition(void) { return *(CVector*)&m_matrix.pos; }
CVector &GetRight(void) { return *(CVector*)&m_matrix.right; }
CVector &GetForward(void) { return *(CVector*)&m_matrix.up; }
CVector &GetUp(void) { return *(CVector*)&m_matrix.at; }
CVector &GetPosition(void) { return *(CVector*)&px; }
CVector &GetRight(void) { return *(CVector*)℞ }
CVector &GetForward(void) { return *(CVector*)&fx; }
CVector &GetUp(void) { return *(CVector*)&ux; }
const CVector &GetPosition(void) const { return *(CVector*)&px; }
const CVector &GetRight(void) const { return *(CVector*)℞ }
const CVector &GetForward(void) const { return *(CVector*)&fx; }
const CVector &GetUp(void) const { return *(CVector*)&ux; }
void SetTranslate(float x, float y, float z);
void SetTranslate(const CVector &trans){ SetTranslate(trans.x, trans.y, trans.z); }
void Translate(float x, float y, float z){
m_matrix.pos.x += x;
m_matrix.pos.y += y;
m_matrix.pos.z += z;
px += x;
py += y;
pz += z;
void Translate(const CVector &trans){ Translate(trans.x, trans.y, trans.z); }
void SetScale(float s);
void Scale(float scale)
float *pFloatMatrix = (float*)&m_matrix;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
pFloatMatrix[i * 4 + j] *= scale;
f[i][j] *= scale;
void Scale(float sx, float sy, float sz)
float *pFloatMatrix = (float*)&m_matrix;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
pFloatMatrix[i * 4 + 0] *= sx;
pFloatMatrix[i * 4 + 1] *= sy;
pFloatMatrix[i * 4 + 2] *= sz;
f[i][0] *= sx;
f[i][1] *= sy;
f[i][2] *= sz;
@ -66,17 +96,17 @@ public:
float c = Cos(angle);
float s = Sin(angle);
m_matrix.right.x = c * scale;
m_matrix.right.y = s * scale;
m_matrix.right.z = 0.0f;
rx = c * scale;
ry = s * scale;
rz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.up.x = -s * scale;
m_matrix.up.y = c * scale;
m_matrix.up.z = 0.0f;
fx = -s * scale;
fy = c * scale;
fz = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.x = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.y = 0.0f;
m_matrix.at.z = scale;
ux = 0.0f;
uy = 0.0f;
uz = scale;
void SetRotateX(float angle);
void SetRotateY(float angle);
@ -88,22 +118,16 @@ public:
void RotateZ(float z);
void Reorthogonalise(void);
void CopyOnlyMatrix(CMatrix *other);
void CopyOnlyMatrix(const CMatrix &other);
void SetUnity(void);
void ResetOrientation(void);
void CopyRwMatrix(RwMatrix *matrix){
m_matrix = *matrix;
void CopyToRwMatrix(RwMatrix *matrix){
*matrix = m_matrix;
void CopyToRwMatrix(RwMatrix* matrix);
void SetTranslateOnly(float x, float y, float z) {
m_matrix.pos.x = x;
m_matrix.pos.y = y;
m_matrix.pos.z = z;
px = x;
py = y;
pz = z;
void SetTranslateOnly(const CVector& pos) {
SetTranslateOnly(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
@ -117,11 +141,11 @@ CMatrix Invert(const CMatrix &matrix);
CMatrix operator*(const CMatrix &m1, const CMatrix &m2);
inline CVector MultiplyInverse(const CMatrix &mat, const CVector &vec)
CVector v(vec.x - mat.m_matrix.pos.x, vec.y - mat.m_matrix.pos.y, vec.z - mat.m_matrix.pos.z);
CVector v(vec.x - mat.px, vec.y - mat.py, vec.z - mat.pz);
return CVector(
mat.m_matrix.right.x * v.x + mat.m_matrix.right.y * v.y + mat.m_matrix.right.z * v.z,
mat.m_matrix.up.x * v.x + mat.m_matrix.up.y * v.y + mat.m_matrix.up.z * v.z,
mat.m_matrix.at.x * v.x + mat.m_matrix.at.y * v.y + mat.m_matrix.at.z * v.z);
mat.rx * v.x + mat.ry * v.y + mat.rz * v.z,
mat.fx * v.x + mat.fy * v.y + mat.fz * v.z,
mat.ux * v.x + mat.uy * v.y + mat.uz * v.z);
@ -23,24 +23,24 @@ CVector
Multiply3x3(const CMatrix &mat, const CVector &vec)
// TODO: VU0 code
return CVector(mat.m_matrix.right.x * vec.x + mat.m_matrix.up.x * vec.y + mat.m_matrix.at.x * vec.z,
mat.m_matrix.right.y * vec.x + mat.m_matrix.up.y * vec.y + mat.m_matrix.at.y * vec.z,
mat.m_matrix.right.z * vec.x + mat.m_matrix.up.z * vec.y + mat.m_matrix.at.z * vec.z);
return CVector(mat.rx * vec.x + mat.fx * vec.y + mat.ux * vec.z,
mat.ry * vec.x + mat.fy * vec.y + mat.uy * vec.z,
mat.rz * vec.x + mat.fz * vec.y + mat.uz * vec.z);
Multiply3x3(const CVector &vec, const CMatrix &mat)
return CVector(mat.m_matrix.right.x * vec.x + mat.m_matrix.right.y * vec.y + mat.m_matrix.right.z * vec.z,
mat.m_matrix.up.x * vec.x + mat.m_matrix.up.y * vec.y + mat.m_matrix.up.z * vec.z,
mat.m_matrix.at.x * vec.x + mat.m_matrix.at.y * vec.y + mat.m_matrix.at.z * vec.z);
return CVector(mat.rx * vec.x + mat.ry * vec.y + mat.rz * vec.z,
mat.fx * vec.x + mat.fy * vec.y + mat.fz * vec.z,
mat.ux * vec.x + mat.uy * vec.y + mat.uz * vec.z);
operator*(const CMatrix &mat, const CVector &vec)
// TODO: VU0 code
return CVector(mat.m_matrix.right.x * vec.x + mat.m_matrix.up.x * vec.y + mat.m_matrix.at.x * vec.z + mat.m_matrix.pos.x,
mat.m_matrix.right.y * vec.x + mat.m_matrix.up.y * vec.y + mat.m_matrix.at.y * vec.z + mat.m_matrix.pos.y,
mat.m_matrix.right.z * vec.x + mat.m_matrix.up.z * vec.y + mat.m_matrix.at.z * vec.z + mat.m_matrix.pos.z);
return CVector(mat.rx * vec.x + mat.fx * vec.y + mat.ux * vec.z + mat.px,
mat.ry * vec.x + mat.fy * vec.y + mat.uy * vec.z + mat.py,
mat.rz * vec.x + mat.fz * vec.y + mat.uz * vec.z + mat.pz);
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ C3dMarkers::PlaceMarker(uint32 identifier, uint16 type, CVector &pos, float size
pMarker->m_Color.alpha = (float)a * 0.4f * someSin + a;
if (pMarker->m_nRotateRate != 0) {
RwV3d pos = pMarker->m_Matrix.m_matrix.pos;
CVector pos = pMarker->m_Matrix.GetPosition();
pMarker->m_Matrix.RotateZ(DEGTORAD(pMarker->m_nRotateRate * CTimer::GetTimeStep()));
pMarker->m_Matrix.GetPosition() = pos;
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