Roster Item Exchange messages now add contacts to roster groups with names based off the group chats you share with those contacts, to make organizing your roster less painful.
307 lines
14 KiB
Common Lisp
307 lines
14 KiB
Common Lisp
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defun get-user-id (jid)
"Get the user ID of JID, or NIL if none exists."
(get-user "SELECT id FROM users WHERE jid = ?")
(let ((stripped (strip-resource jid)))
(bind-parameters get-user stripped)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-user)
(first (column-values get-user))))))
(defun get-user-jid (id)
"Get the user JID for the ID, or NIL if none exists."
(get-user "SELECT jid FROM users WHERE id = ?")
(bind-parameters get-user id)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-user)
(first (column-values get-user)))))
(defun get-user-contact-localparts (uid)
"Returns a list of all contact localparts for UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (sqlite:statement-column-value get-stmt 0))))
(defun get-user-chat-id (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat ID of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT id FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (id) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-localpart (chat-id)
"Get the user chat localpart for CHAT-ID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_chats WHERE id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt chat-id)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (localpart) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-subject (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat subject of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT subject FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (subject) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-resource (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT user_resource FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-participant-resource (chat-id localpart)
"Get the participant resource for LOCALPART in CHAT-ID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT resource FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt chat-id localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-user-chat-joined (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT ucj.jid FROM user_chats AS uc, user_chat_joined AS ucj WHERE uc.user_id = ? AND uc.wa_jid = ? AND uc.id = ucj.chat_id"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
append (column-values get-stmt))))
(defun get-contact-name (uid localpart &key no-phone-number)
"Get a name for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT name, notify FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (name notify) get-stmt
(or name notify (unless no-phone-number (substitute #\+ #\u localpart)))))))
(defun get-contact-status (uid localpart)
"Get the contact status text for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
(declare (type integer uid) (type string localpart))
((get-stmt "SELECT status FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (status) get-stmt
(defun insert-user-message (uid xmpp-id wa-id)
"Inserts a mapping between the message IDs XMPP-ID and WA-ID for the user UID."
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_messages (user_id, xmpp_id, wa_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid xmpp-id wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun insert-user-chat (uid wa-id)
"Inserts a user chat with localpart WA-ID into the database for the user with UID."
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chats (user_id, wa_jid) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun lookup-wa-msgid (uid wa-msgid)
"Look up the XMPP ID for the WhatsApp message ID WA-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT xmpp_id FROM user_messages WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid wa-msgid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (xid) get-stmt
(defun lookup-xmpp-msgid (uid xmpp-msgid)
"Look up the WhatsApp message ID for the XMPP message ID XMPP-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_id FROM user_messages WHERE user_id = ? AND xmpp_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid xmpp-msgid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (wid) get-stmt
(defun get-contact-localparts (uid)
"Get a list of contact localparts for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (with-bound-columns (localpart) get-stmt localpart))))
(defun get-user-groupchats (uid)
"Get a list of groupchat info (cons pairs of LOCALPART . SUBJECT) for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid, subject FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (with-bound-columns (localpart subject) get-stmt (cons localpart subject)))))
(defun get-contact-chat-subjects (uid wa-jid)
"Get a list of chat subjects for each chat the remote contact identifed by WA-JID is in, for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT DISTINCT user_chats.subject FROM user_chats, user_chat_members WHERE user_chats.id = user_chat_members.chat_id AND user_chat_members.wa_jid = ? AND user_chats.user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt wa-jid uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (with-bound-columns (subject) get-stmt subject))))
(defun insert-xmpp-message (xm)
"Inserts XM, a groupchat XMPP-MESSAGE, into the database."
(assert (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" (conversation xm)) () "Tried to insert XMPP message for non-groupchat conversation ~A" (conversation xm))
(let* ((chat-id (or
(get-user-chat-id (uid xm) (conversation xm))
(error "Couldn't find chat id for conversation ~A / uid ~A"
(conversation xm) (uid xm))))
(local-time:*default-timezone* local-time:+utc-zone+)
(ts-unix (local-time:timestamp-to-unix (timestamp xm))))
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chat_history (user_id, chat_id, user_from, ts_unix, xmpp_id, orig_id, body, oob_url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt (1 (uid xm)) (2 chat-id) (3 (from xm)) (4 ts-unix) (5 (xmpp-id xm)) (6 (orig-id xm)) (7 (body xm)) (8 (oob-url xm)))
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt))))
(defun lookup-wa-msgid-in-history (uid wa-msgid)
"Look up the XMPP ID for the WhatsApp message ID WA-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT xmpp_id FROM user_chat_history WHERE user_id = ? AND orig_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid wa-msgid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (xid) get-stmt
(defun user-archiving-enabled-p (uid)
"Returns a generalized boolean for whether the user with ID UID has archiving enabled or not."
((get-stmt "SELECT enable_archiving FROM users WHERE id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (ena) get-stmt
(not (eql ena 0))))))
(defun user-set-archiving-state (uid enabled)
"Set the user's archiving state for the user with ID UID to ENABLED (either T or NIL)."
(let ((ena (if enabled 1 0)))
((set-stmt "UPDATE users SET enable_archiving = ? WHERE id = ?"))
(bind-parameters set-stmt ena uid)
(sqlite:step-statement set-stmt))))
(defun jid-admin-p (jid)
"Returns a generalized boolean for whether the JID is a bridge administrator."
((get-stmt "SELECT id FROM administrators WHERE jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt jid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(defun db-unregister-user (uid)
"Unregister the user with ID UID."
((remove-user-stmt "DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?")
(remove-contacts-stmt "DELETE FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?")
(remove-messages-stmt "DELETE FROM user_messages WHERE user_id = ?")
(remove-chats-stmt "DELETE FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ?")
(get-chats-stmt "SELECT id FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ?")
(remove-chat-members-stmt "DELETE FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ?")
(remove-chat-joined-stmt "DELETE FROM user_chat_joined WHERE chat_id = ?")
(remove-chat-history-stmt "DELETE FROM user_chat_history WHERE user_id = ?"))
(with-transaction ()
(bind-parameters get-chats-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-chats-stmt)
do (with-bound-columns (chatid) get-chats-stmt
for stmt in (list remove-chat-members-stmt remove-chat-joined-stmt remove-chat-history-stmt)
do (progn
(sqlite:reset-statement stmt)
(bind-parameters stmt chatid)
(sqlite:step-statement stmt)))))
for stmt in (list remove-chats-stmt remove-messages-stmt remove-contacts-stmt remove-user-stmt)
do (progn
(sqlite:reset-statement stmt)
(bind-parameters stmt uid)
(sqlite:step-statement stmt))))))
(defun get-chat-history-ts (uid chat-id xmpp-id)
"Look up the UNIX timestamp for the given UID, CHAT-ID and XMPP-ID."
((get-stmt "SELECT ts_unix FROM user_chat_history WHERE user_id = ? AND chat_id = ? AND xmpp_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid chat-id xmpp-id)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (tsu) get-stmt
(defun query-archive (uid chat-id &key start end (limit 100) reference-stanza-id forward-page)
"Query the chat history archive for the chat identified by CHAT-ID and UID. Optionally narrow the query using START and END (UNIX timestamps), returning at most LIMIT items (which is clamped to 100).
If an RSM REFERENCE-STANZA-ID is provided, narrow the query to be either after (T) or before (NIL) the history entry with that stanza ID, depending on the value of FORWARD-PAGE (see brackets)."
(let ((statement (make-string-output-stream))
(localpart (get-user-chat-localpart chat-id))
(local-time:*default-timezone* local-time:+utc-zone+)
(args (list chat-id uid)) ; WARNING this list is nreverse'd later!
(items-returned 0)
(format statement "SELECT user_from, ts_unix, xmpp_id, orig_id, body, oob_url FROM user_chat_history WHERE user_id = ? AND chat_id = ?")
(when reference-stanza-id
(let ((reference-ts (or
(get-chat-history-ts uid chat-id reference-stanza-id)
(error "Couldn't locate reference stanza ID ~A" reference-stanza-id))))
(if forward-page
(setf start reference-ts)
(setf end reference-ts))))
(when start
(format statement " AND ts_unix > ?")
(push start args))
(when end
(format statement " AND ts_unix < ?")
(push end args))
(unless limit
(setf limit 100))
(when (> limit 100)
(setf limit 100)) ; clamp me owo
;; We copy a trick from biboumi: in order to figure out whether there are
;; more results if not for the limit existing, simply increment the limit
;; by 1 and see if you get the extra element.
(format statement " ORDER BY ts_unix ~A LIMIT ~A" (if forward-page "ASC" "DESC") (1+ limit))
(setf args (nreverse args))
(bt:with-recursive-lock-held (*db-lock*)
(let ((stmt-text (get-output-stream-string statement)))
(setf sqlite-stmt (sqlite:prepare-statement *db* stmt-text)))
for param in args
for n from 1
do (sqlite:bind-parameter sqlite-stmt n param))
(if forward-page #'identity #'nreverse)
while (sqlite:step-statement sqlite-stmt)
do (incf items-returned)
while (<= items-returned limit)
collect (with-bound-columns (from ts-unix xmpp-id orig-id body oob-url) sqlite-stmt
(make-instance 'xmpp-message
:uid uid
:conversation localpart
:from from
:timestamp (local-time:unix-to-timestamp ts-unix)
:xmpp-id xmpp-id
:orig-id orig-id
:body body
:oob-url oob-url))))
(<= items-returned limit)))))