(in-package :whatsxmpp) (defparameter +version+ "0.0.1") (defclass whatsxmpp-component (xmpp-component) ((whatsapps :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :accessor component-whatsapps) (reconnect-timer :initform nil :accessor component-reconnect-timer) (upload-component-name :initarg :upload-component-name :accessor component-upload-component-name))) (defun send-text-message (comp to-jid text &optional from) "Send a simple text message to TO-JID, containing TEXT." (with-message (comp to-jid :from from) (cxml:with-element "body" (cxml:text text)))) (defun handle-connection-complete (comp) (format *debug-io* "Connection complete! \\o/") (emit :connected comp)) (defparameter +whatsapp-user-disco-info-list+ `((disco-identity "whatsxmpp" "phone" "client") ;; FIXME: The features here must be lexicographically sorted! (disco-feature ,+entity-caps-ns+) (disco-feature ,+chat-states-ns+) (disco-feature ,+disco-info-ns+)) "List of calls to DISCO-IDENTITY and DISCO-FEATURE for WhatsApp users bridged through to XMPP.") (defparameter +whatsapp-user-entity-caps+ (generate-entity-caps +whatsapp-user-disco-info-list+) "Entity caps string for a bridged WhatsApp user.") (defun disco-info-handler (comp &key to from &allow-other-keys) "Handles XEP-0030 disco#info requests." (format *debug-io* "~&disco#info: ~A~%" to) (with-component-data-lock (comp) `((cxml:with-element "query" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" ,+disco-info-ns+) ,@(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart to-resource) (parse-jid to) (declare (ignore to-hostname to-resource)) (let* ((uid (get-user-id from)) (user-name (get-contact-name uid to-localpart)) (chat-subject (get-user-chat-subject uid to-localpart))) (cond ((equal to (component-name comp)) `((disco-identity "whatsxmpp bridge" "xmpp" "gateway") (disco-feature ,+disco-info-ns+) (disco-feature ,+disco-items-ns+) (disco-feature ,+muc-ns+))) (user-name +whatsapp-user-disco-info-list+) (chat-subject `((disco-identity ,chat-subject "text" "conference") (disco-feature ,+disco-info-ns+) (disco-feature ,+muc-ns+) (disco-feature ,+muc-stable-id-ns+) (disco-feature ,+unique-stanzas-ns+) (disco-feature "muc_hidden") (disco-feature "muc_persistent") (disco-feature "muc_membersonly") (disco-feature "muc_nonanonymous"))) (t nil)))))))) (defun disco-items-handler (comp &key to from &allow-other-keys) "Handles XEP-0030 disco#items requests." (format *debug-io* "~&disco#items: ~A from ~A~%" to from) (with-component-data-lock (comp) `((cxml:with-element "query" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" ,+disco-items-ns+) ,@(when (equal to (component-name comp)) (let ((uid (get-user-id (strip-resource from)))) (format *debug-io* "~&muc list disco#items for ~A~%" (strip-resource from)) (loop for (localpart . subject) in (get-user-groupchats uid) collect `(cxml:with-element "item" (cxml:attribute "jid" ,(concatenate 'string localpart "@" (component-name comp))) (cxml:attribute "name" ,subject))))))))) (defun admin-jid (comp) "Get the admin JID for COMP. You need the lock to be taken out for this one." (concatenate 'string "admin@" (component-name comp) "/adminbot")) (defparameter *admin-help-text* (format nil "** whatsxmpp, version ~A, a theta.eu.org project ** Commands: - register: set up the bridge - connect: manually connect to WhatsApp - stop: disconnect from WhatsApp, and disable automatic reconnections - status: get your current status - getroster: trigger an XEP-0144 roster item exchange (in some clients, this'll pop up a window asking to add contacts to your roster) - help: view this help text - refresh-chats: force the bridge to update member lists + subject for all of your group chats" +version+)) (defparameter *reconnect-every-secs* 5 "Interval between calls to WA-RESETUP-USERS.") (defun admin-msg (comp jid text) "Send an admin message from the admin on COMP to JID." (send-text-message comp jid text (admin-jid comp))) (defun admin-presence (comp jid status &optional show) "Send presence from the admin on COMP to JID." (with-presence (comp jid :from (admin-jid comp)) (when show (cxml:with-element "show" (cxml:text show))) (cxml:with-element "status" (cxml:text status)))) (defun wa-resetup-users (comp) "Go through the list of WhatsApp users and reconnect those whose connections have dropped." (with-component-data-lock (comp) (let* ((users-to-reconnect (loop for jid being the hash-keys in (component-whatsapps comp) using (hash-value conn) append (unless conn (list jid)))) (num-users (length users-to-reconnect))) (when (> num-users 0) (format *debug-io* "~&resetup-users: ~A users to reconnect~%" num-users)) (loop for user in users-to-reconnect do (handle-setup-user comp user)) (trivial-timers:schedule-timer (component-reconnect-timer comp) *reconnect-every-secs*)))) (defparameter *user-jid-scanner* (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "u([0-9]+)")) (defparameter *group-jid-scanner* (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "g([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)")) (defun wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (waj) "Convert a whatscl JID object to a WhatsXMPP localpart." (unless waj (format *error-output* "WA-JID-TO-WHATSXMPP-LOCALPART called with NIL!") (return-from wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart "unknown")) (with-accessors ((localpart whatscl::jid-localpart) (hostname whatscl::jid-hostname)) waj (cond ((or (equal hostname "s.whatsapp.net") (equal hostname "c.us")) (concatenate 'string "u" localpart)) ((equal hostname "g.us") (concatenate 'string "g" localpart)) (t (concatenate 'string "other-" localpart "-" hostname))))) (defun whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid (localpart) "Parses a WhatsXMPP localpart, returning a whatscl JID object if parsing is successful. WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678." (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (digits) (*user-jid-scanner* localpart) (return-from whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid (whatscl::make-jid digits "s.whatsapp.net"))) (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (creator ts) (*group-jid-scanner* localpart) (return-from whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid (whatscl::make-jid (concatenate 'string creator "-" ts) "g.us")))) (defun wa-conn-recent-p (comp conn jid) (let ((current (gethash jid (component-whatsapps comp)))) (eql current conn))) (defmacro with-wa-handler-context ((comp conn jid) &body body) "Takes the component data lock, checks that CONN is the most up-to-date connection for JID, and then executes BODY." `(with-component-data-lock (,comp) (if (wa-conn-recent-p ,comp ,conn ,jid) (progn ,@body) (warn "WA handler called with out of date connection, ignoring")))) (defun wa-handle-ws-error (comp conn jid err) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&ws-error ~A: ~A~%" jid err) (admin-msg comp jid (format nil "WhatsApp websocket error: ~A~%Will automatically reconnect, but if issues persist, try a re-connect or re-register." err)) (admin-presence comp jid "WebSocket error" "away") (setf (gethash jid (component-whatsapps comp)) nil))) (defun wa-handle-ws-close (comp conn jid) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&ws-close: ~A~%" jid) (when (nth-value 1 (gethash jid (component-whatsapps comp))) ;; If true, we're still doing automatic reconnections. ;; Otherwise, we will have already yelled at the user for ;; whatever caused them to disconnect, so don't do anything here. (admin-msg comp jid "WhatsApp websocket closed (will reconnect soon).") (admin-presence comp jid "WebSocket closed" "away") (setf (gethash jid (component-whatsapps comp)) nil)))) (defun wa-handle-ws-qrcode (comp conn jid qrcode) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&qrcode: ~A~%" jid) (admin-presence comp jid "Waiting for QR code" "away") (send-qrcode comp jid qrcode))) (defun update-session-data (jid sessdata) (with-prepared-statement (update-sessdata-stmt "UPDATE users SET session_data = ? WHERE jid = ?") (format *debug-io* "~&update sessdata for ~A~%" jid) (bind-parameters update-sessdata-stmt sessdata jid) (sqlite:step-statement update-sessdata-stmt))) (defun wa-handle-ws-connected (comp conn jid wa-jid) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (let ((sessdata (whatscl::serialize-persistent-session (whatscl::wac-session conn))) (status (format nil "Logged in to WhatsApp as ~A." wa-jid))) (update-session-data jid sessdata) (admin-msg comp jid status) (admin-presence comp jid status) (whatscl::send-presence conn :available) (format *debug-io* "~&ws-connected: ~A (as ~A)~%" jid wa-jid)))) (defun wa-handle-disconnect (comp conn jid kind) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&disconnect for ~A: ~A" jid kind) (let ((reason (case kind (:replaced "Connection replaced by other WhatsApp Web session") (:removed "Connection removed in mobile app")))) (admin-msg comp jid (format nil "Error: ~A." reason)) (admin-presence comp jid reason "xa")) (admin-msg comp jid "(Disabling automatic reconnections.)") (remhash jid (component-whatsapps comp)))) (defun wa-handle-error-status-code (comp conn jid err) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&error-status-code for ~A: ~A~%" jid err) (if (typep err 'whatscl::login-error) (progn (let ((status-code (whatscl::scerror-status-code err))) (cond ((equal status-code 401) (progn (admin-msg comp jid "Error: The WhatsApp Web connection was removed from your device! You'll need to scan the QR code again.") (admin-presence comp jid "Connection removed" "xa") (update-session-data jid ""))) ((equal status-code 403) (progn (admin-msg comp jid "Error: WhatsApp Web denied access. You may have violated the Terms of Service.") (admin-presence comp jid "Access denied" "xa") (update-session-data jid ""))) (t (progn (admin-presence comp jid "Login failure" "xa") (admin-msg comp jid (format nil "Login failure: ~A" err)))))) (admin-msg comp jid "(Disabling automatic reconnections.)") (remhash jid (component-whatsapps comp))) (admin-msg comp jid (format nil "Warning: A non-fatal WhatsApp error has occurred.~%You should be fine to continue, but if problems persist, consider re-connecting or re-registering.~%Details: ~A" err))))) (defun wa-handle-error (comp conn jid err bt) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&whatscl error for ~A: ~A~%Backtrace:~A~%" jid err bt) (admin-msg comp jid (format nil "A programming error has been detected and your connection has been aborted unexpectedly.~%Report the following error to the bridge admin: ~A" err)) (admin-msg comp jid "(Disabling automatic reconnections.)") (admin-presence comp jid "Programming error" "xa") (remhash jid (component-whatsapps comp)))) (defun wa-message-key-to-stanza-headers (comp conn jid msg-id msg-ts key) "Takes KEY, a WHATSCL::MESSAGE-KEY, and returns (VALUES FROM TOS ID TYPE GROUP-LOCALPART) [i.e. the values of the 'from', 'to', 'id' and 'type' stanza headers, where TOS is a list of recipients], or NIL if no action should be taken to deliver the message." (let* ((xmpp-id (concatenate 'string "wa-" msg-id "-" (write-to-string msg-ts))) (group-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (whatscl::key-jid key))) (uid (get-user-id jid)) (previous-xmpp-id (lookup-wa-msgid uid msg-id))) (unless previous-xmpp-id (typecase key (whatscl::message-key-receiving (progn (format *debug-io* "~&direct message ~A for ~A~%" msg-id jid) (values (concatenate 'string group-localpart "@" (component-name comp) "/whatsapp") (list jid) xmpp-id "chat" nil))) (whatscl::message-key-group-receiving (let* ((chat-id (get-user-chat-id uid group-localpart)) (participant-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (whatscl::key-participant key)))) (format *debug-io* "~&group message ~A in ~A for ~A~%" msg-id group-localpart jid) (if chat-id (let ((from-resource (or (get-participant-resource chat-id participant-localpart) participant-localpart)) (recipients (get-user-chat-joined uid group-localpart))) (if recipients (values (concatenate 'string group-localpart "@" (component-name comp) "/" from-resource) recipients xmpp-id "groupchat" group-localpart) (warn "None of ~A's resources were joined to group ~A to receive message ~A!" jid group-localpart msg-id))) (progn (warn "No chat in database for group ~A for ~A -- creating" group-localpart jid) (admin-msg comp jid (format nil "Received message in unknown new WhatsApp group chat ~A; you should receive an invitation soon..." (whatscl::key-jid key))) (add-wa-chat comp conn jid (whatscl::key-jid key)) (return-from wa-message-key-to-stanza-headers))))) (t nil))))) (defun wa-handle-message (comp conn jid msg delivery-type) (declare (ignore delivery-type)) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (let* ((key (whatscl::message-key msg)) (wa-id (whatscl::message-id msg)) (contents (whatscl::message-contents msg)) (wa-ts (whatscl::message-ts msg)) (uid (get-user-id jid)) (local-time:*default-timezone* local-time:+utc-zone+) (ts (local-time:unix-to-timestamp wa-ts))) (multiple-value-bind (from recipients xmpp-id xmpp-type group-localpart) (wa-message-key-to-stanza-headers comp conn jid wa-id wa-ts key) (when from (macrolet ((send-message ((&key suppress-insert) &body contents) (let ((to-sym (gensym))) `(progn ;; Referencing lexical variables in a MACROLET! How hacky. (unless ,suppress-insert (insert-user-message uid xmpp-id wa-id)) (loop for ,to-sym in recipients do (with-message (comp ,to-sym :from from :id xmpp-id :type xmpp-type) ,@contents (cxml:with-element "delay" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +delivery-delay-ns+) (cxml:attribute "stamp" (local-time:format-timestring nil ts))) (cxml:with-element "active" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-states-ns+)) (when (and group-localpart (not ,suppress-insert)) (cxml:with-element "stanza-id" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +unique-stanzas-ns+) (cxml:attribute "id" xmpp-id) (cxml:attribute "by" (concatenate 'string group-localpart "@" (component-name comp)))) (cxml:with-element "origin-id" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +unique-stanzas-ns+) (cxml:attribute "id" wa-id))) (cxml:with-element "markable" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+)))))))) (let* ((qc (whatscl::message-quoted-contents-summary msg))) (typecase contents (whatscl::message-contents-text (let* ((contents-text (whatscl::contents-text contents)) (text (format nil "~@[> ~A~%~]~A" qc contents-text))) (send-message () (cxml:with-element "body" (cxml:text text))))) (whatscl::message-contents-file (let* ((file-info (whatscl::contents-file-info contents)) (media-type (whatscl::get-contents-media-type contents)) (filename (when (typep contents 'whatscl::message-contents-document) (whatscl::contents-filename contents))) (caption (whatscl::contents-caption contents)) (upload-promise (upload-whatsapp-media-file comp file-info media-type filename))) (catcher (attach upload-promise (lambda (get-url) (with-component-data-lock (comp) (when (or caption qc) (let ((text (format nil "~@[> ~A~%~]~@[~A~]" qc caption))) (send-message (:suppress-insert t) (cxml:with-element "body" (cxml:text text))))) (send-message () (cxml:with-element "body" (cxml:text get-url)) (cxml:with-element "x" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +oob-ns+) (cxml:with-element "url" (cxml:text get-url))))))) (error (e) (with-component-data-lock (comp) ;; Insert the thing into the database, so this message ;; doesn't repeat. (insert-user-message uid xmpp-id wa-id) (format *debug-io* "~&whatsapp media message ~A from ~A failed! error: ~A~%" wa-id from e) (admin-msg comp jid (format nil "Warning: Failed to process a media message sent to you by ~A:~% ~A" from e))))))))))))))) (defun get-avatar-data (avatar-url) "Fetches AVATAR-URL, using the database as a cache. Returns the SHA1 hash (lowercase) of the avatar data as first argument, and the actual octets as second." (with-prepared-statements ((get-stmt "SELECT sha1, image FROM avatar_data WHERE avatar_url = ?") (insert-stmt "INSERT INTO avatar_data (avatar_url, sha1, image) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")) (bind-parameters get-stmt avatar-url) (if (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt) (with-bound-columns (sha1 image) get-stmt (values sha1 image)) (progn (format *debug-io* "~&fetching avatar url: ~A~%" avatar-url) (multiple-value-bind (data status-code) (drakma:http-request avatar-url) (format *debug-io* "~&fetch resulted in status ~A~%" status-code) (when (eql status-code 200) (let ((sha1 (sha1-octets data))) (bind-parameters insert-stmt avatar-url sha1 data) (sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt) (values sha1 data)))))))) (defun get-contact-avatar-data (uid localpart) "Get a set of avatar data (returned by GET-AVATAR-DATA) for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID. Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean specifying whether the user had an avatar (i.e. for no avatar users, returns (VALUES NIL NIL T))" (with-prepared-statements ((get-stmt "SELECT avatar_url FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?")) (bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart) (when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt) (with-bound-columns (avatar-url) get-stmt (values-list (append (if (and avatar-url (> (length avatar-url) 0) (not (equal avatar-url "NO-AVATAR"))) (multiple-value-list (get-avatar-data avatar-url)) `(nil nil)) (cons (> (length avatar-url) 0) nil))))))) (defun wa-request-avatar (comp conn jid wa-jid localpart) (format *debug-io* "~&requesting avatar for ~A from ~A~%" localpart jid) (whatscl::get-profile-picture conn wa-jid (lambda (conn result) (wa-handle-avatar-result comp conn jid localpart result)))) (defun handle-wa-contact-presence (comp conn jid localpart &key noretry destination) "Send out a presence stanza for LOCALPART to JID, or queue requests for that user's status or avatar if they're lacking." (unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "u" localpart) (return-from handle-wa-contact-presence)) (let* ((uid (get-user-id jid)) (status (get-contact-status uid localpart)) (wa-jid (whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid localpart))) (multiple-value-bind (avatar-sha1 avatar-data has-avatar-p) (get-contact-avatar-data uid localpart) (declare (ignore avatar-data)) (if (and has-avatar-p status) (with-presence (comp (or destination jid) :from (concatenate 'string localpart "@" (component-name comp))) (cxml:with-element "status" (cxml:text status)) (cxml:with-element "c" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +entity-caps-ns+) (cxml:attribute "hash" "sha-1") (cxml:attribute "node" "https://git.theta.eu.org/eta/whatsxmpp") (cxml:attribute "ver" +whatsapp-user-entity-caps+)) (cxml:with-element "x" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +vcard-avatar-ns+) (if avatar-sha1 (cxml:with-element "photo" (cxml:text avatar-sha1)) (cxml:with-element "photo")))) (progn (unless noretry (unless avatar-sha1 (wa-request-avatar comp conn jid wa-jid localpart)) (unless status (format *debug-io* "~&requesting status for ~A from ~A~%" localpart jid) (whatscl::get-profile-status conn wa-jid (lambda (conn result) (wa-handle-status-result comp conn jid localpart result)))))))))) (defun handle-wa-contact-presence-subscriptions (comp jid localpart) "Check if we need to send out presence subscriptions for LOCALPART." (unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "u" localpart) (return-from handle-wa-contact-presence-subscriptions)) (let ((uid (get-user-id jid))) (assert uid () "No user ID for ~A!" jid) (with-prepared-statements ((get-stmt "SELECT subscription_state, name, notify, id FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?") (update-stmt "UPDATE user_contacts SET subscription_state = ? WHERE id = ?")) (bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart) (unless (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt) (error "No contact with localpart ~A exists!" localpart)) (with-bound-columns (subscription-state name notify ctid) get-stmt (let ((name-to-use (or name (when notify (concatenate 'string "~" notify)))) (from (concatenate 'string localpart "@" (component-name comp)))) (when (and (equal subscription-state "none") name-to-use) (with-presence (comp jid :type "subscribe" :from from) (cxml:with-element "nick" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +nick-ns+) (cxml:text name-to-use))) (bind-parameters update-stmt "asked" ctid) (sqlite:step-statement update-stmt))))))) (defun add-wa-contact (comp conn jid contact) "Adds the WHATSCL:CONTACT to the list of JID's contacts, or updates it if it already exists. Returns the contact's localpart." (with-accessors ((ct-jid whatscl::contact-jid) (ct-notify whatscl::contact-notify) (ct-name whatscl::contact-name)) contact (let ((uid (get-user-id jid)) (wx-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart ct-jid))) (unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "u" wx-localpart) (return-from add-wa-contact)) (assert uid () "No user ID for ~A!" jid) (with-prepared-statements ((get-stmt "SELECT id, name, notify FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?") (update-stmt "UPDATE user_contacts SET name = ?, notify = ? WHERE id = ?") (insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_contacts (user_id, wa_jid, name, notify) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")) (bind-parameters get-stmt uid wx-localpart) (if (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt) (with-bound-columns (id name notify) get-stmt (let ((notify (or ct-notify notify)) (name (or ct-name name))) (bind-parameters update-stmt name notify id) (sqlite:step-statement update-stmt))) (progn (bind-parameters insert-stmt uid wx-localpart ct-name ct-notify) (sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt))) wx-localpart)))) (defun wa-handle-contacts (comp conn jid contacts) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&got ~A contacts for ~A~%" (length contacts) jid) (loop for contact in contacts do (add-wa-contact comp conn jid contact)))) (defun wa-handle-contact (comp conn jid contact) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&got contact ~A for ~A~%" contact jid) (add-wa-contact comp conn jid contact))) (defun request-wa-chat-metadata (comp conn jid wx-localpart) "Request chat metadata for WX-LOCALPART (a MUC localpart) for the user with JID." (format *debug-io* "~&requesting chat metadata for ~A from ~A~%" wx-localpart jid) (whatscl::get-group-metadata conn (whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid wx-localpart) (lambda (conn meta) (wa-handle-group-metadata comp conn jid wx-localpart meta)))) (defun handle-wa-chat-invitation (comp conn jid uid localpart &key noretry) "Checks to see whether the group chat LOCALPART has any metadata; if not, requests some. If it does, and the user hasn't been invited to that group chat yet, send them an invitation." (unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" localpart) (return-from handle-wa-chat-invitation)) (with-prepared-statements ((get-stmt "SELECT id, invitation_state FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?") (count-stmt "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ?") (update-stmt "UPDATE user_chats SET invitation_state = ? WHERE id = ?")) (bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart) (assert (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt) () "Chat ~A doesn't exist in database!" localpart) (with-bound-columns (chat-id invitation-state) get-stmt (bind-parameters count-stmt chat-id) (assert (sqlite:step-statement count-stmt)) (with-bound-columns (n-members) count-stmt (if (> n-members 0) (when (equal invitation-state "none") (with-message (comp jid) (cxml:with-element "x" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +muc-invite-ns+) (cxml:attribute "jid" (concatenate 'string localpart "@" (component-name comp))))) (bind-parameters update-stmt "invited" chat-id) (sqlite:step-statement update-stmt)) (unless noretry (request-wa-chat-metadata comp conn jid localpart))))))) (defun add-wa-chat (comp conn jid ct-jid) "Adds the JID CT-JID to the list of the user's groupchats, if it is a groupchat. If it's a user JID, sends a presence subscription request if necessary." (let ((uid (get-user-id jid)) (wx-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart ct-jid))) (when (uiop:string-prefix-p "u" wx-localpart) ;; The user has an open chat with this other user, so they probably want a presence subscription. (handle-wa-contact-presence-subscriptions comp jid wx-localpart) (return-from add-wa-chat)) (unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" wx-localpart) (warn "Interesting localpart pased to ADD-WA-CHAT: ~A" wx-localpart) (return-from add-wa-chat)) (assert uid () "No user ID for ~A!" jid) (unless (get-user-chat-id uid wx-localpart) (insert-user-chat uid wx-localpart)) (handle-wa-chat-invitation comp conn jid uid wx-localpart))) (defun wa-handle-chats (comp conn jid chats) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&got ~A chats for ~A~%" (length chats) jid) (loop for chat in chats do (add-wa-chat comp conn jid (whatscl::chat-jid chat))))) (defun wa-handle-message-ack (comp conn jid &key id ack from to participant &allow-other-keys) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&message ack: ~A is ~A (from ~A, to ~A, participant ~A)~%" id ack from to participant) (when (equal (whatscl::jid-to-string from) (whatscl::wac-jid conn)) ;; (someone else acked this message) (let* ((uid (get-user-id jid)) (xmpp-id (lookup-wa-msgid uid id))) (if xmpp-id (let ((marker-name (cond ((eql ack :received) "received") ((eql ack :read) "displayed") ((eql ack :played) "displayed") (t (return-from wa-handle-message-ack))))) (if participant (let* ((participant-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart participant)) (group-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart to)) (chat-id (get-user-chat-id uid group-localpart))) (if chat-id (let ((from-resource (or (get-participant-resource chat-id participant-localpart) participant-localpart)) (recipients (get-user-chat-joined uid group-localpart))) (loop for recip in recipients do (with-message (comp recip :from (concatenate 'string group-localpart "@" (component-name comp) "/" from-resource) :type "groupchat") (cxml:with-element marker-name (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+) (cxml:attribute "id" xmpp-id))))) (warn "Ack for message ID ~A: couldn't find chat id?" id))) (let ((from-jid (concatenate 'string (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart to) "@" (component-name comp)))) (with-message (comp jid :from from-jid) (cxml:with-element marker-name (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+) (cxml:attribute "id" xmpp-id)))))) (warn "Got ack for unknown message id ~A" id)))))) (defun wa-handle-message-send-result (comp conn jid &key orig-from orig-to orig-id orig-body result muc-resource) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&message send result for ~A from ~A: ~A~%" orig-id orig-from result) (handler-case (let ((status (cdr (assoc :status result)))) (unless status (error "No status response provided by WhatsApp")) (unless (eql status 200) (error "Message sending failed with code ~A" status)) (if muc-resource ;; Do a MUC echo (let* ((new-from (concatenate 'string orig-to "/" muc-resource)) (group-localpart (nth-value 1 (parse-jid orig-to))) (recipients (get-user-chat-joined (get-user-id jid) group-localpart))) (loop for recip in recipients do (with-message (comp recip :from new-from :id orig-id :type "groupchat") (cxml:with-element "body" (cxml:text orig-body)) (cxml:with-element "stanza-id" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +unique-stanzas-ns+) ;; XXX: This isn't actually compliant; we're supposed to generate ;; our own IDs here. However, the worst you can do is confuse ;; your own clients... (cxml:attribute "id" orig-id) (cxml:attribute "by" orig-to)) (cxml:with-element "markable" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+))))) (with-message (comp orig-from :from orig-to) (cxml:with-element "received" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +delivery-receipts-ns+) (cxml:attribute "id" orig-id))))) (error (e) (send-stanza-error comp :id orig-id :to orig-from :from orig-to :stanza-type "message" :e (make-condition 'stanza-error :defined-condition "recipient-unavailable" :type "modify" :text (format nil "~A" e))))))) (defun wa-handle-avatar-result (comp conn jid for-localpart result) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&avatar result for ~A from ~A: ~A~%" for-localpart jid result) (let ((avatar-url (or result "NO-AVATAR")) (uid (get-user-id jid))) (with-prepared-statements ((update-stmt "UPDATE user_contacts SET avatar_url = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?")) (bind-parameters update-stmt avatar-url uid for-localpart) (sqlite:step-statement update-stmt) (handle-wa-contact-presence comp conn jid for-localpart :noretry t))))) (defun wa-handle-status-result (comp conn jid for-localpart result) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (format *debug-io* "~&status result for ~A from ~A: ~A~%" for-localpart jid result) (let ((avatar-url (or result "Status unknown or hidden")) (uid (get-user-id jid))) (with-prepared-statements ((update-stmt "UPDATE user_contacts SET status = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?")) (bind-parameters update-stmt avatar-url uid for-localpart) (sqlite:step-statement update-stmt) (handle-wa-contact-presence comp conn jid for-localpart :noretry t))))) (defun wa-handle-picture-change (comp conn jid for-jid was-removed) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (let* ((localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart for-jid)) (uid (get-user-id jid)) (contact-name (get-contact-name uid localpart))) (when contact-name (format *debug-io* "~&picture change notification for ~A from ~A (removed: ~A)~%" localpart jid was-removed) (if was-removed (with-prepared-statements ((update-stmt "UPDATE user_contacts SET avatar_url = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?")) (bind-parameters update-stmt "NO-AVATAR" uid localpart) (sqlite:step-statement update-stmt) (handle-wa-contact-presence comp conn jid localpart :noretry t)) (wa-request-avatar comp conn jid for-jid localpart)))))) (defun wa-handle-status-change (comp conn jid for-jid status) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (let* ((localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart for-jid)) (uid (get-user-id jid)) (contact-name (get-contact-name uid localpart))) (when contact-name (format *debug-io* "~&status change notification for ~A from ~A~%" localpart jid) (with-prepared-statements ((update-stmt "UPDATE user_contacts SET status = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?")) (bind-parameters update-stmt status uid localpart) (sqlite:step-statement update-stmt) (handle-wa-contact-presence comp conn jid localpart :noretry t)))))) (defun wa-handle-group-metadata (comp conn jid localpart data) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (let* ((uid (get-user-id jid)) (cid (get-user-chat-id uid localpart)) (subject (whatscl::cassoc :subject data))) (unless cid (setf cid (insert-user-chat uid localpart))) (format *debug-io* "~&got group metadata for ~A from ~A~%" localpart jid) (unless subject (admin-msg comp jid (format nil "Warning: Failed to update group ~A: received ~A~%This warning usually appears when trying to get information for a group you're no longer in, and can be safely ignored." localpart data)) (warn "Received incomplete group metadata for ~A from ~A: ~A" localpart jid data) (return-from wa-handle-group-metadata)) (when cid (with-prepared-statements ((update-subject-stmt "UPDATE user_chats SET subject = ? WHERE id = ?") (delete-members-stmt "DELETE FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ?") (insert-member-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chat_members (chat_id, wa_jid, resource, affiliation) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")) (with-transaction (bind-parameters update-subject-stmt subject cid) (bind-parameters delete-members-stmt cid) (sqlite:step-statement update-subject-stmt) (sqlite:step-statement delete-members-stmt) (loop for part in (whatscl::aval :participants data) do (let ((localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (whatscl::parse-jid (whatscl::aval :id part))))) (bind-parameters insert-member-stmt cid localpart ; chat_id, wa_jid (3 ; resource (or (get-contact-name uid localpart) (substitute #\+ #\u localpart))) (4 ; affiliation (if (whatscl::cassoc :is-admin part) "admin" "member")))) (sqlite:step-statement insert-member-stmt) (sqlite:reset-statement insert-member-stmt))) (handle-wa-chat-invitation comp conn jid uid localpart :noretry t)))))) (defun wa-handle-presence (comp conn jid &key for-jid type participant &allow-other-keys) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (let* ((localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart for-jid)) (chat-state (cond ((eql type :composing) "composing") ((eql type :paused) "paused") ((eql type :available) "active") ((eql type :unavailable) "gone") (t (return-from wa-handle-presence))))) (unless participant ; Groups hard (let ((from-jid (concatenate 'string localpart "@" (component-name comp)))) (with-message (comp jid :from from-jid) (cxml:with-element chat-state (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-states-ns+)))))))) (defun wa-handle-chat-modified (comp conn jid chat-jid) (with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid) (let ((wx-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart chat-jid))) (format *debug-io* "~&chat-modified: ~A for ~A~&" wx-localpart jid) (request-wa-chat-metadata comp conn jid wx-localpart)))) (defun bind-wa-handlers (comp conn jid) (on :ws-close conn (lambda (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (wa-handle-ws-close comp conn jid))) (on :ws-error conn (lambda (e) (wa-handle-ws-error comp conn jid e))) (on :disconnect conn (lambda (k) (wa-handle-disconnect comp conn jid k))) (on :chat-modified conn (lambda (k) (wa-handle-chat-modified comp conn jid k))) (on :error conn (lambda (e backtrace) (wa-handle-error comp conn jid e backtrace))) (on :error-status-code conn (lambda (e) (wa-handle-error-status-code comp conn jid e))) (on :qrcode conn (lambda (text) (wa-handle-ws-qrcode comp conn jid text))) (on :message conn (lambda (msg dt) (wa-handle-message comp conn jid msg dt))) (on :contacts conn (lambda (contacts) (wa-handle-contacts comp conn jid contacts))) (on :chats conn (lambda (chats) (wa-handle-chats comp conn jid chats))) (on :contact conn (lambda (contact) (wa-handle-contact comp conn jid contact))) (on :message-ack conn (lambda (&key id ack from to participant &allow-other-keys) (wa-handle-message-ack comp conn jid :id id :ack ack :from from :to to :participant participant))) (on :picture-change conn (lambda (for-jid removed) (wa-handle-picture-change comp conn jid for-jid removed))) (on :status-change conn (lambda (for-jid status) (wa-handle-status-change comp conn jid for-jid status))) (on :presence conn (lambda (&key of type participant &allow-other-keys) (wa-handle-presence comp conn jid :for-jid of :type type :participant participant))) (on :connected conn (lambda (waj) (wa-handle-ws-connected comp conn jid waj)))) (defun handle-setup-user (comp jid) "Set up a WhatsApp connection for JID on COMP." (with-component-data-lock (comp) (format *debug-io* "~&setup user: ~A~%" jid) (with-prepared-statement (get-session-data-stmt "SELECT session_data FROM users WHERE jid = ?") (bind-parameters get-session-data-stmt jid) (assert (sqlite:step-statement get-session-data-stmt) () "HANDLE-SETUP-USER called for invalid JID ~A" jid) (let* ((sessdata (sqlite:statement-column-value get-session-data-stmt 0)) (sess (when (and sessdata (> (length sessdata) 0)) (format *debug-io* "~&reusing old session data for ~A~%" jid) (whatscl::deserialize-persistent-session sessdata))) (conn (whatscl::make-connection sess))) (admin-msg comp jid "Connecting to WhatsApp...") (admin-presence comp jid "Connection in progress..." "away") (symbol-macrolet ((stored-conn (gethash jid (component-whatsapps comp)))) (let ((old-conn)) (when stored-conn (setf old-conn stored-conn)) (setf stored-conn conn) (bind-wa-handlers comp conn jid) (when old-conn (admin-msg comp jid "(destroying your old connection)") (whatscl::close-connection old-conn)) (handler-case (whatscl::start-connection conn) (error (e) (admin-msg comp jid (format nil "Connection failed:~% ~A" e)) (admin-msg comp jid "(will retry)") (setf stored-conn nil))))))))) (defun start-user-registration (comp jid) "Register the JID as wanting to use the bridge COMP." (with-component-data-lock (comp) (let ((stripped (strip-resource jid))) (admin-msg comp jid "Starting registration!") (format *debug-io* "~®ister: ~A~%" stripped) (with-prepared-statement (insert-stmt "INSERT INTO users (jid) VALUES (?) ON CONFLICT (jid) DO UPDATE SET session_data = ''") (bind-parameters insert-stmt stripped) (sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)) (with-presence (comp stripped :type "subscribe" :from (admin-jid comp)) (cxml:with-element "status" (cxml:text "Please add the whatsxmpp admin user to your roster; if you don't, things will probably break in various fun ways.")) (cxml:with-element "nick" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +nick-ns+) (cxml:text "whatsxmpp admin"))) (admin-msg comp jid "WhatsApp connection should begin shortly...") (handle-setup-user comp stripped)))) (defun get-admin-status (comp jid) "Get the status text of the admin user for the user with ID JID. Returns a value as second value." (multiple-value-bind (conn exists-p) (gethash jid (component-whatsapps comp)) (cond ((and conn (whatscl::wac-jid conn)) (format nil "Connected and logged in as ~A." (whatscl::wac-jid conn))) (conn (values "Connected, but not logged in." "away")) (exists-p (values "Temporarily disconnected." "away")) (t (values "Disconnected (automatic reconnections disabled)." "xa"))))) (defun do-roster-exchange (comp jid uid) "Initiate an XEP-0144 Roster Item Exchange for JID (with user ID UID)." (let ((localparts (get-user-contact-localparts uid))) (with-message (comp jid) (cxml:with-element "x" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +roster-exchange-ns+) (loop for ct-localpart in localparts do (when ct-localpart (let* ((ct-jid (concatenate 'string ct-localpart "@" (component-name comp))) (ct-name (get-contact-name uid ct-localpart :no-phone-number t))) (when ct-name (cxml:with-element "item" (cxml:attribute "action" "add") (cxml:attribute "jid" ct-jid) (cxml:attribute "name" ct-name) (cxml:with-element "group" (cxml:text "WhatsApp"))))))))))) (defun handle-admin-command (comp from body uid) "Handles an admin command sent to COMP." (labels ((reply (text) (send-text-message comp from text (admin-jid comp)))) (let ((body (string-downcase body)) (stripped (strip-resource from))) (cond ((and uid (equal body "register")) (reply (format nil "You're already registered!~%Try `connect`. If you really want to re-register, use the `register -force` command."))) ((or (and (not uid) (equal body "register")) (and uid (equal body "register -force"))) (start-user-registration comp stripped)) ((equal body "help") (reply *admin-help-text*)) ((not uid) (reply "You're not registered with this bridge. Try `register` or `help`.")) ((equal body "getroster") (progn (do-roster-exchange comp stripped uid) (reply "Roster exchange request sent."))) ((equal body "status") (reply (get-admin-status comp stripped))) ((equal body "connect") (handle-setup-user comp stripped)) ((equal body "stop") (let ((conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp)))) (when (remhash stripped (component-whatsapps comp)) (reply "WhatsApp connections disabled.")) (when conn (whatscl::close-connection conn)))) ((equal body "refresh-chats") (let ((conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp)))) (if conn (let ((chats (get-user-groupchats uid))) (reply (format nil "Refreshing metadata for ~A groupchats...~%When the metadata refresh is complete, you'll need to rejoin all of your groupchats (most easily accomplished by reconnecting yourself to XMPP)." (length chats))) (loop for (localpart . subject) in chats do (request-wa-chat-metadata comp conn stripped localpart))) (reply "You're not connected to WhatsApp.")))) ((uiop:string-prefix-p "refresh-chat " body) (let ((conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp))) (localpart-to-use (subseq body #.(length "refresh-chat ")))) (if conn (progn (reply (format nil "Refreshing metadata for ~A..." localpart-to-use)) (request-wa-chat-metadata comp conn stripped localpart-to-use)) (reply "You're not connected to WhatsApp.")))) (t (reply "Unknown command. Try `help` for a list of supported commands.")))))) (defun whatsxmpp-vcard-temp-handler (comp &key to from &allow-other-keys) "Handles a vcard-temp IQ request." (format *debug-io* "~&vcard-temp: ~A (from ~A)~%" to from) (with-component-data-lock (comp) (let* ((uid (get-user-id from)) (to-localpart (nth-value 1 (parse-jid to)))) (multiple-value-bind (name avatar-data) (cond ((equal to-localpart "admin") "whatsxmpp admin") ((not uid) (error 'stanza-error :defined-condition "registration-required" :text "You must register with the bridge admin to view contact details." :type "auth")) (t (let ((name (get-contact-name uid to-localpart))) (unless name (error 'stanza-error :defined-condition "item-not-found" :text "No vCard for that JID is available at this time." :type "modify")) (values name (nth-value 1 (get-contact-avatar-data uid to-localpart)))))) `((cxml:with-element "vCard" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +vcard-temp-ns+) (cxml:with-element "FN" (cxml:text ,name)) (cxml:with-element "NICKNAME" (cxml:text ,name)) ,(when avatar-data `(cxml:with-element "PHOTO" (cxml:with-element "TYPE" (cxml:text "image/jpeg")) (cxml:with-element "BINVAL" (cxml:text ,(qbase64:encode-bytes avatar-data))))))))))) (defun handle-muc-join (comp jid muc-localpart muc-chatid roomnick) "Handles JID joining MUC-LOCALPART." (format *debug-io* "~&~A joining MUC ~A with roomnick ~A~%" jid muc-localpart roomnick) (let ((muc-jid (concatenate 'string muc-localpart "@" (component-name comp)))) (with-prepared-statements ((get-subject-stmt "SELECT subject FROM user_chats WHERE id = ?") (get-resource-stmt "SELECT user_resource FROM user_chats WHERE id = ?") (update-resource-stmt "UPDATE user_chats SET user_resource = ? WHERE id = ?") (get-members-stmt "SELECT id, wa_jid, resource, affiliation FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ?") (update-member-resource-stmt "UPDATE user_chat_members SET resource = ? WHERE id = ?") (insert-joined-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chat_joined (chat_id, jid) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING")) (labels ((send-presence (from-resource from-jid affiliation role &rest stati) (with-presence (comp jid :from (concatenate 'string muc-jid "/" from-resource)) (cxml:with-element "x" (cxml:attribute "xmlns" +muc-user-ns+) (cxml:with-element "item" (cxml:attribute "jid" from-jid) (cxml:attribute "affiliation" affiliation) (cxml:attribute "role" role)) (loop for status in stati do (cxml:with-element "status" (cxml:attribute "code" status))))))) ;; step 0: if there's already a roomnick set, we gotta use that one to avoid confusion ;; (this restriction will be relaxed in later versions) (bind-parameters get-resource-stmt muc-chatid) (assert (sqlite:step-statement get-resource-stmt)) (let* ((old-roomnick (first (column-values get-resource-stmt))) (new-roomnick roomnick) (roomnick (if (and old-roomnick (> (length old-roomnick) 0)) old-roomnick new-roomnick))) ;; step 1: send in-room presence from other occupants (bind-parameters get-members-stmt muc-chatid) (loop while (sqlite:step-statement get-members-stmt) do (with-bound-columns (memid mem-localpart resource affiliation) get-members-stmt (let ((resource-to-use (if (equal resource roomnick) (concatenate 'string resource " [WA]") resource))) (unless (equal resource-to-use resource) ;; prevent conflicts with the user's chosen roomnick (bind-parameters update-member-resource-stmt resource-to-use memid) (sqlite:step-statement update-member-resource-stmt) (sqlite:reset-statement update-member-resource-stmt)) (send-presence resource-to-use (concatenate 'string mem-localpart "@" (component-name comp)) affiliation (if (equal affiliation "member") "participant" "moderator"))))) ;; step 2: send self-presence (if (equal old-roomnick new-roomnick) (send-presence roomnick jid "member" "participant" "100" "110") ;; 210 means "we forced what your nick was for you" (send-presence roomnick jid "member" "participant" "100" "110" "210")) ;; step 3: send subject (bind-parameters get-subject-stmt muc-chatid) (assert (sqlite:step-statement get-subject-stmt)) (with-bound-columns (subject) get-subject-stmt (with-message (comp jid :from muc-jid :type "groupchat") (cxml:with-element "subject" (cxml:text subject)))) ;; step 4: update resource & joined information if required (bind-parameters update-resource-stmt roomnick muc-chatid) (sqlite:step-statement update-resource-stmt) (bind-parameters insert-joined-stmt muc-chatid jid) (sqlite:step-statement insert-joined-stmt)))))) (defun whatsxmpp-presence-unavailable-handler (comp &key from to &allow-other-keys) "Handles a presence unavailable broadcast." (with-component-data-lock (comp) (multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart) (parse-jid to) (declare (ignore to-hostname)) (let* ((stripped (strip-resource from)) (uid (get-user-id stripped)) (chat-id (get-user-chat-id uid to-localpart))) (when (and uid (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" to-localpart)) (format *debug-io* "~&~A muc-presence-unavailable: ~A~%" from to) (when chat-id (with-prepared-statements ((remove-joined-stmt "DELETE FROM user_chat_joined WHERE chat_id = ? AND jid = ?")) (bind-parameters remove-joined-stmt chat-id from) (sqlite:step-statement remove-joined-stmt)))))))) (defun whatsxmpp-presence-handler (comp &key from to type id stanza &allow-other-keys) "Handles a presence broadcast." (unless (or (not type) (eql (length type) 0)) (return-from whatsxmpp-presence-handler)) (with-component-data-lock (comp) (multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart to-resource) (parse-jid to) (declare (ignore to-hostname)) (let* ((stripped (strip-resource from)) (uid (get-user-id stripped)) (x-element (get-node-with-xmlns (child-elements stanza) +muc-ns+))) (cond (x-element (handler-case (progn (format *debug-io* "~&~A muc-presence: ~A~%" from to) (unless uid (error 'stanza-error :defined-condition "registration-required" :text "You must register to join MUCs via this bridge." :type "auth")) (let ((chat-id (get-user-chat-id uid to-localpart))) (unless chat-id (error 'stanza-error :defined-condition "item-not-found" :text "Couldn't find a WhatsApp chat with that JID." :type "modify")) (unless to-resource (error 'stanza-error :defined-condition "jid-malformed" :text "Please specify a room nickname." :type "modify")) (handle-muc-join comp from to-localpart chat-id to-resource))) (stanza-error (e) (send-stanza-error comp :stanza-type "presence" :id id :to from :from to :e e)))) (t nil)))))) (defun whatsxmpp-presence-probe-handler (comp &key from to id &allow-other-keys) "Handles presence probe requests." (with-component-data-lock (comp) (multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart) (parse-jid to) (declare (ignore to-hostname)) (format *debug-io* "~&presence probe to: ~A from: ~A~%" to from) (let* ((stripped (strip-resource from)) (uid (get-user-id stripped)) (conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp)))) (flet ((respond-with-unavailable () (with-presence (comp from :from to :type "unavailable" :id id)))) (cond ((equal to-localpart "admin") (multiple-value-bind (admin-status admin-show) (get-admin-status comp stripped) (admin-presence comp from admin-status admin-show))) ((or (not uid) (not conn)) (respond-with-unavailable)) ((get-contact-name uid to-localpart) (handle-wa-contact-presence comp conn stripped to-localpart :destination from)) (t (respond-with-unavailable)))))))) (defun whatsxmpp-presence-subscribe-handler (comp &key from to id &allow-other-keys) "Handles a presence subscription request." (with-component-data-lock (comp) (multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart) (parse-jid to) (declare (ignore to-hostname)) (format *debug-io* "~&presence subscribe from: ~A~%" from) (if (or (equal to-localpart "admin") (whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid to-localpart)) (with-presence (comp (strip-resource from) :from to :type "subscribed")) (send-stanza-error comp :stanza-type "presence" :id id :to from :from to :e (make-condition 'stanza-error :defined-condition "item-not-found" :text "That user's JID isn't in a recognizable format." :type "modify")))))) (defun whatsxmpp-chat-state-handler (comp &key from to type &allow-other-keys) "Handles a chat state sent to the whatsxmpp bridge." (with-component-data-lock (comp) (multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart) (parse-jid to) (declare (ignore to-hostname)) (format *debug-io* "~&chat state: ~A is ~A to ~A~%" from type to) (let* ((stripped (strip-resource from)) (uid (get-user-id stripped)) (conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp))) (wa-jid (whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid to-localpart)) (presence-type (cond ((string= type "composing") :composing) ((string= type "paused") :paused) ((string= type "active") :available) ((string= type "gone") :unavailable) (t (return-from whatsxmpp-chat-state-handler))))) (unless uid (warn "Got chat state for user that isn't registered") (return-from whatsxmpp-chat-state-handler)) (unless wa-jid (return-from whatsxmpp-chat-state-handler)) (unless conn (warn "Can't send chat state, since user connection is offline") (return-from whatsxmpp-chat-state-handler)) (whatscl::send-presence conn presence-type (unless (or (eql presence-type :available) (eql presence-type :unavailable)) wa-jid)))))) (defun whatsxmpp-marker-handler (comp &key from to type marker-id id &allow-other-keys) "Handles a message marker sent to the whatsxmpp bridge." (with-component-data-lock (comp) (multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart) (parse-jid to) (declare (ignore to-hostname)) (format *debug-io* "~&marker: ~A on ~A from ~A~%" type marker-id from) (unless (equal type "displayed") (return-from whatsxmpp-marker-handler)) (let* ((stripped (strip-resource from)) (uid (get-user-id stripped)) (conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp))) (wa-jid (whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid to-localpart))) (unless uid (warn "Got marker for user that isn't registered") (return-from whatsxmpp-marker-handler)) (unless wa-jid (return-from whatsxmpp-marker-handler)) (unless conn (warn "Can't send marker, since user connection is offline") (send-stanza-error comp :id id :from to :to from :stanza-type "message" :e (make-condition 'stanza-error :defined-condition "recipient-unavailable" :text "Can't process chat marker: you're currently not connected to WhatsApp." :type "wait")) (return-from whatsxmpp-marker-handler)) (let ((wa-msgid (lookup-xmpp-msgid uid marker-id))) (if wa-msgid (progn (format *debug-io* "~&marking read for ~A: ~A from ~A~%" stripped wa-msgid wa-jid) (whatscl::send-message-read conn wa-jid wa-msgid)) (warn "Got marker for unknown XMPP message ID ~A" marker-id))))))) (defun whatsxmpp-message-handler (comp &key from to body id oob-url &allow-other-keys) "Handles a message sent to the whatsxmpp bridge." (with-component-data-lock (comp) (multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart to-resource) (parse-jid to) (declare (ignore to-hostname)) (format *debug-io* "~&message from: ~A~%" from) (let* ((stripped (strip-resource from)) (uid (get-user-id stripped)) (conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp))) (wa-jid (whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid to-localpart)) (user-resource (get-user-chat-resource uid to-localpart))) (labels ((send-error (e) (send-stanza-error comp :stanza-type "message" :id id :to from :from to :e e))) (cond ((equal to-localpart "admin") (handle-admin-command comp from body uid)) ((not uid) (send-error (make-condition 'stanza-error :defined-condition "registration-required" :text "You must register to use this bridge." :type "auth"))) ((not wa-jid) (send-error (make-condition 'stanza-error :defined-condition "item-not-found" :text "That user's JID isn't in a recognizable format." :type "modify"))) ((or (not conn) (not (whatscl::wac-jid conn))) (send-error (make-condition 'stanza-error :defined-condition "recipient-unavailable" :text "You're currently not connected to WhatsApp." :type "wait"))) ((and to-resource (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" to-localpart)) (send-error (make-condition 'stanza-error :defined-condition "feature-not-implemented" :text "MUC PMs are (deliberately) not implemented. Message the user directly instead." :type "cancel"))) (t (let* ((content-to-send (if oob-url (maybe-upload-whatsapp-media conn oob-url) (promisify body))) (callback (lambda (conn result) (wa-handle-message-send-result comp conn stripped :orig-from from :orig-to to :orig-id id :orig-body body :muc-resource user-resource :result result)))) (catcher (attach content-to-send (lambda (content) (let ((msgid (etypecase content (whatscl::message-contents-image (whatscl::send-simple-image-message conn wa-jid content callback)) (string (whatscl::send-simple-text-message conn wa-jid content callback))))) (whatscl::send-presence conn :available) (insert-user-message uid id msgid)))) (t (e) (format *error-output* "~&failed to send message! ~A~%" e) (send-error (make-condition 'stanza-error :defined-condition "internal-server-error" :text (princ-to-string e) :type "wait")))))))))))) (defun whatsxmpp-load-users (comp) (with-component-data-lock (comp) (with-prepared-statement (stmt "SELECT jid FROM users;") (loop while (sqlite:step-statement stmt) do (with-bound-columns (jid) stmt (setf (gethash jid (component-whatsapps comp)) nil)))))) (defun register-whatsxmpp-handlers (comp) (register-component-iq-handler comp :disco-info #'disco-info-handler) (register-component-iq-handler comp :vcard-temp-get #'whatsxmpp-vcard-temp-handler) (register-component-iq-handler comp :disco-items #'disco-items-handler)) (defun whatsxmpp-init () "Initialise the whatsxmpp bridge." (connect-database) (with-prepared-statement (config "SELECT server, port, component_name, shared_secret, upload_component_name FROM configuration WHERE rev = 1") (assert (sqlite:step-statement config) () "No configuration in database!") (destructuring-bind (server port component-name shared-secret upload-name) (column-values config) (let* ((comp (make-component server port shared-secret component-name)) (ret (change-class comp 'whatsxmpp-component :upload-component-name upload-name))) (on :text-message ret (lambda (&rest args) (apply #'whatsxmpp-message-handler ret args))) (on :message-marker ret (lambda (&rest args) (apply #'whatsxmpp-marker-handler ret args))) (on :presence-subscribe ret (lambda (&rest args) (apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-subscribe-handler ret args))) (on :presence-probe ret (lambda (&rest args) (apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-probe-handler ret args))) (on :presence-unavailable ret (lambda (&rest args) (apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-unavailable-handler ret args))) (on :presence ret (lambda (&rest args) (apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-handler ret args))) (on :chat-state ret (lambda (&rest args) (apply #'whatsxmpp-chat-state-handler ret args))) (register-whatsxmpp-handlers ret) (whatsxmpp-load-users ret) (setf (component-reconnect-timer ret) (trivial-timers:make-timer (lambda () (wa-resetup-users ret)) :name "reconnection timer")) (on :connected ret (lambda () (wa-resetup-users ret))) ret)))) #+sbcl (defparameter *comp* nil) #+sbcl (defun report-error-and-die (err) (format *error-output* "[!] Fatal error, bridge aborting!~%") (trivial-backtrace:print-backtrace err :output *error-output*) (loop for thr in (bt:all-threads) do (progn (format *error-output* "[!] State of thread ~A:~%" thr) (sb-thread:interrupt-thread thr (lambda () (sb-debug:print-backtrace :stream *error-output*))))) (sb-ext:exit :code 1 :abort t)) #+sbcl (defun main () "Hacky main() function for running this in 'the real world' (outside emacs)" (setf *debugger-hook* (lambda (condition hook) (declare (ignore hook)) (report-error-and-die condition))) (when (< (length sb-ext:*posix-argv*) 2) (format *error-output* "fatal: a path to the database must be provided~%") (format *error-output* "usage: ~A DATABASE_PATH~%" (elt sb-ext:*posix-argv* 0)) (sb-ext:exit :code 2 :abort t)) (let ((*default-database-path* (elt sb-ext:*posix-argv* 1))) (format t "[*] whatsxmpp version ~A / an eta project ~%" +version+) (format t "[+] Using database at ~A~%" *default-database-path*) #+use-swank (block nil (format t "[+] Starting SWANK server~%") (setf swank:*configure-emacs-indentation* nil) (swank:create-server :dont-close t)) (format t "[+] Initializing bridge~%") (setf *comp* (whatsxmpp-init)) (on :error *comp* (lambda (e) (report-error-and-die e))) ;; don't pretty-print stuff with newlines (setf *print-right-margin* most-positive-fixnum) ;; We don't have anything better to do, so let's wait on a condition ;; variable that'll never wake up. (let ((lock (bt:make-lock)) (condvar (bt:make-condition-variable))) (loop (bt:with-lock-held (lock) (bt:condition-wait condvar lock)))))) #+use-swank (uiop:register-image-dump-hook (lambda () (swank-loader:init :load-contribs t :reload t) (swank:swank-require '("SWANK-FANCY-INSPECTOR" "SWANK-FUZZY" "SWANK-MACROSTEP" "SWANK-PRESENTATIONS" "SWANK-REPL" "SWANK-PACKAGE-FU" "SWANK-TRACE-DIALOG" "SWANK-INDENTATION" "SWANK-SBCL-EXTS" "SWANK-ARGLISTS" "SWANK-C-P-C" "SWANK-UTIL" "SB-CLTL2" "SB-INTROSPECT" "SB-BSD-SOCKETS" "SB-POSIX" "ASDF" "asdf" "UIOP" "uiop"))))