Handle avatars (!) and various types of presence requests
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,3 +30,9 @@ CREATE TABLE user_messages (
UNIQUE(user_id, wa_id)
CREATE TABLE avatar_data (
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ In other words, prepares STATEMENT once, then returns the prepared statement aft
"Evaluates FORMS, binding a prepared statement with SQL text STATEMENT to NAME, and ensuring it is reset when control is transferred."
`(bt:with-recursive-lock-held (*db-lock*)
(let ((,name (prepared-statement ,statement)))
(progn ,@forms)
(ignore-errors (sqlite:reset-statement ,name)))))))
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ In other words, prepares STATEMENT once, then returns the prepared statement aft
collect `(ignore-errors (sqlite:reset-statement ,name)))))
`(bt:with-recursive-lock-held (*db-lock*)
(let (,@let-forms)
(progn ,@forms))
(ignore-errors (progn ,@reset-forms)))))))
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
(defparameter +chat-markers-ns+ "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0")
(defparameter +delivery-delay-ns+ "urn:xmpp:delay")
(defparameter +vcard-temp-ns+ "vcard-temp")
(defparameter +vcard-avatar-ns+ "vcard-temp:x:update")
(defparameter +nick-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick")
(defparameter +roster-exchange-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/rosterx")
(defparameter +delivery-receipts-ns+ "urn:xmpp:receipts")
@ -202,14 +203,17 @@
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +component-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "to" (component-name comp))))))
(defun sha1-hex (str)
"Returns the SHA1 of STR, a string, in lowercase hex."
(defun sha1-octets (buf)
"Returns the SHA1 of BUF, a vector of octets, in lowercase hex."
(format nil "~(~{~2,'0X~}~)"
(ironclad:digest-sequence :sha1
(babel:string-to-octets str))
(ironclad:digest-sequence :sha1 buf)
(defun sha1-hex (str)
"Returns the SHA1 of STR, a string, in lowercase hex."
(sha1-octets (babel:string-to-octets str)))
(defun component-stream-started (comp)
(with-component-xml-output (comp)
(cxml:with-element "handshake"
@ -260,12 +264,13 @@
:id ,id)
(defmacro with-presence ((comp to &key type from) &body body)
(defmacro with-presence ((comp to &key type from id) &body body)
"Send a presence stanza (of type TYPE) on the COMP component. Semantics the same as WITH-IQ, except for the fact that presence stanzas don't normally prompt a response."
`(with-stanza (,comp "presence"
:type ,type
:to ,to
:from ,from)
:from ,from
:id ,id)
(defun get-node-named (nodes name)
@ -535,7 +540,7 @@
((equal type "probe") :presence-probe)
((equal type "unavailable") :presence-unavailable)
(t :presence))))
(emit event-name comp :from from :to to :stanza stanza)))
(emit event-name comp :from from :to to :type type :stanza stanza)))
(defun handle-message (comp stanza)
"Handles a message STANZA for component COMP."
@ -898,8 +903,75 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(with-bound-columns (name notify) get-stmt
(or name notify (substitute #\+ #\u localpart))))))
(defun get-avatar-data (avatar-url)
"Fetches AVATAR-URL, using the database as a cache. Returns the SHA1 hash (lowercase) of the avatar data as first argument, and the actual octets as second."
((get-stmt "SELECT sha1, image FROM avatar_data WHERE avatar_url = ?")
(insert-stmt "INSERT INTO avatar_data (avatar_url, sha1, image) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt avatar-url)
(if (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (sha1 image) get-stmt
(values sha1 image))
(format *debug-io* "~&fetching avatar url: ~A~%" avatar-url)
(multiple-value-bind (data status-code)
(drakma:http-request avatar-url)
(format *debug-io* "~&fetch resulted in status ~A~%" status-code)
(when (eql status-code 200)
(let ((sha1 (sha1-octets data)))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt avatar-url sha1 data)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)
(values sha1 data))))))))
(defun get-contact-avatar-data (uid localpart)
"Get a set of avatar data (returned by GET-AVATAR-DATA) for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT avatar_url FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (avatar-url) get-stmt
(when (and avatar-url (> (length avatar-url) 0) (not (equal avatar-url "NO-AVATAR")))
(get-avatar-data avatar-url))))))
(defun handle-wa-contact-avatar (comp conn jid localpart &key noretry)
"Check whether we need to request an avatar for LOCALPART, or send an update out about one."
(when (uiop:string-prefix-p "other-" localpart)
(return-from handle-wa-contact-avatar))
(let ((uid (get-user-id jid)))
(assert uid () "No user ID for ~A!" jid)
((get-stmt "SELECT avatar_url FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(unless (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(error "No contact with localpart ~A exists!" localpart))
(with-bound-columns (avatar-url) get-stmt
(if (and avatar-url (> (length avatar-url) 0))
(with-presence (comp jid
:from (concatenate 'string
(component-name comp)))
(cxml:with-element "x"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +vcard-avatar-ns+)
(if (equal avatar-url "NO-AVATAR")
(cxml:with-element "photo")
(let ((sha1 (get-avatar-data avatar-url)))
(when sha1
(cxml:with-element "photo"
(cxml:text sha1)))))))
(when noretry
(warn "Warning: Not retrying failed avatar request for ~A from ~A" localpart jid)
(return-from handle-wa-contact-avatar))
(format *debug-io* "~&requesting avatar for ~A from ~A~%" localpart jid)
(whatscl::get-profile-picture conn (whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid localpart)
(lambda (conn result)
(wa-handle-avatar-result comp conn jid localpart result)))))))))
(defun handle-wa-contact-presence (comp jid localpart)
"Check if we need to send out presence subscriptions for LOCALPART."
(when (uiop:string-prefix-p "other-" localpart)
(return-from handle-wa-contact-presence))
(let ((uid (get-user-id jid)))
(assert uid () "No user ID for ~A!" jid)
@ -950,7 +1022,16 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(with-bound-columns (wid) get-stmt
(defun add-wa-contact (comp jid contact)
(defun get-contact-localparts (uid)
"Get a list of contact localparts for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (with-bound-columns (localpart) get-stmt localpart))))
(defun add-wa-contact (comp conn jid contact)
"Adds the WHATSCL:CONTACT to the list of JID's contacts, or updates it if it already exists."
(with-accessors ((ct-jid whatscl::contact-jid)
(ct-notify whatscl::contact-notify)
@ -958,6 +1039,8 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(let ((uid (get-user-id jid))
(wx-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart ct-jid)))
(unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "u" wx-localpart)
(return-from add-wa-contact))
(assert uid () "No user ID for ~A!" jid)
((get-stmt "SELECT id, name, notify FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?")
@ -973,19 +1056,20 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid wx-localpart ct-name ct-notify)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(handle-wa-contact-presence comp jid wx-localpart)))))
(handle-wa-contact-presence comp jid wx-localpart)
(handle-wa-contact-avatar comp conn jid wx-localpart)))))
(defun wa-handle-contacts (comp conn jid contacts)
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
(format *debug-io* "~&got ~A contacts for ~A~%" (length contacts) jid)
for contact in contacts
do (add-wa-contact comp jid contact))))
do (add-wa-contact comp conn jid contact))))
(defun wa-handle-contact (comp conn jid contact)
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
(format *debug-io* "~&got contact ~A for ~A~%" contact jid)
(add-wa-contact comp jid contact)))
(add-wa-contact comp conn jid contact)))
(defun wa-handle-message-ack (comp conn jid &key id ack from to &allow-other-keys)
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
@ -1033,6 +1117,17 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
:type "modify"
:text (write-to-string e)))))))
(defun wa-handle-avatar-result (comp conn jid for-localpart result)
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
(format *debug-io* "~&avatar result for ~A from ~A: ~A~%" for-localpart jid result)
(let ((avatar-url (or result "NO-AVATAR"))
(uid (get-user-id jid)))
((update-stmt "UPDATE user_contacts SET avatar_url = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters update-stmt avatar-url uid for-localpart)
(sqlite:step-statement update-stmt)
(handle-wa-contact-avatar comp conn jid for-localpart :noretry t)))))
(defun bind-wa-handlers (comp conn jid)
(on :ws-open conn (lambda () (wa-handle-ws-open comp conn jid)))
(on :ws-close conn (lambda (&rest args)
@ -1088,9 +1183,29 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(insert-stmt "INSERT INTO users (jid) VALUES (?) ON CONFLICT (jid) DO UPDATE SET session_data = ''")
(bind-parameters insert-stmt stripped)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt))
(with-presence (comp stripped
:type "subscribe"
:from (admin-jid comp))
(cxml:with-element "status"
(cxml:text "Please add the whatsxmpp admin user to your roster; if you don't, things will probably break in various fun ways.")
(cxml:with-element "nick"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +nick-ns+)
(cxml:text "whatsxmpp admin"))))
(admin-msg comp jid "WhatsApp connection should begin shortly...")
(handle-setup-user comp stripped))))
(defun get-admin-status (comp jid)
"Get the status text of the admin user for the user with ID JID. Returns a <show/> value as second value."
(multiple-value-bind (conn exists-p)
(gethash jid (component-whatsapps comp))
((and conn (whatscl::wac-jid conn))
(format nil "Connected and logged in as ~A."
(whatscl::wac-jid conn)))
(conn (values "Connected, but not logged in." "away"))
(exists-p (values "Temporarily disconnected." "away"))
(t (values "Disconnected (automatic reconnections disabled)." "xa")))))
(defun handle-admin-command (comp from body uid)
"Handles an admin command sent to COMP."
(labels ((reply (text)
@ -1109,16 +1224,7 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
((not uid)
(reply "You're not registered with this bridge. Try `register` or `help`."))
((equal body "status")
(multiple-value-bind (conn exists-p)
(gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp))
((and conn (whatscl::wac-jid conn))
(format nil "Connected and logged in as ~A."
(whatscl::wac-jid conn)))
(conn "Connected, but not logged in.")
(exists-p "Temporarily disconnected.")
(t "Disconnected (automatic reconnections disabled).")))))
(reply (get-admin-status comp stripped)))
((equal body "connect")
(handle-setup-user comp stripped))
((equal body "stop")
@ -1135,8 +1241,8 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(format *debug-io* "~&vcard-temp: ~A (from ~A)~%" to from)
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(let* ((uid (get-user-id from))
(to-localpart (nth-value 1 (parse-jid to)))
(to-localpart (nth-value 1 (parse-jid to))))
(multiple-value-bind (name avatar-data)
((equal to-localpart "admin")
"whatsxmpp admin")
@ -1152,22 +1258,75 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
:defined-condition "item-not-found"
:text "No vCard for that JID is available at this time."
:type "modify"))
(values name
(nth-value 1 (get-contact-avatar-data uid to-localpart))))))
`((cxml:with-element "vCard"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +vcard-temp-ns+)
(cxml:with-element "FN"
(cxml:text ,name))
(cxml:with-element "NICKNAME"
(cxml:text ,name)))))))
(cxml:text ,name))
,(when avatar-data
`(cxml:with-element "PHOTO"
(cxml:with-element "TYPE"
(cxml:text "image/jpeg"))
(cxml:with-element "BINVAL"
(cxml:text ,(qbase64:encode-bytes avatar-data)))))))))))
(defun whatsxmpp-presence-handler (comp &key from to type &allow-other-keys)
"Handles a presence broadcast."
(unless (or (not type) (eql (length type) 0))
(return-from whatsxmpp-presence-handler))
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart)
(parse-jid to)
(declare (ignore to-hostname))
(format *debug-io* "~&presence to: ~A from: ~A~%" to from)
(when (equal to-localpart "admin")
(let* ((stripped (strip-resource from))
(conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp)))
(uid (get-user-id stripped)))
(unless uid
(return-from whatsxmpp-presence-handler))
(multiple-value-bind (admin-status admin-show)
(get-admin-status comp stripped)
(format *debug-io* "~&sending presences of everyone to ~A~%" from)
(admin-presence comp from admin-status admin-show)
(when conn
for localpart in (get-contact-localparts uid)
do (handle-wa-contact-avatar comp conn stripped localpart)))))))))
(defun whatsxmpp-presence-probe-handler (comp &key from to id &allow-other-keys)
"Handles presence probe requests."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart)
(parse-jid to)
(declare (ignore to-hostname))
(format *debug-io* "~&presence probe to: ~A from: ~A~%" to from)
(let* ((stripped (strip-resource from))
(uid (get-user-id stripped))
(conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp))))
(flet ((respond-with-unavailable ()
(with-presence (comp from
:from to
:type "unavailable"
:id id))))
((equal to-localpart "admin")
(multiple-value-bind (admin-status admin-show)
(get-admin-status comp stripped)
(admin-presence comp from admin-status admin-show)))
((or (not uid) (not conn)) (respond-with-unavailable))
((get-contact-name uid to-localpart)
(handle-wa-contact-avatar comp conn stripped to-localpart))
(t (respond-with-unavailable))))))))
(defun whatsxmpp-presence-subscribe-handler (comp &key from to id &allow-other-keys)
"Handles a presence subscription request."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart)
(parse-jid to)
(unless (equal to-hostname (component-name comp))
(warn "Got presence subscribe addressed to ~A!" to)
(return-from whatsxmpp-presence-subscribe-handler))
(format *debug-io* "~&presence subscribe from: ~A~%" from)
(if (or (equal to-localpart "admin") (whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid to-localpart))
(with-presence (comp (strip-resource from)
@ -1186,9 +1345,7 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart)
(parse-jid to)
(unless (equal to-hostname (component-name comp))
(warn "Got message addressed to ~A!" to)
(return-from whatsxmpp-marker-handler))
(declare (ignore to-hostname))
(format *debug-io* "~&marker: ~A on ~A from ~A~%" type marker-id from)
(unless (equal type "displayed")
(return-from whatsxmpp-marker-handler))
@ -1199,6 +1356,8 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(unless uid
(warn "Got marker for user that isn't registered")
(return-from whatsxmpp-marker-handler))
(unless wa-jid
(return-from whatsxmpp-marker-handler))
(unless conn
(warn "Can't send marker, since user connection is offline")
(send-stanza-error comp
@ -1221,9 +1380,7 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart)
(parse-jid to)
(unless (equal to-hostname (component-name comp))
(warn "Got message addressed to ~A!" to)
(return-from whatsxmpp-message-handler))
(declare (ignore to-hostname))
(format *debug-io* "~&message from: ~A~%" from)
(let* ((stripped (strip-resource from))
(uid (get-user-id stripped))
@ -1294,6 +1451,10 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(apply #'whatsxmpp-marker-handler ret args)))
(on :presence-subscribe ret (lambda (&rest args)
(apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-subscribe-handler ret args)))
(on :presence-probe ret (lambda (&rest args)
(apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-probe-handler ret args)))
(on :presence ret (lambda (&rest args)
(apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-handler ret args)))
(register-whatsxmpp-handlers ret)
(whatsxmpp-load-users ret)
(setf (component-reconnect-timer ret) (trivial-timers:make-timer
Reference in a new issue