slightly hacky but functional groupchat / MUC support

This commit is contained in:
eta 2020-04-12 08:27:04 +01:00
parent a3a660507e
commit 39001728b3
3 changed files with 504 additions and 116 deletions

View file

@ -37,3 +37,26 @@ CREATE TABLE avatar_data (
CREATE TABLE user_chats (
user_resource VARCHAR,
invitation_state VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',
subject VARCHAR
CREATE TABLE user_chat_members (
chat_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES user_chats,
affiliation VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT 'member'
CREATE TABLE user_chat_joined (
chat_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES user_chats,

View file

@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
do (eval `(setf ,sym nil)))
(setf *prepared-statements* nil)))
(defmacro with-transaction (&body forms)
`(bt:with-recursive-lock-held (*db-lock*)
(sqlite:with-transaction *db*
(defmacro prepared-statement (statement)
"Caches the creation of a prepared statement with SQL text STATEMENT.
In other words, prepares STATEMENT once, then returns the prepared statement after that instead of doing that work again."

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defvar *last-stanza*)
(defparameter +streams-ns+ "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams")
(defparameter +stanzas-ns+ "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")
(defparameter +component-ns+ "jabber:component:accept")
@ -16,6 +15,9 @@
(defparameter +nick-ns+ "")
(defparameter +roster-exchange-ns+ "")
(defparameter +delivery-receipts-ns+ "urn:xmpp:receipts")
(defparameter +muc-invite-ns+ "jabber:x:conference")
(defparameter +muc-stable-id-ns+ "")
(defparameter +muc-user-ns+ "")
(defvar *xmpp-debug-io* (make-broadcast-stream))
(defvar *xmpp-debug-out* (make-synonym-stream '*xmpp-debug-io*))
@ -442,7 +444,8 @@
(defmacro disco-identity (name type category)
`(cxml:with-element "identity"
(cxml:attribute "name" ,name)
,@(when name
`((cxml:attribute "name" ,name)))
(cxml:attribute "type" ,type)
(cxml:attribute "category" ,category)))
@ -489,7 +492,7 @@
:from to
:e (make-condition 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "internal-server-error"
:text (write-to-string e)
:text (format nil "~A" e)
:type "cancel"))
(warn "IQ handler for ~A failed: ~A" handler e))))))
@ -572,7 +575,6 @@
(defun component-stanza (comp stanza)
"Handles a STANZA received by component COMP."
(setf *last-stanza* stanza)
(let* ((stanza (dom:document-element stanza))
(tag-name (dom:tag-name stanza)))
@ -603,18 +605,37 @@
(write-stream-header component)
(defun disco-info-handler (comp &key to &allow-other-keys)
(defun disco-info-handler (comp &key to from &allow-other-keys)
"Handles XEP-0030 disco#info requests."
(format *debug-io* "~&disco#info: ~A~%" to)
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
`((cxml:with-element "query"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" ,+disco-info-ns+)
(disco-feature +disco-info-ns+)
((equal to (component-name comp))
`((disco-identity "whatsxmpp bridge" "xmpp" "gateway")
(disco-feature ,+muc-ns+)))
(t nil))))))
(to-hostname to-localpart to-resource)
(parse-jid to)
(declare (ignore to-hostname))
(let* ((uid (get-user-id from))
(user-name (get-contact-name uid to-localpart))
(chat-subject (get-user-chat-subject uid to-localpart)))
((equal to (component-name comp))
`((disco-identity "whatsxmpp bridge" "xmpp" "gateway")
(disco-feature ,+muc-ns+)))
((and user-name (not to-resource))
`((disco-identity ,user-name "registered" "account")))
((and user-name (equal to-resource "whatsapp"))
`((disco-identity "whatsxmpp" "phone" "client")))
`((disco-identity ,chat-subject "text" "conference")
(disco-feature ,+muc-ns+)
(disco-feature ,+muc-stable-id-ns+)
(disco-feature "muc_hidden")
(disco-feature "muc_persistent")
(disco-feature "muc_membersonly")
(disco-feature "muc_nonanonymous")))
(t nil))))))))
(defun disco-items-handler (comp &key to &allow-other-keys)
"Handles XEP-0030 disco#items requests."
@ -727,30 +748,31 @@ MEDIA-TYPE is one of (:image :video :audio :document)."
(with-promise (resolve reject)
(lambda ()
(format *debug-io* "~&fetching whatsapp media url: ~A~%" url)
((error #'reject))
(multiple-value-bind (file-data status-code)
(drakma:http-request url)
(unless (eql status-code 200)
(format *debug-io* "~&couldn't fetch whatsapp media! status ~A, body ~A~%" status-code file-data)
(error "Downloading media failed with status ~A" status-code))
(format *debug-io* "~&got ~A bytes, decrypting~%" (length file-data))
(let ((sha256-expected (ironclad:digest-sequence :sha256 file-data))
(decrypted-file (whatscl::decrypt-media-data media-key file-data media-type)))
(unless (equalp enc-sha256 sha256-expected)
(error "Encrypted SHA256 mismatch"))
(multiple-value-bind (body status-code)
(drakma:http-request put-url
:additional-headers headers
:content-type mime-type
:method :put
:content decrypted-file)
(unless (and (>= status-code 200) (< status-code 300))
(format *debug-io* "~&upload failed! status ~A, body ~A~%" status-code body)
(error "HTTP upload failed with status ~A" status-code))
(resolve get-url)))))))
:name "whatsapp media download thread"))))))))
(format *debug-io* "~&fetching whatsapp media url: ~A~%" url)
(multiple-value-bind (file-data status-code)
(drakma:http-request url)
(unless (eql status-code 200)
(format *debug-io* "~&couldn't fetch whatsapp media! status ~A, body ~A~%" status-code file-data)
(error "Downloading media failed with status ~A" status-code))
(format *debug-io* "~&got ~A bytes, decrypting~%" (length file-data))
(let ((sha256-expected (ironclad:digest-sequence :sha256 file-data))
(decrypted-file (whatscl::decrypt-media-data media-key file-data media-type)))
(unless (equalp enc-sha256 sha256-expected)
(error "Encrypted SHA256 mismatch"))
(multiple-value-bind (body status-code)
(drakma:http-request put-url
:additional-headers headers
:content-type mime-type
:method :put
:content decrypted-file)
(unless (and (>= status-code 200) (< status-code 300))
(format *debug-io* "~&upload failed! status ~A, body ~A~%" status-code body)
(error "HTTP upload failed with status ~A" status-code))
(resolve get-url)))))
(error (e) (reject e))))
:name "whatsapp media download thread")))))))))
(defun send-qrcode (comp jid text)
"Send a QR code containing TEXT to JID."
@ -908,45 +930,84 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(admin-presence comp jid "Programming error" "xa")
(remhash jid (component-whatsapps comp))))
(defun wa-message-key-to-stanza-headers (comp conn jid msg-id msg-ts key)
"Takes KEY, a WHATSCL::MESSAGE-KEY, and returns (VALUES FROM TOS ID TYPE) [i.e. the values of the 'from', 'to', 'id' and 'type' stanza headers, where TOS is a list of recipients], or NIL if no action should be taken to deliver the message."
(let* ((xmpp-id (concatenate 'string
"wa-" msg-id "-" (write-to-string msg-ts)))
(uid (get-user-id jid))
(previous-xmpp-id (lookup-wa-msgid uid msg-id)))
(unless previous-xmpp-id
(typecase key
(format *debug-io* "~&direct message ~A for ~A~%" msg-id jid)
(values (concatenate 'string
(wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (whatscl::key-jid key))
(component-name comp)
(list jid) xmpp-id "chat")))
(let* ((group-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (whatscl::key-jid key)))
(chat-id (get-user-chat-id uid group-localpart))
(participant-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (whatscl::key-participant key))))
(format *debug-io* "~&group message ~A in ~A for ~A~%" msg-id group-localpart jid)
(if chat-id
(let ((from-resource (or (get-participant-resource chat-id participant-localpart)
(recipients (get-user-chat-joined uid group-localpart)))
(if recipients
(values (concatenate 'string
group-localpart "@" (component-name comp)
"/" from-resource)
recipients xmpp-id "groupchat")
(warn "None of ~A's resources were joined to group ~A to receive message ~A!" jid group-localpart msg-id)))
(warn "No chat in database for group ~A for ~A -- creating" group-localpart jid)
(add-wa-chat comp conn jid (whatscl::key-jid key))))))
(t nil)))))
(defun wa-handle-message (comp conn jid msg delivery-type)
(declare (ignore delivery-type))
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
(let* ((key (whatscl::message-key msg))
(wa-id (whatscl::message-id msg))
(contents (whatscl::message-contents msg))
(wa-ts (whatscl::message-ts msg))
(xmpp-id (concatenate 'string
"wa-" wa-id "-" (write-to-string wa-ts)))
(uid (get-user-id jid))
(previous-xmpp-id (lookup-wa-msgid uid wa-id))
(local-time:*default-timezone* local-time:+utc-zone+)
(ts (local-time:unix-to-timestamp wa-ts)))
(format *debug-io* "~&message ~A for ~A with key ~A (type ~A) - previous ID ~A~%"
wa-id jid key delivery-type previous-xmpp-id)
(when (not previous-xmpp-id) ; don't process messages twice
(when (typep key 'whatscl::message-key-receiving) ; ignore group and self messages
(let* ((qc (whatscl::message-quoted-contents-summary msg))
(from (concatenate 'string
(wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (whatscl::key-jid key))
(component-name comp)
(cxml:with-element "delay"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +delivery-delay-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "stamp" (local-time:format-timestring nil ts)))
(cxml:with-element "markable"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+)))))
(from recipients xmpp-id xmpp-type)
(wa-message-key-to-stanza-headers comp conn jid wa-id wa-ts key)
(when from
((send-message ((&key suppress-insert) &body contents)
(let ((to-sym (gensym)))
;; Referencing lexical variables in a MACROLET! How hacky.
(unless ,suppress-insert
(insert-user-message uid xmpp-id wa-id))
for ,to-sym in recipients
do (with-message (comp ,to-sym
:from from
:id xmpp-id
:type xmpp-type)
(cxml:with-element "delay"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +delivery-delay-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "stamp" (local-time:format-timestring nil ts)))
(cxml:with-element "markable"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+))))))))
(let* ((qc (whatscl::message-quoted-contents-summary msg)))
(typecase contents
(let* ((contents-text (whatscl::contents-text contents))
(text (format nil "~@[> ~A~%~]~A" qc contents-text)))
(insert-user-message uid xmpp-id wa-id)
(with-message (comp jid :from from :id xmpp-id)
(cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text text))
(send-message ()
(cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text text)))))
(let* ((file-info (whatscl::contents-file-info contents))
(media-type (whatscl::get-contents-media-type contents))
@ -958,21 +1019,18 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(attach upload-promise
(lambda (get-url)
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(insert-user-message uid xmpp-id wa-id)
(when (or caption qc)
(let ((text (format nil "~@[> ~A~%~]~@[~A~]" qc caption)))
(with-message (comp jid :from from)
(cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text text))
(with-message (comp jid :from from :id xmpp-id)
(cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text get-url))
(cxml:with-element "x"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +oob-ns+)
(cxml:with-element "url"
(cxml:text get-url))
(send-message (:suppress-insert t)
(cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text text)))))
(send-message ()
(cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text get-url))
(cxml:with-element "x"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +oob-ns+)
(cxml:with-element "url"
(cxml:text get-url)))))))
(error (e)
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(format *debug-io* "~&whatsapp media message ~A from ~A failed! error: ~A~%"
@ -990,6 +1048,53 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-user)
(first (column-values get-user))))))
(defun get-user-chat-id (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat ID of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT id FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (id) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-subject (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat subject of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT subject FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (subject) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-resource (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT user_resource FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-participant-resource (chat-id localpart)
"Get the participant resource for LOCALPART in CHAT-ID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT resource FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt chat-id localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-user-chat-joined (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT ucj.jid FROM user_chats AS uc, user_chat_joined AS ucj WHERE uc.user_id = ? AND uc.wa_jid = ? AND = ucj.chat_id"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
append (column-values get-stmt))))
(defun get-contact-name (uid localpart)
"Get a name for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
@ -1051,7 +1156,7 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(defun handle-wa-contact-presence (comp conn jid localpart &key noretry)
"Send out a presence stanza for LOCALPART to JID, or queue requests for that user's status or avatar if they're lacking."
(when (uiop:string-prefix-p "other-" localpart)
(unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "u" localpart)
(return-from handle-wa-contact-presence))
(let* ((uid (get-user-id jid))
(status (get-contact-status uid localpart))
@ -1085,7 +1190,7 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(defun handle-wa-contact-presence-subscriptions (comp jid localpart)
"Check if we need to send out presence subscriptions for LOCALPART."
(when (uiop:string-prefix-p "other-" localpart)
(unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "u" localpart)
(return-from handle-wa-contact-presence-subscriptions))
(let ((uid (get-user-id jid)))
(assert uid () "No user ID for ~A!" jid)
@ -1117,6 +1222,13 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid xmpp-id wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun insert-user-chat (uid wa-id)
"Inserts a user chat with localpart WA-ID into the database for the user with UID."
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chats (user_id, wa_jid) VALUES (?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun lookup-wa-msgid (uid wa-msgid)
"Look up the XMPP ID for the WhatsApp message ID WA-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
@ -1203,31 +1315,106 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(format *debug-io* "~&got contact ~A for ~A~%" contact jid)
(add-wa-contact comp conn jid contact)))
(defun wa-handle-message-ack (comp conn jid &key id ack from to &allow-other-keys)
(defun handle-wa-chat-invitation (comp conn jid uid localpart &key noretry)
"Checks to see whether the group chat LOCALPART has any metadata; if not, requests some. If it does, and the user hasn't been invited to that group chat yet, send them an invitation."
(unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" localpart)
(return-from handle-wa-chat-invitation))
((get-stmt "SELECT id, invitation_state FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?")
(count-stmt "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ?")
(update-stmt "UPDATE user_chats SET invitation_state = ? WHERE id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(assert (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt) ()
"Chat ~A doesn't exist in database!" localpart)
(with-bound-columns (chat-id invitation-state) get-stmt
(bind-parameters count-stmt chat-id)
(assert (sqlite:step-statement count-stmt))
(with-bound-columns (n-members) count-stmt
(if (> n-members 0)
(when (equal invitation-state "none")
(with-message (comp jid)
(cxml:with-element "x"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +muc-invite-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "jid" (concatenate 'string
(component-name comp)))))
(bind-parameters update-stmt "invited" chat-id)
(sqlite:step-statement update-stmt))
(unless noretry
(format *debug-io* "~&requesting chat metadata for ~A from ~A~%" localpart jid)
(whatscl::get-group-metadata conn (whatsxmpp-localpart-to-wa-jid localpart)
(lambda (conn meta)
(wa-handle-group-metadata comp conn jid localpart meta)))))))))
(defun add-wa-chat (comp conn jid ct-jid)
"Adds the JID CT-JID to the list of the user's groupchats, if it is a groupchat."
(let ((uid (get-user-id jid))
(wx-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart ct-jid)))
(unless (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" wx-localpart)
(return-from add-wa-chat))
(assert uid () "No user ID for ~A!" jid)
(unless (get-user-chat-id uid wx-localpart)
(insert-user-chat uid wx-localpart))
(handle-wa-chat-invitation comp conn jid uid wx-localpart)))
(defun wa-handle-chats (comp conn jid chats)
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
(format *debug-io* "~&message ack: ~A is ~A (from ~A, to ~A)~%" id ack from to)
(format *debug-io* "~&got ~A chats for ~A~%" (length chats) jid)
for chat in chats
do (add-wa-chat comp conn jid (whatscl::chat-jid chat)))))
(defun wa-handle-message-ack (comp conn jid &key id ack from to participant &allow-other-keys)
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
(format *debug-io* "~&message ack: ~A is ~A (from ~A, to ~A, participant ~A)~%" id ack from to participant)
(when (equal (whatscl::jid-to-string from) (whatscl::wac-jid conn))
;; (someone else acked this message)
(let ((xmpp-id (lookup-wa-msgid (get-user-id jid) id)))
(let* ((uid (get-user-id jid))
(xmpp-id (lookup-wa-msgid uid id)))
(if xmpp-id
(let ((marker-name
((eql ack :received) "received")
((eql ack :read) "displayed")
((eql ack :played) "displayed")
(t (return-from wa-handle-message-ack))))
(from-jid (concatenate 'string
(wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart to)
(component-name comp))))
(with-message (comp jid
:from from-jid)
(cxml:with-element marker-name
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "id" xmpp-id))))
(t (return-from wa-handle-message-ack)))))
(if participant
(let* ((participant-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart participant))
(group-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart to))
(chat-id (get-user-chat-id uid group-localpart)))
(if chat-id
(let ((from-resource (or (get-participant-resource chat-id participant-localpart)
(recipients (get-user-chat-joined uid group-localpart)))
for recip in recipients
do (with-message (comp recip
:from (concatenate 'string
(component-name comp)
:type "groupchat")
(cxml:with-element marker-name
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "id" xmpp-id)))))
(warn "Ack for message ID ~A: couldn't find chat id?" id)))
(let ((from-jid (concatenate 'string
(wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart to)
(component-name comp))))
(with-message (comp jid
:from from-jid)
(cxml:with-element marker-name
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "id" xmpp-id))))))
(warn "Got ack for unknown message id ~A" id))))))
(defun wa-handle-message-send-result (comp conn jid &key orig-from orig-to orig-id result)
(defun wa-handle-message-send-result (comp conn jid &key orig-from orig-to orig-id orig-body result muc-resource)
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
(format *debug-io* "~&message send result for ~A from ~A: ~A~%" orig-id orig-from result)
@ -1236,10 +1423,20 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(error "No status response provided by WhatsApp"))
(unless (eql status 200)
(error "Message sending failed with code ~A" status))
(with-message (comp orig-from :from orig-to)
(cxml:with-element "received"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +delivery-receipts-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "id" orig-id))))
(if muc-resource
;; Do a MUC echo
(let* ((new-from (concatenate 'string orig-to "/" muc-resource))
(group-localpart (nth-value 1 (parse-jid orig-to)))
(recipients (get-user-chat-joined (get-user-id jid) group-localpart)))
for recip in recipients
do (with-message (comp recip :from new-from :id orig-id :type "groupchat")
(cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text orig-body)))))
(with-message (comp orig-from :from orig-to)
(cxml:with-element "received"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +delivery-receipts-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "id" orig-id)))))
(error (e)
(send-stanza-error comp
:id orig-id :to orig-from :from orig-to
@ -1247,7 +1444,7 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
:e (make-condition 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "recipient-unavailable"
:type "modify"
:text (write-to-string e)))))))
:text (format nil "~A" e)))))))
(defun wa-handle-avatar-result (comp conn jid for-localpart result)
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
@ -1299,6 +1496,39 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(sqlite:step-statement update-stmt)
(handle-wa-contact-presence comp conn jid localpart :noretry t))))))
(defun wa-handle-group-metadata (comp conn jid localpart data)
(with-wa-handler-context (comp conn jid)
(let* ((uid (get-user-id jid))
(cid (get-user-chat-id uid localpart)))
(format *debug-io* "~&got group metadata for ~A from ~A~%" localpart jid)
(when cid
((update-subject-stmt "UPDATE user_chats SET subject = ? WHERE id = ?")
(delete-members-stmt "DELETE FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ?")
(insert-member-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chat_members (chat_id, wa_jid, resource, affiliation) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters update-subject-stmt (1 (whatscl::aval :subject data)) cid)
(sqlite:step-statement update-subject-stmt)
(sqlite:step-statement delete-members-stmt)
for part in (whatscl::aval :participants data)
do (let ((localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart
(whatscl::aval :id part)))))
(bind-parameters insert-member-stmt
cid localpart ; chat_id, wa_jid
(3 ; resource
(get-contact-name uid localpart)
(substitute #\+ #\u localpart)))
(4 ; affiliation
(if (whatscl::cassoc :is-admin part)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-member-stmt)
(sqlite:reset-statement insert-member-stmt)))
(handle-wa-chat-invitation comp conn jid uid localpart :noretry t))))))
(defun bind-wa-handlers (comp conn jid)
(on :ws-open conn (lambda () (wa-handle-ws-open comp conn jid)))
(on :ws-close conn (lambda (&rest args)
@ -1310,6 +1540,7 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(on :qrcode conn (lambda (text) (wa-handle-ws-qrcode comp conn jid text)))
(on :message conn (lambda (msg dt) (wa-handle-message comp conn jid msg dt)))
(on :contacts conn (lambda (contacts) (wa-handle-contacts comp conn jid contacts)))
(on :chats conn (lambda (chats) (wa-handle-chats comp conn jid chats)))
(on :contact conn (lambda (contact) (wa-handle-contact comp conn jid contact)))
(on :message-ack conn (lambda (&key id ack from to &allow-other-keys)
(wa-handle-message-ack comp conn jid
@ -1449,29 +1680,148 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(cxml:with-element "BINVAL"
(cxml:text ,(qbase64:encode-bytes avatar-data)))))))))))
(defun whatsxmpp-presence-handler (comp &key from to type &allow-other-keys)
"Handles a presence broadcast."
(unless (or (not type) (eql (length type) 0))
(return-from whatsxmpp-presence-handler))
(defun handle-muc-join (comp jid muc-localpart muc-chatid roomnick)
"Handles JID joining MUC-LOCALPART."
(format *debug-io* "~&~A joining MUC ~A with roomnick ~A~%" jid muc-localpart roomnick)
(let ((muc-jid (concatenate 'string muc-localpart "@" (component-name comp))))
((get-subject-stmt "SELECT subject FROM user_chats WHERE id = ?")
(get-resource-stmt "SELECT user_resource FROM user_chats WHERE id = ?")
(update-resource-stmt "UPDATE user_chats SET user_resource = ? WHERE id = ?")
(get-members-stmt "SELECT id, wa_jid, resource, affiliation FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ?")
(update-member-resource-stmt "UPDATE user_chat_members SET resource = ? WHERE id = ?")
(insert-joined-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chat_joined (chat_id, jid) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING"))
((send-presence (from-resource from-jid affiliation role &rest stati)
(with-presence (comp jid :from (concatenate 'string muc-jid "/" from-resource))
(cxml:with-element "x"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +muc-user-ns+)
(cxml:with-element "item"
(cxml:attribute "jid" from-jid)
(cxml:attribute "affiliation" affiliation)
(cxml:attribute "role" role))
for status in stati
do (cxml:with-element "status"
(cxml:attribute "code" status)))))))
;; step 0: if there's already a roomnick set, we gotta use that one to avoid confusion
;; (this restriction will be relaxed in later versions)
(bind-parameters get-resource-stmt muc-chatid)
(assert (sqlite:step-statement get-resource-stmt))
(let* ((old-roomnick (first (column-values get-resource-stmt)))
(new-roomnick roomnick)
(roomnick (if (and old-roomnick (> (length old-roomnick) 0))
old-roomnick new-roomnick)))
;; step 1: send in-room presence from other occupants
(bind-parameters get-members-stmt muc-chatid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-members-stmt)
do (with-bound-columns (memid mem-localpart resource affiliation) get-members-stmt
(let ((resource-to-use (if (equal resource roomnick)
(concatenate 'string resource " [WA]")
(unless (equal resource-to-use resource)
;; prevent conflicts with the user's chosen roomnick
(bind-parameters update-member-resource-stmt resource-to-use memid)
(sqlite:step-statement update-member-resource-stmt)
(sqlite:reset-statement update-member-resource-stmt))
(send-presence resource-to-use
(concatenate 'string
(component-name comp))
(if (equal affiliation "member") "participant" "moderator")))))
;; step 2: send self-presence
(if (equal old-roomnick new-roomnick)
(send-presence roomnick jid "member" "participant" "100" "110")
;; 210 means "we forced what your nick was for you"
(send-presence roomnick jid "member" "participant" "100" "110" "210"))
;; step 3: send subject
(bind-parameters get-subject-stmt muc-chatid)
(assert (sqlite:step-statement get-subject-stmt))
(with-bound-columns (subject) get-subject-stmt
(with-message (comp jid
:from muc-jid
:type "groupchat")
(cxml:with-element "subject"
(cxml:text subject))))
;; step 4: update resource & joined information if required
(bind-parameters update-resource-stmt roomnick muc-chatid)
(sqlite:step-statement update-resource-stmt)
(bind-parameters insert-joined-stmt muc-chatid jid)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-joined-stmt))))))
(defun whatsxmpp-presence-unavailable-handler (comp &key from to &allow-other-keys)
"Handles a presence unavailable broadcast."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart)
(parse-jid to)
(declare (ignore to-hostname))
(format *debug-io* "~&presence to: ~A from: ~A~%" to from)
(when (equal to-localpart "admin")
(let* ((stripped (strip-resource from))
(conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp)))
(uid (get-user-id stripped)))
(unless uid
(return-from whatsxmpp-presence-handler))
(multiple-value-bind (admin-status admin-show)
(get-admin-status comp stripped)
(format *debug-io* "~&sending presences of everyone to ~A~%" from)
(admin-presence comp from admin-status admin-show)
(when conn
for localpart in (get-contact-localparts uid)
do (handle-wa-contact-presence comp conn stripped localpart)))))))))
(let* ((stripped (strip-resource from))
(uid (get-user-id stripped))
(chat-id (get-user-chat-id uid to-localpart)))
(when (and uid (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" to-localpart))
(format *debug-io* "~&~A muc-presence-unavailable: ~A~%" from to)
(when chat-id
((remove-joined-stmt "DELETE FROM user_chat_joined WHERE chat_id = ? AND jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters remove-joined-stmt chat-id from)
(sqlite:step-statement remove-joined-stmt))))))))
(defun whatsxmpp-presence-handler (comp &key from to type id stanza &allow-other-keys)
"Handles a presence broadcast."
(unless (or (not type) (eql (length type) 0))
(return-from whatsxmpp-presence-handler))
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart to-resource)
(parse-jid to)
(declare (ignore to-hostname))
;; (format *debug-io* "~&presence to: ~A from: ~A~%" to from)
(let* ((stripped (strip-resource from))
(conn (gethash stripped (component-whatsapps comp)))
(uid (get-user-id stripped))
(x-element (get-node-with-xmlns (dom:child-nodes stanza) +muc-ns+)))
(format *debug-io* "~&~A muc-presence: ~A~%" from to)
(unless uid
(error 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "registration-required"
:text "You must register to join MUCs via this bridge."
:type "auth"))
(let ((chat-id (get-user-chat-id uid to-localpart)))
(unless chat-id
(error 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "item-not-found"
:text "Couldn't find a WhatsApp chat with that JID."
:type "modify"))
(unless to-resource
(error 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "jid-malformed"
:text "Please specify a room nickname."
:type "modify"))
(handle-muc-join comp from to-localpart chat-id to-resource)))
(stanza-error (e)
(send-stanza-error comp
:stanza-type "presence"
:id id :to from :from to
:e e))))
((equal to-localpart "admin")
(unless uid
(return-from whatsxmpp-presence-handler))
(multiple-value-bind (admin-status admin-show)
(get-admin-status comp stripped)
(format *debug-io* "~&sending presences of everyone to ~A~%" from)
(admin-presence comp from admin-status admin-show)
(when conn
for localpart in (get-contact-localparts uid)
do (handle-wa-contact-presence comp conn stripped localpart))))))
(t nil))))))
(defun whatsxmpp-presence-probe-handler (comp &key from to id &allow-other-keys)
"Handles presence probe requests."
@ -1555,7 +1905,7 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(defun whatsxmpp-message-handler (comp &key from to body id &allow-other-keys)
"Handles a message sent to the whatsxmpp bridge."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart)
(multiple-value-bind (to-hostname to-localpart to-resource)
(parse-jid to)
(declare (ignore to-hostname))
(format *debug-io* "~&message from: ~A~%" from)
@ -1582,17 +1932,25 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
:defined-condition "item-not-found"
:text "That user's JID isn't in a recognizable format."
:type "modify")))
((not conn)
((or (not conn) (not (whatscl::wac-jid conn)))
(send-error (make-condition 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "recipient-unavailable"
:text "You're currently not connected to WhatsApp."
:type "wait")))
((and to-resource (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" to-localpart))
(send-error (make-condition 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "feature-not-implemented"
:text "MUC PMs are (deliberately) not implemented. Message the user directly instead."
:type "cancel")))
(let* ((callback (lambda (conn result)
(let* ((user-resource (get-user-chat-resource uid to-localpart))
(callback (lambda (conn result)
(wa-handle-message-send-result comp conn stripped
:orig-from from
:orig-to to
:orig-id id
:orig-body body
:muc-resource user-resource
:result result)))
(msgid (whatscl::send-simple-text-message conn wa-jid body callback)))
(insert-user-message uid id msgid)))))))))
@ -1630,6 +1988,8 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-subscribe-handler ret args)))
(on :presence-probe ret (lambda (&rest args)
(apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-probe-handler ret args)))
(on :presence-unavailable ret (lambda (&rest args)
(apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-unavailable-handler ret args)))
(on :presence ret (lambda (&rest args)
(apply #'whatsxmpp-presence-handler ret args)))
(register-whatsxmpp-handlers ret)