*: move 750 LoC from 'stuff.lisp' into other sensibly-named files

This commit is contained in:
eta 2020-06-25 16:55:37 +01:00
parent 6c0e61f2a5
commit 0962c5d488
9 changed files with 771 additions and 740 deletions

component.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defvar *xmpp-debug-io* (make-broadcast-stream))
(defvar *xmpp-debug-out* (make-synonym-stream '*xmpp-debug-io*))
(defclass xmpp-component (event-emitter)
:initarg :socket
:accessor component-socket)
:initform (bt:make-recursive-lock "component socket lock")
:accessor component-socket-lock)
:initform (bt:make-recursive-lock "component data lock")
:accessor component-data-lock)
:initarg :sink
:accessor component-sink)
:initarg :name
:reader component-name)
:initform nil
:accessor component-stream-id)
:initarg :shared-secret
:reader component-shared-secret)
:initform (make-hash-table)
:accessor component-handlers)
:initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
:accessor component-promises)))
(defmacro with-component-data-lock ((comp) &body body)
`(bt:with-recursive-lock-held ((component-data-lock ,comp))
(defclass xmpp-source (cxml:broadcast-handler)
:initarg :component
:accessor source-component)
:initform 0
:accessor source-depth)))
(defun make-xmpp-source (comp)
(let ((ret (cxml:make-broadcast-handler)))
(change-class ret 'xmpp-source
:component comp)
(defmethod sax:start-document ((s xmpp-source))
(declare (ignore s))
(format *xmpp-debug-out* "~&XMPP --> [document started]~%"))
(defmethod sax:start-element ((s xmpp-source) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
(with-accessors ((depth source-depth) (comp source-component) (handlers cxml:broadcast-handler-handlers)) s
(incf depth)
(when (and (eql depth 1) (equal qname "stream:stream"))
(flet ((local-name-is-id (attr)
(equal (sax:attribute-local-name attr) "id")))
(let ((stream-id-attr (find-if #'local-name-is-id attributes)))
(when (not stream-id-attr)
(error "Server didn't send a stream ID"))
(format *xmpp-debug-out* "~&XMPP --> [stream started, ID ~A]~%" (sax:attribute-value stream-id-attr))
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(setf (component-stream-id comp) (sax:attribute-value stream-id-attr))
(emit :stream-started comp))
(return-from sax:start-element))))
(when (eql depth 2)
(let ((dom-builder (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))
(format *xmpp-debug-out* "~&XMPP --> ")
(setf handlers (list (cxml:make-character-stream-sink *xmpp-debug-out*) dom-builder))
(sax:start-document dom-builder)))
(call-next-method s namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)))
(defmethod sax:end-element :before ((s xmpp-source) namespace-uri local-name qname)
(when (equal qname "stream:stream")
(error "Server closed the stream")))
(defmethod sax:end-element :after ((s xmpp-source) namespace-uri local-name qname)
(with-accessors ((depth source-depth) (comp source-component) (handlers cxml:broadcast-handler-handlers)) s
(decf depth)
(when (eql depth 1)
(let* ((debug-sink (first handlers))
(dom-builder (second handlers))
(stanza (sax:end-document dom-builder)))
(sax:end-document debug-sink)
(terpri *xmpp-debug-out*)
(setf handlers nil)
(emit :raw-stanza comp stanza)))))
(defclass xmpp-sink (cxml:broadcast-handler)
:initform t
:accessor sink-open)))
(defmethod sax:start-document ((s xmpp-sink))
(declare (ignore s))
(format *xmpp-debug-out* "~&XMPP <-- "))
(defmethod sax:end-element ((s xmpp-sink) namespace-uri local-name qname)
(if (and (sink-open s) (equal local-name "stream"))
;; The <stream:stream> element gets opened at the start of the connection
;; and closing it represents ending the connection. We therefore don't
;; want to close it...
;; Instead, send some empty characters to get the sinks to write the last ">"
;; bit of the opening tag.
(sax:characters s "")
(call-next-method s namespace-uri local-name qname))
(terpri *xmpp-debug-out*))
(defun close-xmpp-component (comp)
(bt:with-recursive-lock-held ((component-socket-lock comp))
(setf (sink-open (component-sink comp)) nil)
(write-sequence (babel:string-to-octets "</stream:stream>"
:encoding :utf-8)
(component-socket comp))
(force-output (component-socket comp))
(close (component-socket comp))))
(defun make-xmpp-sink (socket)
(let ((ret (cxml:make-broadcast-handler
(cxml:make-character-stream-sink *xmpp-debug-out*)
(cxml:make-octet-stream-sink socket))))
(change-class ret 'xmpp-sink)
(defmacro with-dom-xml-output (&body body)
`(cxml:with-xml-output (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)
(defun component-listen-thread (comp)
"Listening thread for an XMPP component: constantly reads from the socket and emits new stanzas."
(format *debug-io* "Starting component listening thread~%")
;; ### Story time! ###
;; So I spent an hour debugging why this wasn't working.
;; And, long story short, if you just call CXML:PARSE with a stream
;; it gets converted into an 'xstream' inside CXML, which has a :SPEED
;; property. This :SPEED property controls how many bytes it tries to buffer
;; before actually doing the parsing and the goddamn default is 8192 (!!).
;; This obviously ain't gonna fly for our TCP socket, because the initial stream
;; start element is less than 8192 bytes. So we make our own stupid xstream
;; and specify the speed manually, and then it works.
;; Wouldn't it be nice if people documented this sort of thing?
;; ### Part II: The Fucking Stream Strikes Back ###
;; ...and, after another hour of debugging, I found out you have to specify the `name'
;; arg, otherwise it breaks -- but ONLY randomly and once you decide to deploy it
;; in production, of course.
(let ((source (make-xmpp-source comp))
(fucking-stream (cxml:make-xstream (component-socket comp)
:name (cxml::make-stream-name ; AAAARGH
:entity-name "main document"
:entity-kind :main
:uri nil)
:name "XMPP server stream"
:initial-speed 1)))
(cxml:parse fucking-stream source
:recode t)))
(defmacro with-component-xml-output ((comp) &body body)
(let ((ret-sym (gensym)))
`(with-accessors ((lock component-socket-lock) (socket component-socket) (sink component-sink))
(with-component-data-lock (,comp)
(bt:with-recursive-lock-held (lock)
(let ((,ret-sym nil))
(cxml:with-xml-output sink
(setf ,ret-sym ,@body))
(force-output socket)
(defun write-stream-header (comp)
(with-component-xml-output (comp)
(cxml:with-namespace ("stream" "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")
(cxml:with-element "stream:stream"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +component-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "to" (component-name comp))))))
(defun component-stream-started (comp)
(with-component-xml-output (comp)
(cxml:with-element "handshake"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +component-ns+)
(cxml:text (string-downcase (sha1-hex (concatenate 'string (component-stream-id comp) (component-shared-secret comp))))))))
(defun register-component-iq-handler (comp handler-name func)
"Register FUNC to be called for the HANDLER-NAME IQ handler on COMP."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(setf (gethash handler-name (component-handlers comp)) func)))
(defun call-component-iq-handler (comp handler &rest args)
"Calls the IQ handler identified by the symbol HANDLER on COMP, with the provided ARGS."
(destructuring-bind (&key id to from &allow-other-keys) args
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(let ((func (gethash handler (component-handlers comp))))
(unless func
(error 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "feature-not-implemented"
:text (format nil "No handler for ~A registered" handler)
:type "cancel"))
(let ((result (apply func comp args)))
(lambda (result-forms)
(eval `(with-component-xml-output (,comp)
(cxml:with-element "iq"
(cxml:attribute "type" "result")
(cxml:attribute "id" ,id)
(cxml:attribute "from" ,to)
(cxml:attribute "to" ,from)
(stanza-error (e)
(send-stanza-error comp
:stanza-type "iq"
:id id :to from :from to :e e))
(t (e)
(send-stanza-error comp
:stanza-type "iq"
:id id
:to from
:from to
:e (make-condition 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "internal-server-error"
:text (format nil "~A" e)
:type "cancel"))
(warn "IQ handler for ~A failed: ~A" handler e))))))
(defun handle-iq-get (comp id from stanza)
"Handles an IQ-get STANZA for component COMP."
(let* ((first-child (elt (dom:child-nodes stanza) 0))
(tag-name (dom:tag-name first-child))
(to (dom:get-attribute stanza "to"))
(xmlns (dom:get-attribute first-child "xmlns"))
((and (equal xmlns +disco-info-ns+) (equal tag-name "query"))
((and (equal xmlns +disco-items-ns+) (equal tag-name "query"))
((and (equal xmlns +vcard-temp-ns+) (equal tag-name "vCard"))
(call-component-iq-handler comp handler-type
:to to
:id id
:from from
:stanza stanza)))
(defun handle-iq-response (comp stanza)
"Handles an IQ response STANZA for component COMP."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(let ((type (dom:get-attribute stanza "type"))
(id (dom:get-attribute stanza "id"))
(from (dom:get-attribute stanza "from")))
(if (equal type "get")
(handle-iq-get comp id from stanza)
((promise (gethash id (component-promises comp))))
(if promise
(format t "~&IQ ~A from ~A for ~A~%" type from id)
((equal type "result") (finish promise (dom:child-nodes stanza)))
((equal type "error") (signal-error promise (extract-stanza-error stanza)))
(t (warn "Invalid IQ stanza type: ~A" type)))
(setf promise nil))
(warn "Unsolicited IQ stanza from ~A of type ~A, ID ~A" from type id)))))))
(defun handle-presence (comp stanza)
"Handles a presence STANZA for component COMP."
(let* ((type (dom:get-attribute stanza "type"))
(from (dom:get-attribute stanza "from"))
(to (dom:get-attribute stanza "to"))
((equal type "subscribe") :presence-subscribe)
((equal type "probe") :presence-probe)
((equal type "unavailable") :presence-unavailable)
(t :presence))))
(emit event-name comp :from from :to to :type type :stanza stanza)))
(defun handle-message (comp stanza)
"Handles a message STANZA for component COMP."
(let* ((from (dom:get-attribute stanza "from"))
(to (dom:get-attribute stanza "to"))
(id (dom:get-attribute stanza "id"))
(children (dom:child-nodes stanza))
(body (get-node-named children "body"))
(marker (get-node-with-xmlns children +chat-markers-ns+))
(chat-state (get-node-with-xmlns children +chat-states-ns+)))
(let* ((child-nodes (dom:child-nodes body))
(text (if (> (length child-nodes) 0)
(dom:node-value (elt child-nodes 0))
(emit :text-message comp :from from :to to :body text :id id :stanza stanza)))
(let ((marker-type (dom:tag-name marker))
(msgid (dom:get-attribute marker "id")))
(emit :message-marker comp :from from :to to :type marker-type :marker-id msgid :id id :stanza stanza)))
(let ((state-type (dom:tag-name chat-state)))
(emit :chat-state comp :from from :to to :type state-type :id id :stanza stanza)))
(emit :message comp :from from :to to :id id :stanza stanza)))))
(defun component-stanza (comp stanza)
"Handles a STANZA received by component COMP."
(let* ((stanza (dom:document-element stanza))
(tag-name (dom:tag-name stanza)))
((equal tag-name "stream:error") (handle-stream-error comp stanza))
((equal tag-name "handshake") (handle-connection-complete comp))
((equal tag-name "iq") (handle-iq-response comp stanza))
((equal tag-name "presence") (handle-presence comp stanza))
((equal tag-name "message") (handle-message comp stanza))
(t (emit :stanza comp stanza)))))
(defun make-component (server port shared-secret name)
"Make a new XMPP component, connecting to SERVER on PORT with SHARED-SECRET."
(let* ((socket (socket-stream
(socket-connect server port
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(component (make-instance 'xmpp-component
:socket socket
:sink (make-xmpp-sink socket)
:name name
:shared-secret shared-secret)))
(bt:make-thread (lambda ()
(component-listen-thread component))
:name "XMPP component listen thread")
(on :stream-started component (lambda ()
(component-stream-started component)))
(on :raw-stanza component (lambda (stanza)
(component-stanza component stanza)))
(write-stream-header component)

db.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defun get-user-id (jid)
"Get the user ID of JID, or NIL if none exists."
(get-user "SELECT id FROM users WHERE jid = ?")
(let ((stripped (strip-resource jid)))
(bind-parameters get-user stripped)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-user)
(first (column-values get-user))))))
(defun get-user-contact-localparts (uid)
"Returns a list of all contact localparts for UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (sqlite:statement-column-value get-stmt 0))))
(defun get-user-chat-id (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat ID of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT id FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (id) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-subject (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat subject of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT subject FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (subject) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-resource (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT user_resource FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-participant-resource (chat-id localpart)
"Get the participant resource for LOCALPART in CHAT-ID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT resource FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt chat-id localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-user-chat-joined (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT ucj.jid FROM user_chats AS uc, user_chat_joined AS ucj WHERE uc.user_id = ? AND uc.wa_jid = ? AND uc.id = ucj.chat_id"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
append (column-values get-stmt))))
(defun get-contact-name (uid localpart)
"Get a name for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT name, notify FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (name notify) get-stmt
(or name notify (substitute #\+ #\u localpart))))))
(defun get-contact-status (uid localpart)
"Get the contact status text for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
(declare (type integer uid) (type string localpart))
((get-stmt "SELECT status FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (status) get-stmt
(defun insert-user-message (uid xmpp-id wa-id)
"Inserts a mapping between the message IDs XMPP-ID and WA-ID for the user UID."
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_messages (user_id, xmpp_id, wa_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid xmpp-id wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun insert-user-chat (uid wa-id)
"Inserts a user chat with localpart WA-ID into the database for the user with UID."
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chats (user_id, wa_jid) VALUES (?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun lookup-wa-msgid (uid wa-msgid)
"Look up the XMPP ID for the WhatsApp message ID WA-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT xmpp_id FROM user_messages WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid wa-msgid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (xid) get-stmt
(defun lookup-xmpp-msgid (uid xmpp-msgid)
"Look up the WhatsApp message ID for the XMPP message ID XMPP-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_id FROM user_messages WHERE user_id = ? AND xmpp_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid xmpp-msgid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (wid) get-stmt
(defun get-contact-localparts (uid)
"Get a list of contact localparts for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (with-bound-columns (localpart) get-stmt localpart))))

namespaces.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defparameter +streams-ns+ "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams")
(defparameter +stanzas-ns+ "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")
(defparameter +component-ns+ "jabber:component:accept")
(defparameter +disco-info-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info")
(defparameter +disco-items-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items")
(defparameter +muc-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc")
(defparameter +file-upload-ns+ "urn:xmpp:http:upload:0")
(defparameter +oob-ns+ "jabber:x:oob")
(defparameter +chat-markers-ns+ "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0")
(defparameter +delivery-delay-ns+ "urn:xmpp:delay")
(defparameter +vcard-temp-ns+ "vcard-temp")
(defparameter +vcard-avatar-ns+ "vcard-temp:x:update")
(defparameter +nick-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick")
(defparameter +roster-exchange-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/rosterx")
(defparameter +delivery-receipts-ns+ "urn:xmpp:receipts")
(defparameter +muc-invite-ns+ "jabber:x:conference")
(defparameter +muc-stable-id-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#stable_id")
(defparameter +muc-user-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user")
(defparameter +unique-stanzas-ns+ "urn:xmpp:sid:0")
(defparameter +chat-states-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates")
(defparameter +hints-ns+ "urn:xmpp:hints")

View file

@ -2,59 +2,6 @@
(defparameter +version+ "0.0.1") (defparameter +version+ "0.0.1")
(defparameter +streams-ns+ "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams")
(defparameter +stanzas-ns+ "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")
(defparameter +component-ns+ "jabber:component:accept")
(defparameter +disco-info-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info")
(defparameter +disco-items-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items")
(defparameter +muc-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc")
(defparameter +file-upload-ns+ "urn:xmpp:http:upload:0")
(defparameter +oob-ns+ "jabber:x:oob")
(defparameter +chat-markers-ns+ "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0")
(defparameter +delivery-delay-ns+ "urn:xmpp:delay")
(defparameter +vcard-temp-ns+ "vcard-temp")
(defparameter +vcard-avatar-ns+ "vcard-temp:x:update")
(defparameter +nick-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick")
(defparameter +roster-exchange-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/rosterx")
(defparameter +delivery-receipts-ns+ "urn:xmpp:receipts")
(defparameter +muc-invite-ns+ "jabber:x:conference")
(defparameter +muc-stable-id-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#stable_id")
(defparameter +muc-user-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user")
(defparameter +unique-stanzas-ns+ "urn:xmpp:sid:0")
(defparameter +chat-states-ns+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates")
(defparameter +hints-ns+ "urn:xmpp:hints")
(defvar *xmpp-debug-io* (make-broadcast-stream))
(defvar *xmpp-debug-out* (make-synonym-stream '*xmpp-debug-io*))
(defclass xmpp-component (event-emitter)
:initarg :socket
:accessor component-socket)
:initform (bt:make-recursive-lock "component socket lock")
:accessor component-socket-lock)
:initform (bt:make-recursive-lock "component data lock")
:accessor component-data-lock)
:initarg :sink
:accessor component-sink)
:initarg :name
:reader component-name)
:initform nil
:accessor component-stream-id)
:initarg :shared-secret
:reader component-shared-secret)
:initform (make-hash-table)
:accessor component-handlers)
:initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
:accessor component-promises)))
(defclass whatsxmpp-component (xmpp-component) (defclass whatsxmpp-component (xmpp-component)
((whatsapps ((whatsapps
@ -67,304 +14,6 @@
:initarg :upload-component-name :initarg :upload-component-name
:accessor component-upload-component-name))) :accessor component-upload-component-name)))
(defmacro with-component-data-lock ((comp) &body body)
`(bt:with-recursive-lock-held ((component-data-lock ,comp))
(defclass xmpp-source (cxml:broadcast-handler)
:initarg :component
:accessor source-component)
:initform 0
:accessor source-depth)))
(defun make-xmpp-source (comp)
(let ((ret (cxml:make-broadcast-handler)))
(change-class ret 'xmpp-source
:component comp)
(defmethod sax:start-document ((s xmpp-source))
(declare (ignore s))
(format *xmpp-debug-out* "~&XMPP --> [document started]~%"))
(defmethod sax:start-element ((s xmpp-source) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
(with-accessors ((depth source-depth) (comp source-component) (handlers cxml:broadcast-handler-handlers)) s
(incf depth)
(when (and (eql depth 1) (equal qname "stream:stream"))
(flet ((local-name-is-id (attr)
(equal (sax:attribute-local-name attr) "id")))
(let ((stream-id-attr (find-if #'local-name-is-id attributes)))
(when (not stream-id-attr)
(error "Server didn't send a stream ID"))
(format *xmpp-debug-out* "~&XMPP --> [stream started, ID ~A]~%" (sax:attribute-value stream-id-attr))
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(setf (component-stream-id comp) (sax:attribute-value stream-id-attr))
(emit :stream-started comp))
(return-from sax:start-element))))
(when (eql depth 2)
(let ((dom-builder (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))
(format *xmpp-debug-out* "~&XMPP --> ")
(setf handlers (list (cxml:make-character-stream-sink *xmpp-debug-out*) dom-builder))
(sax:start-document dom-builder)))
(call-next-method s namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)))
(defmethod sax:end-element :before ((s xmpp-source) namespace-uri local-name qname)
(when (equal qname "stream:stream")
(error "Server closed the stream")))
(defmethod sax:end-element :after ((s xmpp-source) namespace-uri local-name qname)
(with-accessors ((depth source-depth) (comp source-component) (handlers cxml:broadcast-handler-handlers)) s
(decf depth)
(when (eql depth 1)
(let* ((debug-sink (first handlers))
(dom-builder (second handlers))
(stanza (sax:end-document dom-builder)))
(sax:end-document debug-sink)
(terpri *xmpp-debug-out*)
(setf handlers nil)
(emit :raw-stanza comp stanza)))))
(defclass xmpp-sink (cxml:broadcast-handler)
:initform t
:accessor sink-open)))
(defmethod sax:start-document ((s xmpp-sink))
(declare (ignore s))
(format *xmpp-debug-out* "~&XMPP <-- "))
(defmethod sax:end-element ((s xmpp-sink) namespace-uri local-name qname)
(if (and (sink-open s) (equal local-name "stream"))
;; The <stream:stream> element gets opened at the start of the connection
;; and closing it represents ending the connection. We therefore don't
;; want to close it...
;; Instead, send some empty characters to get the sinks to write the last ">"
;; bit of the opening tag.
(sax:characters s "")
(call-next-method s namespace-uri local-name qname))
(terpri *xmpp-debug-out*))
(defun close-xmpp-component (comp)
(bt:with-recursive-lock-held ((component-socket-lock comp))
(setf (sink-open (component-sink comp)) nil)
(write-sequence (babel:string-to-octets "</stream:stream>"
:encoding :utf-8)
(component-socket comp))
(force-output (component-socket comp))
(close (component-socket comp))))
(defun make-xmpp-sink (socket)
(let ((ret (cxml:make-broadcast-handler
(cxml:make-character-stream-sink *xmpp-debug-out*)
(cxml:make-octet-stream-sink socket))))
(change-class ret 'xmpp-sink)
(defmacro with-dom-xml-output (&body body)
`(cxml:with-xml-output (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)
(defun component-listen-thread (comp)
"Listening thread for an XMPP component: constantly reads from the socket and emits new stanzas."
(format *debug-io* "Starting component listening thread~%")
;; ### Story time! ###
;; So I spent an hour debugging why this wasn't working.
;; And, long story short, if you just call CXML:PARSE with a stream
;; it gets converted into an 'xstream' inside CXML, which has a :SPEED
;; property. This :SPEED property controls how many bytes it tries to buffer
;; before actually doing the parsing and the goddamn default is 8192 (!!).
;; This obviously ain't gonna fly for our TCP socket, because the initial stream
;; start element is less than 8192 bytes. So we make our own stupid xstream
;; and specify the speed manually, and then it works.
;; Wouldn't it be nice if people documented this sort of thing?
;; ### Part II: The Fucking Stream Strikes Back ###
;; ...and, after another hour of debugging, I found out you have to specify the `name'
;; arg, otherwise it breaks -- but ONLY randomly and once you decide to deploy it
;; in production, of course.
(let ((source (make-xmpp-source comp))
(fucking-stream (cxml:make-xstream (component-socket comp)
:name (cxml::make-stream-name ; AAAARGH
:entity-name "main document"
:entity-kind :main
:uri nil)
:name "XMPP server stream"
:initial-speed 1)))
(cxml:parse fucking-stream source
:recode t)))
(defmacro with-component-xml-output ((comp) &body body)
(let ((ret-sym (gensym)))
`(with-accessors ((lock component-socket-lock) (socket component-socket) (sink component-sink))
(with-component-data-lock (,comp)
(bt:with-recursive-lock-held (lock)
(let ((,ret-sym nil))
(cxml:with-xml-output sink
(setf ,ret-sym ,@body))
(force-output socket)
(defun write-stream-header (comp)
(with-component-xml-output (comp)
(cxml:with-namespace ("stream" "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")
(cxml:with-element "stream:stream"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +component-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "to" (component-name comp))))))
(defun octets-to-lowercase-hex (buf)
"Formats BUF, a vector of octets, as a lowercase hex string and returns it."
(declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) buf))
(format nil "~(~{~2,'0X~}~)" (coerce buf 'list)))
(defun sha1-octets (buf)
"Returns the SHA1 of BUF, a vector of octets, in lowercase hex."
(octets-to-lowercase-hex (ironclad:digest-sequence :sha1 buf)))
(defun sha1-hex (str)
"Returns the SHA1 of STR, a string, in lowercase hex."
(sha1-octets (babel:string-to-octets str)))
(defun component-stream-started (comp)
(with-component-xml-output (comp)
(cxml:with-element "handshake"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +component-ns+)
(cxml:text (string-downcase (sha1-hex (concatenate 'string (component-stream-id comp) (component-shared-secret comp))))))))
(defun make-message-uuid (comp)
(with-accessors ((promises component-promises)) comp
(let ((uuid (string-downcase (write-to-string (uuid:make-v4-uuid))))
(promise (make-promise)))
(setf (gethash uuid promises) promise)
(values uuid promise))))
(defmacro with-stanza ((comp stanza-name &key type from to id) &body body)
(alexandria:with-gensyms (uuid ret from-sym id-sym)
`(with-component-xml-output (,comp)
(let ((,from-sym (or ,from (component-name ,comp)))
(,id-sym ,id))
(multiple-value-bind (,uuid ,ret)
(if ,id-sym
(values ,id-sym ,id-sym)
(make-message-uuid ,comp))
(cxml:with-element ,stanza-name
(cxml:attribute "from" ,from-sym)
(cxml:attribute "id" ,uuid)
,(when to
`(cxml:attribute "to" ,to))
,(when type
`(cxml:attribute "type" ,type))
(defmacro with-iq ((comp to &key (type "get") from id) &body body)
"Send an IQ stanza (of type TYPE) on the COMP component, from the JID FROM (default: component name) to the JID TO, with BODY specifying further CXML commands to make up the body of the stanza. Returns a promise."
`(with-stanza (,comp "iq"
:type ,type
:to ,to
:from ,from
:id ,id)
(defmacro with-message ((comp to &key (type "chat") from id) &body body)
"Send a message stanza (of type TYPE) on the COMP component. Semantics the same as WITH-IQ, except for the fact that message stanzas don't normally prompt a response."
`(with-stanza (,comp "message"
:type ,type
:to ,to
:from ,from
:id ,id)
(defmacro with-presence ((comp to &key type from id) &body body)
"Send a presence stanza (of type TYPE) on the COMP component. Semantics the same as WITH-IQ, except for the fact that presence stanzas don't normally prompt a response."
`(with-stanza (,comp "presence"
:type ,type
:to ,to
:from ,from
:id ,id)
(defun get-node-named (nodes name)
"Finds the node with tag name NAME in NODES, returning NIL if none was found."
(flet ((is-the-node (node) (equal (dom:tag-name node) name)))
(find-if #'is-the-node nodes)))
(defun get-node-with-xmlns (nodes xmlns)
"Finds the node with XML namespace XMLNS in NODES, returning NIL if none was found."
(flet ((is-the-node (node) (equal (dom:get-attribute node "xmlns") xmlns)))
(find-if #'is-the-node nodes)))
(defun get-disco-info (comp to &optional from)
"Send an XEP-0030 disco#info request. Returns a promise that resolves with a list of supported features."
(with-iq (comp to :from from)
(cxml:with-element "query"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +disco-info-ns+)))
(lambda (results)
(let ((query-node (get-node-named results "query"))
(features '()))
(unless query-node
(error "Malformed disco#info response: no <query/>"))
for node across (dom:child-nodes query-node)
do (let ((name (dom:tag-name node)))
(when (equal name "feature")
(setf features (cons (dom:get-attribute node "var") features)))))
(defun get-disco-items (comp to &optional from)
"Send an XEP-0030 disco#items request. Returns a promise that resolves with an alist, mapping JIDs to names."
(with-iq (comp to :from from)
(cxml:with-element "query"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +disco-items-ns+)))
(lambda (results)
(let ((query-node (get-node-named results "query"))
(items '()))
(unless query-node
(error "Malformed disco#items response: no <query/>"))
for node across (dom:child-nodes query-node)
do (let ((name (dom:tag-name node)))
(when (equal name "item")
(setf items (cons
(cons (dom:get-attribute node "jid") (dom:get-attribute node "name"))
(defun request-http-upload-slot (comp service-jid filename size mime-type)
"Requests an XEP-0363 HTTP Upload slot from the service at SERVICE-JID, aiming to upload the file with FILENAME, SIZE (in bytes) and MIME-TYPE. Returns a promise that resolves with a list of the form ((PUT-URL . ((HEADER-NAME . HEADER-VALUE) ...)) GET-URL)."
(declare (type xmpp-component comp) (type string service-jid filename mime-type) (type integer size))
(with-iq (comp service-jid)
(cxml:with-element "request"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +file-upload-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "filename" filename)
(cxml:attribute "size" (write-to-string size))
(cxml:attribute "content-type" mime-type)))
(lambda (results)
(let ((slot-node (get-node-named results "slot")))
(unless slot-node
(error "Malformed XEP-0363 response: no <slot/>"))
(let* ((children (dom:child-nodes slot-node))
(put-node (get-node-named children "put"))
(get-node (get-node-named children "get"))
(headers '()))
(unless (and put-node get-node)
(error "Malformed XEP-0363 response: PUT or GET nodes missing"))
for node across (dom:child-nodes put-node)
do (let ((name (dom:tag-name node)))
(when (equal name "header")
(setf headers (cons
(cons (dom:get-attribute node "name")
(dom:node-value (elt (dom:child-nodes node) 0)))
`((,(dom:get-attribute put-node "url") . ,headers) ,(dom:get-attribute get-node "url")))))))
(defun send-text-message (comp to-jid text &optional from) (defun send-text-message (comp to-jid text &optional from)
"Send a simple text message to TO-JID, containing TEXT." "Send a simple text message to TO-JID, containing TEXT."
@ -372,247 +21,13 @@
(cxml:with-element "body" (cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text text)))) (cxml:text text))))
(defun handle-stream-error (comp stanza)
(flet ((is-error-node (node)
(equal (dom:namespace-uri node) +streams-ns+))
(is-text-node (node)
(equal (dom:tag-name node) "text")))
(let* ((children (dom:child-nodes stanza))
(error-node (find-if #'is-error-node children))
(error-text-node (find-if #'is-text-node children))
(error-name (dom:tag-name error-node))
(error-text (when error-text-node
(dom:node-value (elt (dom:child-nodes error-text-node) 0)))))
(warn "Stream error of type ~A encountered: ~A" error-name error-text)
(emit :stream-error comp error-name error-text stanza))))
(define-condition stanza-error (error)
:initarg :defined-condition
:accessor stanza-error-condition)
:initarg :type
:accessor stanza-error-type)
:initarg :text
:initform nil
:accessor stanza-error-text)
:initarg :raw
:initform nil
:accessor stanza-error-raw))
(:report (lambda (err stream)
(with-slots (defined-condition type text) err
(format stream "~A (type ~A): ~A" defined-condition type text)))))
(defun extract-stanza-error (stanza)
"Extracts a STANZA-ERROR from the given STANZA, which must contain an <error/> element conforming to RFC 6120 § 8.3."
(flet ((is-error-condition-node (node)
(equal (dom:namespace-uri node) +stanzas-ns+))
(is-error-node (node)
(equal (dom:tag-name node) "error"))
(is-text-node (node)
(and (equal (dom:namespace-uri node) +stanzas-ns+) (equal (dom:tag-name node) "text"))))
(let* ((error-node (find-if #'is-error-node (dom:child-nodes stanza)))
(error-children (dom:child-nodes error-node))
(type (dom:get-attribute error-node "type"))
(condition-node (find-if #'is-error-condition-node error-children))
(condition-name (dom:tag-name condition-node))
(text-node (find-if #'is-text-node error-children))
(text (when text-node
(dom:node-value (elt (dom:child-nodes text-node) 0)))))
(make-condition 'stanza-error
:raw error-node
:defined-condition condition-name
:type type
:text text))))
(defun handle-connection-complete (comp) (defun handle-connection-complete (comp)
(format *debug-io* "Connection complete! \\o/") (format *debug-io* "Connection complete! \\o/")
(emit :connected comp)) (emit :connected comp))
(defun send-stanza-error (comp &key id to from e stanza-type)
"Send E (a STANZA-ERROR) as an error response to a stanza of type STANZA."
(with-component-xml-output (comp)
(cxml:with-element stanza-type
(cxml:attribute "type" "error")
(cxml:attribute "id" id)
(cxml:attribute "from" from)
(cxml:attribute "to" to)
(cxml:with-element "error"
(cxml:attribute "type" (stanza-error-type e))
(cxml:with-element (stanza-error-condition e)
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +stanzas-ns+))
(when (stanza-error-text e)
(cxml:with-element "text"
(cxml:text (stanza-error-text e))))))))
(defmacro disco-identity (name type category)
`(cxml:with-element "identity"
,@(when name
`((cxml:attribute "name" ,name)))
(cxml:attribute "type" ,type)
(cxml:attribute "category" ,category)))
(defmacro disco-feature (feature)
`(cxml:with-element "feature"
(cxml:attribute "var" ,feature)))
(defun register-component-iq-handler (comp handler-name func)
"Register FUNC to be called for the HANDLER-NAME IQ handler on COMP."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(setf (gethash handler-name (component-handlers comp)) func)))
(defun call-component-iq-handler (comp handler &rest args)
"Calls the IQ handler identified by the symbol HANDLER on COMP, with the provided ARGS."
(destructuring-bind (&key id to from &allow-other-keys) args
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(let ((func (gethash handler (component-handlers comp))))
(unless func
(error 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "feature-not-implemented"
:text (format nil "No handler for ~A registered" handler)
:type "cancel"))
(let ((result (apply func comp args)))
(lambda (result-forms)
(eval `(with-component-xml-output (,comp)
(cxml:with-element "iq"
(cxml:attribute "type" "result")
(cxml:attribute "id" ,id)
(cxml:attribute "from" ,to)
(cxml:attribute "to" ,from)
(stanza-error (e)
(send-stanza-error comp
:stanza-type "iq"
:id id :to from :from to :e e))
(t (e)
(send-stanza-error comp
:stanza-type "iq"
:id id
:to from
:from to
:e (make-condition 'stanza-error
:defined-condition "internal-server-error"
:text (format nil "~A" e)
:type "cancel"))
(warn "IQ handler for ~A failed: ~A" handler e))))))
(defun handle-iq-get (comp id from stanza)
"Handles an IQ-get STANZA for component COMP."
(let* ((first-child (elt (dom:child-nodes stanza) 0))
(tag-name (dom:tag-name first-child))
(to (dom:get-attribute stanza "to"))
(xmlns (dom:get-attribute first-child "xmlns"))
((and (equal xmlns +disco-info-ns+) (equal tag-name "query"))
((and (equal xmlns +disco-items-ns+) (equal tag-name "query"))
((and (equal xmlns +vcard-temp-ns+) (equal tag-name "vCard"))
(call-component-iq-handler comp handler-type
:to to
:id id
:from from
:stanza stanza)))
(defun handle-iq-response (comp stanza)
"Handles an IQ response STANZA for component COMP."
(with-component-data-lock (comp)
(let ((type (dom:get-attribute stanza "type"))
(id (dom:get-attribute stanza "id"))
(from (dom:get-attribute stanza "from")))
(if (equal type "get")
(handle-iq-get comp id from stanza)
((promise (gethash id (component-promises comp))))
(if promise
(format t "~&IQ ~A from ~A for ~A~%" type from id)
((equal type "result") (finish promise (dom:child-nodes stanza)))
((equal type "error") (signal-error promise (extract-stanza-error stanza)))
(t (warn "Invalid IQ stanza type: ~A" type)))
(setf promise nil))
(warn "Unsolicited IQ stanza from ~A of type ~A, ID ~A" from type id)))))))
(defun handle-presence (comp stanza)
"Handles a presence STANZA for component COMP."
(let* ((type (dom:get-attribute stanza "type"))
(from (dom:get-attribute stanza "from"))
(to (dom:get-attribute stanza "to"))
((equal type "subscribe") :presence-subscribe)
((equal type "probe") :presence-probe)
((equal type "unavailable") :presence-unavailable)
(t :presence))))
(emit event-name comp :from from :to to :type type :stanza stanza)))
(defun handle-message (comp stanza)
"Handles a message STANZA for component COMP."
(let* ((from (dom:get-attribute stanza "from"))
(to (dom:get-attribute stanza "to"))
(id (dom:get-attribute stanza "id"))
(children (dom:child-nodes stanza))
(body (get-node-named children "body"))
(marker (get-node-with-xmlns children +chat-markers-ns+))
(chat-state (get-node-with-xmlns children +chat-states-ns+)))
(let* ((child-nodes (dom:child-nodes body))
(text (if (> (length child-nodes) 0)
(dom:node-value (elt child-nodes 0))
(emit :text-message comp :from from :to to :body text :id id :stanza stanza)))
(let ((marker-type (dom:tag-name marker))
(msgid (dom:get-attribute marker "id")))
(emit :message-marker comp :from from :to to :type marker-type :marker-id msgid :id id :stanza stanza)))
(let ((state-type (dom:tag-name chat-state)))
(emit :chat-state comp :from from :to to :type state-type :id id :stanza stanza)))
(emit :message comp :from from :to to :id id :stanza stanza)))))
(defun component-stanza (comp stanza)
"Handles a STANZA received by component COMP."
(let* ((stanza (dom:document-element stanza))
(tag-name (dom:tag-name stanza)))
((equal tag-name "stream:error") (handle-stream-error comp stanza))
((equal tag-name "handshake") (handle-connection-complete comp))
((equal tag-name "iq") (handle-iq-response comp stanza))
((equal tag-name "presence") (handle-presence comp stanza))
((equal tag-name "message") (handle-message comp stanza))
(t (emit :stanza comp stanza)))))
(defun make-component (server port shared-secret name)
"Make a new XMPP component, connecting to SERVER on PORT with SHARED-SECRET."
(let* ((socket (socket-stream
(socket-connect server port
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(component (make-instance 'xmpp-component
:socket socket
:sink (make-xmpp-sink socket)
:name name
:shared-secret shared-secret)))
(bt:make-thread (lambda ()
(component-listen-thread component))
:name "XMPP component listen thread")
(on :stream-started component (lambda ()
(component-stream-started component)))
(on :raw-stanza component (lambda (stanza)
(component-stanza component stanza)))
(write-stream-header component)
(defun disco-info-handler (comp &key to from &allow-other-keys) (defun disco-info-handler (comp &key to from &allow-other-keys)
"Handles XEP-0030 disco#info requests." "Handles XEP-0030 disco#info requests."
@ -654,36 +69,6 @@
`((cxml:with-element "query" `((cxml:with-element "query"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" ,+disco-info-ns+))))) (cxml:attribute "xmlns" ,+disco-info-ns+)))))
(defun parse-jid (jid)
"Parse JID, returning the multiple values HOSTNAME, LOCALPART and RESOURCE."
(declare (type string jid))
(let ((at-pos (position #\@ jid))
(slash-pos (position #\/ jid)))
((and (not slash-pos) (not at-pos))
(values jid nil nil))
((and slash-pos (not at-pos))
(multiple-value-bind (hostname resource)
(whatscl::split-at jid slash-pos)
(values hostname nil resource)))
((and (not slash-pos) at-pos)
(multiple-value-bind (localpart hostname)
(whatscl::split-at jid at-pos)
(values hostname localpart nil)))
(multiple-value-bind (rest resource)
(whatscl::split-at jid slash-pos)
(multiple-value-bind (localpart hostname)
(whatscl::split-at rest at-pos)
(values hostname localpart resource)))))))
(defun strip-resource (jid)
"Strips a resource from JID, if there is one, returning the bare JID."
(let ((slash-pos (position #\/ jid)))
(if slash-pos
(whatscl::split-at jid slash-pos)
(defun admin-jid (comp) (defun admin-jid (comp)
"Get the admin JID for COMP. You need the lock to be taken out for this one." "Get the admin JID for COMP. You need the lock to be taken out for this one."
(concatenate 'string "admin@" (component-name comp) "/adminbot")) (concatenate 'string "admin@" (component-name comp) "/adminbot"))
@ -835,6 +220,9 @@ MEDIA-TYPE is one of (:image :video :audio :document)."
(defun wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (waj) (defun wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (waj)
"Convert a whatscl JID object to a WhatsXMPP localpart." "Convert a whatscl JID object to a WhatsXMPP localpart."
(unless waj
(format *error-output* "WA-JID-TO-WHATSXMPP-LOCALPART called with NIL!")
(return-from wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart "unknown"))
(with-accessors ((localpart whatscl::jid-localpart) (hostname whatscl::jid-hostname)) waj (with-accessors ((localpart whatscl::jid-localpart) (hostname whatscl::jid-hostname)) waj
(cond (cond
((or (equal hostname "s.whatsapp.net") (equal hostname "c.us")) ((or (equal hostname "s.whatsapp.net") (equal hostname "c.us"))
@ -1067,80 +455,6 @@ WhatsXMPP represents users as u440123456789 and groups as g1234-5678."
(format nil "Warning: Failed to process a media message sent to you by ~A:~% ~A" (format nil "Warning: Failed to process a media message sent to you by ~A:~% ~A"
from e))))))))))))))) from e)))))))))))))))
(defun get-user-id (jid)
"Get the user ID of JID, or NIL if none exists."
(get-user "SELECT id FROM users WHERE jid = ?")
(let ((stripped (strip-resource jid)))
(bind-parameters get-user stripped)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-user)
(first (column-values get-user))))))
(defun get-user-contact-localparts (uid)
"Returns a list of all contact localparts for UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (sqlite:statement-column-value get-stmt 0))))
(defun get-user-chat-id (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat ID of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT id FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (id) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-subject (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat subject of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT subject FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (subject) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-resource (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT user_resource FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-participant-resource (chat-id localpart)
"Get the participant resource for LOCALPART in CHAT-ID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT resource FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt chat-id localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-user-chat-joined (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT ucj.jid FROM user_chats AS uc, user_chat_joined AS ucj WHERE uc.user_id = ? AND uc.wa_jid = ? AND uc.id = ucj.chat_id"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
append (column-values get-stmt))))
(defun get-contact-name (uid localpart)
"Get a name for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT name, notify FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (name notify) get-stmt
(or name notify (substitute #\+ #\u localpart))))))
(defun get-avatar-data (avatar-url) (defun get-avatar-data (avatar-url)
"Fetches AVATAR-URL, using the database as a cache. Returns the SHA1 hash (lowercase) of the avatar data as first argument, and the actual octets as second." "Fetches AVATAR-URL, using the database as a cache. Returns the SHA1 hash (lowercase) of the avatar data as first argument, and the actual octets as second."
(with-prepared-statements (with-prepared-statements
@ -1175,16 +489,6 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
`(nil nil)) `(nil nil))
(cons (> (length avatar-url) 0) nil))))))) (cons (> (length avatar-url) 0) nil)))))))
(defun get-contact-status (uid localpart)
"Get the contact status text for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
(declare (type integer uid) (type string localpart))
((get-stmt "SELECT status FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (status) get-stmt
(defun wa-request-avatar (comp conn jid wa-jid localpart) (defun wa-request-avatar (comp conn jid wa-jid localpart)
(format *debug-io* "~&requesting avatar for ~A from ~A~%" localpart jid) (format *debug-io* "~&requesting avatar for ~A from ~A~%" localpart jid)
(whatscl::get-profile-picture conn wa-jid (whatscl::get-profile-picture conn wa-jid
@ -1252,47 +556,6 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(bind-parameters update-stmt "asked" ctid) (bind-parameters update-stmt "asked" ctid)
(sqlite:step-statement update-stmt))))))) (sqlite:step-statement update-stmt)))))))
(defun insert-user-message (uid xmpp-id wa-id)
"Inserts a mapping between the message IDs XMPP-ID and WA-ID for the user UID."
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_messages (user_id, xmpp_id, wa_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid xmpp-id wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun insert-user-chat (uid wa-id)
"Inserts a user chat with localpart WA-ID into the database for the user with UID."
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chats (user_id, wa_jid) VALUES (?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun lookup-wa-msgid (uid wa-msgid)
"Look up the XMPP ID for the WhatsApp message ID WA-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT xmpp_id FROM user_messages WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid wa-msgid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (xid) get-stmt
(defun lookup-xmpp-msgid (uid xmpp-msgid)
"Look up the WhatsApp message ID for the XMPP message ID XMPP-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_id FROM user_messages WHERE user_id = ? AND xmpp_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid xmpp-msgid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (wid) get-stmt
(defun get-contact-localparts (uid)
"Get a list of contact localparts for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (with-bound-columns (localpart) get-stmt localpart))))
(defun add-wa-contact (comp conn jid contact) (defun add-wa-contact (comp conn jid contact)
"Adds the WHATSCL:CONTACT to the list of JID's contacts, or updates it if it already exists. Returns the contact's localpart." "Adds the WHATSCL:CONTACT to the list of JID's contacts, or updates it if it already exists. Returns the contact's localpart."
(with-accessors ((ct-jid whatscl::contact-jid) (with-accessors ((ct-jid whatscl::contact-jid)
@ -2117,6 +1380,13 @@ Returns three values: avatar data (as two values), and a generalized boolean spe
(format *error-output* "[!] Fatal error, bridge aborting!~%") (format *error-output* "[!] Fatal error, bridge aborting!~%")
(trivial-backtrace:print-backtrace err (trivial-backtrace:print-backtrace err
:output *error-output*) :output *error-output*)
for thr in (bt:all-threads)
do (progn
(format *error-output* "[!] State of thread ~A:~%" thr)
(sb-thread:interrupt-thread thr (lambda ()
:stream *error-output*)))))
(sb-ext:exit :code 1 :abort t)) (sb-ext:exit :code 1 :abort t))
#+sbcl #+sbcl

utils.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defun octets-to-lowercase-hex (buf)
"Formats BUF, a vector of octets, as a lowercase hex string and returns it."
(declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) buf))
(format nil "~(~{~2,'0X~}~)" (coerce buf 'list)))
(defun sha1-octets (buf)
"Returns the SHA1 of BUF, a vector of octets, in lowercase hex."
(octets-to-lowercase-hex (ironclad:digest-sequence :sha1 buf)))
(defun sha1-hex (str)
"Returns the SHA1 of STR, a string, in lowercase hex."
(sha1-octets (babel:string-to-octets str)))

View file

@ -6,5 +6,12 @@
:entry-point "whatsxmpp::main" :entry-point "whatsxmpp::main"
:components :components
((:file "packages") ((:file "packages")
(:file "utils")
(:file "namespaces")
(:file "component")
(:file "xmpp")
(:file "xep-0030")
(:file "xep-0363")
(:file "sqlite") (:file "sqlite")
(:file "db")
(:file "stuff"))) (:file "stuff")))

xep-0030.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defun get-disco-info (comp to &optional from)
"Send an XEP-0030 disco#info request. Returns a promise that resolves with a list of supported features."
(with-iq (comp to :from from)
(cxml:with-element "query"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +disco-info-ns+)))
(lambda (results)
(let ((query-node (get-node-named results "query"))
(features '()))
(unless query-node
(error "Malformed disco#info response: no <query/>"))
for node across (dom:child-nodes query-node)
do (let ((name (dom:tag-name node)))
(when (equal name "feature")
(setf features (cons (dom:get-attribute node "var") features)))))
(defun get-disco-items (comp to &optional from)
"Send an XEP-0030 disco#items request. Returns a promise that resolves with an alist, mapping JIDs to names."
(with-iq (comp to :from from)
(cxml:with-element "query"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +disco-items-ns+)))
(lambda (results)
(let ((query-node (get-node-named results "query"))
(items '()))
(unless query-node
(error "Malformed disco#items response: no <query/>"))
for node across (dom:child-nodes query-node)
do (let ((name (dom:tag-name node)))
(when (equal name "item")
(setf items (cons
(cons (dom:get-attribute node "jid") (dom:get-attribute node "name"))
(defmacro disco-identity (name type category)
`(cxml:with-element "identity"
,@(when name
`((cxml:attribute "name" ,name)))
(cxml:attribute "type" ,type)
(cxml:attribute "category" ,category)))
(defmacro disco-feature (feature)
`(cxml:with-element "feature"
(cxml:attribute "var" ,feature)))

xep-0363.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defun request-http-upload-slot (comp service-jid filename size mime-type)
"Requests an XEP-0363 HTTP Upload slot from the service at SERVICE-JID, aiming to upload the file with FILENAME, SIZE (in bytes) and MIME-TYPE. Returns a promise that resolves with a list of the form ((PUT-URL . ((HEADER-NAME . HEADER-VALUE) ...)) GET-URL)."
(declare (type xmpp-component comp) (type string service-jid filename mime-type) (type integer size))
(with-iq (comp service-jid)
(cxml:with-element "request"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +file-upload-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "filename" filename)
(cxml:attribute "size" (write-to-string size))
(cxml:attribute "content-type" mime-type)))
(lambda (results)
(let ((slot-node (get-node-named results "slot")))
(unless slot-node
(error "Malformed XEP-0363 response: no <slot/>"))
(let* ((children (dom:child-nodes slot-node))
(put-node (get-node-named children "put"))
(get-node (get-node-named children "get"))
(headers '()))
(unless (and put-node get-node)
(error "Malformed XEP-0363 response: PUT or GET nodes missing"))
for node across (dom:child-nodes put-node)
do (let ((name (dom:tag-name node)))
(when (equal name "header")
(setf headers (cons
(cons (dom:get-attribute node "name")
(dom:node-value (elt (dom:child-nodes node) 0)))
`((,(dom:get-attribute put-node "url") . ,headers) ,(dom:get-attribute get-node "url")))))))

xmpp.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defun make-message-uuid (comp)
(with-accessors ((promises component-promises)) comp
(let ((uuid (string-downcase (write-to-string (uuid:make-v4-uuid))))
(promise (make-promise)))
(setf (gethash uuid promises) promise)
(values uuid promise))))
(defmacro with-stanza ((comp stanza-name &key type from to id) &body body)
(alexandria:with-gensyms (uuid ret from-sym id-sym)
`(with-component-xml-output (,comp)
(let ((,from-sym (or ,from (component-name ,comp)))
(,id-sym ,id))
(multiple-value-bind (,uuid ,ret)
(if ,id-sym
(values ,id-sym ,id-sym)
(make-message-uuid ,comp))
(cxml:with-element ,stanza-name
(cxml:attribute "from" ,from-sym)
(cxml:attribute "id" ,uuid)
,(when to
`(cxml:attribute "to" ,to))
,(when type
`(cxml:attribute "type" ,type))
(defmacro with-iq ((comp to &key (type "get") from id) &body body)
"Send an IQ stanza (of type TYPE) on the COMP component, from the JID FROM (default: component name) to the JID TO, with BODY specifying further CXML commands to make up the body of the stanza. Returns a promise."
`(with-stanza (,comp "iq"
:type ,type
:to ,to
:from ,from
:id ,id)
(defmacro with-message ((comp to &key (type "chat") from id) &body body)
"Send a message stanza (of type TYPE) on the COMP component. Semantics the same as WITH-IQ, except for the fact that message stanzas don't normally prompt a response."
`(with-stanza (,comp "message"
:type ,type
:to ,to
:from ,from
:id ,id)
(defmacro with-presence ((comp to &key type from id) &body body)
"Send a presence stanza (of type TYPE) on the COMP component. Semantics the same as WITH-IQ, except for the fact that presence stanzas don't normally prompt a response."
`(with-stanza (,comp "presence"
:type ,type
:to ,to
:from ,from
:id ,id)
(defun get-node-named (nodes name)
"Finds the node with tag name NAME in NODES, returning NIL if none was found."
(flet ((is-the-node (node) (equal (dom:tag-name node) name)))
(find-if #'is-the-node nodes)))
(defun get-node-with-xmlns (nodes xmlns)
"Finds the node with XML namespace XMLNS in NODES, returning NIL if none was found."
(flet ((is-the-node (node) (equal (dom:get-attribute node "xmlns") xmlns)))
(find-if #'is-the-node nodes)))
(defun handle-stream-error (comp stanza)
(flet ((is-error-node (node)
(equal (dom:namespace-uri node) +streams-ns+))
(is-text-node (node)
(equal (dom:tag-name node) "text")))
(let* ((children (dom:child-nodes stanza))
(error-node (find-if #'is-error-node children))
(error-text-node (find-if #'is-text-node children))
(error-name (dom:tag-name error-node))
(error-text (when error-text-node
(dom:node-value (elt (dom:child-nodes error-text-node) 0)))))
(warn "Stream error of type ~A encountered: ~A" error-name error-text)
(emit :stream-error comp error-name error-text stanza))))
(define-condition stanza-error (error)
:initarg :defined-condition
:accessor stanza-error-condition)
:initarg :type
:accessor stanza-error-type)
:initarg :text
:initform nil
:accessor stanza-error-text)
:initarg :raw
:initform nil
:accessor stanza-error-raw))
(:report (lambda (err stream)
(with-slots (defined-condition type text) err
(format stream "~A (type ~A): ~A" defined-condition type text)))))
(defun extract-stanza-error (stanza)
"Extracts a STANZA-ERROR from the given STANZA, which must contain an <error/> element conforming to RFC 6120 § 8.3."
(flet ((is-error-condition-node (node)
(equal (dom:namespace-uri node) +stanzas-ns+))
(is-error-node (node)
(equal (dom:tag-name node) "error"))
(is-text-node (node)
(and (equal (dom:namespace-uri node) +stanzas-ns+) (equal (dom:tag-name node) "text"))))
(let* ((error-node (find-if #'is-error-node (dom:child-nodes stanza)))
(error-children (dom:child-nodes error-node))
(type (dom:get-attribute error-node "type"))
(condition-node (find-if #'is-error-condition-node error-children))
(condition-name (dom:tag-name condition-node))
(text-node (find-if #'is-text-node error-children))
(text (when text-node
(dom:node-value (elt (dom:child-nodes text-node) 0)))))
(make-condition 'stanza-error
:raw error-node
:defined-condition condition-name
:type type
:text text))))
(defun send-stanza-error (comp &key id to from e stanza-type)
"Send E (a STANZA-ERROR) as an error response to a stanza of type STANZA."
(with-component-xml-output (comp)
(cxml:with-element stanza-type
(cxml:attribute "type" "error")
(cxml:attribute "id" id)
(cxml:attribute "from" from)
(cxml:attribute "to" to)
(cxml:with-element "error"
(cxml:attribute "type" (stanza-error-type e))
(cxml:with-element (stanza-error-condition e)
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +stanzas-ns+))
(when (stanza-error-text e)
(cxml:with-element "text"
(cxml:text (stanza-error-text e))))))))
(defun parse-jid (jid)
"Parse JID, returning the multiple values HOSTNAME, LOCALPART and RESOURCE."
(declare (type string jid))
(let ((at-pos (position #\@ jid))
(slash-pos (position #\/ jid)))
((and (not slash-pos) (not at-pos))
(values jid nil nil))
((and slash-pos (not at-pos))
(multiple-value-bind (hostname resource)
(whatscl::split-at jid slash-pos)
(values hostname nil resource)))
((and (not slash-pos) at-pos)
(multiple-value-bind (localpart hostname)
(whatscl::split-at jid at-pos)
(values hostname localpart nil)))
(multiple-value-bind (rest resource)
(whatscl::split-at jid slash-pos)
(multiple-value-bind (localpart hostname)
(whatscl::split-at rest at-pos)
(values hostname localpart resource)))))))
(defun strip-resource (jid)
"Strips a resource from JID, if there is one, returning the bare JID."
(let ((slash-pos (position #\/ jid)))
(if slash-pos
(whatscl::split-at jid slash-pos)