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;; Message processing
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defclass xmpp-message ()
:initarg :conversation
:reader conversation
:documentation "The localpart of the conversation this message is in (either a user or a group)")
:initarg :uid
:reader uid
:documentation "The user ID this message is associated with.")
:initarg :from
:reader from
:documentation "The sender of the message. In a 1-to-1, this is the same as CONVERSATION if the other party sent it (and not if not); in a group, this is the group nickname / resource of the sender.")
:initarg :timestamp
:reader timestamp
:documentation "A LOCAL-TIME timestamp of when the message was sent.")
:initarg :xmpp-id
:reader xmpp-id
:documentation "The XMPP-side ID of the message (given in the 'id' header, and as the MUC <stanza-id> element)")
:initarg :orig-id
:initform nil
:reader orig-id
:documentation "The WhatsApp-side ID of the message, if any.")
:initarg :body
:reader body
:documentation "The message text.")
:initarg :oob-url
:initform nil
:reader oob-url
:documentation "The URL of uploaded media contained in this message, if any.")))
(defun wa-message-key-to-conversation-and-from (comp jid key &optional conn)
"Takes KEY, a WHATSCL::MESSAGE-KEY for a message for bridge user JID, and returns (VALUES CONVERSATION FROM).
If a CONN is provided, it's used to create a new chat if that's required; otherwise, an error is signaled.
FIXME: the above behaviour is a bit meh."
(let* ((wx-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (whatscl::key-jid key)))
(uid (get-user-id jid)))
(typecase key
;; Received in a 1-to-1: conversation same as from
(values wx-localpart wx-localpart))
(if (uiop:string-prefix-p "g" wx-localpart)
(alexandria:if-let ((user-resource (get-user-chat-resource uid wx-localpart)))
(values wx-localpart user-resource)
;; If we don't have a user chat resource, just use their localpart.
;; This shouldn't really happen that frequently.
(values wx-localpart (first (split-sequence:split-sequence #\@ jid)))
(warn "Using fallback localpart for sent message in group ~A; that's rather interesting." wx-localpart)))
;; Put the user's jid as "from". This is okay, since we pretty much only
;; want to determine "was it us or them" in a 1-to-1 conversation, which
;; is done by comparing from to conversation.
(values wx-localpart jid)))
(let* ((chat-id (or
(get-user-chat-id uid wx-localpart)
(when conn
(add-wa-chat comp conn jid (whatscl::key-jid key))
(get-user-chat-id uid wx-localpart))))
(participant-localpart (wa-jid-to-whatsxmpp-localpart (whatscl::key-participant key))))
(if chat-id
(let ((from-resource (or
(get-participant-resource chat-id participant-localpart)
;; whee fallback go brrr
(values wx-localpart from-resource))
2021-01-30 18:17:33 +00:00
(error "Couldn't find or create group chat for ~A" wx-localpart)))))))
(defmacro with-new-xmpp-message-context ((comp jid msg &optional conn) &body body)
"Evaluate FORMS, binding NEW-XMPP-MESSAGE (lambda-list (BODY &KEY OOB-URL SYSTEM-GENERATED)) to a function that returns an instance of the XMPP-MESSAGE class, using information contained in the message MSG received for the bridge user JID."
(alexandria:with-gensyms (key wa-id wa-ts uid ts conversation from xmpp-id orig-id)
`(let* ((,key (whatscl::message-key ,msg))
(,wa-id (whatscl::message-id ,msg))
(,wa-ts (whatscl::message-ts ,msg))
(,uid (get-user-id ,jid))
(local-time:*default-timezone* local-time:+utc-zone+)
(,ts (local-time:unix-to-timestamp ,wa-ts)))
(multiple-value-bind (,conversation ,from)
(wa-message-key-to-conversation-and-from ,comp ,jid ,key ,conn)
(labels ((new-xmpp-message (body &key oob-url system-generated)
(let ((,xmpp-id (if system-generated
(princ-to-string (uuid:make-v4-uuid))
(concatenate 'string "wa-" ,wa-id "-" (princ-to-string ,wa-ts))))
(,orig-id (unless system-generated ,wa-id)))
(make-instance 'xmpp-message
:conversation ,conversation
:from ,from
:uid ,uid
:timestamp ,ts
:oob-url oob-url
:xmpp-id ,xmpp-id
:orig-id ,orig-id
:body body
:oob-url oob-url))))
(defun quote-content (content)
"Prepends '> ' to each line of CONTENT."
(let ((oss (make-string-output-stream)))
for item in (split-sequence:split-sequence #\Linefeed content)
do (format oss "> ~A~%" item))
(get-output-stream-string oss)))
(defun deliver-mam-history-message (comp msg to-jid &optional query-id)
"Deliver MSG, an XMPP-MESSAGE, to TO-JID as a piece of MAM history, as part of the response to a MAM query with QUERY-ID."
(let* ((component-host (component-name comp))
(mam-from (concatenate 'string (conversation msg) "@" component-host))
(real-from (concatenate 'string mam-from "/" (from msg))))
(with-message (comp to-jid
:from mam-from
:type nil)
(cxml:with-element "result"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +mam-ns+)
(when query-id
(cxml:attribute "queryid" query-id))
(cxml:attribute "id" (xmpp-id msg))
(cxml:with-element "forwarded"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +forwarded-ns+)
(cxml:with-element "delay"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +delivery-delay-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "stamp" (local-time:format-timestring nil (timestamp msg))))
(cxml:with-element "message"
(cxml:attribute "from" real-from)
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +client-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "type" "groupchat")
(cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text (body msg)))
(when (oob-url msg)
(cxml:with-element "x"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +oob-ns+)
(cxml:with-element "url"
(cxml:text (oob-url msg)))))
(when (orig-id msg)
(cxml:with-element "origin-id"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +unique-stanzas-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "id" (orig-id msg))))))))))
(defun deliver-xmpp-message (comp msg)
"Deliver MSG, an XMPP-MESSAGE, to the intended destinations on COMP."
(let* ((jid (get-user-jid (uid msg)))
(one-to-one-p (uiop:string-prefix-p "u" (conversation msg)))
(component-host (component-name comp))
(destinations (if one-to-one-p
;; We can't send a message the user sent in a 1:1.
(when (string= (conversation msg) (from msg))
(list jid))
(get-user-chat-joined (uid msg) (conversation msg))))
(from (if one-to-one-p
(concatenate 'string (from msg) "@" component-host "/whatsapp")
(concatenate 'string (conversation msg) "@" component-host "/" (from msg)))))
(when (and (not one-to-one-p)
(eql (length destinations) 0))
(warn "User ~A not in groupchat ~A; inviting due to new message"
jid (conversation msg))
(handle-wa-chat-invitation comp nil jid (uid msg) (conversation msg)
:use-join-count t))
for to in destinations
do (with-message (comp to
:from from
:id (xmpp-id msg)
:type (if one-to-one-p "chat" "groupchat"))
(cxml:with-element "body"
(cxml:text (body msg)))
(when (oob-url msg)
(cxml:with-element "x"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +oob-ns+)
(cxml:with-element "url"
(cxml:text (oob-url msg)))))
(cxml:with-element "delay"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +delivery-delay-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "stamp" (local-time:format-timestring nil (timestamp msg))))
(cxml:with-element "active"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-states-ns+))
(unless one-to-one-p
(cxml:with-element "stanza-id"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +unique-stanzas-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "id" (xmpp-id msg))
(cxml:attribute "by" (concatenate 'string (conversation msg) "@" component-host)))
(when (orig-id msg)
(cxml:with-element "origin-id"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +unique-stanzas-ns+)
(cxml:attribute "id" (orig-id msg)))))
(when (orig-id msg)
;; Messages without a WhatsApp ID aren't markable for hopefully
;; obvious reasons.
(cxml:with-element "markable"
(cxml:attribute "xmlns" +chat-markers-ns+)))))))
(defun make-xmpp-messages-for-wa-message (comp conn jid msg)
"Returns a promise that is resolved with a list of XMPP-MESSAGE objects generated from the WhatsApp message object MSG.
If something like file uploading fails, the promise can also be rejected."
(with-new-xmpp-message-context (comp jid msg conn)
(let ((contents (whatscl::message-contents msg))
(qc (alexandria:when-let
((summary (whatscl::message-quoted-contents-summary msg)))
(quote-content summary))))
(typecase contents
(let* ((contents-text (whatscl::contents-text contents))
(text (format nil "~@[~A~]~A" qc contents-text)))
(list (new-xmpp-message text))))
(let* ((file-info (whatscl::contents-file-info contents))
(media-type (whatscl::get-contents-media-type contents))
(filename (when (typep contents 'whatscl::message-contents-document)
(whatscl::contents-filename contents)))
(caption (whatscl::contents-caption contents))
(upload-promise (upload-whatsapp-media-file comp file-info media-type filename)))
(attach upload-promise
(lambda (get-url)
(when (or caption qc)
(let ((text (format nil "~@[~A~]~@[~A~]" qc caption)))
(list (new-xmpp-message text
:system-generated t))))
(list (new-xmpp-message get-url
:oob-url get-url)))))))
;; FIXME: handle location messages, stub messages, etc.
(t nil))))))