127 lines
5.4 KiB
Common Lisp
127 lines
5.4 KiB
Common Lisp
(in-package :whatsxmpp)
(defun get-user-id (jid)
"Get the user ID of JID, or NIL if none exists."
(get-user "SELECT id FROM users WHERE jid = ?")
(let ((stripped (strip-resource jid)))
(bind-parameters get-user stripped)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-user)
(first (column-values get-user))))))
(defun get-user-contact-localparts (uid)
"Returns a list of all contact localparts for UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (sqlite:statement-column-value get-stmt 0))))
(defun get-user-chat-id (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat ID of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT id FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (id) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-subject (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat subject of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT subject FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (subject) get-stmt
(defun get-user-chat-resource (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT user_resource FROM user_chats WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-participant-resource (chat-id localpart)
"Get the participant resource for LOCALPART in CHAT-ID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT resource FROM user_chat_members WHERE chat_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt chat-id localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (resource) get-stmt
(when (and resource (> (length resource) 0))
(defun get-user-chat-joined (uid localpart)
"Get the user chat resource of LOCALPART for UID, or NIL if none exists."
((get-stmt "SELECT ucj.jid FROM user_chats AS uc, user_chat_joined AS ucj WHERE uc.user_id = ? AND uc.wa_jid = ? AND uc.id = ucj.chat_id"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
append (column-values get-stmt))))
(defun get-contact-name (uid localpart)
"Get a name for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT name, notify FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (name notify) get-stmt
(or name notify (substitute #\+ #\u localpart))))))
(defun get-contact-status (uid localpart)
"Get the contact status text for LOCALPART, a possible contact for the user with ID UID."
(declare (type integer uid) (type string localpart))
((get-stmt "SELECT status FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_jid = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid localpart)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (status) get-stmt
(defun insert-user-message (uid xmpp-id wa-id)
"Inserts a mapping between the message IDs XMPP-ID and WA-ID for the user UID."
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_messages (user_id, xmpp_id, wa_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid xmpp-id wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun insert-user-chat (uid wa-id)
"Inserts a user chat with localpart WA-ID into the database for the user with UID."
((insert-stmt "INSERT INTO user_chats (user_id, wa_jid) VALUES (?, ?)"))
(bind-parameters insert-stmt uid wa-id)
(sqlite:step-statement insert-stmt)))
(defun lookup-wa-msgid (uid wa-msgid)
"Look up the XMPP ID for the WhatsApp message ID WA-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT xmpp_id FROM user_messages WHERE user_id = ? AND wa_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid wa-msgid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (xid) get-stmt
(defun lookup-xmpp-msgid (uid xmpp-msgid)
"Look up the WhatsApp message ID for the XMPP message ID XMPP-MSGID, when received for the user UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_id FROM user_messages WHERE user_id = ? AND xmpp_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid xmpp-msgid)
(when (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
(with-bound-columns (wid) get-stmt
(defun get-contact-localparts (uid)
"Get a list of contact localparts for the user with ID UID."
((get-stmt "SELECT wa_jid FROM user_contacts WHERE user_id = ?"))
(bind-parameters get-stmt uid)
while (sqlite:step-statement get-stmt)
collect (with-bound-columns (localpart) get-stmt localpart))))