__author__ = u"Steffen Vogel" __copyright__ = u"Copyright 2015, Steffen Vogel" __license__ = u"GPLv3" __maintainer__ = u"Steffen Vogel" __email__ = u"post@steffenvogel.de" u""" This file is part of transWhat transWhat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. transwhat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with transWhat. If not, see . """ import utils import logging import urllib import time from PIL import Image import sys import os from yowsup.layers.protocol_media.mediauploader import MediaUploader from yowsup.layers.protocol_media.mediadownloader import MediaDownloader from Spectrum2 import protocol_pb2 from buddy import BuddyList from threading import Timer from group import Group from bot import Bot import deferred from deferred import call from yowsupwrapper import YowsupApp class MsgIDs: def __init__(self, xmppId, waId): self.xmppId = xmppId self.waId = waId self.cnt = 0 class Session(YowsupApp): broadcast_prefix = u'\U0001F4E2 ' def __init__(self, backend, user, legacyName, extra): super(Session, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.info(u"Created: %s", legacyName) self.backend = backend self.user = user self.legacyName = legacyName self.status = protocol_pb2.STATUS_NONE self.statusMessage = u'' self.groups = {} self.gotGroupList = False # Functions to exectute when logged in via yowsup self.loginQueue = [] self.joinRoomQueue = [] self.presenceRequested = [] self.offlineQueue = [] self.msgIDs = { } self.groupOfflineQueue = { } self.loggedIn = False self.recvMsgIDs = [] self.timer = None self.password = None self.initialized = False self.lastMsgId = None self.synced = False self.buddies = BuddyList(self.legacyName, self.backend, self.user, self) self.bot = Bot(self) self.imgMsgId = None self.imgPath = u"" self.imgBuddy = None self.imgType = u"" def __del__(self): # handleLogoutRequest self.logout() def logout(self): self.logger.info(u"%s logged out", self.user) super(Session, self).logout() self.loggedIn = False def login(self, password): self.logger.info(u"%s attempting login", self.user) self.password = password self.shouldBeConncted = True super(Session, self).login(self.legacyName, self.password) def updateRoomList(self): rooms = [] text = [] for room, group in self.groups.iteritems(): rooms.append([room, group.subject]) text.append(room.decode('utf-8') + u'@' + self.backend.spectrum_jid.decode('utf-8') + u' :' + group.subject.decode('utf-8')) self.logger.debug(u"Got rooms: %s", rooms) self.backend.handleRoomList(rooms) message = u"Note, you are a participant of the following groups:\n" +\ u'\n'.join(text) + u'\nIf you do not join them you will lose messages' #self.bot.send(message) def _updateGroups(self, response, request): self.logger.debug(u'Received groups list %s', str(response).decode('utf-8')) groups = response.getGroups() for group in groups: room = group.getId() owner = group.getOwner().split(u'@')[0] subjectOwner = group.getSubjectOwner().split(u'@')[0] subject = utils.softToUni(group.getSubject()) if room in self.groups: oroom = self.groups[room] oroom.owner = owner oroom.subjectOwner = subjectOwner oroom.subject = subject else: self.groups[room] = Group(room, owner, subject, subjectOwner, self.backend, self.user) # self.joinRoom(self._shortenGroupId(room), self.user.split(u"@")[0]) self.groups[room].addParticipants(group.getParticipants().keys(), self.buddies, self.legacyName) #self._addParticipantsToRoom(room, group.getParticipants()) if room in self.groupOfflineQueue: while self.groupOfflineQueue[room]: msg = self.groupOfflineQueue[room].pop(0) self.backend.handleMessage(self.user, room, msg[1], msg[0], u"", msg[2]) self.logger.debug(u"Send queued group message to: %s %s %s", msg[0],msg[1], msg[2]) self.gotGroupList = True for room, nick in self.joinRoomQueue: self.joinRoom(room, nick) self.joinRoomQueue = [] self.updateRoomList() def joinRoom(self, room, nick): if not self.gotGroupList: self.joinRoomQueue.append((room, nick)) return room = room if room in self.groups: self.logger.info(u"Joining room: %s room=%s, nick=%s", self.legacyName, room, nick) group = self.groups[room] group.joined = True group.nick = nick group.participants[self.legacyName] = nick try: ownerNick = group.participants[group.subjectOwner] except KeyError: ownerNick = group.subjectOwner group.sendParticipantsToSpectrum(self.legacyName) self.backend.handleSubject(self.user, room, group.subject, ownerNick) self.logger.debug(u"Room subject: room=%s, subject=%s", room.decode('utf-8'), group.subject.decode('utf-8')) self.backend.handleRoomNicknameChanged( self.user, room, group.subject ) else: self.logger.warn(u"Room doesn't exist: %s", room) def leaveRoom(self, room): if room in self.groups: self.logger.info(u"Leaving room: %s room=%s", self.legacyName, room) group = self.groups[room] group.joined = False else: self.logger.warn(u"Room doesn't exist: %s. Unable to leave.", room) def _lastSeen(self, number, seconds): self.logger.debug(u"Last seen %s at %s seconds", number, seconds) if seconds < 60: self.onPresenceAvailable(number) else: self.onPresenceUnavailable(number) def sendReadReceipts(self, buddy): for _id, _from, participant, t in self.recvMsgIDs: if _from.split(u'@')[0] == buddy: self.sendReceipt(_id, _from, 'read', participant, t) self.recvMsgIDs.remove((_id, _from, participant, t)) self.logger.debug(u"Send read receipt to %s (ID: %s)", _from, _id) # Called by superclass def onAuthSuccess(self, status, kind, creation, expiration, props, nonce, t): self.logger.info(u"Auth success: %s", self.user) self.backend.handleConnected(self.user) self.backend.handleBuddyChanged(self.user, u"bot", self.bot.name, [u"Admin"], protocol_pb2.STATUS_ONLINE) # Initialisation? self.requestPrivacyList() self.requestClientConfig() self.requestServerProperties() # ? self.logger.debug(u'Requesting groups list') self.requestGroupsList(self._updateGroups) # self.requestBroadcastList() # This should handle, sync, statuses, and presence self.sendPresence(True) for func in self.loginQueue: func() if self.initialized == False: self.sendOfflineMessages() #self.bot.call(u"welcome") self.initialized = True self.loggedIn = True # Called by superclass def onAuthFailed(self, reason): self.logger.info(u"Auth failed: %s (%s)", self.user, reason) self.backend.handleDisconnected(self.user, 0, reason) self.password = None self.loggedIn = False # Called by superclass def onDisconnect(self): self.logger.debug(u'Disconnected') self.backend.handleDisconnected(self.user, 0, u'Disconnected for unknown reasons') # Called by superclass def onReceipt(self, _id, _from, timestamp, type, participant, offline, items): self.logger.debug(u"received receipt, sending ack: %s", [_id, _from, timestamp, type, participant, offline, items] ) try: number = _from.split(u'@')[0] self.backend.handleMessageAck(self.user, number, self.msgIDs[_id].xmppId) self.msgIDs[_id].cnt = self.msgIDs[_id].cnt + 1 if self.msgIDs[_id].cnt == 2: del self.msgIDs[_id] except KeyError: self.logger.error(u"Message %s not found. Unable to send ack", _id) # Called by superclass def onAck(self, _id, _class, _from, timestamp): self.logger.debug(u'received ack: %s', [_id, _class, _from, timestamp]) # Called by superclass def onTextMessage(self, _id, _from, to, notify, timestamp, participant, offline, retry, body): self.logger.debug(u'received TextMessage %s', [ _id, _from, to, notify, timestamp, participant, offline, retry, body ]) buddy = _from.split(u'@')[0] messageContent = utils.softToUni(body) self.sendReceipt(_id, _from, None, participant, timestamp) self.recvMsgIDs.append((_id, _from, participant, timestamp)) self.logger.info(u"Message received from %s to %s: %s (at ts=%s)", buddy, self.legacyName, messageContent, timestamp) if participant is not None: # Group message or broadcast partname = participant.split(u'@')[0] if _from.split(u'@')[1] == u'broadcast': # Broadcast message message = self.broadcast_prefix + messageContent self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, message, timestamp) else: # Group message if notify is None: notify = u"" self.sendGroupMessageToXMPP(buddy, partname, messageContent, timestamp, notify) else: self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, messageContent, timestamp) # Called by superclass def onImage(self, image): self.logger.debug(u'Received image message %s', str(image)) buddy = image._from.split(u'@')[0] participant = image.participant if image.caption is None: image.caption = u'' if participant is not None: # Group message partname = participant.split(u'@')[0] if image._from.split(u'@')[1] == u'broadcast': # Broadcast message self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, self.broadcast_prefix, image.timestamp) self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, image.url, image.timestamp) self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, image.caption, image.timestamp) else: # Group message self.sendGroupMessageToXMPP(buddy, partname, image.url, image.timestamp) self.sendGroupMessageToXMPP(buddy, partname, image.caption, image.timestamp) else: self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, image.url, image.timestamp) self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, image.caption, image.timestamp) self.sendReceipt(image._id, image._from, None, image.participant, image.timestamp) self.recvMsgIDs.append((image._id, image._from, image.participant, image.timestamp)) # Called by superclass def onAudio(self, audio): self.logger.debug(u'Received audio message %s', str(audio)) buddy = audio._from.split(u'@')[0] participant = audio.participant message = audio.url if participant is not None: # Group message partname = participant.split(u'@')[0] if audio._from.split(u'@')[1] == u'broadcast': # Broadcast message self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, self.broadcast_prefix, audio.timestamp) self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, message, audio.timestamp) else: # Group message self.sendGroupMessageToXMPP(buddy, partname, message, audio.timestamp) else: self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, message, audio.timestamp) self.sendReceipt(audio._id, audio._from, None, audio.participant, audio.timestamp) self.recvMsgIDs.append((audio._id, audio._from, audio.participant, audio.timestamp)) # Called by superclass def onVideo(self, video): self.logger.debug(u'Received video message %s', str(video)) buddy = video._from.split(u'@')[0] participant = video.participant message = video.url if participant is not None: # Group message partname = participant.split(u'@')[0] if video._from.split(u'@')[1] == u'broadcast': # Broadcast message self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, self.broadcast_prefix, video.timestamp) self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, message, video.timestamp) else: # Group message self.sendGroupMessageToXMPP(buddy, partname, message, video.timestamp) else: self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, message, video.timestamp) self.sendReceipt(video._id, video._from, None, video.participant, video.timestamp) self.recvMsgIDs.append((video._id, video._from, video.participant, video.timestamp)) def onLocation(self, location): buddy = location._from.split(u'@')[0] latitude = location.getLatitude() longitude = location.getLongitude() url = location.getLocationURL() participant = location.participant latlong = u'geo:' + latitude + u',' + longitude self.logger.debug(u"Location received from %s: %s, %s", buddy, latitude, longitude) if participant is not None: # Group message partname = participant.split(u'@')[0] if location._from.split(u'@')[1] == u'broadcast': # Broadcast message self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, self.broadcast_prefix, location.timestamp) if url is not None: self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, url, location.timestamp) self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, latlong, location.timestamp) else: # Group message if url is not None: self.sendGroupMessageToXMPP(buddy, partname, url, location.timestamp) self.sendGroupMessageToXMPP(buddy, partname, latlong, location.timestamp) else: if url is not None: self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, url, location.timestamp) self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, latlong, location.timestamp) self.sendReceipt(location._id, location._from, None, location.participant, location.timestamp) self.recvMsgIDs.append((location._id, location._from, location.participant, location.timestamp)) # Called by superclass def onVCard(self, _id, _from, name, card_data, to, notify, timestamp, participant): self.logger.debug(u'received VCard %s', [ _id, _from, name, card_data, to, notify, timestamp, participant ]) message = u"Received VCard (not implemented yet)" buddy = _from.split(u"@")[0] if participant is not None: # Group message partname = participant.split(u'@')[0] if _from.split(u'@')[1] == u'broadcast': # Broadcast message message = self.broadcast_prefix + message self.sendMessageToXMPP(partname, message, timestamp) else: # Group message self.sendGroupMessageToXMPP(buddy, partname, message, timestamp) else: self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, message, timestamp) # self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, card_data) #self.transferFile(buddy, str(name), card_data) self.sendReceipt(_id, _from, None, participant, timestamp) self.recvMsgIDs.append((_id, _from, participant, timestamp)) def transferFile(self, buddy, name, data): # Not working self.logger.debug(u'transfering file %s', name) self.backend.handleFTStart(self.user, buddy, name, len(data)) self.backend.handleFTData(0, data) self.backend.handleFTFinish(self.user, buddy, name, len(data), 0) # Called by superclass def onContactTyping(self, buddy): self.logger.info(u"Started typing: %s", buddy) if buddy != u'bot': self.sendPresence(True) self.backend.handleBuddyTyping(self.user, buddy) if self.timer != None: self.timer.cancel() # Called by superclass def onContactPaused(self, buddy): self.logger.info(u"Paused typing: %s", buddy) if buddy != u'bot': self.backend.handleBuddyTyped(self.user, buddy) self.timer = Timer(3, self.backend.handleBuddyStoppedTyping, (self.user, buddy)).start() # Called by superclass def onAddedToGroup(self, group): self.logger.debug(u"Added to group: %s", group) room = group.getGroupId() owner = group.getCreatorJid(full = False) subjectOwner = group.getSubjectOwnerJid(full = False) subject = utils.softToUni(group.getSubject()) self.groups[room] = Group(room, owner, subject, subjectOwner, self.backend, self.user) self.groups[room].addParticipants(group.getParticipants, self.buddies, self.legacyName) self.bot.send(u"You have been added to group: %s@%s (%s)" % (room, subject, self.backend.spectrum_jid)) # Called by superclass def onParticipantsAddedToGroup(self, group): self.logger.debug(u"Participants added to group: %s", group) room = group.getGroupId().split(u'@')[0] self.groups[room].addParticipants(group.getParticipants(), self.buddies, self.legacyName) self.groups[room].sendParticipantsToSpectrum(self.legacyName) # Called by superclass def onSubjectChanged(self, room, subject, subjectOwner, timestamp): self.logger.debug( u"onSubjectChange(room=%s, subject=%s, subjectOwner=%s, timestamp=%s)", room, subject, subjectOwner, timestamp) try: group = self.groups[room] except KeyError: self.logger.error(u"Subject of non-existant group (%s) changed", group) else: group.subject = subject group.subjectOwner = subjectOwner if not group.joined: # We have not joined group so we should not send subject return self.backend.handleSubject(self.user, room, subject, subjectOwner) self.backend.handleRoomNicknameChanged(self.user, room, subject) # Called by superclass def onParticipantsRemovedFromGroup(self, room, participants): self.logger.debug(u"Participants removed from group: %s, %s", room, participants) self.groups[room].removeParticipants(participants) # Called by superclass def onContactStatusChanged(self, number, status): self.logger.debug(u"%s changed their status to %s", number, status) try: buddy = self.buddies[number] buddy.statusMsg = status self.buddies.updateSpectrum(buddy) except KeyError: self.logger.debug(u"%s not in buddy list", number) # Called by superclass def onContactPictureChanged(self, number): self.logger.debug(u"%s changed their profile picture", number) self.buddies.requestVCard(number) # Called by superclass def onContactAdded(self, number, nick): self.logger.debug(u"Adding new contact %s (%s)", nick, number) self.updateBuddy(number, nick, []) # Called by superclass def onContactRemoved(self, number): self.logger.debug(u"Removing contact %s", number) self.removeBuddy(number) def onContactUpdated(self, oldnumber, newnumber): self.logger.debug(u"Contact has changed number from %s to %s", oldnumber, newnumber) if newnumber in self.buddies: self.logger.warn(u"Contact %s exists, just updating", newnumber) self.buddies.refresh(newnumber) try: buddy = self.buddies[oldnumber] except KeyError: self.logger.warn(u"Old contact (%s) not found. Adding new contact (%s)", oldnumber, newnumber) nick = u"" else: self.removeBuddy(buddy.number) nick = buddy.nick self.updateBuddy(newnumber, nick, []) def onPresenceReceived(self, _type, name, jid, lastseen): self.logger.info(u"Presence received: %s %s %s %s", _type, name, jid, lastseen) buddy = jid.split(u"@")[0] try: buddy = self.buddies[buddy] except KeyError: # Sometimes whatsapp send our own presence if buddy != self.legacyName: self.logger.error(u"Buddy not found: %s", buddy) return if (lastseen == str(buddy.lastseen)) and (_type == buddy.presence): return if ((lastseen != u"deny") and (lastseen != None) and (lastseen != u"none")): buddy.lastseen = int(lastseen) if (_type == None): buddy.lastseen = time.time() buddy.presence = _type if _type == u"unavailable": self.onPresenceUnavailable(buddy) else: self.onPresenceAvailable(buddy) def onPresenceAvailable(self, buddy): self.logger.info(u"Is available: %s", buddy) self.buddies.updateSpectrum(buddy) def onPresenceUnavailable(self, buddy): self.logger.info(u"Is unavailable: %s", buddy) self.buddies.updateSpectrum(buddy) # spectrum RequestMethods def sendTypingStarted(self, buddy): if buddy != u"bot": self.logger.info(u"Started typing: %s to %s", self.legacyName, buddy) self.sendTyping(buddy, True) self.sendReadReceipts(buddy) # If he is typing he is present # I really don't know where else to put this. # Ideally, this should be sent if the user is looking at his client self.sendPresence(True) def sendTypingStopped(self, buddy): if buddy != "bot": self.logger.info("Stopped typing: %s to %s", self.legacyName, buddy) self.sendTyping(buddy, False) self.sendReadReceipts(buddy) def sendImage(self, message, ID, to): if (".jpg" in message.lower()): imgType = "jpg" if (".webp" in message.lower()): imgType = "webp" success = deferred.Deferred() error = deferred.Deferred() self.downloadMedia(message, success.run, error.run) # Success path = success.arg(0) call(self.logger.info, "Success: Image downloaded to %s", path) pathWithExt = path.then(lambda p: p + "." + imgType) call(os.rename, path, pathWithExt) pathJpg = path.then(lambda p: p + ".jpg") if imgType != "jpg": im = call(Image.open, pathWithExt) call(im.save, pathJpg) call(os.remove, pathWithExt) call(self.logger.info, "Sending image to %s", to) waId = deferred.Deferred() call(super(Session, self).sendImage, to, pathJpg, onSuccess = waId.run) call(self.setWaId, ID, waId) waId.when(call, os.remove, pathJpg) waId.when(self.logger.info, "Image sent") # Error error.when(self.logger.info, "Download Error. Sending message as is.") waId = error.when(self.sendTextMessage, to, message) call(self.setWaId, ID, waId) def setWaId(self, XmppId, waId): self.msgIDs[waId] = MsgIDs(XmppId, waId) def sendMessageToWA(self, sender, message, ID, xhtml=""): self.logger.info("Message sent from %s to %s: %s (xhtml=%s)", self.legacyName, sender, message, xhtml) message = message.encode("utf-8") self.sendReadReceipts(sender) if sender == "bot": self.bot.parse(message) elif "-" in sender: # group msg if "/" in sender: # directed at single user room, nick = sender.split("/") group = self.groups[room] number = None for othernumber, othernick in group.participants.iteritems(): if othernick == nick: number = othernumber break if number is not None: self.logger.debug("Private message sent from %s to %s", self.legacyName, number) waId = self.sendTextMessage(number + u'@s.whatsapp.net', message) self.msgIDs[waId] = MsgIDs( ID, waId) else: self.logger.error("Attempted to send private message to non-existent user") self.logger.debug("%s to %s in %s", self.legacyName, nick, room) else: room = sender if message[0] == u'\\' and message[:1] != u'\\\\': self.logger.debug("Executing command %s in %s", message, room) self.executeCommand(message, room) else: try: group = self.groups[room] self.logger.debug("Group Message from %s to %s Groups: %s", group.nick , group , self.groups) self.backend.handleMessage( self.user, room, message.decode(u'utf-8'), group.nick, xhtml=xhtml ) except KeyError: self.logger.error(u'Group not found: %s', room) if (".jpg" in message.lower()) or (".webp" in message.lower()): self.sendImage(message, ID, room + u'@g.us') elif "geo:" in message.lower(): self._sendLocation(room + "@g.us", message, ID) else: self.sendTextMessage(room + u'@g.us', message) else: # private msg buddy = sender # if message == "\\lastseen": # self.call("presence_request", buddy = (buddy + "@s.whatsapp.net",)) # else: if message.split(" ").pop(0) == "\\lastseen": self.presenceRequested.append(buddy) #self.call("presence_request", (buddy + "@s.whatsapp.net",)) self._requestLastSeen(buddy) elif message.split(" ").pop(0) == "\\gpp": self.logger.info("Get Profile Picture! ") self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, "Fetching Profile Picture") #self.call("contact_getProfilePicture", (buddy + "@s.whatsapp.net",)) self.requestVCard(buddy) else: if (".jpg" in message.lower()) or (".webp" in message.lower()): self.sendImage(message, ID, buddy + "@s.whatsapp.net") elif "geo:" in message.lower(): self._sendLocation(buddy + "@s.whatsapp.net", message, ID) else: waId = self.sendTextMessage(sender + u'@s.whatsapp.net', message) self.msgIDs[waId] = MsgIDs( ID, waId) self.logger.info("WA Message send to %s with ID %s", buddy, waId) #self.sendTextMessage(sender + u'@s.whatsapp.net', message) def executeCommand(self, command, room): if command == u'\\leave': self.logger.debug("Leaving room %s", room) # Leave group on whatsapp side self.leaveGroup(room) # Delete Room on spectrum side group = self.groups[room] group.leaveRoom() del self.groups[room] def _requestLastSeen(self, buddy): def onSuccess(buddy, lastseen): timestamp = time.localtime(time.localtime()-lastseen) timestring = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", timestamp) self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, "%s (%s) %s" % (timestring, utils.ago(lastseen),str(lastseen))) def onError(errorIqEntity, originalIqEntity): self.sendMessageToXMPP(errorIqEntity.getFrom(), "LastSeen Error") self.requestLastSeen(buddy, onSuccess, onError) def _sendLocation(self, buddy, message, ID): #with open(u'/opt/transwhat/map.jpg', 'rb') as imageFile: # raw = base64.b64encode(imageFile.read()) latitude,longitude = message.split(u':')[1].split(',') waId = self.sendLocation(buddy, float(latitude), float(longitude)) self.msgIDs[waId] = MsgIDs( ID, waId) self.logger.info("WA Location Message send to %s with ID %s", buddy, waId) def sendMessageToXMPP(self, buddy, messageContent, timestamp = "", nickname = ""): if timestamp: timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", time.gmtime(timestamp)) if self.initialized == False: self.logger.debug("Message queued from %s to %s: %s", buddy, self.legacyName, messageContent) self.offlineQueue.append((buddy, messageContent, timestamp)) else: self.logger.debug("Message sent from %s to %s: %s", buddy, self.legacyName, messageContent) self.backend.handleMessage(self.user, buddy, messageContent, "", "", timestamp) def sendGroupMessageToXMPP(self, room, number, messageContent, timestamp = u"", defaultname = u""): if timestamp: timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", time.gmtime(timestamp)) if self.initialized == False: self.logger.debug("Group message queued from %s to %s: %s", number, room, messageContent) if room not in self.groupOfflineQueue: self.groupOfflineQueue[room] = [ ] self.groupOfflineQueue[room].append( (number, messageContent, timestamp) ) else: self.logger.debug("Group message sent from %s to %s: %s", number, room, messageContent) try: group = self.groups[room] # Update nickname try: if defaultname != "" and group.participants[number] == number: group.changeNick(number, defaultname) if self.buddies[number].nick != "": group.changeNick(number, self.buddies[number].nick) except KeyError: pass nick = group.participants[number] if group.joined: self.backend.handleMessage(self.user, room, messageContent, nick, "", timestamp) else: self.bot.send("You have received a message in group: %s@%s" % (room, self.backend.spectrum_jid)) self.bot.send("Join the group in order to reply") self.bot.send("%s: %s" % (nick, messageContent)) except KeyError: self.logger.warn("Group is not in group list") self.backend.handleMessage(self.user, room, messageContent, number, "", timestamp) def changeStatus(self, status): if status != self.status: self.logger.info("Status changed: %s", status) self.status = status if status == protocol_pb2.STATUS_ONLINE \ or status == protocol_pb2.STATUS_FFC: self.sendPresence(True) else: self.sendPresence(False) def changeStatusMessage(self, statusMessage): if (statusMessage != self.statusMessage) or (self.initialized == False): self.statusMessage = statusMessage self.setStatus(statusMessage.encode(u'utf-8')) self.logger.info("Status message changed: %s", statusMessage) #if self.initialized == False: # self.sendOfflineMessages() # self.bot.call("welcome") # self.initialized = True def sendOfflineMessages(self): # Flush Queues while self.offlineQueue: msg = self.offlineQueue.pop(0) self.backend.handleMessage(self.user, msg[0], msg[1], "", "", msg[2]) # Called when user logs in to initialize the roster def loadBuddies(self, buddies): self.buddies.load(buddies) # also for adding a new buddy def updateBuddy(self, buddy, nick, groups, image_hash = None): if buddy != "bot": self.buddies.update(buddy, nick, groups, image_hash) def removeBuddy(self, buddy): if buddy != "bot": self.logger.info("Buddy removed: %s", buddy) self.buddies.remove(buddy) def requestVCard(self, buddy, ID=None): self.buddies.requestVCard(buddy, ID) def createThumb(self, size=100, raw=False): img = Image.open(self.imgPath) width, height = img.size img_thumbnail = self.imgPath + u'_thumbnail' if width > height: nheight = float(height) / width * size nwidth = size else: nwidth = float(width) / height * size nheight = size img.thumbnail((nwidth, nheight), Image.ANTIALIAS) img.save(img_thumbnail, u'JPEG') with open(img_thumbnail, 'rb') as imageFile: raw = base64.b64encode(imageFile.read()) return raw # Not used def onLocationReceived(self, messageId, jid, name, preview, latitude, longitude, receiptRequested, isBroadcast): buddy = jid.split(u"@")[0] self.logger.info(u"Location received from %s: %s, %s", buddy, latitude, longitude) url = u"http://maps.google.de?%s" % urllib.urlencode({ u"q": u"%s %s" % (latitude, longitude) }) self.sendMessageToXMPP(buddy, utils.shorten(url)) if receiptRequested: self.call(u"message_ack", (jid, messageId)) def onGroupSubjectReceived(self, messageId, gjid, jid, subject, timestamp, receiptRequested): room = gjid.split(u"@")[0] buddy = jid.split(u"@")[0] self.backend.handleSubject(self.user, room, subject, buddy) if receiptRequested: self.call(u"subject_ack", (gjid, messageId)) # Yowsup Notifications def onGroupParticipantRemoved(self, gjid, jid, author, timestamp, messageId, receiptRequested): room = gjid.split(u"@")[0] buddy = jid.split(u"@")[0] self.logger.info(u"Removed %s from room %s", buddy, room) self.backend.handleParticipantChanged(self.user, buddy, room, protocol_pb2.PARTICIPANT_FLAG_NONE, protocol_pb2.STATUS_NONE) # TODO if receiptRequested: self.call(u"notification_ack", (gjid, messageId)) def onContactProfilePictureUpdated(self, jid, timestamp, messageId, pictureId, receiptRequested): # TODO if receiptRequested: self.call(u"notification_ack", (jid, messageId)) def onGroupPictureUpdated(self, jid, author, timestamp, messageId, pictureId, receiptRequested): # TODO if receiptRequested: self.call(u"notification_ack", (jid, messageId))