/******************************************/ /* */ /* RenderWare(TM) Graphics Library */ /* */ /******************************************/ /* * This file is a product of Criterion Software Ltd. * * This file is provided as is with no warranties of any kind and is * provided without any obligation on Criterion Software Ltd. * or Canon Inc. to assist in its use or modification. * * Criterion Software Ltd. and Canon Inc. will not, under any * circumstances, be liable for any lost revenue or other damages * arising from the use of this file. * * Copyright (c) 1999. Criterion Software Ltd. * All Rights Reserved. */ /************************************************************************* * * Filename: <C:/daily/rwsdk/include/d3d8/rwcore.h> * Automatically Generated on: Thu Jan 23 11:06:24 2003 * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef RWCORE_H #define RWCORE_H /*--- System Header Files ---*/ #include <rwplcore.h> /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/common/barwasmm.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/p2resort.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/p2macros.h ---*/ #define RxClusterDecCursorByStride(_cluster, _stride) \ ((_cluster)->currentData = \ (void *)(((RwUInt8 *)(_cluster)->currentData) - \ (_stride))) #define RxClusterDecCursor(_cluster) \ RxClusterDecCursorByStride(_cluster, (_cluster)->stride) #define RxClusterIncCursorByStride(_cluster, _stride) \ ((_cluster)->currentData = \ (void *)(((RwUInt8 *)(_cluster)->currentData) + \ (_stride))) #define RxClusterIncCursor(_cluster) \ RxClusterIncCursorByStride(_cluster, (_cluster)->stride) #define RxClusterResetCursor(_cluster) \ ((_cluster)->currentData = (_cluster)->data) #define RxClusterGetCursorData(_cluster, _type) \ ((_type *)(_cluster)->currentData) #define RxClusterGetIndexedData(_cluster, _type, _index) \ ((_type *)(((RwUInt8 *)(_cluster)->data) + (_cluster)->stride*(_index))) #define RxClusterGetFreeIndex(_cluster) ( (_cluster)->numUsed++ ) #define RxPipelineClusterAssertAttributeSet(_cluster, _attributeSet) \ RWASSERT( (_cluster)->clusterRef->attributeSet != NULL && \ rwstrcmp((_cluster)->clusterRef->attributeSet, \ (_attributeSet)) == 0 ) #define RxPipelineNodeParamGetData(_param) \ ( (_param)->dataParam ) #define RxPipelineNodeParamGetHeap(_param) \ ( (_param)->heap ) /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/p2heap.h ---*/ #if (defined(RWDEBUG) && (defined(RWMEMDEBUG))) #if (!defined(DISABLERWHEAP)) #define DISABLERWHEAP #endif /* (!defined(DISABLERWHEAP)) */ #endif /* (defined(RWDEBUG) && (defined(RWMEMDEBUG))) */ typedef struct rxHeapFreeBlock rxHeapFreeBlock; typedef struct rxHeapSuperBlockDescriptor rxHeapSuperBlockDescriptor; typedef struct RxHeap RxHeap; typedef struct rxHeapBlockHeader rxHeapBlockHeader; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct rxHeapFreeBlock { RwUInt32 size; rxHeapBlockHeader *ptr; }; struct rxHeapSuperBlockDescriptor { void *start; RwUInt32 size; rxHeapSuperBlockDescriptor *next; }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxHeap * structure describing a pipeline execution heap */ struct RxHeap { RwUInt32 superBlockSize; /**< Granularity of heap growth */ rxHeapSuperBlockDescriptor *head; /**< Internally used superblock pointer */ rxHeapBlockHeader *headBlock; /**< Internally used block pointer */ rxHeapFreeBlock *freeBlocks; /**< Internally used free blocks pointer */ RwUInt32 entriesAlloced; /**< Number of entries allocated */ RwUInt32 entriesUsed; /**< Number of entries used */ RwBool dirty; /**< Internally used boolean, flags whether * the heap needs resetting or not. */ }; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct rxHeapBlockHeader { /* present in all blocks (used & unused) */ rxHeapBlockHeader *prev, *next; RwUInt32 size; rxHeapFreeBlock *freeEntry; /* (or null) */ RwUInt32 pad[4]; /* alignment padding to 32 bytes */ }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /* This wrapper cheaply early-outs when a heap doesn't *need* resetting */ #define RxHeapReset(heap) \ ((FALSE == (heap)->dirty) ? (TRUE) : (_rxHeapReset(heap))) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ extern RxHeap *RxHeapCreate(RwUInt32 size); extern void RxHeapDestroy(RxHeap * heap); extern RwBool _rxHeapReset(RxHeap * heap); extern void *RxHeapAlloc(RxHeap * heap, RwUInt32 size); extern void RxHeapFree(RxHeap * heap, void *block); extern void *RxHeapRealloc(RxHeap * heap, void *block, RwUInt32 newSize, RwBool allowCopy); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #if (defined(DISABLERWHEAP)) typedef struct rxHeapMallocTrace rxHeapMallocTrace; struct rxHeapMallocTrace { rxHeapMallocTrace *next; rxHeapBlockHeader *block; }; #endif /* (defined(DISABLERWHEAP)) */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/p2dep.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/p2core.h ---*/ extern RwInt32 _rxPipelineMaxNodes; extern RwInt32 _rxHeapInitialSize; /* LEGACY-SUPPORT MACRO */ #define _rwRxHeapInitialSize _rxHeapInitialSize /* Beneficial padding of PowerPipe types is still being worked out... */ #define PADCLUSTERSx /************************************************************* * Global Defines */ #define RWBOOLTOGGLE(bVar) ((bVar == FALSE)?(bVar = TRUE):(bVar = FALSE)) /* Both these currently limited due to the use of RwUInt32 bit-fields */ #define RXNODEMAXCLUSTERSOFINTEREST 32 #define RXNODEMAXOUTPUTS 32 /* Useful (for memory alloc) to limit this during pipeline construction */ #define RXPIPELINEDEFAULTMAXNODES 64 /* * Cluster flags */ #define rxCLFLAGS_NULL ((RwUInt16) 0x0000U) #define rxCLFLAGS_CLUSTERVALID ((RwUInt16) 0x0001U) #define rxCLFLAGS_EXTERNAL ((RwUInt16) 0x0002U) #define rxCLFLAGS_EXTERNALMODIFIABLE ((RwUInt16) 0x0004U | 0x0002U) #define rxCLFLAGS_MODIFIED ((RwUInt16) 0x0008U) /* * Packet flags */ #define rxPKFLAGS_NULL ((RwUInt16) 0x0000U) /* * used in input specification */ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxClusterValidityReq * Flags specifying the state requirements for * a \ref RxCluster on entry to a node */ enum RxClusterValidityReq { rxCLREQ_DONTWANT = 0, /**<The cluster is required but any data within it is * not wanted and will be overwritten */ rxCLREQ_REQUIRED = 1, /**<The cluster is required and it must contain * valid data */ rxCLREQ_OPTIONAL = 2, /**<The cluster will be used if it is present and * contains valid data, otherwise the node will * make do without it. */ rxCLUSTERVALIDITYREQFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxClusterValid * Flags specifying the state requirements for * a \ref RxCluster on exit from a node */ enum RxClusterValid { rxCLVALID_NOCHANGE = 0, /**<The cluster and its data will not change in * validity on passing through this node */ rxCLVALID_VALID = 1, /**<The cluster and its data will be valid on * exit from this node */ rxCLVALID_INVALID = 2, /**<The cluster's data will be invalid on * exit from this node */ rxCLUSTERVALIDFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; /**************************************************************************** Global Types */ typedef struct RxClusterDefinition RxClusterDefinition; typedef struct rxReq rxReq; typedef enum RxClusterValidityReq RxClusterValidityReq; typedef enum RxClusterValid RxClusterValid; typedef struct RxOutputSpec RxOutputSpec; typedef struct RxClusterRef RxClusterRef; typedef struct RxIoSpec RxIoSpec; typedef struct RxNodeMethods RxNodeMethods; typedef struct RxNodeDefinition RxNodeDefinition; typedef struct RxCluster RxCluster; typedef struct RxPipelineCluster RxPipelineCluster; typedef struct RxPacket RxPacket; typedef struct RxPipelineNode RxPipelineNode; typedef struct RxPipelineNodeTopSortData RxPipelineNodeTopSortData; typedef struct RxPipelineNode RxPipelineNodeInstance; typedef struct RxPipelineNodeParam RxPipelineNodeParam; typedef struct RxExecutionContext RxExecutionContext; typedef struct RxPipelineRequiresCluster RxPipelineRequiresCluster; typedef struct RxPipeline RxPipeline; /*************************************************************************** * * C L U S T E R D E F I N I T I O N * ***************************************************************************/ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxClusterDefinition * Structure describing a cluster */ struct RxClusterDefinition { RwChar *name; /**< Name */ RwUInt32 defaultStride; /**< Default stride */ RwUInt32 defaultAttributes; /**< Default attributes */ const RwChar *attributeSet; /**< Attribute set */ }; /*************************************************************************** * * N O D E D E F I N I T I O N S T R U C T S * ***************************************************************************/ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxOutputSpec * Structure describing an output specification of a node */ struct RxOutputSpec { RwChar *name; /**< Name */ RxClusterValid *outputClusters; /**< States of clusters of interest on output */ RxClusterValid allOtherClusters; /**< States of clusters not of interest on output */ }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxClusterForcePresent * Flags specifying whether an \ref RxCluster * should be forced to be present in an \ref RxPipelineNode */ enum RxClusterForcePresent { rxCLALLOWABSENT = FALSE, /**<The cluster is allowed to be absent if no prior * nodes create it and no subsequent nodes require it */ rxCLFORCEPRESENT = TRUE, /**<The cluster must be present even if no prior * nodes create it and no subsequent nodes require it */ rxCLUSTERFORCEPRESENTFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RxClusterForcePresent RxClusterForcePresent; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxClusterRef * Structure describing a cluster reference */ struct RxClusterRef { RxClusterDefinition *clusterDef; /**< Cluster definition */ RxClusterForcePresent forcePresent; /**< Specifies whether the cluster should be forced present */ RwUInt32 reserved; /**< Omit or initialize to zero */ }; #define rxCLRESERVED ((RwUInt32)0) /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxIoSpec * Structure describing an input/output specification of a node */ struct RxIoSpec { RwUInt32 numClustersOfInterest;/**< Number of Clusters of interest */ RxClusterRef *clustersOfInterest; /**< Clusters of interest array */ RxClusterValidityReq *inputRequirements; /**< Requirements of the clusters of interest on input to the node */ RwUInt32 numOutputs; /**< Number of outputs from the node */ RxOutputSpec *outputs; /**< Output specification array */ }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxNodeBodyFn is the callback to be * called during pipeline execution -- and, typically, process * \ref RxPacket's -- for the owning pipeline node. * * \param self A pointer to the pipeline node being executed * \param params A pointer to a parameter structure * * \return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. * * \see RxNodeMethods */ typedef RwBool (*RxNodeBodyFn) (RxPipelineNode * self, const RxPipelineNodeParam *params); /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxNodeInitFn * is the callback to be called, * for the owning node definition, the first time an \ref RxPipeline * referencing that node definition is unlocked. * * \param self A pointer to the node definition * * \return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. * * \see RxNodeMethods */ typedef RwBool (*RxNodeInitFn) (RxNodeDefinition * self); /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxNodeTermFn * is the callback to be called, * for the owning node definition, the last time an \ref RxPipeline * referencing that node definition is destroyed or locked. * * \param self A pointer to the node definition * * \return None * * \see RxNodeMethods */ typedef void (*RxNodeTermFn) (RxNodeDefinition * self); /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxPipelineNodeInitFn * is the callback to be called, for the owning pipeline node, whenever a * \ref RxPipeline containing that that pipeline node is unlocked. * * \param self A pointer to the pipeline node * * \return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. * * \see RxNodeMethods */ typedef RwBool (*RxPipelineNodeInitFn) (RxPipelineNode * self); /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxPipelineNodeTermFn * is the callback to be called, for the owning pipeline node, whenever a * \ref RxPipeline containing that that pipeline node is locked or * destroyed. * * \param self A pointer to the pipeline node * * \return None * * \see RxNodeMethods */ typedef void (*RxPipelineNodeTermFn) (RxPipelineNode * self); /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxPipelineNodeConfigFn * is the callback to be called, for the owning pipeline node, whenever a * \ref RxPipeline containing that that pipeline node is unlocked, * *after* all \ref RxPipelineNodeInitFn's have been called for the * pipeline in question. This func is to be used as described in * RxPipelineNodeSendConfigMsg. * * \param self A pointer to the pipeline node * \param pipeline A pointer to the containing pipeline * * \return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. * * \see RxNodeMethods */ typedef RwBool (*RxPipelineNodeConfigFn) (RxPipelineNode * self, RxPipeline * pipeline); /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxConfigMsgHandlerFn * is the callback to be called, for the owning pipeline node, whenever * a message is sent to it by the \ref RxPipelineNodeConfigFn of another * pipeline node in the same pipeline. See \ref RxPipelineNodeSendConfigMsg. * * \param self A pointer to the pipeline node * \param msg Message ID * \param intparam Meaning is message-specific * \param ptrparam Meaning is message-specific * * \return A RwInt32 value, 0: unserviced; -ve: error; +ve: informative success * * \see RxNodeMethods */ typedef RwUInt32 (*RxConfigMsgHandlerFn) (RxPipelineNode * self, RwUInt32 msg, RwUInt32 intparam, void *ptrparam); /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxNodeMethods * A structure describing a set * of node methods * * \see RxNodeBodyFn * \see RxNodeInitFn * \see RxNodeTermFn * \see RxPipelineNodeInitFn * \see RxPipelineNodeTermFn * \see RxPipelineNodeConfigFn * \see RxConfigMsgHandlerFn */ struct RxNodeMethods { RxNodeBodyFn nodeBody; /**< Node body function */ RxNodeInitFn nodeInit; /**< Node initialization function */ RxNodeTermFn nodeTerm; /**< Node termination function */ RxPipelineNodeInitFn pipelineNodeInit; /**< Pipeline node initialization function */ RxPipelineNodeTermFn pipelineNodeTerm; /**< Pipeline node termination function */ RxPipelineNodeConfigFn pipelineNodeConfig; /**< Pipleline node configuation function */ RxConfigMsgHandlerFn configMsgHandler; /**< Configuaraton message handler function */ }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxNodeDefEditable * Flags specifying whether an \ref RxNodeDefinition * is editable or not (\ref RxPipelineNodeCloneDefinition, * \ref RxPipelineNodeReplaceCluster and \ref RxPipelineNodeRequestCluster * create editable copies of node definitions as the originals may be * static definitions). */ enum RxNodeDefEditable { /**<This node definition should not be freed */ rxNODEDEFCONST = FALSE, /**< This node definition is a temporary, * modified copy of another and can be freed */ rxNODEDEFEDITABLE = TRUE, rxNODEDEFEDITABLEFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RxNodeDefEditable RxNodeDefEditable; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxNodeDefinition * A structure describing a node definition */ struct RxNodeDefinition { RwChar *name; /**< Name */ RxNodeMethods nodeMethods; /**< Node methods */ RxIoSpec io; /**< Input/output specification */ RwUInt32 pipelineNodePrivateDataSize; /**< Size in bytes of node's private data */ RxNodeDefEditable editable; /**< Flags whether a node is editable */ RwInt32 InputPipesCnt; /**< Count of the unlocked pipelines containing this node */ }; /*************************************************************************** * * P I P E L I N E - E X E C U T I O N - T I M E S T R U C T S * ***************************************************************************/ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxPipelineCluster * A structure describing a pipeline cluster; * that is, an \ref RxClusterDefinition in the context of a specific \ref RxPipeline * (in the same way as an \ref RxPipelineNode is an \ref RxNodeDefinition in the * context of a specific \ref RxPipeline). The \ref RxCluster is the structure * representing this and the \ref RxClusterDefinition within \ref RxPacket's at * pipeline-execution-time */ struct RxPipelineCluster { RxClusterDefinition *clusterRef; /**< Cluster refererence */ RwUInt32 creationAttributes; /**< Creation Attributes */ }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxCluster * A structure describing a cluster; this is * the representative of an \ref RxClusterDefinition and \ref RxPipelineCluster * within \ref RxPacket's at pipeline-execution-time. */ struct RxCluster { RwUInt16 flags; /**< Bitfield of flags e.g. modification permissions */ RwUInt16 stride; /**< Stride in bytes of the cluster's data */ void *data; /**< The Cluster's data */ void *currentData; /**< A 'cursor', referencing the current element in the data */ RwUInt32 numAlloced; /**< Allocated count */ RwUInt32 numUsed; /**< Used count */ RxPipelineCluster *clusterRef; /**< Valid after a cluster has been locked for writing, * otherwise NULL. Analog of \ref RxPipelineNode and * its 'nodeDef' member. */ RwUInt32 attributes; /**< Attributes */ #ifdef PADCLUSTERS RwUInt32 pad[1]; /**< Alignment padding */ #endif }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxPacket * A structure describing a packet header */ struct RxPacket { RwUInt16 flags; /**< Flags to guide pipeline execution */ RwUInt16 numClusters; /**< Maximum number of clusters simultanesouly present in the current pipeline */ RxPipeline *pipeline; /**< The pipeline in which this packet is embedded (the current pipeline) */ RwUInt32 *inputToClusterSlot; /**< LUT to locate clusters of interest in the packet */ RwUInt32 *slotsContinue; /**< Bitfields specifying clusters persisting to output node */ RxPipelineCluster **slotClusterRefs; /**< Internal Use */ #ifdef PADCLUSTERS RwUInt32 pad[3]; /**< Alignment padding */ #endif RxCluster clusters[1]; /**< Cluster array large enough for widest part of the pipeline */ }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxPipelineNode * Structure describing a pipeline Node; * that is an \ref RxNodeDefinition in the context * of a specific \ref RxPipeline. */ struct RxPipelineNode { RxNodeDefinition *nodeDef; /**< Node definition reference */ RwUInt32 numOutputs; /**< Output count */ RwUInt32 *outputs; /**< Output array, indexing the pipeline's array of pipeline nodes */ RxPipelineCluster **slotClusterRefs; /**< For packets passing through this node, SlotClusterRefs[n] * identifies the cluster to be found at index n in the packet's * Clusters[] array. These assignments are determined at pipeline * Unlock() time and are good for the life of the pipeline. */ RwUInt32 *slotsContinue; /**< Cluster persistence table for the node's outputs */ void *privateData; /**< Pointer to the pipeline Node's private data */ RwUInt32 *inputToClusterSlot; /**< LUT to locate clusters of interest in packets passing through this pipeline Node */ RxPipelineNodeTopSortData *topSortData; /**< Internal Use */ void *initializationData; /**< Used by the pipeline node initialisation * function in setting up the Private data. */ RwUInt32 initializationDataSize; /**< Present so that if the node is cloned * we can copy the initialisation data. */ }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxPipelineNodeTopSortData * Structure describing data used during topological sorting * during \ref RxLockedPipeUnlock ; * RenderWare users do not need to understand this */ struct RxPipelineNodeTopSortData { RwUInt32 numIns; /**< Input count */ RwUInt32 numInsVisited; /**< Count of inputs visited during dependencies * propagation/cluster slot allocation */ rxReq *req; /**< Req used in dependencies propagation/cluster * slot allocation */ }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxPipelineNodeParam * Structure holding parameters * to pass to node body functions */ struct RxPipelineNodeParam { void *dataParam; /**< The data pointer passed in to \ref RxPipelineExecute */ RxHeap *heap; /**< The heap associated with the current pipeline exeuction */ }; enum rxEmbeddedPacketState { rxPKST_PACKETLESS = 0, /* Packet not created */ rxPKST_UNUSED = 1, /* Packet created and then destroyed */ rxPKST_INUSE = 2, /* Packet created but not yet destroyed and fetched but not yet dispatched */ rxPKST_PENDING = 3, /* Packet created but not destroyed and dispatched but not yet fetched */ rxEMBEDDEDPACKETSTATEFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum rxEmbeddedPacketState rxEmbeddedPacketState; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxExecutionContext * Structure describing an execution context */ struct RxExecutionContext { RxPipeline *pipeline; /**< Currently executing pipeline */ RxPipelineNode *currentNode; /**< Currently executing node */ RwInt32 exitCode; /**< Used internally for nodes returning error codes on exit */ RwUInt32 pad; /**< Alignment padding */ RxPipelineNodeParam params; /**< The parameters passed to node bodies */ /*RwUInt32 pad[2];*/ }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxPipelineRequiresCluster * Structure describing a pipeline requirement of a cluster */ struct RxPipelineRequiresCluster { RxClusterDefinition *clusterDef; /**< Reference to a Cluster definition */ RxClusterValidityReq rqdOrOpt; /**< Cluster validity requirement (rxCLREQ_DONTWANT, rxCLREQ_REQUIRED or rxCLREQ_OPTIONAL) */ RwUInt32 slotIndex; /**< Index into the packet's cluster array within this pipeline */ }; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxPipeline * Structure describing a pipeline */ struct RxPipeline { RwBool locked; /**< Flags whether the pipeline is locked for editing */ RwUInt32 numNodes; /**< Node count */ RxPipelineNode *nodes; /**< Topologically sorted array of pipeline nodes */ RwUInt32 packetNumClusterSlots; /**< Number of slots allocated for clusters */ rxEmbeddedPacketState embeddedPacketState; /**< The state of this pipeline's embedded packet */ RxPacket *embeddedPacket; /**< This pipeline's embedded packet */ RwUInt32 numInputRequirements; /**< Input requirements count */ RxPipelineRequiresCluster *inputRequirements; /**< Input requirements array */ void *superBlock; /**< Internally used block of memory */ RwUInt32 superBlockSize; /**< Internally used block of memory */ RwUInt32 entryPoint; /**< The index of the node which is the entry point of this pipeline */ RwUInt32 pluginId; /**< If required, the Id of the plugin owning this pipeline, or 0 */ RwUInt32 pluginData; /**< Rights callback extra data */ }; /**************************************************************************** * Global Prototypes */ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxPipelineNodeOutputCallBack * is the callback function supplied * to \ref RxPipelineNodeForAllConnectedOutputs. * * The callback will be passed a pointer to the \ref RxPipelineNode whose * outputs are being traversed and a pointer to the current output * \ref RxPipelineNode, as well as a pointer to an optional user-defined * data structure (callbackdata). If no such structure was specified, this * will be NULL. * * \param node A pointer to the pipeline node whose outputs * are being traversed * \param outputnode A pointer to the current output * pipeline node * \param callbackdata A pointer to optional user-supplied data * * \return Returns a pointer to the \ref RxPipelineNode whose outputs are being * traversed, or NULL to terminate traversal */ typedef RxPipelineNode * (*RxPipelineNodeOutputCallBack) (RxPipelineNode * node, RxPipelineNode * outputnode, void *callbackdata); #ifdef RWDEBUG #define RXCHECKFORUSERTRAMPLING(_pipeline) \ ( _rwPipelineCheckForTramplingOfNodePrivateSpace(_pipeline) ) #endif /* RWDEBUG */ #if (!defined(RXCHECKFORUSERTRAMPLING)) #define RXCHECKFORUSERTRAMPLING(_pipeline) /* No op */ #endif /* (!defined(RXCHECKFORUSERTRAMPLING)) */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ extern void RxPipelineSetFreeListCreateParams( RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc ); extern RwBool _rxPipelineOpen(void); extern RwBool _rxPipelineClose(void); extern RwBool rxPipelinePluginsAttach(void); extern RxPipeline * RxPipelineCreate(void); extern void _rxPipelineDestroy(RxPipeline * Pipeline); #define _RxPipelineDestroy(_ppln) _rxPipelineDestroy(_ppln) #define RxPipelineDestroy(_ppln) (_rxPipelineDestroy(_ppln), TRUE) extern RxHeap * RxHeapGetGlobalHeap(void); extern RxPipeline * RxPipelineExecute(RxPipeline * pipeline, void * data, RwBool heapReset); extern RxPacket * RxPacketCreate(RxPipelineNode * node); extern RxCluster * RxClusterSetStride(RxCluster * cluster, RwInt32 stride); extern RxCluster * RxClusterSetExternalData(RxCluster * cluster, void *data, RwInt32 stride, RwInt32 numElements); extern RxCluster * RxClusterSetData(RxCluster * cluster, void *data, RwInt32 stride, RwInt32 numElements); /* underlying PacketDestroy function */ extern void _rxPacketDestroy(RxPacket * Packet); /* more convenient parameterization */ #define RxPacketDestroy(pk, self) \ ( _rxPacketDestroy(pk) ) #if (defined(RWDEBUG)) extern RxPacket *RxPacketFetch(RxPipelineNode * Node); extern void RxPacketDispatch(RxPacket * packet, RwUInt32 output, RxPipelineNode * self); extern void RxPacketDispatchToPipeline(RxPacket * packet, RxPipeline * dest, RxPipelineNode * self); #else /* (defined(RWDEBUG)) */ #define RxPacketFetch(_self) \ rxPacketFetchMacro(_self) #define RxPacketDispatch( _packet, _output, _self) \ rxPacketDispatchMacro(_packet, _output, _self) #define RxPacketDispatchToPipeline( _packet, _pipeline, _self) \ rxPacketDispatchToPipelineMacro(_packet, _pipeline, _self) #endif /* (defined(RWDEBUG)) */ #define RxClusterInitialiseData(_clstr, _nmlmnts, _strd) \ ( RxClusterInitializeData((_clstr), (_nmlmnts), (_strd)) ) extern RxCluster * RxClusterInitializeData(RxCluster *cluster, RwUInt32 numElements, RwUInt16 stride); extern RxCluster * RxClusterResizeData(RxCluster *CurrentCluster, RwUInt32 NumElements); extern RxCluster * RxClusterDestroyData(RxCluster *CurrentCluster); #if (defined(RWDEBUG)) extern RxCluster *RxClusterLockRead(RxPacket * packet, RwUInt32 clusterIndex); #else /* !RWDEBUG */ #define RXCLSLOT(PKT, CLIND) \ ((PKT)->inputToClusterSlot[(CLIND)]) #define RxClusterLockRead(PKT, CLIND) \ ( (((RwInt32)RXCLSLOT(PKT, CLIND)) == -1) ? \ ((RxCluster *)NULL) : \ (RxClusterResetCursor(&PKT->clusters[RXCLSLOT(PKT, CLIND)]), \ &PKT->clusters[RXCLSLOT(PKT, CLIND)]) ) #endif /* !RWDEBUG */ extern RxCluster * RxClusterLockWrite(RxPacket * packet, RwUInt32 clusterIndex, RxPipelineNode * node); extern void RxClusterUnlock(RxCluster * cluster); extern RwUInt32 RxPipelineNodeSendConfigMsg(RxPipelineNode * dest, RwUInt32 msg, RwUInt32 intparam, void *ptrparam); extern RxPipelineNode * RxPipelineNodeForAllConnectedOutputs(RxPipelineNode * node, RxPipeline * pipeline, RxPipelineNodeOutputCallBack callbackfn, void *callbackdata); /* Cluster attributes api [pipeline construction time] */ extern RxPipelineCluster * RxPipelineNodeGetPipelineCluster(RxPipelineNode *node, RwUInt32 clustersOfInterestIndex); extern RwUInt32 RxPipelineClusterGetCreationAttributes(RxPipelineCluster *cluster); extern RxPipelineCluster * RxPipelineClusterSetCreationAttributes(RxPipelineCluster *cluster, RwUInt32 creationAttributes); /* Cluster attributes api [pipeline execution time] */ extern RwUInt32 RxClusterGetAttributes(RxCluster *cluster); extern RxCluster * RxClusterSetAttributes(RxCluster *cluster, RwUInt32 attributes); extern void _rxEmbeddedPacketBetweenPipelines(RxPipeline * fromPipeline, RxPipeline * toPipeline); extern RxPipelineNode * _rxEmbeddedPacketBetweenNodes(RxPipeline *pipeline, RxPipelineNode *nodeFrom, RwUInt32 whichOutput); extern RxExecutionContext _rxExecCtxGlobal; /* Summary of dispatch rules: * o nodes that never fetch are safe to dispatch NULL, whether * nodes above pass them a packet or not * o if you destroy the packet you can dispatch(NULL,,) * o if you fetch/create and dispatch(NULL), it doesn't really * matter - the packet'll get passed on anyway */ /* TODO: there's currently no way to prematurely terminate the pipeline * without doing so as an error condition. You should create an * enum for the exit code, either RXNODEEXITCONTINUE, RXNODEEXITTERMINATE * or RXNODEEXTTERMINATEERROR and then test for RXNODEEXITCONTINUE in * the below macros rather than FALSE. */ /* TODO: _packet redundant here... create a new macro and legacy wrapper */ #define rxPacketDispatchMacro(_packet, _output, _self) \ MACRO_START \ { \ RxPipeline *curPipeline = _rxExecCtxGlobal.pipeline; \ \ /* _packet is now an obsolete parameter */ \ \ if ( FALSE != _rxExecCtxGlobal.exitCode ) \ { \ RxPipelineNode *nextNode = \ _rxEmbeddedPacketBetweenNodes(curPipeline, \ _self, \ (_output)); \ if ( nextNode != NULL ) \ { \ RwUInt32 exitCode = \ nextNode->nodeDef->nodeMethods.nodeBody( \ nextNode, &(_rxExecCtxGlobal.params)); \ /* Don't overwrite 'error' with 'success' */ \ if (FALSE == exitCode) _rxExecCtxGlobal.exitCode = exitCode; \ } \ } \ if ( curPipeline->embeddedPacketState > rxPKST_UNUSED \ /* !UNUSED and !PACKETLESS */ ) \ { \ curPipeline->embeddedPacketState = rxPKST_INUSE; \ _rxPacketDestroy(curPipeline->embeddedPacket); \ } \ } \ MACRO_STOP /* TODO: _self redundant here... create a new macro and legacy wrapper */ #define rxPacketDispatchToPipelineMacro(_packet, _pipeline, _self) \ MACRO_START \ { \ RxPipeline *toPipeline = (_pipeline); \ \ /* _packet is now an obsolete parameter */ \ \ if ( FALSE != _rxExecCtxGlobal.exitCode ) \ { \ RwUInt32 exitCode; \ RxPipeline *fromPipeline = _rxExecCtxGlobal.pipeline; /* save */ \ _rxEmbeddedPacketBetweenPipelines(fromPipeline, \ toPipeline); \ _rxExecCtxGlobal.pipeline = toPipeline; /* modify */ \ exitCode = \ toPipeline->nodes[0].nodeDef->nodeMethods.nodeBody( \ &toPipeline->nodes[0], &(_rxExecCtxGlobal.params)); \ if ( FALSE == exitCode ) _rxExecCtxGlobal.exitCode = exitCode; \ _rxExecCtxGlobal.pipeline = fromPipeline; /* restore */ \ } \ if ( toPipeline->embeddedPacketState > rxPKST_UNUSED \ /* !UNUSED and !PACKETLESS */ ) \ { \ toPipeline->embeddedPacketState = rxPKST_INUSE; \ _rxPacketDestroy(toPipeline->embeddedPacket); \ } \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define rxPacketFetchMacro(_node) \ ( ((_rxExecCtxGlobal.pipeline)->embeddedPacketState == rxPKST_PENDING) ?\ ((_rxExecCtxGlobal.pipeline)->embeddedPacketState = rxPKST_INUSE, \ (_rxExecCtxGlobal.pipeline)->embeddedPacket) : \ (NULL) ) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/d3d8/nodeD3D8SubmitNoLight.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/p2define.h ---*/ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxNodeOutput * typedef for a reference to an output of a pipeline node */ typedef RwUInt32 *RxNodeOutput; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxNodeInput * typedef for a reference to the input of a pipeline node */ typedef RxPipelineNode *RxNodeInput; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxLockedPipe * typedef for a reference to a locked pipeline */ typedef RxPipeline RxLockedPipe; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* PIPELINENODE API */ extern RxNodeOutput RxPipelineNodeFindOutputByName(RxPipelineNode *node, const RwChar *outputname); extern RxNodeOutput RxPipelineNodeFindOutputByIndex(RxPipelineNode *node, RwUInt32 outputindex); extern RxNodeInput RxPipelineNodeFindInput(RxPipelineNode *node); extern RxNodeDefinition * RxPipelineNodeCloneDefinition(RxPipelineNode *node, RxClusterDefinition *cluster2add); extern RxPipeline * RxPipelineNodeRequestCluster(RxPipeline *pipeline, RxPipelineNode *node, RxClusterDefinition *clusterDef); extern RxPipeline * RxPipelineNodeReplaceCluster(RxPipeline *pipeline, RxPipelineNode *node, RxClusterDefinition *oldClusterDef, RxClusterDefinition *newClusterDef); extern void * RxPipelineNodeGetInitData(RxPipelineNode *node); extern void * RxPipelineNodeCreateInitData(RxPipelineNode *node, RwUInt32 size); /* PIPELINE MANIPULATION API */ extern RxPipeline * RxPipelineClone(RxPipeline *pipeline); extern RxPipelineNode * RxPipelineFindNodeByName(RxPipeline *pipeline, const RwChar *name, RxPipelineNode *start, RwInt32 *nodeIndex); extern RxPipelineNode * RxPipelineFindNodeByIndex(RxPipeline *pipeline, RwUInt32 nodeindex); extern RxLockedPipe * RxPipelineLock(RxPipeline *pipeline); extern RxPipeline * RxLockedPipeUnlock(RxLockedPipe *pipeline); extern RxLockedPipe * RxLockedPipeAddFragment(RxLockedPipe *pipeline, RwUInt32 *firstIndex, RxNodeDefinition *nodeDef0, ...); extern RxPipeline * RxLockedPipeReplaceNode(RxLockedPipe *pipeline, RxPipelineNode *node, RxNodeDefinition *nodeDef); extern RxPipeline * RxLockedPipeDeleteNode(RxLockedPipe *pipeline, RxPipelineNode *node); extern RxPipeline * RxLockedPipeSetEntryPoint(RxLockedPipe *pipeline, RxNodeInput in); extern RxPipelineNode * RxLockedPipeGetEntryPoint(RxLockedPipe *pipeline); extern RxPipeline * RxLockedPipeAddPath(RxLockedPipe *pipeline, RxNodeOutput out, RxNodeInput in); extern RxPipeline * RxLockedPipeDeletePath(RxLockedPipe *pipeline, RxNodeOutput out, RxNodeInput in); extern RxPipeline * RxPipelineInsertDebugNode(RxPipeline *pipeline, RxPipelineNode *before, RxPipelineNode *after, RxNodeDefinition *debugNode); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/p2altmdl.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/d3d8/d3d8texdic.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/d3d8/d3d8rendst.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/d3d8/d3d8raster.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/d3d8/d3d8device.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/d3d8/d3d8convrt.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/d3d8/d3d82drend.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/common/ssematml.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/common/cpuext.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/common/palquant.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/common/datblkcb.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/baraster.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Defines */ /** * \ingroup rwraster * \ref RwRasterLockMode represents the options available for locking * a raster so that it may be modified (see API function \ref RwRasterLock). An * application may wish to write to the raster, read from the raster or * simultaneously write and read a raster (rwRASTERLOCKWRITE | rwRASTERLOCKREAD). */ enum RwRasterLockMode { rwRASTERLOCKWRITE = 0x01, /**<Lock for writing */ rwRASTERLOCKREAD = 0x02, /**<Lock for reading */ rwRASTERLOCKNOFETCH = 0x04, /**<When used in combination with * rwRASTERLOCKWRITE, asks the driver not to * fetch the pixel data. This is only useful * if it is known that ALL the raster data is * going to be overwritten before the raster * is unlocked, i.e. from an * \ref RwRasterSetFromImage call. This flag * is not supported by all drivers. */ rwRASTERLOCKRAW = 0x08, /**<When used in combination with rwRASTERLOCKWRITE or rwRASTERLOCKREAD allows access to the raw platform specific pixel format */ rwRASTERLOCKMODEFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; #define rwRASTERLOCKREADWRITE (rwRASTERLOCKREAD|rwRASTERLOCKWRITE) typedef enum RwRasterLockMode RwRasterLockMode; /** * \ingroup rwraster * \ref RwRasterFlipMode represents * raster flip modes */ enum RwRasterFlipMode { rwRASTERFLIPDONTWAIT = 0, /**<Don't wait for VSync */ rwRASTERFLIPWAITVSYNC = 1, /**<Flip on VSync */ rwRASTERFLIPMODEFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwRasterFlipMode RwRasterFlipMode; /** * \ingroup rwraster * RwRasterType * This type represents the options available for creating a new * raster (se API function \ref RwRasterCreate)*/ enum RwRasterType { rwRASTERTYPENORMAL = 0x00, /**<Normal */ rwRASTERTYPEZBUFFER = 0x01, /**<Z Buffer */ rwRASTERTYPECAMERA = 0x02, /**<Camera */ rwRASTERTYPETEXTURE = 0x04, /**<Texture */ rwRASTERTYPECAMERATEXTURE = 0x05, /**<Camera texture */ rwRASTERTYPEMASK = 0x07, /**<Mask for finding type */ rwRASTERDONTALLOCATE = 0x80, /**<If set the raster is not allocated */ rwRASTERTYPEFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwRasterType RwRasterType; /** * \ingroup rwraster * \ref RwRasterFormat is a set of values and flags which may be combined to * specify a raster format. The format chosen for a particular raster depends * on the hardware device and the raster type specified at creation time * (see API function \ref RwRasterCreate). The format may be retrieved using * API function \ref RwRasterGetFormat. * * The raster format is a packed set of bits which contains the following * four pieces of information (these may be combined with bitwise OR):- * * <ol> * <li> The pixel color format corresponding to one of the following values:- * <ul> * <li> rwRASTERFORMAT1555 * <li> rwRASTERFORMAT565 * <li> rwRASTERFORMAT4444 * <li> rwRASTERFORMATLUM8 * <li> rwRASTERFORMAT8888 * <li> rwRASTERFORMAT888 * <li> rwRASTERFORMAT16 * <li> rwRASTERFORMAT24 * <li> rwRASTERFORMAT32 * <li> rwRASTERFORMAT555 * </ul> * This value may be masked out of the raster format using * rwRASTERFORMATPIXELFORMATMASK. * <li> The palette depth if the raster is palettized:- * <ul> * <li> rwRASTERFORMATPAL4 * <li> rwRASTERFORMATPAL8 * </ul> * In these cases, the color format refers to that of the palette. * <li> Flag rwRASTERFORMATMIPMAP. Set if the raster contains mipmap levels. * <li> Flag rwRASTERFORMATAUTOMIPMAP. Set if the mipmap levels were generated * automatically by RenderWare. * </ol> */ enum RwRasterFormat { rwRASTERFORMATDEFAULT = 0x0000, /* Whatever the hardware likes best */ rwRASTERFORMAT1555 = 0x0100, /**<16 bits - 1 bit alpha, 5 bits red, green and blue */ rwRASTERFORMAT565 = 0x0200, /**<16 bits - 5 bits red and blue, 6 bits green */ rwRASTERFORMAT4444 = 0x0300, /**<16 bits - 4 bits per component */ rwRASTERFORMATLUM8 = 0x0400, /**<Gray scale */ rwRASTERFORMAT8888 = 0x0500, /**<32 bits - 8 bits per component */ rwRASTERFORMAT888 = 0x0600, /**<24 bits - 8 bits per component */ rwRASTERFORMAT16 = 0x0700, /**<16 bits - undefined: useful for things like Z buffers */ rwRASTERFORMAT24 = 0x0800, /**<24 bits - undefined: useful for things like Z buffers */ rwRASTERFORMAT32 = 0x0900, /**<32 bits - undefined: useful for things like Z buffers */ rwRASTERFORMAT555 = 0x0a00, /**<16 bits - 5 bits red, green and blue */ rwRASTERFORMATAUTOMIPMAP = 0x1000, /**<RenderWare generated the mip levels */ rwRASTERFORMATPAL8 = 0x2000, /**<8 bit palettised */ rwRASTERFORMATPAL4 = 0x4000, /**<4 bit palettised */ rwRASTERFORMATMIPMAP = 0x8000, /**<Mip mapping on */ rwRASTERFORMATPIXELFORMATMASK = 0x0f00, /**<The pixel color format * (excluding palettised bits) */ rwRASTERFORMATMASK = 0xff00 /**<The whole format */ , rwRASTERFORMATFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwRasterFormat RwRasterFormat; enum RwRasterPrivateFlag { rwRASTERGAMMACORRECTED = 0x01, rwRASTERPIXELLOCKEDREAD = 0x02, /* pixels are locked for reading */ rwRASTERPIXELLOCKEDWRITE = 0x04, /* pixels are locked for writing */ rwRASTERPALETTELOCKEDREAD = 0x08, /* palette is locked for reading */ rwRASTERPALETTELOCKEDWRITE = 0x10, /* palette is locked for writing */ rwRASTERPIXELLOCKEDRAW = 0x20, /* the pixels are in platform specific format, used in combination with rwRASTERPIXELLOCKEDREAD & rwRASTERPIXELLOCKEDWRITE */ rwRASTERPRIVATEFLAGFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwRasterPrivateFlag RwRasterPrivateFlag; #define rwRASTERPIXELLOCKED (rwRASTERPIXELLOCKEDREAD | rwRASTERPIXELLOCKEDWRITE) #define rwRASTERPALETTELOCKED (rwRASTERPALETTELOCKEDREAD | rwRASTERPALETTELOCKEDWRITE) #define rwRASTERLOCKED (rwRASTERPIXELLOCKED|rwRASTERPALETTELOCKED) /* How big is my stack!!! */ #define rwRASTERCONTEXTSTACKSIZE 10 /**************************************************************************** Global Types */ /** * \ingroup rwraster * \struct RwRaster * Raster containing device-dependent pixels. * This should be considered an opaque type. * Use the RwRaster API functions to access. */ typedef struct RwRaster RwRaster; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct RwRaster { RwRaster *parent; /* Top level raster if a sub raster */ RwUInt8 *cpPixels; /* Pixel pointer when locked */ RwUInt8 *palette; /* Raster palette */ RwInt32 width, height, depth; /* Dimensions of raster */ RwInt32 stride; /* Lines bytes of raster */ RwInt16 nOffsetX, nOffsetY; /* Sub raster offset */ RwUInt8 cType; /* Type of raster */ RwUInt8 cFlags; /* Raster flags */ RwUInt8 privateFlags; /* Raster private flags */ RwUInt8 cFormat; /* Raster format */ RwUInt8 *originalPixels; RwInt32 originalWidth; RwInt32 originalHeight; RwInt32 originalStride; }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /**************************************************************************** <macro/inline functionality */ #define RwRasterGetWidthMacro(_raster) \ ((_raster)->width) #define RwRasterGetHeightMacro(_raster) \ ((_raster)->height) #define RwRasterGetStrideMacro(_raster) \ ((_raster)->stride) #define RwRasterGetDepthMacro(_raster) \ ((_raster)->depth) #define RwRasterGetFormatMacro(_raster) \ ((((_raster)->cFormat) & (rwRASTERFORMATMASK >> 8)) << 8) #define RwRasterGetTypeMacro(_raster) \ (((_raster)->cType) & rwRASTERTYPEMASK) #define RwRasterGetParentMacro(_raster) \ ((_raster)->parent) #if !(defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) #define RwRasterGetWidth(_raster) \ RwRasterGetWidthMacro(_raster) #define RwRasterGetHeight(_raster) \ RwRasterGetHeightMacro(_raster) #define RwRasterGetStride(_raster) \ RwRasterGetStrideMacro(_raster) #define RwRasterGetDepth(_raster) \ RwRasterGetDepthMacro(_raster) #define RwRasterGetFormat(_raster) \ RwRasterGetFormatMacro(_raster) #define RwRasterGetType(_raster) \ RwRasterGetTypeMacro(_raster) #define RwRasterGetParent(_raster) \ RwRasterGetParentMacro(_raster) #endif /* (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) */ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Creating destroying rasters */ extern void RwRasterSetFreeListCreateParams( RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc ); extern RwRaster *RwRasterCreate(RwInt32 width, RwInt32 height, RwInt32 depth, RwInt32 flags); extern RwBool RwRasterDestroy(RwRaster * raster); /* Pulling info out of raster structure */ #if (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) extern RwInt32 RwRasterGetWidth(const RwRaster *raster); extern RwInt32 RwRasterGetHeight(const RwRaster *raster); extern RwInt32 RwRasterGetStride(const RwRaster *raster); extern RwInt32 RwRasterGetDepth(const RwRaster *raster); extern RwInt32 RwRasterGetFormat(const RwRaster *raster); extern RwInt32 RwRasterGetType(const RwRaster *raster); extern RwRaster *RwRasterGetParent(const RwRaster *raster); #endif /* (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) */ extern RwRaster *RwRasterGetOffset(RwRaster *raster, RwInt16 *xOffset, RwInt16 *yOffset); extern RwInt32 RwRasterGetNumLevels(RwRaster * raster); extern RwRaster *RwRasterSubRaster(RwRaster * subRaster, RwRaster * raster, RwRect * rect); extern RwRaster *RwRasterRenderFast(RwRaster * raster, RwInt32 x, RwInt32 y); extern RwRaster *RwRasterRender(RwRaster * raster, RwInt32 x, RwInt32 y); extern RwRaster *RwRasterRenderScaled(RwRaster * raster, RwRect * rect); /* Raster rendering context */ extern RwRaster *RwRasterPushContext(RwRaster * raster); extern RwRaster *RwRasterPopContext(void); extern RwRaster *RwRasterGetCurrentContext(void); /* Clearing rasters */ extern RwBool RwRasterClear(RwInt32 pixelValue); extern RwBool RwRasterClearRect(RwRect * rpRect, RwInt32 pixelValue); /* Displaying rasters */ extern RwRaster *RwRasterShowRaster(RwRaster * raster, void *dev, RwUInt32 flags); /* Locking and releasing */ extern RwUInt8 *RwRasterLock(RwRaster * raster, RwUInt8 level, RwInt32 lockMode); extern RwRaster *RwRasterUnlock(RwRaster * raster); extern RwUInt8 *RwRasterLockPalette(RwRaster * raster, RwInt32 lockMode); extern RwRaster *RwRasterUnlockPalette(RwRaster * raster); /* Attaching toolkits */ extern RwInt32 RwRasterRegisterPlugin(RwInt32 size, RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginObjectConstructor constructCB, RwPluginObjectDestructor destructCB, RwPluginObjectCopy copyCB); extern RwInt32 RwRasterGetPluginOffset(RwUInt32 pluginID); extern RwBool RwRasterValidatePlugins(const RwRaster * raster); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/d3d8/drvmodel.h ---*/ #ifndef D3D8_DRVMODEL_H #define D3D8_DRVMODEL_H #if (defined(__ICL)) /* Avoid voluminous * 'warning #344: typedef name has already been declared (with same type)' * warnings from MS include files */ #pragma warning( disable : 344 ) #endif /* (defined(__ICL)) */ #if (defined(RWDEBUG)) #if (defined(RWMEMDEBUG) && !defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)) #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #endif /* defined(RWMEMDEBUG) && !defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)) */ #include <crtdbg.h> #define ERR_WRAP(A) (_rwRePrintErrorDDD3D((A), __FILE__, __LINE__)) #endif /* (defined(RWDEBUG)) */ #if (!defined(ERR_WRAP)) #define ERR_WRAP(A) (A) #endif /* (!defined(ERR_WRAP)) */ /**************************************************************************** Defines */ /* Set true depth information (for fogging, eg) */ #define RwIm2DVertexSetCameraX(vert, camx) /* Nothing */ #define RwIm2DVertexSetCameraY(vert, camy) /* Nothing */ #define RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(vert, camz) /* Nothing */ #define RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(vert, recipz) ((vert)->rhw = recipz) #define RwIm2DVertexGetCameraX(vert) (cause an error) #define RwIm2DVertexGetCameraY(vert) (cause an error) #define RwIm2DVertexGetCameraZ(vert) (cause an error) #define RwIm2DVertexGetRecipCameraZ(vert) ((vert)->rhw) /* Set screen space coordinates in a device vertex */ #define RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(vert, scrnx) ((vert)->x = (scrnx)) #define RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(vert, scrny) ((vert)->y = (scrny)) #define RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(vert, scrnz) ((vert)->z = (scrnz)) #define RwIm2DVertexGetScreenX(vert) ((vert)->x) #define RwIm2DVertexGetScreenY(vert) ((vert)->y) #define RwIm2DVertexGetScreenZ(vert) ((vert)->z) /* Set texture coordinates in a device vertex */ #define RwIm2DVertexSetU(vert, texU, recipz) ((vert)->u = (texU)) #define RwIm2DVertexSetV(vert, texV, recipz) ((vert)->v = (texV)) #define RwIm2DVertexGetU(vert) ((vert)->u) #define RwIm2DVertexGetV(vert) ((vert)->v) /* Modify the luminance stuff */ #define RwIm2DVertexSetRealRGBA(vert, red, green, blue, alpha) \ ((vert)->emissiveColor = \ (((RwFastRealToUInt32(alpha)) << 24) | \ ((RwFastRealToUInt32(red)) << 16) | \ ((RwFastRealToUInt32(green)) << 8) | \ ((RwFastRealToUInt32(blue))))) #define RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(vert, red, green, blue, alpha) \ ((vert)->emissiveColor = \ ((((RwUInt32)(alpha)) << 24) | \ (((RwUInt32)(red)) << 16) | \ (((RwUInt32)(green)) << 8) | \ (((RwUInt32)(blue))))) #define RwIm2DVertexGetRed(vert) \ (((vert)->emissiveColor >> 16) & 0xFF) #define RwIm2DVertexGetGreen(vert) \ (((vert)->emissiveColor >> 8) & 0xFF) #define RwIm2DVertexGetBlue(vert) \ ((vert)->emissiveColor & 0xFF) #define RwIm2DVertexGetAlpha(vert) \ (((vert)->emissiveColor >> 24) & 0xFF) #define RwIm2DVertexCopyRGBA(dst, src) \ ((dst)->emissiveColor = (src)->emissiveColor) /* Clipper stuff */ #define RwIm2DVertexClipRGBA(o, i, n, f) \ MACRO_START \ { \ const RwInt32 _factor = \ (RwFastRealToUInt32(i * (RwReal)(255))) & 255; \ \ (o)->emissiveColor = \ (((((RwIm2DVertexGetAlpha(f) - RwIm2DVertexGetAlpha(n)) * \ _factor) >> 8) + RwIm2DVertexGetAlpha(n)) << 24) | \ (((((RwIm2DVertexGetRed(f) - RwIm2DVertexGetRed(n)) * \ _factor) >> 8) + RwIm2DVertexGetRed(n)) << 16) | \ (((((RwIm2DVertexGetGreen(f) - RwIm2DVertexGetGreen(n)) * \ _factor) >> 8) + RwIm2DVertexGetGreen(n)) << 8) | \ (((((RwIm2DVertexGetBlue(f) - RwIm2DVertexGetBlue(n)) * \ _factor) >> 8) + RwIm2DVertexGetBlue(n))); \ } \ MACRO_STOP /**************************************************************************** Global Types */ /* We use RwD3D8Vertex to drive the hardware in 2D mode */ /* * D3D8 vertex structure definition for 2D geometry */ #if !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) typedef struct RwD3D8Vertex RwD3D8Vertex; /** * \ingroup rwcoredriverd3d8 * \struct RwD3D8Vertex * D3D8 vertex structure definition for 2D geometry */ struct RwD3D8Vertex { RwReal x; /**< Screen X */ RwReal y; /**< Screen Y */ RwReal z; /**< Screen Z */ RwReal rhw; /**< Reciprocal of homogeneous W */ RwUInt32 emissiveColor; /**< Vertex color */ RwReal u; /**< Texture coordinate U */ RwReal v; /**< Texture coordinate V */ }; #endif /* !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) */ /* Define types used */ #if !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) /** * \ingroup rwcoredriverd3d8 * \ref RwIm2DVertex * Typedef for a RenderWare Graphics Immediate Mode 2D Vertex */ typedef RwD3D8Vertex RwIm2DVertex; #endif /* !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) */ #if !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) /** * \ingroup rwcoredriverd3d8 * \ref RxVertexIndex * * Typedef for a RenderWare Graphics PowerPipe Immediate * Mode Vertex */ typedef RwUInt16 RxVertexIndex; #endif /* !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) */ #if !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) /** * \ingroup rwcoredriverd3d8 * \ref RwImVertexIndex * Typedef for a RenderWare Graphics Immediate Mode Vertex. */ typedef RxVertexIndex RwImVertexIndex; #endif /* !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) */ #if !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) /** * \ingroup rwcoredriverd3d8 * \struct RwD3D8Metrics * Structure containing metrics counters */ typedef struct { RwUInt32 numRenderStateChanges; /**< Number of Render States changed */ RwUInt32 numTextureStageStateChanges; /**< Number of Texture Stage States changed */ RwUInt32 numMaterialChanges; /**< Number of Material changes */ RwUInt32 numLightsChanged; /**< Number of Lights changed */ RwUInt32 numVBSwitches; /**< Number of Vertex Buffer switches */ } RwD3D8Metrics; #endif /* !defined(RWADOXYGENEXTERNAL) */ #endif /* D3D8_DRVMODEL_H */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/d3d8/pip2model.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Global Defines */ #define RXHEAPPLATFORMDEFAULTSIZE (1 << 12) /* 4k */ /**************************************************************************** Global Types */ /* We use D3D8 formats for the instanced versions, to allow hardware T&L */ /* * Typedef for an RxObjSpace3DVertex. */ typedef struct RxObjSpace3DVertex RxObjSpace3DVertex; /** * \ingroup cored3d8 * \struct RxObjSpace3DVertex * Structure representing object space vertex. */ struct RxObjSpace3DVertex { RwV3d objVertex; /**< position */ RwV3d objNormal; /**< normal */ RwUInt32 color; /**< emissive color*/ RwReal u; /**< u */ RwReal v; /**< v */ }; /* This vertex is non truncatable */ #define RxObjSpace3DVertexNoUVsNoNormalsSize (sizeof(RxObjSpace3DVertex)) #define RxObjSpace3DVertexNoUVsSize (sizeof(RxObjSpace3DVertex)) #define RxObjSpace3DVertexFullSize (sizeof(RxObjSpace3DVertex)) /** * \ingroup cored3d8 * \ref RxObjSpace3DLitVertex * Typedef for an RxObjSpace3DLitVertex. */ typedef RxObjSpace3DVertex RxObjSpace3DLitVertex; /** * \ingroup cored3d8 * \ref RwIm3DVertex * Typedef for an RwIm3DVertex. */ typedef RxObjSpace3DLitVertex RwIm3DVertex; /* LEGACY-SUPPORT macro */ /** * \ingroup cored3d8 * \ref RxScrSpace2DVertex * Typedef for an RxScrSpace2DVertex structure */ typedef RwIm2DVertex RxScrSpace2DVertex; /**************************************************************************** Object-space 3D unlit vertex macros */ /* Vertex positions */ #define RxObjSpace3DVertexGetPos(_vert, _pos) \ (*(_pos) = (_vert)->objVertex) #define RxObjSpace3DVertexSetPos(_vert, _pos) \ ((_vert)->objVertex = *(_pos)) /* Pre-lighting colours */ #define RxObjSpace3DVertexGetPreLitColor(_vert, _col) \ MACRO_START \ { \ (_col)->alpha = (RwUInt8)((_vert)->color >> 24) & 0xFF; \ (_col)->red = (RwUInt8)((_vert)->color >> 16) & 0xFF; \ (_col)->green = (RwUInt8)((_vert)->color >> 8) & 0xFF; \ (_col)->blue = (RwUInt8)((_vert)->color ) & 0xFF; \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RxObjSpace3DVertexSetPreLitColor(_vert, _col) \ ((_vert)->color = (((RwUInt32)(_col)->alpha) << 24) | \ (((RwUInt32)(_col)->red) << 16) | \ (((RwUInt32)(_col)->green) << 8) | \ (((RwUInt32)(_col)->blue) )) /* This uses the same slot as color (they are mutually exclusive) */ #define RxObjSpace3DVertexGetColor RxObjSpace3DVertexGetPreLitColor /* Normals */ #define RxObjSpace3DVertexGetNormal(_vert, _normal) \ (*(_normal) = (_vert)->objNormal) #define RxObjSpace3DVertexSetNormal(_vert, _normal) \ ((_vert)->objNormal = *(_normal)) /* Us and Vs */ #define RxObjSpace3DVertexGetU(_vert) \ ((_vert)->u) #define RxObjSpace3DVertexGetV(_vert) \ ((_vert)->v) #define RxObjSpace3DVertexSetU(_vert, _imu) \ ((_vert)->u = (_imu)) #define RxObjSpace3DVertexSetV(_vert, _imv) \ ((_vert)->v = (_imv)) /**************************************************************************** Object-space 3D lit vertex macros */ /* Vertex positions */ #define RxObjSpace3DLitVertexGetPos(_vert, _pos) \ (*(_pos) = (_vert)->objVertex) #define RxObjSpace3DLitVertexSetPos(_vert, _pos) \ ((_vert)->objVertex = *(_pos)) /* Vertex colours */ #define RxObjSpace3DLitVertexGetColor(_vert, _col) \ MACRO_START \ { \ (_col)->red = ((_vert)->color >> 16) & 0xFF; \ (_col)->green = ((_vert)->color >> 8) & 0xFF; \ (_col)->blue = ((_vert)->color ) & 0xFF; \ (_col)->alpha = ((_vert)->color >> 24) & 0xFF; \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RxObjSpace3DLitVertexSetColor(_vert, _col) \ ((_vert)->color = (((RwUInt32)(_col)->alpha) << 24) | \ (((RwUInt32)(_col)->red) << 16) | \ (((RwUInt32)(_col)->green) << 8) | \ (((RwUInt32)(_col)->blue) )) /* Us and Vs */ #define RxObjSpace3DLitVertexGetU(_vert) \ ((_vert)->u) #define RxObjSpace3DLitVertexGetV(_vert) \ ((_vert)->v) #define RxObjSpace3DLitVertexSetU(_vert, _imu) \ ((_vert)->u = (_imu)) #define RxObjSpace3DLitVertexSetV(_vert, _imv) \ ((_vert)->v = (_imv)) /* LEGACY-SUPPORT for old objvert names - NB does NOT guarantee the * app will work, because the old IM3DVERTEX macros are NOT correctly * abstracted - 'Get' will return pointers to RwV3ds inside the * ObjVert, but you can't assume there are any RwV3ds inside an * opaque vertex type */ #define RwIm3DVertexSetU RxObjSpace3DLitVertexSetU #define RwIm3DVertexSetV RxObjSpace3DLitVertexSetV #define RwIm3DVertexGetNext(_vert) ((_vert) + 1) #define RwIm2DCameraVertexSetU(_devvert, _camvert, _u, _recipz) \ MACRO_START \ { \ RwReal _uTmp = _u; \ _camvert->u = _uTmp; \ RwIm2DVertexSetU(_devvert, _uTmp, _recipz); \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RwIm2DCameraVertexSetV(_devvert, _camvert, _v, _recipz) \ MACRO_START \ { \ RwReal _vTmp = _v; \ _camvert->v = _vTmp; \ RwIm2DVertexSetV(_devvert, _vTmp, _recipz); \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RwIm3DVertexSetPos(_vert, _imx, _imy, _imz) \ MACRO_START \ { \ (_vert)->objVertex.x = _imx; \ (_vert)->objVertex.y = _imy; \ (_vert)->objVertex.z = _imz; \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RwIm3DVertexSetNormal(vert, imx, imy, imz) \ MACRO_START \ { \ RwV3d packed; \ packed.x = imx; \ packed.y = imy; \ packed.z = imz; \ RxObjSpace3DVertexSetNormal(vert, &packed); \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(_vert, _r, _g, _b, _a) \ MACRO_START \ { \ ((_vert)->color = ((_a) << 24) | \ ((_r) << 16) | \ ((_g) << 8) | \ ((_b))); \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RwIm3DVertexGetPos(_vert) (&((_vert)->objVertex)) #define RwIm3DVertexGetNormal(vert) (&((vert)->objNormal)) #define RwIm3DVertexCopyRGBA(_dst, _src) (((_dst)->color) = ((_src)->color)) /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/p2renderstate.h ---*/ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * RxRenderStateFlag * Flags used in the \ref RxRenderStateVector structure */ enum RxRenderStateFlag { rxRENDERSTATEFLAG_TEXTUREPERSPECTIVE = 0x00000001, /**<Perspective texturing is to be enabled */ rxRENDERSTATEFLAG_ZTESTENABLE = 0x00000002, /**<Z-Buffer testing is to be performed */ rxRENDERSTATEFLAG_ZWRITEENABLE = 0x00000004, /**<Z-Buffer writing is to be enabled */ rxRENDERSTATEFLAG_VERTEXALPHAENABLE = 0x00000008, /**<Vertex alpha is to be enabled */ rxRENDERSTATEFLAG_FOGENABLE = 0x00000010, /**<Fog is to be enabled */ rxRENDERSTATEFLAGFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RxRenderStateFlag RxRenderStateFlag; typedef struct RxRenderStateVector RxRenderStateVector; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxRenderStateVector * Structure describing a render-state vector, * used by the RxClRenderState cluster */ struct RxRenderStateVector { RwUInt32 Flags; /**< A load of the boolean renderstate options */ RwShadeMode ShadeMode; /**< Flat or Gouraud currently */ RwBlendFunction SrcBlend; /**< Src alpha, 1-src alpha, etc */ RwBlendFunction DestBlend; /**< Dest alpha, 1-dest alpha, etc */ RwRaster *TextureRaster; /**< texture raster */ RwTextureAddressMode AddressModeU; /**< U addressing mode - WRAP, MIRROR, CLAMP, BORDER */ RwTextureAddressMode AddressModeV; /**< V addressing mode - WRAP, MIRROR, CLAMP, BORDER */ RwTextureFilterMode FilterMode; /**< filtering mode - combos of NEAREST LINEAR MIP */ RwRGBA BorderColor; /**< Border color for texturing address mode border */ RwFogType FogType; /**< Select the type of fogging to use */ RwRGBA FogColor; /**< Color used for fogging */ }; #if (!defined(RxRenderStateVectorAssign)) #define RxRenderStateVectorAssign(_target, _source) \ ( *(_target) = *(_source) ) #endif /* (!defined(RxRenderStateVectorAssign)) */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ extern RxRenderStateVector *RxRenderStateVectorSetDefaultRenderStateVector(RxRenderStateVector *rsvp); extern const RxRenderStateVector *RxRenderStateVectorGetDefaultRenderStateVector(void); extern RxRenderStateVector *RxRenderStateVectorCreate(RwBool current); extern void RxRenderStateVectorDestroy(RxRenderStateVector *rsvp); extern RxRenderStateVector *RxRenderStateVectorLoadDriverState(RxRenderStateVector *rsvp); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/baimage.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Defines */ /* If this bit is set then the image has been allocated by the user */ enum RwImageFlag { rwNAIMAGEFLAG = 0x00, rwIMAGEALLOCATED = 0x1, rwIMAGEGAMMACORRECTED = 0x2, rwIMAGEFLAGFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwImageFlag RwImageFlag; /**************************************************************************** Global Types */ /** * \ingroup rwimage * \struct RwImage * Image containing device-independent pixels. * This should be considered an opaque type. * Use the RwImage API functions to access. */ typedef struct RwImage RwImage; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct RwImage { RwInt32 flags; RwInt32 width; /* Device may have different ideas */ RwInt32 height; /* internally !! */ RwInt32 depth; /* Of referenced image */ RwInt32 stride; RwUInt8 *cpPixels; RwRGBA *palette; }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /** * \ingroup rwimage * \ref RwImageCallBackRead * is the function registered with \ref RwImageRegisterImageFormat that is used, * for example by \ref RwImageRead and \ref RwImageReadMaskedImage, * to read images of a specific format from a disk file. * * \param imageName Pointer to a string containing the file name of the image. * * \return Returns a pointer to the image read. * * \see RwImageRegisterImageFormat * */ typedef RwImage *(*RwImageCallBackRead)(const RwChar * imageName); /** * \ingroup rwimage * \ref RwImageCallBackWrite * is the function registered with \ref RwImageRegisterImageFormat that is used, * for example by \ref RwImageWrite, * to write images of a specific format to a disk file. * * \param image Pointer to the image. * * \param imageName Pointer to a string containing the file name * of the image. * * * \return Pointer to the written image. * * \see RwImageRegisterImageFormat * */ typedef RwImage *(*RwImageCallBackWrite)(RwImage *image, const RwChar *imageName); /**************************************************************************** <macro/inline functionality */ #define RwImageSetStrideMacro(_image, _stride) \ (((_image)->stride = (_stride)), (_image)) #define RwImageSetPixelsMacro(_image, _pixels) \ (((_image)->cpPixels = (_pixels)), (_image)) #define RwImageSetPaletteMacro(_image, _palette) \ (((_image)->palette = (_palette)), (_image)) #define RwImageGetWidthMacro(_image) \ ((_image)->width) #define RwImageGetHeightMacro(_image) \ ((_image)->height) #define RwImageGetDepthMacro(_image) \ ((_image)->depth) #define RwImageGetStrideMacro(_image) \ ((_image)->stride) #define RwImageGetPixelsMacro(_image) \ ((_image)->cpPixels) #define RwImageGetPaletteMacro(_image) \ ((_image)->palette) #if !(defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) #define RwImageSetStride(_image, _stride) \ RwImageSetStrideMacro(_image, _stride) #define RwImageSetPixels(_image, _pixels) \ RwImageSetPixelsMacro(_image, _pixels) #define RwImageSetPalette(_image, _palette) \ RwImageSetPaletteMacro(_image, _palette) #define RwImageGetWidth(_image) \ RwImageGetWidthMacro(_image) #define RwImageGetHeight(_image) \ RwImageGetHeightMacro(_image) #define RwImageGetDepth(_image) \ RwImageGetDepthMacro(_image) #define RwImageGetStride(_image) \ RwImageGetStrideMacro(_image) #define RwImageGetPixels(_image) \ RwImageGetPixelsMacro(_image) #define RwImageGetPalette(_image) \ RwImageGetPaletteMacro(_image) #endif /* !(defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) */ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Creating and destroying */ extern void RwImageSetFreeListCreateParams( RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc ); extern void RwImageFormatSetFreeListCreateParams( RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc ); extern RwImage *RwImageCreate(RwInt32 width, RwInt32 height, RwInt32 depth); extern RwBool RwImageDestroy(RwImage * image); /* Allocating */ extern RwImage *RwImageAllocatePixels(RwImage * image); extern RwImage *RwImageFreePixels(RwImage * image); /* Converting images */ extern RwImage *RwImageCopy(RwImage * destImage, const RwImage * sourceImage); /* Resizing images */ extern RwImage *RwImageResize(RwImage * image, RwInt32 width, RwInt32 height); /* Producing masks ! */ extern RwImage *RwImageApplyMask(RwImage * image, const RwImage * mask); extern RwImage *RwImageMakeMask(RwImage * image); /* Helper functions */ extern RwImage *RwImageReadMaskedImage(const RwChar * imageName, const RwChar * maskname); extern RwImage *RwImageRead(const RwChar * imageName); extern RwImage *RwImageWrite(RwImage * image, const RwChar * imageName); /* Setting and getting the default path for images */ extern RwChar *RwImageGetPath(void); extern const RwChar *RwImageSetPath(const RwChar * path); /* Fast image path change */ extern void _rwImageSwapPath(RwChar **path, RwInt32 *size); /* Setting */ #if (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) extern RwImage *RwImageSetStride(RwImage * image, RwInt32 stride); extern RwImage *RwImageSetPixels(RwImage * image, RwUInt8 * pixels); extern RwImage *RwImageSetPalette(RwImage * image, RwRGBA * palette); /* Getting */ extern RwInt32 RwImageGetWidth(const RwImage * image); extern RwInt32 RwImageGetHeight(const RwImage * image); extern RwInt32 RwImageGetDepth(const RwImage * image); extern RwInt32 RwImageGetStride(const RwImage * image); extern RwUInt8 *RwImageGetPixels(const RwImage * image); extern RwRGBA *RwImageGetPalette(const RwImage * image); #endif /* (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) */ /* Get device dependent pixel value */ extern RwUInt32 RwRGBAToPixel(RwRGBA * rgbIn, RwInt32 rasterFormat); extern RwRGBA *RwRGBASetFromPixel(RwRGBA * rgbOut, RwUInt32 pixelValue, RwInt32 rasterFormat); /* Gamma correction */ extern RwBool RwImageSetGamma(RwReal gammaValue); extern RwReal RwImageGetGamma(void); extern RwImage *RwImageGammaCorrect(RwImage * image); /* Adding and removing gamma correction */ extern RwRGBA *RwRGBAGammaCorrect(RwRGBA * rgb); /* Attaching toolkits */ extern RwInt32 RwImageRegisterPlugin(RwInt32 size, RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginObjectConstructor constructCB, RwPluginObjectDestructor destructCB, RwPluginObjectCopy copyCB); extern RwInt32 RwImageGetPluginOffset(RwUInt32 pluginID); extern RwBool RwImageValidatePlugins(const RwImage * image); extern RwBool RwImageRegisterImageFormat(const RwChar * extension, RwImageCallBackRead imageRead, RwImageCallBackWrite imageWrite); /* Finding an extension for an image to load */ extern const RwChar *RwImageFindFileType(const RwChar * imageName); /* Reading and writing images to streams */ extern RwInt32 RwImageStreamGetSize(const RwImage * image); extern RwImage *RwImageStreamRead(RwStream * stream); extern const RwImage *RwImageStreamWrite(const RwImage * image, RwStream * stream); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/batextur.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Defines */ /* Type ID */ #define rwTEXDICTIONARY 6 /* Mipmap Name generation - maximum number of RwChar characters which can * be appended to the root name. */ #define rwTEXTUREMIPMAPNAMECHARS 16 /* We define texture names to be a maximum of 16 ISO chars */ #define rwTEXTUREBASENAMELENGTH 32 #define rwTEXTUREFILTERMODEMASK 0x000000FF #define rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGUMASK 0x00000F00 #define rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGVMASK 0x0000F000 #define rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGMASK (rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGUMASK | \ rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGVMASK) /**************************************************************************** Global Types */ /** * \ingroup rwtexdict * \struct RwTexDictionary * is a texture dictionary containing textures. * This should be considered an opaque type. * Use the RwTexDictionary API functions to access. */ typedef struct RwTexDictionary RwTexDictionary; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct RwTexDictionary { RwObject object; /* Homogeneous type */ RwLinkList texturesInDict; /* List of textures in dictionary */ RwLLLink lInInstance; /* Link list of all dicts in system */ }; /* Information is entirely device dependent */ #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /* Parent is the dictionary */ /** * \ingroup rwtexture * \struct RwTexture * is a texture object. * This should be considered an opaque type. * Use the RwTexture API functions to access. */ typedef struct RwTexture RwTexture; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct RwTexture { RwRaster *raster; /** pointer to RwRaster with data */ RwTexDictionary *dict; /* Dictionary this texture is in */ RwLLLink lInDictionary; /* List of textures in this dictionary */ RwChar name[rwTEXTUREBASENAMELENGTH]; /* Name of the texture */ RwChar mask[rwTEXTUREBASENAMELENGTH]; /* Name of the textures mask */ /* 31 [xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx vvvvuuuu ffffffff] 0 */ RwUInt32 filterAddressing; /* Filtering & addressing mode flags */ RwInt32 refCount; /* Reference count, surprisingly enough */ }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /** * \ingroup rwtexture * \ref RwTextureCallBackRead * represents the function used by \ref RwTextureRead to read the specified * texture from a disk file. This function should return a pointer to the * texture to indicate success. * * \param name Pointer to a string containing the name of * the texture to read. * * \param maskName Pointer to a string containing the name * of the mask to read and apply to the texture. * * \return Pointer to the texture * * \see RwTextureSetReadCallBack * \see RwTextureGetReadCallBack */ typedef RwTexture *(*RwTextureCallBackRead)(const RwChar *name, const RwChar *maskName); /** * \ingroup rwtexture * \ref RwTextureCallBack * represents the function called from \ref RwTexDictionaryForAllTextures * for all textures in a given texture dictionary. This function should * return the current texture to indicate success. The callback may return * NULL to terminate further callbacks on the texture dictionary. * * \param texture Pointer to the current texture. * * \param pData User-defined data pointer. * * \return Pointer to the current texture * * \see RwTexDictionaryForAllTextures */ typedef RwTexture *(*RwTextureCallBack)(RwTexture *texture, void *pData); /** * \ingroup rwtexdict * \ref RwTexDictionaryCallBack * represents the function called from \ref RwTexDictionaryForAllTexDictionaries * for all texture dictionaries that currently exist. This function should * return the current texture dictionary to indicate success. The callback may * return NULL to terminate further callbacks on the texture dictionary. It may * safely destroy the current texture dictionary without adversely affecting * the iteration process. * * \param dict Pointer to the current texture dictionary. * * \param pData User-defined data pointer. * * \return Pointer to the current texture dictionary * * \see RwTexDictionaryForAllTexdictionaries */ typedef RwTexDictionary *(*RwTexDictionaryCallBack)(RwTexDictionary *dict, void *data); /** * \ingroup rwtexture * \ref RwTextureCallBackMipmapGeneration * is the callback function supplied to \ref RwTextureSetMipmapGenerationCallBack * and returned from \ref RwTextureGetMipmapGenerationCallBack. * * The supplied function will be passed a pointer to a raster and an image. * The raster is the target for the generated mipmap levels and the image * provides the base for their generation. * * \param raster Pointer to raster, the target for generated mipmap levels * \param image Pointer to image, used to generate mipmap levels. * * \return * Returns a pointer to the raster if successful or NULL if an error occurred. * * \see RwTextureSetMipmapGenerationCallBack * \see RwTextureGetMipmapGenerationCallBack * \see RwTextureSetAutoMipmapping * \see RwTextureGetAutoMipmapping */ typedef RwRaster *(*RwTextureCallBackMipmapGeneration)(RwRaster * raster, RwImage * image); /** * \ingroup rwtexture * \ref RwTextureCallBackMipmapName * is the callback function supplied to \ref RwTextureSetMipmapNameCallBack and * returned from \ref RwTextureGetMipmapNameCallBack. * * The supplied function will be passed a pointer to a root name, a maskName, a mipmap * level and a format. The function returns TRUE if successful and the root name will have been * modified to equal the mipmap name. * * \param name Pointer to a string containing the root name of the texture. The * mipmap level name is put here. * \param maskName Pointer to a string containing the root mask name of the texture or * NULL if no mask name is required. * \param mipLevel A value equal to the mipmap level for which the name is required. * \param format A value describing the mipmapping mode. A combination of the bit * flags rwRASTERFORMATMIPMAP and rwRASTERFORMATAUTOMIPMAP. * * \return * Returns TRUE if the name is generated successfully or FALSE if an error occurred. * * \see RwTextureGenerateMipmapName * \see RwTextureSetMipmapNameCallBack * \see RwTextureGetMipmapNameCallBack * \see RwTextureSetAutoMipmapping * \see RwTextureGetAutoMipmapping */ typedef RwBool (*RwTextureCallBackMipmapName)(RwChar *name, RwChar *maskName, RwUInt8 mipLevel, RwInt32 format); /**************************************************************************** <macro/inline functionality */ #define RwTextureGetRasterMacro(_tex) \ ((_tex)->raster) #define RwTextureAddRefMacro(_tex) \ (((_tex)->refCount++), (_tex)) #define RwTextureAddRefVoidMacro(_tex) \ MACRO_START \ { \ (_tex)->refCount++; \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RwTextureGetNameMacro(_tex) \ ((_tex)->name) #define RwTextureGetMaskNameMacro(_tex) \ ((_tex)->mask) #define RwTextureGetDictionaryMacro(_tex) \ ((_tex)->dict) #define RwTextureSetFilterModeMacro(_tex, _filtering) \ (((_tex)->filterAddressing = \ ((_tex)->filterAddressing & ~rwTEXTUREFILTERMODEMASK) | \ (((RwUInt32)(_filtering)) & rwTEXTUREFILTERMODEMASK)), \ (_tex)) #define RwTextureGetFilterModeMacro(_tex) \ ((RwTextureFilterMode)((_tex)->filterAddressing & \ rwTEXTUREFILTERMODEMASK)) #define RwTextureSetAddressingMacro(_tex, _addressing) \ (((_tex)->filterAddressing = \ ((_tex)->filterAddressing & ~rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGMASK) | \ (((((RwUInt32)(_addressing)) << 8) & rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGUMASK) | \ ((((RwUInt32)(_addressing)) << 12) & rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGVMASK))), \ (_tex)) #define RwTextureSetAddressingUMacro(_tex, _addressing) \ (((_tex)->filterAddressing = \ ((_tex)->filterAddressing & ~rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGUMASK) | \ (((RwUInt32)(_addressing) << 8) & rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGUMASK)), \ (_tex)) #define RwTextureSetAddressingVMacro(_tex, _addressing) \ (((_tex)->filterAddressing = \ ((_tex)->filterAddressing & ~rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGVMASK) | \ (((RwUInt32)(_addressing) << 12) & rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGVMASK)), \ (_tex)) #define RwTextureGetAddressingMacro(_tex) \ (((((_tex)->filterAddressing & rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGUMASK) >> 8) == \ (((_tex)->filterAddressing & rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGVMASK) >> 12)) ? \ ((RwTextureAddressMode)(((_tex)->filterAddressing & \ rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGVMASK) >> 12)) : \ rwTEXTUREADDRESSNATEXTUREADDRESS) #define RwTextureGetAddressingUMacro(_tex) \ ((RwTextureAddressMode)(((_tex)->filterAddressing & \ rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGUMASK) >> 8)) #define RwTextureGetAddressingVMacro(_tex) \ ((RwTextureAddressMode)(((_tex)->filterAddressing & \ rwTEXTUREADDRESSINGVMASK) >> 12)) #if !(defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) #define RwTextureGetRaster(_tex) \ RwTextureGetRasterMacro(_tex) #define RwTextureAddRef(_tex) \ RwTextureAddRefMacro(_tex) #define RwTextureGetName(_tex) \ RwTextureGetNameMacro(_tex) #define RwTextureGetMaskName(_tex) \ RwTextureGetMaskNameMacro(_tex) #define RwTextureGetDictionary(_tex) \ RwTextureGetDictionaryMacro(_tex) #define RwTextureSetFilterMode(_tex, _filtering) \ RwTextureSetFilterModeMacro(_tex, _filtering) #define RwTextureGetFilterMode(_tex) \ RwTextureGetFilterModeMacro(_tex) #define RwTextureSetAddressing(_tex, _addressing) \ RwTextureSetAddressingMacro(_tex, _addressing) #define RwTextureSetAddressingU(_tex, _addressing) \ RwTextureSetAddressingUMacro(_tex, _addressing) #define RwTextureSetAddressingV(_tex, _addressing) \ RwTextureSetAddressingVMacro(_tex, _addressing) #define RwTextureGetAddressing(_tex) \ RwTextureGetAddressingMacro(_tex) #define RwTextureGetAddressingU(_tex) \ RwTextureGetAddressingUMacro(_tex) #define RwTextureGetAddressingV(_tex) \ RwTextureGetAddressingVMacro(_tex) #endif /* !(defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) */ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Reading mip maps */ /* Setting mip mapping states */ extern RwBool RwTextureSetMipmapping(RwBool enable); extern RwBool RwTextureGetMipmapping(void); extern RwBool RwTextureSetAutoMipmapping(RwBool enable); extern RwBool RwTextureGetAutoMipmapping(void); /* Setting and getting the mipmap generation function */ extern RwBool RwTextureSetMipmapGenerationCallBack(RwTextureCallBackMipmapGeneration callback); extern RwTextureCallBackMipmapGeneration RwTextureGetMipmapGenerationCallBack(void); /* Setting and getting the mipmap file name generation function */ extern RwBool RwTextureSetMipmapNameCallBack(RwTextureCallBackMipmapName callback); extern RwTextureCallBackMipmapName RwTextureGetMipmapNameCallBack(void); /* Generating mipmaps for a raster */ extern RwBool RwTextureGenerateMipmapName(RwChar * name, RwChar * maskName, RwUInt8 mipLevel, RwInt32 format); extern RwBool RwTextureRasterGenerateMipmaps(RwRaster * raster, RwImage * image); /* LEGACY-SUPPORT mip mapping */ extern RwBool _rwTextureSetAutoMipMapState(RwBool enable); extern RwBool _rwTextureGetAutoMipMapState(void); /* Setting and getting the callback function */ extern RwTextureCallBackRead RwTextureGetReadCallBack(void); extern RwBool RwTextureSetReadCallBack(RwTextureCallBackRead fpCallBack); /* Texture and mask names */ extern RwTexture *RwTextureSetName(RwTexture * texture, const RwChar * name); extern RwTexture *RwTextureSetMaskName(RwTexture * texture, const RwChar * maskName); /* Creating/destroying dictionaries */ extern void RwTexDictionarySetFreeListCreateParams( RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc ); extern RwTexDictionary *RwTexDictionaryCreate(void); extern RwBool RwTexDictionaryDestroy(RwTexDictionary * dict); /* Textures */ void RwTextureSetFreeListCreateParams( RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc ); extern RwTexture *RwTextureCreate(RwRaster * raster); extern RwBool RwTextureDestroy(RwTexture * texture); /* Setting and getting texture map rasters */ extern RwTexture *RwTextureSetRaster(RwTexture * texture, RwRaster * raster); /* Dictionary access */ extern RwTexture *RwTexDictionaryAddTexture(RwTexDictionary * dict, RwTexture * texture); extern RwTexture *RwTexDictionaryRemoveTexture(RwTexture * texture); extern RwTexture *RwTexDictionaryFindNamedTexture(RwTexDictionary * dict, const RwChar * name); /* Reading a texture */ extern RwTexture *RwTextureRead(const RwChar * name, const RwChar * maskName); /* Setting the current dictionary */ extern RwTexDictionary *RwTexDictionaryGetCurrent(void); extern RwTexDictionary *RwTexDictionarySetCurrent(RwTexDictionary * dict); /* Enumerating textures */ extern const RwTexDictionary *RwTexDictionaryForAllTextures(const RwTexDictionary * dict, RwTextureCallBack fpCallBack, void *pData); /* Enumerating the texture dictionaries currently in the system */ extern RwBool RwTexDictionaryForAllTexDictionaries( RwTexDictionaryCallBack fpCallBack, void *pData); /* Attaching toolkits */ extern RwInt32 RwTextureRegisterPlugin(RwInt32 size, RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginObjectConstructor constructCB, RwPluginObjectDestructor destructCB, RwPluginObjectCopy copyCB); extern RwInt32 RwTexDictionaryRegisterPlugin(RwInt32 size, RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginObjectConstructor constructCB, RwPluginObjectDestructor destructCB, RwPluginObjectCopy copyCB); extern RwInt32 RwTextureGetPluginOffset(RwUInt32 pluginID); extern RwInt32 RwTexDictionaryGetPluginOffset(RwUInt32 pluginID); extern RwBool RwTextureValidatePlugins(const RwTexture * texture); extern RwBool RwTexDictionaryValidatePlugins(const RwTexDictionary * dict); #if (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) /* Textures */ extern RwRaster *RwTextureGetRaster(const RwTexture *texture); extern RwTexture *RwTextureAddRef(RwTexture *texture); /* Texture and mask names */ extern RwChar *RwTextureGetName(RwTexture *texture); extern RwChar *RwTextureGetMaskName(RwTexture *texture); /* Get owner dictionary */ extern RwTexDictionary *RwTextureGetDictionary(RwTexture *texture); /* Filtering */ extern RwTexture *RwTextureSetFilterMode(RwTexture *texture, RwTextureFilterMode filtering); extern RwTextureFilterMode RwTextureGetFilterMode(const RwTexture *texture); /* Addressing */ extern RwTexture *RwTextureSetAddressing(RwTexture *texture, RwTextureAddressMode addressing); extern RwTexture *RwTextureSetAddressingU(RwTexture *texture, RwTextureAddressMode addressing); extern RwTexture *RwTextureSetAddressingV(RwTexture *texture, RwTextureAddressMode addressing); extern RwTextureAddressMode RwTextureGetAddressing(const RwTexture *texture); extern RwTextureAddressMode RwTextureGetAddressingU(const RwTexture *texture); extern RwTextureAddressMode RwTextureGetAddressingV(const RwTexture *texture); #endif /* (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #define RwTextureSetAutoMipMapState(_enable) \ _rwTextureSetAutoMipMapState(_enable) #define RwTextureGetAutoMipMapState() \ _rwTextureGetAutoMipMapState() /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/p2stdcls.h ---*/ /* * Current: * * wait on Simon for instructions to do cluster renaming thing, * or go thru and change all cluster type names and cluster * names (add CSL?) * */ /* CamVerts.csl */ /* clip flags */ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RwClipFlag * Flags specifying the clipping status of a vertex */ enum RwClipFlag { rwXLOCLIP = 0x01, /**<The vertex is outside the low X clip-plane */ rwXHICLIP = 0x02, /**<The vertex is outside the high X clip-plane */ rwXCLIP = 0x03, /**<The vertex is outside an X clip-plane */ rwYLOCLIP = 0x04, /**<The vertex is outside the low Y clip-plane */ rwYHICLIP = 0x08, /**<The vertex is outside the high Z clip-plane */ rwYCLIP = 0x0C, /**<The vertex is outside a Y clip-plane */ rwZLOCLIP = 0x10, /**<The vertex is outside the low Z clip-plane */ rwZHICLIP = 0x20, /**<The vertex is outside the high Z clip-plane */ rwZCLIP = 0x30, /**<The vertex is outside a Z clip-plane */ rwCLIPMASK = 0x3F, /**<Mask covering all used bits in the clip flags * in case a plugin wants free ones to use (e.g RpGloss) */ rwCLIPFLAGFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; /* * Typedef for RwClipFlag enumeration specifying the clipping status of a vertex */ typedef enum RwClipFlag RwClipFlag; typedef struct RxCamSpace3DVertex RxCamSpace3DVertex; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxCamSpace3DVertex * Structure describing a camera-space 3D vertex. */ struct RxCamSpace3DVertex { /* Position in sheared camera-space (pre-projection) */ RwV3d cameraVertex; /**< \ref RwV3d camera-space position of the vertex */ /* Clip flags on this vertex */ RwUInt8 clipFlags; /**< Clip flags for the vertex generated during transformation into camera-space, see \ref RwClipFlag */ RwUInt8 pad[3]; /**< Alignment padding */ /* Lit color */ RwRGBAReal col; /**< Accumulated \ref RwReal light values (initialized to zero or prelight colors) */ /* Only used by the clipper */ RwReal u; /**< Texture U coordinate */ RwReal v; /**< Texture V coordinate */ }; /* Supports pipeline1 apps: */ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RwCameraVertex * typedef for a structure describing a camera-space 3D vertex. */ typedef RxCamSpace3DVertex RwCameraVertex; /* (used during lighting) Doesn't use alpha yet, but it will */ #define RxCamSpace3DVertexSetRGBA(camvert, r, g, b, a) \ MACRO_START \ { \ ((camvert)->col.red = (r)); \ ((camvert)->col.green = (g)); \ ((camvert)->col.blue = (b)); \ ((camvert)->col.alpha = (a)); \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RxCamSpace3DVertexAddRGBA(camvert, r, g, b, a) \ MACRO_START \ { \ ((camvert)->col.red += (r)); \ ((camvert)->col.green += (g)); \ ((camvert)->col.blue += (b)); \ ((camvert)->col.alpha += (a)); \ } \ MACRO_STOP /* LEGACY-SUPPORT macros */ #define RXCAMSPACE3DVERTEXSetRGBA(camvert, r, g, b, a) \ RxCamSpace3DVertexSetRGBA(camvert, r, g, b, a) #define RXCAMSPACE3DVERTEXAddRGBA(camvert, r, g, b, a) \ RxCamSpace3DVertexAddRGBA(camvert, r, g, b, a) /* MeshState.csl */ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxGeometryFlag * Flags describing geometry properties */ enum RxGeometryFlag { rxGEOMETRY_TRISTRIP = 0x01, /**<This geometry's meshes can be rendered as tri-strips */ rxGEOMETRY_POSITIONS = 0x02, /**<This geometry has positions */ rxGEOMETRY_TEXTURED = 0x04, /**<This geometry has textures applied */ rxGEOMETRY_PRELIT = 0x08, /**<This geometry has luminance values */ rxGEOMETRY_NORMALS = 0x10, /**<This geometry has normals */ rxGEOMETRY_LIGHT = 0x20, /**<This geometry will be lit */ rxGEOMETRY_MODULATE = 0x40, /**<This geometry will modulate the material color with the vertex colors (prelit + lit) */ rxGEOMETRY_TEXTURED2 = 0x80, /**<This geometry has 2 set of texture coordinates */ rxGEOMETRY_COLORED = 0x100, /**<This mesh specifies per-vertex colors. NB: ONLY USED IN IM3D */ rxGEOMETRYFLAGFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; /* * Typedef for RxGeometryFlag enumeration describing geometry properties */ typedef enum RxGeometryFlag RxGeometryFlag; typedef struct RxMeshStateVector RxMeshStateVector; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxMeshStateVector * Structure describing a mesh-state vector, * used by the RxClMeshState cluster */ struct RxMeshStateVector { RwInt32 Flags; /**< \ref RxGeometryFlag Flags from the source geometry */ void *SourceObject; /**< A void pointer. In immediate mode it points to an * internal structure and in atomic/world-sector object * or material pipelines it points to an \ref RpMaterial. */ RwMatrix Obj2World; /**< \ref RwMatrix to transform from object-space to world-space */ RwMatrix Obj2Cam; /**< \ref RwMatrix to transform from object-space to camera-space */ RwSurfaceProperties SurfaceProperties; /**< \ref RwSurfaceProperties */ /* We can't necessarily reference an RpMaterial in here (i.e with Im3D), * because RpMaterials are defined in RpWorld not RwCore */ RwTexture *Texture; /**< A pointer to a \ref RwTexture */ RwRGBA MatCol; /**< \ref RwRGBA material color */ RxPipeline *Pipeline; /**< A pointer to the material pipeline where appropriate */ /* rwPRIMTYPETRILIST/TRIFAN/TRISTRIP/LINELIST/POLYLINE */ RwPrimitiveType PrimType; /**< \ref RwPrimitiveType primitive type */ /* Interpretation based on PrimType */ RwUInt32 NumElements; /**< \ref RwUInt32 number of elements (triangles, lines...) */ RwUInt32 NumVertices; /**< \ref RwUInt32 number of vertices */ RwInt32 ClipFlagsOr; /**< Boolean OR of the \ref RwClipFlag clip flags of all vertices in the mesh */ RwInt32 ClipFlagsAnd; /**< Boolean AND of the \ref RwClipFlag clip flags of all vertices in the mesh */ void *SourceMesh; /**< A void pointer to the source \ref RpMesh */ void *DataObject; /**< Mirrors the void data pointer of \ref RxPipelineExecute */ }; /* RxScatter.csl */ typedef struct RxScatter RxScatter; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxScatter * Structure used by the RxClScatter cluster */ struct RxScatter { RxPipeline *pipeline; /**< \ref RxPipeline pointer, causes Scatter.csl * to spit the packet out to the specified pipeline */ RxPipelineNode *node; /**< \ref RxPipelineNode pointer, causes Scatter.csl * to send the packet to the specified PipelineNode * (as long as it is actually one of its outputs!) */ }; /* RxInterpolants.csl */ typedef struct RxInterp RxInterp; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxInterp * Structure used by the RxClInterp cluster */ struct RxInterp { RxVertexIndex originalVert; /**< \ref RxVertexIndex index to the new vertex generated on the clipped edge */ RxVertexIndex parentVert1; /**< \ref RxVertexIndex index to the first vertex of the clipped edge */ RxVertexIndex parentVert2; /**< \ref RxVertexIndex index to the second vertex of the clipped edge */ RwReal interp; /**< \ref RwReal interpolant along the clipped edge */ }; /* RxUVs.csl */ typedef struct RxUV RxUV; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxUV * Structure used by the RxClUV cluster */ struct RxUV { RwReal u; /**< \ref RwReal U texture coordinate */ RwReal v; /**< \ref RwReal V texture coordinate */ }; /* RxTriPlanes.csl */ typedef struct RxTriPlane RxTriPlane; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxTriPlane * for the packed plane structure used in RpWorlds and by the RxClTriPlane cluster * NOTE: this is currently not used in any nodes that ship with the SDK */ struct RxTriPlane { /* Packed plane format used in RpWorlds */ RwUInt32 N; /**< \ref RwUInt32 Packed normal */ RwReal w; /**< \ref RwReal distance from origin */ }; /* RxVSteps.csl */ #if (defined(_MSC_VER)) # if (_MSC_VER>=1000) # pragma pack(push, 1) # endif /* (_MSC_VER>=1000) */ #endif /* (defined(_MSC_VER)) */ typedef struct RxVStep RxVStep; /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \struct RxVStep * Structure used by the RxClVStep cluster. * To use the step values in the RxClVStep cluster, start at the beginning * of the RxVStep and vertex arrays and proceed as follows: (a) Process one * vertex, (b) Skip 'step' vertices, (c) Increment the cursor of the RxClVStep * cluster. Repeat (a)-(c) until the entire vertex array has been processed. * If the RxVStep array contains valid data, you should not have to bounds-check * its cursor. */ struct RxVStep { RwUInt8 step; /**< \ref RwUInt8 The number of vertices after the current one * which can be skipped in lighting and other calculations because, * for example, they belong only to back-facing triangles */ }; #if (defined(_MSC_VER)) # if (_MSC_VER>=1000) # pragma pack(pop) # endif /* (_MSC_VER>=1000) */ #endif /* (defined(_MSC_VER)) */ /* CamNorms.csl */ /** * \ingroup rwcoregeneric * \ref RxCamNorm * typedef for \ref RwV3d used by the RxClVStep cluster */ typedef RwV3d RxCamNorm; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Uses the RxObjSpace3DVertex type (see pipmodel.h) */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClObjSpace3DVertices; /* Uses the RxCamSpace3DVertex type */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClCamSpace3DVertices; /* Uses the RxScrSpace2DVertex type (see pipmodel.h) */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClScrSpace2DVertices; /* Uses the RxInterp type */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClInterpolants; /* Uses the RxMeshStateVector type */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClMeshState; /* Uses the RxRenderStateVector type (p2renderstate.c/h) */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClRenderState; /* Uses the RxVertexIndex type */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClIndices; /* Uses the RxScatter type */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClScatter; /* Uses the RxUV type */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClUVs; /* Uses the RxVStep type */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClVSteps; /* Uses the RwRGBAReal type */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClRGBAs; /* Uses the RxCamNorm type */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClCamNorms; /* Uses the RxTriPlane type. * NOTE: this is currently not used in any nodes that ship with the SDK */ extern RxClusterDefinition RxClTriPlanes; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/baim3d.h ---*/ /** * \ingroup rwim3d * RwIm3DTransformFlags * The bit-field type RwIm3DTransformFlags * specifies options available for controlling execution of the 3D immediate * mode pipeline (see API function \ref RwIm3DTransform):*/ enum RwIm3DTransformFlags { rwIM3D_VERTEXUV = 1, /**<Texture coordinates in source vertices should be used */ rwIM3D_ALLOPAQUE = 2, /**<All source vertices are opaque (alpha is 255) */ rwIM3D_NOCLIP = 4, /**<No clipping should be performed on the geometry (the * app may know it is all onscreen or within the guard band clipping * region for the current hardware, so clipping can be skipped) */ rwIM3D_VERTEXXYZ = 8, /**<Vertex positions */ rwIM3D_VERTEXRGBA = 16, /**<Vertex color */ rwIM3DTRANSFORMFLAGSFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwIm3DTransformFlags RwIm3DTransformFlags; typedef struct rwIm3DPool rwIm3DPool; typedef struct rwImmediGlobals rwImmediGlobals; typedef struct rwIm3DRenderPipelines rwIm3DRenderPipelines; typedef struct _rwIm3DPoolStash _rwIm3DPoolStash; #if (0 && defined(SKY2)) typedef struct rwIm3DVertexCache RwIm3DVertexCache; #endif /* (0&& defined(SKY2)) */ /* complete information to reconstruct post-transform Im3D "mesh" packet */ #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct _rwIm3DPoolStash { RwUInt32 flags; /* rwIM3D_VERTEXUV, rwIM3D_ALLOPAQUE, rwIM3D_NOCLIP etc */ RwMatrix *ltm; /* world-space frame of the vertices, if they have one */ RwUInt32 numVerts; RxObjSpace3DVertex *objVerts; RxCamSpace3DVertex *camVerts; RxScrSpace2DVertex *devVerts; RxMeshStateVector *meshState; RxRenderStateVector *renderState; RxPipeline *pipeline; RwPrimitiveType primType; RxVertexIndex *indices; RwUInt32 numIndices; }; /* Used as a cache of transformed vertices */ struct rwIm3DPool { RwUInt16 numElements; /* could become RwUInt32 nowadays */ RwUInt16 pad; /* alignment padding */ void *elements; /* the original array of verts (or whatever...) - referenced not copied */ RwInt32 stride; /* the stride of the element */ _rwIm3DPoolStash stash; }; struct rwIm3DRenderPipelines { /* One Im3D render pipeline pointer per rwPRIMTYPE * (several pointers may point to the same pipeline though) */ RxPipeline *triList; RxPipeline *triFan; RxPipeline *triStrip; RxPipeline *lineList; RxPipeline *polyLine; RxPipeline *pointList; }; struct rwImmediGlobals { RxPipeline *im3DTransformPipeline; rwIm3DRenderPipelines im3DRenderPipelines; /* Platforms that have their own non-generic pipelines * (OPENGL, D3D8, SKY2, KAMUI2, DOLPHIN) put them here: */ RxPipeline *platformIm3DTransformPipeline; rwIm3DRenderPipelines platformIm3DRenderPipelines; #if (defined(SKY2_DRVMODEL_H)) /* The triangle PS2All render pipe automatically * calls this PS2AllMat pipeline: */ RxPipeline *ps2AllMatIm3DTrianglePipeline; /* The line PS2All render pipe automatically * calls this PS2AllMat pipeline: */ RxPipeline *ps2AllMatIm3DLinePipeline; #endif /* (defined(SKY2_DRVMODEL_H)) */ rwIm3DPool curPool; /* The current cache of transformed vertices */ }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ extern rwIm3DPool *_rwIm3DGetPool( void ); extern void *RwIm3DTransform(RwIm3DVertex *pVerts, RwUInt32 numVerts, RwMatrix *ltm, RwUInt32 flags); extern RwBool RwIm3DEnd(void); extern RwBool RwIm3DRenderLine(RwInt32 vert1, RwInt32 vert2); extern RwBool RwIm3DRenderTriangle(RwInt32 vert1, RwInt32 vert2, RwInt32 vert3); extern RwBool RwIm3DRenderIndexedPrimitive(RwPrimitiveType primType, RwImVertexIndex *indices, RwInt32 numIndices); extern RwBool RwIm3DRenderPrimitive(RwPrimitiveType primType); extern RxPipeline *RwIm3DGetTransformPipeline(void); extern RxPipeline *RwIm3DGetRenderPipeline( RwPrimitiveType primType); extern RxPipeline *RwIm3DSetTransformPipeline(RxPipeline *pipeline); extern RxPipeline *RwIm3DSetRenderPipeline( RxPipeline *pipeline, RwPrimitiveType primType); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/d3d8/im3dpipe.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/d3d8/d3d8dxttex.h ---*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ extern RwTexture *RwD3D8DDSTextureRead(const RwChar *name, const RwChar *maskname); extern RwBool RwD3D8RasterIsCompressed(const RwRaster *raster); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/d3d8/drvfns.h ---*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ /*******/ /* API */ /*******/ /* Reports on whether D3D8 can render S3TC textures */ extern RwBool RwD3D8DeviceSupportsDXTTexture(void); /* Get handle to D3D8 device - useful for setting D3D8 renderstate*/ extern void * RwD3D8GetCurrentD3DDevice(void); /* Get maximun number of multisampling levels */ extern RwUInt32 RwD3D8EngineGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels(void); /* Set number of multisampling levels */ extern void RwD3D8EngineSetMultiSamplingLevels(RwUInt32 numLevels); /* Set maximun full screen refresh rate */ extern void RwD3D8EngineSetRefreshRate(RwUInt32 refreshRate); /* Get handle to D3D8 rendering surface - useful for advanced blit ops */ extern void * RwD3D8GetCurrentD3DRenderTarget(void); /* Atach a window to a camera */ extern RwBool RwD3D8CameraAttachWindow(void *camera, void *hwnd); /* Immediate mode rendering */ extern RwBool RwD3D8SetVertexShader(RwUInt32 handle); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetPixelShader(RwUInt32 handle); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetStreamSource(RwUInt32 streamNumber, void *streamData, RwUInt32 stride); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetIndices(void *indexData, RwUInt32 baseVertexIndex); extern RwBool RwD3D8DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(RwUInt32 primitiveType, RwUInt32 minIndex, RwUInt32 numVertices, RwUInt32 numIndices, const void* indexData, const void* vertexStreamZeroData, RwUInt32 VertexStreamZeroStride); extern RwBool RwD3D8DrawPrimitiveUP(RwUInt32 primitiveType, RwUInt32 numVertices, const void* vertexStreamZeroData, RwUInt32 VertexStreamZeroStride); extern RwBool RwD3D8DrawIndexedPrimitive(RwUInt32 primitiveType, RwUInt32 minIndex, RwUInt32 numVertices, RwUInt32 startIndex, RwUInt32 numIndices); extern RwBool RwD3D8DrawPrimitive(RwUInt32 primitiveType, RwUInt32 startVertex, RwUInt32 numVertices); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetTexture(RwTexture *texture, RwUInt32 stage); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetRenderState(RwUInt32 state, RwUInt32 value); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetTextureStageState(RwUInt32 stage, RwUInt32 type, RwUInt32 value); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetTransform(RwUInt32 state, const void *matrix); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetMaterial(const void *material); extern void RwD3D8SetStencilClear(RwUInt32 stencilClear); extern void RwD3D8GetRenderState(RwUInt32 state, void *value); extern void RwD3D8GetTextureStageState(RwUInt32 stage, RwUInt32 type, void *value); extern void RwD3D8GetTransform(RwUInt32 state, void *matrix); extern RwUInt32 RwD3D8GetStencilClear(void); /* * To convert between RwMatrix to D3DMATRIX when setting the * world matrix */ extern RwBool RwD3D8SetTransformWorld(const RwMatrix *matrix); /* * To convert between RpMaterial to D3DMATERIAL8 */ extern RwBool RwD3D8SetSurfaceProperties(const RwRGBA *color, const RwSurfaceProperties *surfaceProps, RwBool modulate); /* * To set on that index the light from the descriptor */ extern RwBool RwD3D8SetLight(RwInt32 index, const void *light); extern void RwD3D8GetLight(RwInt32 index, void *light); extern RwBool RwD3D8EnableLight(RwInt32 index, RwBool enable); /* * To get a pointer to a Dynamic vertex buffer * Use both functions, Create and Destroy, not only Create */ extern RwBool RwD3D8DynamicVertexBufferCreate(RwUInt32 fvf, RwUInt32 size, void **vertexBuffer); extern void RwD3D8DynamicVertexBufferDestroy(void *vertexBuffer); /* * To get a temporary pointer to a Dynamic vertex buffer memory * Don't use with the previous functions because * it mantains an internal list of dinamic vertex buffers */ extern RwBool RwD3D8DynamicVertexBufferLock(RwUInt32 vertexSize, RwUInt32 numVertex, void **vertexBufferOut, void **vertexDataOut, RwUInt32 *baseIndexOut); extern RwBool RwD3D8DynamicVertexBufferUnlock(void *vertexBuffer); /* * To get a pointer to an Index vertex buffer * It's created as WRITEONLY, MANAGED and D3DFMT_INDEX16 */ extern RwBool RwD3D8IndexBufferCreate(RwUInt32 numIndices, void **indexBuffer); /* * To create a vertex shader from the declaration, also the function * for deleting it. */ extern RwBool RwD3D8CreateVertexShader(const RwUInt32 *declaration, const RwUInt32 *function, RwUInt32 *handle, RwUInt32 usage); extern void RwD3D8DeleteVertexShader(RwUInt32 handle); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetVertexShaderConstant(RwUInt32 registerAddress, const void *constantData, RwUInt32 constantCount); /* * To create a pixel shader from the function, also the function * for deleting it. */ extern RwBool RwD3D8CreatePixelShader(const RwUInt32 *function, RwUInt32 *handle); extern void RwD3D8DeletePixelShader(RwUInt32 handle); extern RwBool RwD3D8SetPixelShaderConstant(RwUInt32 registerAddress, const void *constantData, RwUInt32 constantCount); /* * Get a const pointer to the D3DCAPS8 struct, (you need to do the cast) */ extern const void *RwD3D8GetCaps(void); /* * Check if the sphere is fully inside of the frustum */ extern RwBool RwD3D8CameraIsSphereFullyInsideFrustum(const void *camera, const void *sphere); /* * Check if the Bounding Box is fully inside of the frustum */ extern RwBool RwD3D8CameraIsBBoxFullyInsideFrustum(const void *camera, const void *boundingBox); /* * Cheking the CPU capabilities */ #if (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) extern RwBool _rwIntelMMXsupported(void); extern RwBool _rwIntelSSEsupported(void); extern RwBool _rwIntelSSE2supported(void); extern RwBool _rwAMD3DNowSupported(void); #else extern RwBool _rwD3D8CPUSupportsMMX; extern RwBool _rwD3D8CPUSupportsSSE; extern RwBool _rwD3D8CPUSupportsSSE2; extern RwBool _rwD3D8CPUSupports3DNow; #define _rwIntelMMXsupported() _rwD3D8CPUSupportsMMX #define _rwIntelSSEsupported() _rwD3D8CPUSupportsSSE #define _rwIntelSSE2supported() _rwD3D8CPUSupportsSSE2 #define _rwAMD3DNowSupported() _rwD3D8CPUSupports3DNow #endif /* * Enabling texture format conversions when loading textures from a texture * dictionary. FALSE by default. */ extern void _rwD3D8TexDictionaryEnableRasterFormatConversion(RwBool enable); /* Called from RwEngineInit to give the driver a chance to register plugins */ extern RwBool _rwDeviceRegisterPlugin(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* LEGACY-MACRO */ /** * \ingroup rwcoredriverd3d8 * \ref RwD3DLoadNativeTexture is a legacy macro for compatibility with * RWD3D7 applications that can be used to read a compressed texture from * the specified DDS file on disk. * * It is recommended that applications for RWD3D8 should use the RWD3D8 * function \ref RwD3D8DDSTextureRead instead. * * \param name Pointer to a string containing the name of the texture to be read. * \param maskname Pointer to a string containing the name of the mask or * NULL if not required. * * \return Returns pointer to the new texture if successful or NULL if there * is an error. * * \see RwD3D8DDSTextureRead * \see RwD3D8DeviceSupportsDXTTexture * \see RwImageSetPath * \see RwTextureSetReadCallBack * \see RwTextureSetMipmapping * \see RwTextureSetAutoMipmapping * \see RwTextureDestroy * */ #define RwD3DLoadNativeTexture RwD3D8DDSTextureRead /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/baresamp.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ extern RwImage *RwImageResample(RwImage *dstImage, const RwImage *srcImage); extern RwImage *RwImageCreateResample(const RwImage *srcImage, RwInt32 width, RwInt32 height); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/baimras.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Images from rasters */ extern RwImage *RwImageSetFromRaster(RwImage *image, RwRaster *raster); /* Rasters from images */ extern RwRaster *RwRasterSetFromImage(RwRaster *raster, RwImage *image); /* Finding raster formats */ extern RwRGBA *RwRGBAGetRasterPixel(RwRGBA *rgbOut, RwRaster *raster, RwInt32 x, RwInt32 y); /* Read a raster */ extern RwRaster *RwRasterRead(const RwChar *filename); extern RwRaster *RwRasterReadMaskedRaster(const RwChar *filename, const RwChar *maskname); /* Finding appropriate raster formats */ extern RwImage *RwImageFindRasterFormat(RwImage *ipImage,RwInt32 nRasterType, RwInt32 *npWidth,RwInt32 *npHeight, RwInt32 *npDepth,RwInt32 *npFormat); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/baframe.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Defines */ #if (!defined(RWFRAMESTATICPLUGINSSIZE)) #define RWFRAMESTATICPLUGINSSIZE 0 #endif #define RWFRAMEALIGNMENT(_frame) \ (! (((rwFRAMEALIGNMENT)-1) & ((RwUInt32)(_frame)))) /* Type ID */ #define rwFRAME 0 /* dirty flag bits */ #define rwFRAMEPRIVATEHIERARCHYSYNCLTM 0x01 #define rwFRAMEPRIVATEHIERARCHYSYNCOBJ 0x02 #define rwFRAMEPRIVATESUBTREESYNCLTM 0x04 #define rwFRAMEPRIVATESUBTREESYNCOBJ 0x08 #define rwFRAMEPRIVATESTATIC 0x10 /**************************************************************************** Global Types */ #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct RwFrame { RwObject object; RwLLLink inDirtyListLink; /* Put embedded matrices here to ensure they remain 16-byte aligned */ RwMatrix modelling; RwMatrix ltm; RwLinkList objectList; /* List of objects connected to a frame */ struct RwFrame *child; struct RwFrame *next; struct RwFrame *root; /* Root of the tree */ #if (RWFRAMESTATICPLUGINSSIZE) RWALIGN(RwUInt8 pluginData[RWFRAMESTATICPLUGINSSIZE], rwFRAMEALIGNMENT); #endif /* defined(RWFRAMESTATICPLUGINSIZE)) */ }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /** * \ingroup rwframe * \struct RwFrame * Frame for defining object position and orientation. * This should be considered an opaque type. * Use the RwFrame API functions to access. */ typedef struct RwFrame RWALIGN(RwFrame, rwFRAMEALIGNMENT); /** * \ingroup rwframe * \ref RwFrameCallBack type represents the function * called from \ref RwFrameForAllChildren for all child frames linked to a given frame. * This function should return a pointer to the current frame to indicate success. * The callback may return NULL to terminate further callbacks on the child frames. * * \param frame Pointer to the current frame, supplied by * iterator. * \param data Pointer to developer-defined data structure. * * \return * * \see RwFrameForAllChildren * */ typedef RwFrame *(*RwFrameCallBack)(RwFrame *frame, void *data); #define RwFrameGetParentMacro(_f) ((RwFrame *)rwObjectGetParent(_f)) #if (! ( defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE) )) #define RwFrameGetParent(_f) RwFrameGetParentMacro(_f) #endif #define RwFrameGetMatrixMacro(_f) (&(_f)->modelling) #if (! ( defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE) )) #define RwFrameGetMatrix(_f) RwFrameGetMatrixMacro(_f) #endif /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ extern void RwFrameSetFreeListCreateParams(RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc ); /* Finding what is attached to a frame */ extern RwFrame * RwFrameForAllObjects(RwFrame * frame, RwObjectCallBack callBack, void *data); /* Matrix operations */ extern RwFrame * RwFrameTranslate(RwFrame * frame, const RwV3d * v, RwOpCombineType combine); extern RwFrame * RwFrameRotate(RwFrame * frame, const RwV3d * axis, RwReal angle, RwOpCombineType combine); extern RwFrame * RwFrameScale(RwFrame * frame, const RwV3d * v, RwOpCombineType combine); extern RwFrame * RwFrameTransform(RwFrame * frame, const RwMatrix * m, RwOpCombineType combine); extern RwFrame * RwFrameOrthoNormalize(RwFrame * frame); extern RwFrame * RwFrameSetIdentity(RwFrame * frame); /* Cloning */ extern RwFrame * RwFrameCloneHierarchy(RwFrame * root); /* Destruction */ extern RwBool RwFrameDestroyHierarchy(RwFrame * frame); /* Building a frame */ extern RwFrame * RwFrameForAllChildren(RwFrame * frame, RwFrameCallBack callBack, void *data); extern RwFrame * RwFrameRemoveChild(RwFrame * child); extern RwFrame * RwFrameAddChild(RwFrame * parent, RwFrame * child); #if ( defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE) ) extern RwFrame * RwFrameGetParent(const RwFrame * frame); #endif /* Getting the root */ extern RwFrame * RwFrameGetRoot(const RwFrame * frame); /* Getting Matrices */ extern RwMatrix * RwFrameGetLTM(RwFrame * frame); #if ( defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE) ) extern RwMatrix * RwFrameGetMatrix(RwFrame * frame); #endif /* Elements */ extern RwFrame * RwFrameUpdateObjects(RwFrame * frame); /* Creating destroying frames */ extern void RwFrameSetFreeListCreateParams( RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc ); extern RwFrame * RwFrameCreate(void); extern RwBool RwFrameInit(RwFrame *frame); extern RwBool RwFrameDeInit(RwFrame *frame); extern RwBool RwFrameDestroy(RwFrame * frame); /* internal function used by Create and Init */ extern void _rwFrameInit(RwFrame *frame); /* internal function used by Destroy and DeInit */ extern void _rwFrameDeInit(RwFrame *frame); /* Finding a frames state */ extern RwBool RwFrameDirty(const RwFrame * frame); /* Find the amount of frames in a hierarchy */ extern RwInt32 RwFrameCount(RwFrame * frame); /* Plugins */ extern RwBool RwFrameSetStaticPluginsSize(RwInt32 size); extern RwInt32 RwFrameRegisterPlugin(RwInt32 size, RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginObjectConstructor constructCB, RwPluginObjectDestructor destructCB, RwPluginObjectCopy copyCB); extern RwInt32 RwFrameGetPluginOffset(RwUInt32 pluginID); extern RwBool RwFrameValidatePlugins(const RwFrame * frame); /* Cloning */ extern RwFrame * _rwFrameCloneAndLinkClones(RwFrame * root); extern RwFrame * _rwFramePurgeClone(RwFrame *root); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Compatibility macros */ #define rwFrameGetParent(frame) \ _rwFrameGetParent(frame) #define rwFrameInit(frame) \ _rwFrameInit(frame) #define rwFrameDeInit(frame) \ _rwFrameDeInit(frame) #define rwFrameCloneAndLinkClones(root) \ _rwFrameCloneAndLinkClones(root) #define rwFramePurgeClone(root) \ _rwFramePurgeClone(root) #define rwFrameClose(instance, offset, size) \ _rwFrameClose(instance, offset, size) #define rwFrameOpen(instance, offset, size) \ _rwFrameOpen(instance, offset, size) /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/batypehf.h ---*/ typedef struct RwObjectHasFrame RwObjectHasFrame; typedef RwObjectHasFrame * (*RwObjectHasFrameSyncFunction)(RwObjectHasFrame *object); #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct RwObjectHasFrame { RwObject object; RwLLLink lFrame; RwObjectHasFrameSyncFunction sync; }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Frames */ extern void _rwObjectHasFrameSetFrame(void *object, RwFrame *frame); extern void _rwObjectHasFrameReleaseFrame(void *object); /* ObjectHASFRAME METHODS */ #define rwObjectHasFrameInitialize(o, type, subtype, syncFunc) \ MACRO_START \ { \ rwObjectInitialize(o, type, subtype); \ ((RwObjectHasFrame *)o)->sync = syncFunc; \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define rwObjectHasFrameSync(o) \ ((RwObjectHasFrame *)(o))->sync(o) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Compatibility macros */ #define rwObjectHasFrameSetFrame(object, frame) \ _rwObjectHasFrameSetFrame(object, frame) #define rwObjectHasFrameReleaseFrame(object) \ _rwObjectHasFrameReleaseFrame(object) /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/basync.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/babintex.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Global types */ typedef struct rpTextureChunkInfo RwTextureChunkInfo; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct rpTextureChunkInfo { RwTextureFilterMode filtering; RwTextureAddressMode addressingU; RwTextureAddressMode addressingV; }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /* Bit flags defining properties of textures when stream */ enum RwTextureStreamFlags { rwNATEXTURESTREAMFLAG = 0x00, rwTEXTURESTREAMFLAGSUSERMIPMAPS = 0x01, rwTEXTURESTREAMFLAGSFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwTextureStreamFlags RwTextureStreamFlags; /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Texture binary format */ extern RwInt32 RwTextureRegisterPluginStream(RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginDataChunkReadCallBack readCB, RwPluginDataChunkWriteCallBack writeCB, RwPluginDataChunkGetSizeCallBack getSizeCB); extern RwInt32 RwTextureSetStreamAlwaysCallBack(RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginDataChunkAlwaysCallBack alwaysCB); extern RwUInt32 RwTextureStreamGetSize(const RwTexture *texture); extern RwTexture * RwTextureStreamRead(RwStream *stream); extern const RwTexture * RwTextureStreamWrite(const RwTexture *texture, RwStream *stream); /* Texture dictionary binary format */ extern RwInt32 RwTexDictionaryRegisterPluginStream(RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginDataChunkReadCallBack readCB, RwPluginDataChunkWriteCallBack writeCB, RwPluginDataChunkGetSizeCallBack getSizeCB); extern RwInt32 RwTexDictionarySetStreamAlwaysCallBack(RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginDataChunkAlwaysCallBack alwaysCB); extern RwUInt32 RwTexDictionaryStreamGetSize(const RwTexDictionary *texDict); extern RwTexDictionary *RwTexDictionaryStreamRead(RwStream *stream); extern const RwTexDictionary * RwTexDictionaryStreamWrite(const RwTexDictionary *texDict, RwStream *stream); extern RwTextureChunkInfo * _rwTextureChunkInfoRead(RwStream *stream, RwTextureChunkInfo *textureChunkInfo, RwInt32 *bytesRead); /* Compatibility macro */ #define RwTextureChunkInfoRead(_stream, _textureChunkInfo, _bytesRead) \ _rwTextureChunkInfoRead(_stream, _textureChunkInfo, _bytesRead) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/babinfrm.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Global types */ typedef struct rwFrameList rwFrameList; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct rwFrameList { RwFrame **frames; RwInt32 numFrames; }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /**************************************************************************** Global Variables */ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Frame binary format */ extern RwInt32 RwFrameRegisterPluginStream(RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginDataChunkReadCallBack readCB, RwPluginDataChunkWriteCallBack writeCB, RwPluginDataChunkGetSizeCallBack getSizeCB); extern RwInt32 RwFrameSetStreamAlwaysCallBack(RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginDataChunkAlwaysCallBack alwaysCB); extern rwFrameList * _rwFrameListInitialize(rwFrameList *frameList, RwFrame *frame); extern RwBool _rwFrameListFindFrame(const rwFrameList *frameList, const RwFrame *frame, RwInt32 *npIndex); extern rwFrameList * _rwFrameListDeinitialize(rwFrameList *frameList); extern RwUInt32 _rwFrameListStreamGetSize(const rwFrameList *frameList); extern rwFrameList * _rwFrameListStreamRead(RwStream *stream, rwFrameList *fl); extern const rwFrameList * _rwFrameListStreamWrite(const rwFrameList *frameList, RwStream *stream); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Comparibility macros */ #define rwFrameListInitialize(frameList,frame) \ _rwFrameListInitialize(frameList,frame) #define rwFrameListFindFrame(frameList, frame, index) \ _rwFrameListFindFrame(frameList, frame, index) #define rwFrameListDeinitialize(frameList) \ _rwFrameListDeinitialize(frameList) #define rwFrameListStreamGetSize(frameList) \ _rwFrameListStreamGetSize(frameList) #define rwFrameListStreamRead(stream, fl) \ _rwFrameListStreamRead(stream, fl) #define rwFrameListStreamWrite(frameList, stream) \ _rwFrameListStreamWrite(frameList, stream) /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/babbox.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Global types */ typedef struct RwBBox RwBBox; /** * \ingroup rwbbox * \struct RwBBox * This type represents a 3D axis-aligned bounding-box * specified by the positions of two corners which lie on a diagonal. * Typically used to specify a world bounding-box when the world is created * * \param sup Supremum vertex (contains largest values) * \param inf Infimum vertex (contains smallest values) * * \see RpWorldCreate */ struct RwBBox { /* Must be in this order */ RwV3d sup; /**< Supremum vertex. */ RwV3d inf; /**< Infimum vertex. */ }; #if (!defined(RwBBoxAssign)) #define RwBBoxAssign(_target, _source) \ ( *(_target) = *(_source) ) #endif /* (!defined(RwBBoxAssign)) */ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ extern RwBBox *RwBBoxCalculate(RwBBox *boundBox, const RwV3d *verts, RwInt32 numVerts); extern RwBBox *RwBBoxInitialize(RwBBox *boundBox, const RwV3d *vertex); extern RwBBox *RwBBoxAddPoint(RwBBox *boundBox, const RwV3d *vertex); extern RwBool RwBBoxContainsPoint(const RwBBox *boundBox, const RwV3d *vertex); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/bacamera.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Defines */ /* Type ID */ #define rwCAMERA 4 /**************************************************************************** <macro/inline functionality */ #define RwCameraGetViewOffsetMacro(_camera) \ (&((_camera)->viewOffset)) #define RwCameraSetRasterMacro(_camera, _raster) \ (((_camera)->frameBuffer = (_raster)), (_camera)) #define RwCameraSetRasterVoidMacro(_camera, _raster) \ MACRO_START \ { \ (_camera)->frameBuffer = (_raster); \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RwCameraGetRasterMacro(_camera) \ ((_camera)->frameBuffer) #define RwCameraSetZRasterMacro(_camera, _raster) \ (((_camera)->zBuffer = (_raster)), (_camera)) #define RwCameraSetZRasterVoidMacro(_camera, _raster) \ MACRO_START \ { \ (_camera)->zBuffer = (_raster); \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RwCameraGetZRasterMacro(_camera) \ ((_camera)->zBuffer) #define RwCameraGetNearClipPlaneMacro(_camera) \ ((_camera)->nearPlane) #define RwCameraGetFarClipPlaneMacro(_camera) \ ((_camera)->farPlane) #define RwCameraSetFogDistanceMacro(_camera, _distance) \ (((_camera)->fogPlane = (_distance)), (_camera)) #define RwCameraGetFogDistanceMacro(_camera) \ ((_camera)->fogPlane) #define RwCameraGetCurrentCameraMacro() \ ((RwCamera *)RWSRCGLOBAL(curCamera)) #define RwCameraGetProjectionMacro(_camera) \ ((_camera)->projectionType) #define RwCameraGetViewWindowMacro(_camera) \ (&((_camera)->viewWindow)) #define RwCameraGetViewMatrixMacro(_camera) \ (&((_camera)->viewMatrix)) #define RwCameraSetFrameMacro(_camera, _frame) \ (_rwObjectHasFrameSetFrame((_camera), (_frame)), (_camera)) #define RwCameraSetFrameVoidMacro(_camera, _frame) \ MACRO_START \ { \ _rwObjectHasFrameSetFrame((_camera), (_frame)); \ } \ MACRO_STOP #define RwCameraGetFrameMacro(_camera) \ ((RwFrame *)rwObjectGetParent((_camera))) #if !(defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) #define RwCameraGetViewOffset(_camera) \ RwCameraGetViewOffsetMacro(_camera) #define RwCameraSetRaster(_camera, _raster) \ RwCameraSetRasterMacro(_camera, _raster) #define RwCameraGetRaster(_camera) \ RwCameraGetRasterMacro(_camera) #define RwCameraSetZRaster(_camera, _raster) \ RwCameraSetZRasterMacro(_camera, _raster) #define RwCameraGetZRaster(_camera) \ RwCameraGetZRasterMacro(_camera) #define RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(_camera) \ RwCameraGetNearClipPlaneMacro(_camera) #define RwCameraGetFarClipPlane(_camera) \ RwCameraGetFarClipPlaneMacro(_camera) #define RwCameraSetFogDistance(_camera, _distance) \ RwCameraSetFogDistanceMacro(_camera, _distance) #define RwCameraGetFogDistance(_camera) \ RwCameraGetFogDistanceMacro(_camera) #define RwCameraGetCurrentCamera() \ RwCameraGetCurrentCameraMacro() #define RwCameraGetProjection(_camera) \ RwCameraGetProjectionMacro(_camera) #define RwCameraGetViewWindow(_camera) \ RwCameraGetViewWindowMacro(_camera) #define RwCameraGetViewMatrix(_camera) \ RwCameraGetViewMatrixMacro(_camera) #define RwCameraSetFrame(_camera, _frame) \ RwCameraSetFrameMacro(_camera, _frame) #define RwCameraGetFrame(_camera) \ RwCameraGetFrameMacro(_camera) #endif /* !(defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) */ /**************************************************************************** Global Types */ /** * \ingroup rwcamera * RwCameraClearMode * Camera clear flags */ enum RwCameraClearMode { rwCAMERACLEARIMAGE = 0x1, /**<Clear the frame buffer */ rwCAMERACLEARZ = 0x2, /**<Clear the Z buffer */ rwCAMERACLEARSTENCIL = 0x4, /**<\if xbox Clear the stencil buffer \endif * \if d3d8 Clear the stencil buffer \endif * \if opengl Clear the stencil buffer \endif */ rwCAMERACLEARMODEFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwCameraClearMode RwCameraClearMode; /** * \ingroup rwcamera * RwCameraProjection * This type represents the options available for * setting the camera projection model, either perspective projection or * parallel projection (see API function \ref RwCameraSetProjection)*/ enum RwCameraProjection { rwNACAMERAPROJECTION = 0, /**<Invalid projection */ rwPERSPECTIVE = 1, /**<Perspective projection */ rwPARALLEL = 2, /**<Parallel projection */ rwCAMERAPROJECTIONFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwCameraProjection RwCameraProjection; /** * \ingroup rwcamera * RwFrustumTestResult * This type represents the results from a * camera frustum test on a given sphere (see API function * \ref RwCameraFrustumTestSphere)*/ enum RwFrustumTestResult { rwSPHEREOUTSIDE = 0, /**<Outside the frustum */ rwSPHEREBOUNDARY = 1, /**<On the boundary of the frustum */ rwSPHEREINSIDE = 2, /**<Inside the frustum */ rwFRUSTUMTESTRESULTFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RwFrustumTestResult RwFrustumTestResult; /** * \ingroup rwcamera * \struct RwCamera * Camera object for rendering a view. * This should be considered an opaque type. * Use the RwCamera API functions to access. */ typedef struct RwCamera RWALIGN(RwCamera, rwMATRIXALIGNMENT); /* This allows a world to overload functionality */ typedef RwCamera *(*RwCameraBeginUpdateFunc) (RwCamera * camera); typedef RwCamera *(*RwCameraEndUpdateFunc) (RwCamera * camera); typedef struct RwFrustumPlane RwFrustumPlane; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) /* * Structure describing a frustrum plane. */ struct RwFrustumPlane { RwPlane plane; RwUInt8 closestX; RwUInt8 closestY; RwUInt8 closestZ; RwUInt8 pad; }; struct RwCamera { RwObjectHasFrame object; /* Parallel or perspective projection */ RwCameraProjection projectionType; /* Start/end update functions */ RwCameraBeginUpdateFunc beginUpdate; RwCameraEndUpdateFunc endUpdate; /* The view matrix */ RwMatrix viewMatrix; /* The cameras image buffer */ RwRaster *frameBuffer; /* The Z buffer */ RwRaster *zBuffer; /* Cameras mathmatical characteristics */ RwV2d viewWindow; RwV2d recipViewWindow; RwV2d viewOffset; RwReal nearPlane; RwReal farPlane; RwReal fogPlane; /* Transformation to turn camera z or 1/z into a Z buffer z */ RwReal zScale, zShift; /* Render frame counter -> used for the frustum callback stuff */ RwUInt16 renderFrame; RwUInt16 pad; /* The clip-planes making up the viewing frustum */ RwFrustumPlane frustumPlanes[6]; RwBBox frustumBoundBox; /* Points on the tips of the view frustum */ RwV3d frustumCorners[8]; }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /** * \ingroup rwcamera * \ref RwCameraCallBack type represents a function called from any camera * iterator that may be implemented in plugins. This function should return a * pointer to the current camera to indicate success. The callback may return * NULL to terminate further callbacks on other cameras. * * \param camera Pointer to the current camera, supplied by iterator. * \param data Pointer to developer-defined data structure. * * \return */ typedef RwCamera *(*RwCameraCallBack)(RwCamera *camera, void *data); /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Rendering */ extern RwCamera *RwCameraBeginUpdate(RwCamera * camera); extern RwCamera *RwCameraEndUpdate(RwCamera * camera); extern RwCamera *RwCameraClear(RwCamera * camera, RwRGBA * colour, RwInt32 clearMode); /* Displaying results */ extern RwCamera *RwCameraShowRaster(RwCamera * camera, void *pDev, RwUInt32 flags); /* Creation and destruction */ extern void RwCameraSetFreeListCreateParams( RwInt32 blockSize, RwInt32 numBlocksToPrealloc ); extern RwBool RwCameraDestroy(RwCamera * camera); extern RwCamera *RwCameraCreate(void); extern RwCamera *RwCameraClone(RwCamera * camera); /* Offset */ extern RwCamera *RwCameraSetViewOffset(RwCamera *camera, const RwV2d *offset); /* View window */ extern RwCamera *RwCameraSetViewWindow(RwCamera *camera, const RwV2d *viewWindow); /* Projection */ extern RwCamera *RwCameraSetProjection(RwCamera *camera, RwCameraProjection projection); /* Clip planes */ extern RwCamera *RwCameraSetNearClipPlane(RwCamera *camera, RwReal nearClip); extern RwCamera *RwCameraSetFarClipPlane(RwCamera *camera, RwReal farClip); /* Attaching toolkits */ extern RwInt32 RwCameraRegisterPlugin(RwInt32 size, RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginObjectConstructor constructCB, RwPluginObjectDestructor destructCB, RwPluginObjectCopy copyCB); extern RwInt32 RwCameraGetPluginOffset(RwUInt32 pluginID); extern RwBool RwCameraValidatePlugins(const RwCamera * camera); /* Frustum testing */ extern RwFrustumTestResult RwCameraFrustumTestSphere(const RwCamera * camera, const RwSphere * sphere); #if (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) /* Offset */ extern const RwV2d *RwCameraGetViewOffset(const RwCamera *camera); /* Rasters */ extern RwCamera *RwCameraSetRaster(RwCamera *camera, RwRaster *raster); extern RwRaster *RwCameraGetRaster(const RwCamera *camera); extern RwCamera *RwCameraSetZRaster(RwCamera *camera, RwRaster *zRaster); extern RwRaster *RwCameraGetZRaster(const RwCamera *camera); /* Clip planes */ extern RwReal RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(const RwCamera *camera); extern RwReal RwCameraGetFarClipPlane(const RwCamera *camera); extern RwCamera *RwCameraSetFogDistance(RwCamera *camera, RwReal fogDistance); extern RwReal RwCameraGetFogDistance(const RwCamera *camera); extern RwCamera *RwCameraGetCurrentCamera(void); /* Projection */ extern RwCameraProjection RwCameraGetProjection(const RwCamera *camera); /* View window */ extern const RwV2d *RwCameraGetViewWindow(const RwCamera *camera); extern RwMatrix *RwCameraGetViewMatrix(RwCamera *camera); /* Frames */ extern RwCamera *RwCameraSetFrame(RwCamera *camera, RwFrame *frame); extern RwFrame *RwCameraGetFrame(const RwCamera *camera); #endif /* (defined(RWDEBUG) || defined(RWSUPPRESSINLINE)) */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/common/barwtyp.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/pipe/p2/bapipe.h ---*/ #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct rwPipeGlobals { RwFreeList *pipesFreeList; /* Save mallocs, use a freelist */ RxRenderStateVector defaultRenderState; RwLinkList allPipelines; /* Unused as of yet, meant to be used to keep track of all * created pipelines (for CBs and maybe cleanup) */ RwUInt32 maxNodesPerPipe; /* Initialised from _rxPipelineMaxNodes at startup. Used to * allow conservative, single allocations during pipelock */ /* NOTE: Rw and RpWorld PowerPipe globals kept together for simplicity */ /* The current default pipelines (used if pipe == NULL for an object) */ RxPipeline *currentAtomicPipeline; RxPipeline *currentWorldSectorPipeline; RxPipeline *currentMaterialPipeline; /* Generic C-based pipes that run on all platforms * - these are set as the current pipes at startup unless * platform-specific pipes (below) are created */ RxPipeline *genericAtomicPipeline; RxPipeline *genericWorldSectorPipeline; RxPipeline *genericMaterialPipeline; /* Platforms that have their own non-generic pipelines * (OPENGL, D3D8, SKY2, KAMUI2, DOLPHIN) put them here: */ RxPipeline *platformAtomicPipeline; RxPipeline *platformWorldSectorPipeline; RxPipeline *platformMaterialPipeline; }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ typedef struct rwPipeGlobals rwPipeGlobals; #define RXPIPELINEGLOBAL(var) (RWPLUGINOFFSET(rwPipeGlobals, RwEngineInstance, _rxPipelineGlobalsOffset)->var) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ extern RwInt32 _rxPipelineGlobalsOffset; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/driver/common/imrascnv.h ---*/ /*--- Automatically derived from: C:/daily/rwsdk/src/babincam.h ---*/ /**************************************************************************** Global types */ /* Camera stream format */ /** * \ingroup rwcamera * \ref RwCameraChunkInfo is typedef'd to a structure that holds camera * data. This should be considered an opaque type. Use the RwCamera * API functions to access it. */ typedef struct rwStreamCamera RwCameraChunkInfo; typedef struct rwStreamCamera rwStreamCamera; #if (!defined(DOXYGEN)) struct rwStreamCamera { RwV2d viewWindow; RwV2d viewOffset; RwReal nearPlane, farPlane; RwReal fogPlane; RwUInt32 projection; }; #endif /* (!defined(DOXYGEN)) */ /**************************************************************************** Function prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Camera binary format */ extern RwInt32 RwCameraRegisterPluginStream(RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginDataChunkReadCallBack readCB, RwPluginDataChunkWriteCallBack writeCB, RwPluginDataChunkGetSizeCallBack getSizeCB); extern RwInt32 RwCameraSetStreamAlwaysCallBack( RwUInt32 pluginID, RwPluginDataChunkAlwaysCallBack alwaysCB); extern RwUInt32 RwCameraStreamGetSize(const RwCamera *camera); extern RwCamera *RwCameraStreamRead(RwStream *stream); extern const RwCamera *RwCameraStreamWrite(const RwCamera *camera, RwStream *stream); extern RwCameraChunkInfo * RwCameraChunkInfoRead(RwStream *stream, RwCameraChunkInfo *cameraChunkInfo, RwInt32 *bytesRead); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* RWCORE_H */