re3 logo [![Build Status](]( ## Intro In this repository you'll find the fully reversed source code for GTA III ([master](tree/master) branch) and GTA VC ([miami](tree/miami) branch). It has been tested and works on Windows, Linux and FreeBSD, on x86, amd64, arm and arm64.\ Rendering is handled either by original RenderWare (D3D8) or the reimplementation [librw]( (D3D9, OpenGL 2.1 or above, OpenGL ES 2.0 or above).\ Audio is done with MSS (using dlls from original GTA) or OpenAL. The project has also been ported to the [Nintendo Switch](, [Playstation Vita]( and [Nintendo Wii U]( We cannot build for PS2 or Xbox yet. If you're interested in doing so, get in touch with us. ## Installation - re3 requires PC game assets to work, so you **must** own [a copy of GTA III]( - Build re3 or download the latest nightly build: - [Windows D3D9 MSS 32bit]( - [Windows D3D9 64bit]( - [Windows OpenGL 64bit]( - [Linux 64bit]( - [MacOS 64bit]( - Copy the files from the `gamefiles` directory to your game root directory. (This is not strictly necessary but very much recommended) - Move re3 executable to GTA 3 directory and run it. ## Screenshots ![re3 2021-02-11 22-57-03-23]( ![re3 2021-02-11 22-43-44-98]( ![re3 2021-02-11 22-46-33-76]( ![re3 2021-02-11 22-50-29-54]( ## Improvements We have implemented a number of changes and improvements to the original game. They can be configured in `core/config.h`. Some of them can be toggled at runtime, some cannot. * Fixed a lot of smaller and bigger bugs * User files (saves and settings) stored in GTA root directory * Settings stored in re3.ini file instead of gta3.set * Debug menu to do and change various things (Ctrl-M to open) * Debug camera (Ctrl-B to toggle) * Rotatable camera * Xinput controller support (Windows) * No loading screens between islands ("map memory usage" in menu) * Skinned ped support (models from Xbox or Mobile) * Rendering * Widescreen support (properly scaled HUD, Menu and FOV) * PS2 MatFX (vehicle reflections) * PS2 alpha test (better rendering of transparency) * PS2 particles * Xbox vehicle rendering * Xbox world lightmap rendering (needs Xbox map) * Xbox ped rim light * Xbox screen rain droplets * More customizable colourfilter * Menu * Map * More options * Controller configuration menu * ... * Can load DFFs and TXDs from other platforms, possibly with a performance penalty * ... ## To-Do The following things would be nice to have/do: * Fix physics for high FPS * Compare code with PS2 code (tedious, no good decompiler) * [PS2 port]( * Xbox port (not quite as important) * reverse remaining unused/debug functions * compare Codewarrior build with original binary for more accurate code (very tedious) ## Modding Asset modifications (models, texture, handling, script, ...) should work the same way as with original GTA for the most part. Mods that make changes to the code (dll/asi, CLEO, limit adjusters) will *not* work. Some things these mods do are already implemented in re3 (much of SkyGFX, GInput, SilentPatch, Widescreen fix), others can easily be achieved (increasing limis, see `config.h`), others will simply have to be rewritten and integrated into the code directly. Sorry for the inconvenience. ## Building from Source When using premake, you may want to point GTA_III_RE_DIR environment variable to GTA3 root folder, if you want executable to be moved there via post-build script.
Linux Premake For Linux using premake, proceed: [Building on Linux](
Linux Conan Obtain source code. ``` git clone cd re3 git submodule init git submodule update --recursive ``` Install python and conan, and then run build. ``` conan export vendor/librw librw/master@ mkdir build cd build conan install .. re3/master@ -if build -o re3:audio=openal -o librw:platform=gl3 -o librw:gl3_gfxlib=glfw --build missing -s re3:build_type=RelWithDebInfo -s librw:build_type=RelWithDebInfo conan build .. -if build -bf build -pf package ```
FreeBSD For FreeBSD using premake, proceed: [Building on FreeBSD](
Windows Assuming you have Visual Studio: - Clone the repo using the argument `--recursive`. - Run one of the `premake-vsXXXX.cmd` variants on root folder. - Open the project via Visual Studio **If you use 64-bit D3D9**: We don't ship 64-bit Dx9 SDK. You need to download it from Microsoft if you don't have it(although it should come pre-installed after some Windows version) **If you choose OpenAL on Windows** You must read [Running OpenAL build on Windows](
> :information_source: There are various settings in [config.h](, you may want to take a look there. i.e. FIX_BUGS define fixes the bugs we've come across. > :information_source: **Did you notice librw?** re3 uses completely homebrew RenderWare-replacement rendering engine; [librw]( librw comes as submodule of re3, but you also can use LIBRW enviorenment variable to specify path to your own librw. ## Contributing We have a [Coding Style]( document that isn't followed or enforced very well. Do not use features from C++11 or later. ## License We don't feel like we're in a position to give this code a license. If we were, it would be MIT licensed.