#pragma once // fake mss.h header for use with re3, to make using mss32.dll possible // gta3 uses miles 6.1a // check https://github.com/withmorten/re3mss for more info #include <stdint.h> typedef char C8; typedef uint8_t U8; typedef int8_t S8; typedef int16_t S16; typedef uint16_t U16; typedef int32_t S32; typedef uint32_t U32; typedef float F32; typedef double F64; typedef void *HSTREAM; typedef U32 HPROVIDER; typedef void *H3DPOBJECT; typedef H3DPOBJECT H3DSAMPLE; typedef void *HSAMPLE; typedef void *HDIGDRIVER; typedef U32 HPROENUM; #define HPROENUM_FIRST 0 typedef S32 M3DRESULT; #define M3D_NOERR 0 enum { ENVIRONMENT_CAVE = 8 }; #define AIL_3D_2_SPEAKER 0 #define AIL_3D_HEADPHONE 1 #define AIL_3D_4_SPEAKER 3 #define DIG_MIXER_CHANNELS 1 #define DIG_F_MONO_16 1 #define DIG_PCM_SIGN 1 #define SMP_PLAYING 4 typedef struct _AILSOUNDINFO { S32 format; void const *data_ptr; U32 data_len; U32 rate; S32 bits; S32 channels; U32 samples; U32 block_size; void const *initial_ptr; } AILSOUNDINFO; #define DLLEXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) DLLEXPORT S32 WINAPI AIL_enumerate_3D_providers(HPROENUM *next, HPROVIDER *dest, C8 **name); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_release_3D_sample_handle(H3DSAMPLE S); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_close_3D_provider(HPROVIDER lib); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_provider_preference(HPROVIDER lib, C8 const *name, void const *val); DLLEXPORT M3DRESULT WINAPI AIL_open_3D_provider(HPROVIDER lib); DLLEXPORT C8 *WINAPI AIL_last_error(void); DLLEXPORT S32 WINAPI AIL_3D_room_type(HPROVIDER lib); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_room_type(HPROVIDER lib, S32 room_type); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_3D_provider_attribute(HPROVIDER lib, C8 const *name, void *val); DLLEXPORT H3DSAMPLE WINAPI AIL_allocate_3D_sample_handle(HPROVIDER lib); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_sample_effects_level(H3DSAMPLE S, F32 effects_level); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_speaker_type(HPROVIDER lib, S32 speaker_type); DLLEXPORT HSTREAM WINAPI AIL_open_stream(HDIGDRIVER dig, C8 const *filename, S32 stream_mem); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_stream_ms_position(HSTREAM S, S32 *total_milliseconds, S32 *current_milliseconds); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_close_stream(HSTREAM stream); DLLEXPORT S32 WINAPI AIL_digital_handle_release(HDIGDRIVER drvr); DLLEXPORT S32 WINAPI AIL_digital_handle_reacquire(HDIGDRIVER drvr); DLLEXPORT C8 *WINAPI AIL_set_redist_directory(C8 const *dir); DLLEXPORT S32 WINAPI AIL_startup(void); DLLEXPORT S32 WINAPI AIL_set_preference(U32 number, S32 value); DLLEXPORT HDIGDRIVER WINAPI AIL_open_digital_driver(U32 frequency, S32 bits, S32 channel, U32 flags); DLLEXPORT void *WINAPI AIL_mem_alloc_lock(U32 size); DLLEXPORT HSAMPLE WINAPI AIL_allocate_sample_handle(HDIGDRIVER dig); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_init_sample(HSAMPLE S); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_sample_type(HSAMPLE S, S32 format, U32 flags); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_pause_stream(HSTREAM stream, S32 onoff); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_release_sample_handle(HSAMPLE S); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_mem_free_lock(void *ptr); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_close_digital_driver(HDIGDRIVER dig); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_shutdown(void); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_sample_volume(H3DSAMPLE S, S32 volume); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_sample_volume(HSAMPLE S, S32 volume); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_sample_address(HSAMPLE S, void const *start, U32 len); DLLEXPORT S32 WINAPI AIL_set_3D_sample_info(H3DSAMPLE S, AILSOUNDINFO const *info); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_position(H3DPOBJECT obj, F32 X, F32 Y, F32 Z); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_sample_distances(H3DSAMPLE S, F32 max_dist, F32 min_dist); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_sample_pan(HSAMPLE S, S32 pan); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_sample_playback_rate(HSAMPLE S, S32 playback_rate); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_sample_playback_rate(H3DSAMPLE S, S32 playback_rate); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_sample_loop_block(HSAMPLE S, S32 loop_start_offset, S32 loop_end_offset); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_sample_loop_block(H3DSAMPLE S, S32 loop_start_offset, S32 loop_end_offset); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_sample_loop_count(HSAMPLE S, S32 loop_count); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_3D_sample_loop_count(H3DSAMPLE S, S32 loops); DLLEXPORT U32 WINAPI AIL_sample_status(HSAMPLE S); DLLEXPORT U32 WINAPI AIL_3D_sample_status(H3DSAMPLE S); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_start_sample(HSAMPLE S); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_start_3D_sample(H3DSAMPLE S); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_end_sample(HSAMPLE S); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_end_3D_sample(H3DSAMPLE S); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_stream_loop_count(HSTREAM stream, S32 count); DLLEXPORT S32 WINAPI AIL_service_stream(HSTREAM stream, S32 fillup); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_start_stream(HSTREAM stream); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_stream_ms_position(HSTREAM S, S32 milliseconds); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_stream_volume(HSTREAM stream, S32 volume); DLLEXPORT void WINAPI AIL_set_stream_pan(HSTREAM stream, S32 pan); DLLEXPORT S32 WINAPI AIL_stream_status(HSTREAM stream);