//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: vidcap.idl // // Contents: Video Capture and Topology Interface Definitions // // History: first published in XP SP2 (ISelector,IKsTopologyInfo) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- import "unknwn.idl"; import "strmif.idl"; // The preprocessor directives here ensure that KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION is defined in the correct way // Constraint is that ks.h cannot be included in the idl file. The directives below ensure that // 1) KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION is locally defined for purposes of building the idl file itself. // 2) An app can include vidcap.h and ks.h in either order. // 3) The structure definition for KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION does not show up in vidcap.h since ks.h gets included. // Look at vidcap.h to understand exactly what gets generated. cpp_quote("#include \"ks.h\"") cpp_quote("#ifndef _KS_") typedef struct { ULONG FromNode; ULONG FromNodePin; ULONG ToNode; ULONG ToNodePin; } KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION, *PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION; cpp_quote("#endif") // IKsTopologyInfo interface [ object, local, uuid(720D4AC0-7533-11D0-A5D6-28DB04C10000), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IKsTopologyInfo : IUnknown { HRESULT get_NumCategories([out] DWORD *pdwNumCategories); HRESULT get_Category([in] DWORD dwIndex, [out] GUID *pCategory); HRESULT get_NumConnections([out] DWORD *pdwNumConnections); HRESULT get_ConnectionInfo([in] DWORD dwIndex, [out] KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION *pConnectionInfo); HRESULT get_NodeName([in] DWORD dwNodeId, [out] WCHAR *pwchNodeName, [in] DWORD dwBufSize, [out] DWORD *pdwNameLen); HRESULT get_NumNodes([out] DWORD *pdwNumNodes); HRESULT get_NodeType([in] DWORD dwNodeId, [out] GUID *pNodeType); HRESULT CreateNodeInstance([in] DWORD dwNodeId, [in] REFIID iid, [out] void **ppvObject); } // ISelector interface [ object, local, uuid(1ABDAECA-68B6-4F83-9371-B413907C7B9F), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISelector : IUnknown { HRESULT get_NumSources([out] DWORD *pdwNumSources); HRESULT get_SourceNodeId([out] DWORD *pdwPinId); HRESULT put_SourceNodeId([in] DWORD dwPinId); } // IKsNodeControl interface [ object, local, uuid(11737C14-24A7-4bb5-81A0-0D003813B0C4), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IKsNodeControl :IUnknown { HRESULT put_NodeId([in] DWORD dwNodeId); HRESULT put_KsControl([in] PVOID pKsControl); }