#ifndef RPUSERDATAPLUGIN_H #define RPUSERDATAPLUGIN_H /** * \defgroup rpuserdata RpUserData * \ingroup scenemanagement * * User Data Plugin for RenderWare Graphics. */ /* * UserData plugin */ #include <rwcore.h> #include <rpworld.h> /** * \ingroup rpuserdata * User data formats */ enum RpUserDataFormat { rpNAUSERDATAFORMAT = 0, rpINTUSERDATA, /**< 32 bit int data */ rpREALUSERDATA, /**< 32 bit float data */ rpSTRINGUSERDATA, /**< unsigned byte pointer data */ rpUSERDATAFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RpUserDataFormat RpUserDataFormat; typedef struct RpUserDataArray RpUserDataArray; /** * \ingroup rpuserdata * \struct RpUserDataArray * A structure representing an array of user data values */ struct RpUserDataArray { RwChar *name; /**< Identifier for this data array */ RpUserDataFormat format; /**< Data format of this array */ RwInt32 numElements; /**< Number of elements in this array */ void *data; /**< Pointer to the array data */ }; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Plugin API */ extern RwBool RpUserDataPluginAttach(void); /* Geometry API */ extern RwInt32 RpGeometryAddUserDataArray(RpGeometry *geometry, RwChar *name, RpUserDataFormat format, RwInt32 numElements); extern RpGeometry *RpGeometryRemoveUserDataArray(RpGeometry *geometry, RwInt32 index); extern RpUserDataArray *RpGeometryGetUserDataArray(const RpGeometry *geometry, RwInt32 data); extern RwInt32 RpGeometryGetUserDataArrayCount(const RpGeometry *geometry); /* World Sector API */ extern RwInt32 RpWorldSectorAddUserDataArray(RpWorldSector *sector, RwChar *name, RpUserDataFormat format, RwInt32 numElements); extern RpWorldSector *RpWorldSectorRemoveUserDataArray(RpWorldSector *sector, RwInt32 index); extern RpUserDataArray *RpWorldSectorGetUserDataArray(const RpWorldSector *sector, RwInt32 data); extern RwInt32 RpWorldSectorGetUserDataArrayCount(const RpWorldSector *sector); /* RwFrame API */ extern RwInt32 RwFrameAddUserDataArray(RwFrame *frame, RwChar *name, RpUserDataFormat format, RwInt32 numElements); extern RwFrame *RwFrameRemoveUserDataArray(RwFrame *frame, RwInt32 index); extern RpUserDataArray *RwFrameGetUserDataArray(const RwFrame *frame, RwInt32 data); extern RwInt32 RwFrameGetUserDataArrayCount(const RwFrame *frame); /* RwCamera API */ extern RwInt32 RwCameraAddUserDataArray(RwCamera *camera, RwChar *name, RpUserDataFormat format, RwInt32 numElements); extern RwCamera *RwCameraRemoveUserDataArray(RwCamera *camera, RwInt32 index); extern RpUserDataArray *RwCameraGetUserDataArray(const RwCamera *camera, RwInt32 data); extern RwInt32 RwCameraGetUserDataArrayCount(const RwCamera *camera); /* RpLight API */ extern RwInt32 RpLightAddUserDataArray(RpLight *light, RwChar *name, RpUserDataFormat format, RwInt32 numElements); extern RpLight *RpLightRemoveUserDataArray(RpLight *light, RwInt32 index); extern RpUserDataArray *RpLightGetUserDataArray(const RpLight *light, RwInt32 data); extern RwInt32 RpLightGetUserDataArrayCount(const RpLight *light); /* RpMaterial API */ extern RwInt32 RpMaterialAddUserDataArray(RpMaterial *material, RwChar *name, RpUserDataFormat format, RwInt32 numElements); extern RpMaterial *RpMaterialRemoveUserDataArray(RpMaterial *material, RwInt32 index); extern RpUserDataArray *RpMaterialGetUserDataArray(const RpMaterial *material, RwInt32 data); extern RwInt32 RpMaterialGetUserDataArrayCount(const RpMaterial *material); /* RwTexture API */ extern RwInt32 RwTextureAddUserDataArray(RwTexture *texture, RwChar *name, RpUserDataFormat format, RwInt32 numElements); extern RwTexture *RwTextureRemoveUserDataArray(RwTexture *texture, RwInt32 index); extern RpUserDataArray *RwTextureGetUserDataArray(const RwTexture *texture, RwInt32 data); extern RwInt32 RwTextureGetUserDataArrayCount(const RwTexture *texture); /* User Data Array API */ extern RwChar *RpUserDataArrayGetName(RpUserDataArray *userData); extern RpUserDataFormat RpUserDataArrayGetFormat(RpUserDataArray *userData); extern RwInt32 RpUserDataArrayGetNumElements(RpUserDataArray *userData); extern RwInt32 RpUserDataArrayGetInt(RpUserDataArray *userData, RwInt32 index); extern RwReal RpUserDataArrayGetReal(RpUserDataArray *userData, RwInt32 index); extern RwChar *RpUserDataArrayGetString(RpUserDataArray *userData, RwInt32 index); extern void RpUserDataArraySetInt(RpUserDataArray *userData, RwInt32 index, RwInt32 value); extern void RpUserDataArraySetReal(RpUserDataArray *userData, RwInt32 index, RwReal value); extern void RpUserDataArraySetString(RpUserDataArray *userData, RwInt32 index, RwChar *value); extern RwInt32 RpUserDataGetFormatSize(RpUserDataFormat format); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* RPUSERDATAPLUGIN_H */