// File: DevEnum.idl
// Desc: IDL source for devenum.dll.  This file will be processed by the 
//       MIDL tool to produce the type library (devenum.tlb) and marshalling
//       code.
// Copyright (c) 1998 - 2002, Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

cpp_quote("#define CDEF_CLASS_DEFAULT      0x0001")
cpp_quote("#define CDEF_BYPASS_CLASS_MANAGER   0x0002")
//cpp_quote("#define CDEF_CLASS_LEGACY  0x0004")
cpp_quote("#define CDEF_MERIT_ABOVE_DO_NOT_USE  0x0008")

// if any of these flags are set, then only the types specified by the
// flags are enumerated
cpp_quote("#define CDEF_DEVMON_CMGR_DEVICE  0x0010")
cpp_quote("#define CDEF_DEVMON_DMO  0x0020")
cpp_quote("#define CDEF_DEVMON_PNP_DEVICE  0x0040")
cpp_quote("#define CDEF_DEVMON_FILTER  0x0080")
cpp_quote("#define CDEF_DEVMON_SELECTIVE_MASK  0x00f0")

interface ICreateDevEnum : IUnknown
        import "oaidl.idl";

        HRESULT CreateClassEnumerator(
                        [in] REFCLSID clsidDeviceClass,
                        [out] IEnumMoniker ** ppEnumMoniker,
                        [in] DWORD dwFlags);