#pragma once #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #pragma warning(disable: 4244) // int to float #pragma warning(disable: 4800) // int to bool #pragma warning(disable: 4838) // narrowing conversion #pragma warning(disable: 4996) // POSIX names #include #include #include #include #include #include #define rwVENDORID_ROCKSTAR 0x0253F2 typedef uint8_t uint8; typedef int8_t int8; typedef uint16_t uint16; typedef int16_t int16; typedef uint32_t uint32; typedef int32_t int32; typedef uintptr_t uintptr; typedef char Int8; typedef unsigned char UInt8; typedef signed char SInt8; typedef short Int16; typedef unsigned short UInt16; typedef signed short SInt16; typedef int Int32; typedef unsigned int UInt32; typedef signed int SInt32; typedef float Float; typedef double Double; typedef Int8 Bool; //typedef bool Bool; typedef char Char; typedef __int64 Int64; typedef unsigned __int64 UInt64; typedef signed __int64 SInt64; #define nil NULL #include "config.h" #define ALIGNPTR(p) (void*)((((uintptr)(void*)p) + sizeof(void*)-1) & ~(sizeof(void*)-1)) // little hack extern void **rwengine; #define RwEngineInstance (*rwengine) // TODO struct RsInputDevice { int inputDeviceType; int used; void *inputEventHandler; }; struct RsGlobalType { const char *appName; int width; int height; int maximumWidth; int maximumHeight; int maxFPS; int quit; void *ps; RsInputDevice keyboard; RsInputDevice mouse; RsInputDevice pad; }; extern RsGlobalType &RsGlobal; #define SCREENW (RsGlobal.maximumWidth) #define SCREENH (RsGlobal.maximumHeight) #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH (640) #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT (448) #define SCREEN_WIDTH Float(RsGlobal.width) #define SCREEN_HEIGHT Float(RsGlobal.height) #define SCREEN_STRETCH_X(a) Float( a * ( SCREEN_WIDTH / Float(DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH) ) ) #define SCREEN_STRETCH_Y(a) Float( a * ( SCREEN_HEIGHT / Float(DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ) ) #define SCREEN_FROM_RIGHT(a) Float( SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_STRETCH_X(a) ) #define SCREEN_FROM_BOTTOM(a) Float( SCREEN_HEIGHT - SCREEN_STRETCH_Y(a) ) char *GetUserDirectory(void); struct GlobalScene { RpWorld *world; RwCamera *camera; }; extern GlobalScene &Scene; #include "math/Vector.h" #include "math/Vector2D.h" #include "math/Matrix.h" #include "math/Rect.h" class CRGBA { public: union { uint32 color32; struct { uint8 r, g, b, a; }; struct { uint8 red, green, blue, alpha; }; #ifdef RWCORE_H struct { RwRGBA rwRGBA; }; #endif }; CRGBA(void) { } CRGBA(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a) : r(r), g(g), b(b), a(a) { } #ifdef RWCORE_H operator RwRGBA &(void) { return rwRGBA; } operator RwRGBA *(void) { return &rwRGBA; } operator RwRGBA (void) const { return rwRGBA; } #endif }; // inline float clamp(float v, float min, float max){ return vmax ? max : v; } inline float sq(float x) { return x*x; } #define SQR(x) ( x * x ) #define PI M_PI #define DEGTORAD(x) ((x) * PI / 180.0f) #define RADTODEG(x) ((x) * 180.0f / PI) #if USE_PS2_RAND == TRUE #define MY_RAND_MAX 32767 #else #define MY_RAND_MAX 65535 #endif int myrand(void); void mysrand(unsigned int seed); #define debug printf #define ASSERT assert #define _TODO(x) #define _TODOCONST(x) (x) #define VALIDATE_SIZE(struc, size) static_assert(sizeof(struc) == size, "Invalid structure size of " #struc) #define VALIDATE_OFFSET(struc, member, offset) static_assert(offsetof(struc, member) == offset, "The offset of " #member " in " #struc " is not " #offset "...") #define clamp(v, a, b) (max(min(v, b), a)) //#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) //#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define PERCENT(x, p) ( ( Float(x) * ( Float(p) / 100.0f ) ) ) #define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])) #define BIT(num) (1<<(num))