#pragma once #include "Pools.h" #include "World.h" #ifdef FIX_BUGS #ifndef DONT_FIX_REPLAY_BUGS #define FIX_REPLAY_BUGS #endif #endif class CVehicle; struct CReference; struct CAddressInReplayBuffer { uint32 m_nOffset; uint8 *m_pBase; uint8 m_bSlot; }; struct CStoredAnimationState { uint8 animId; uint8 time; uint8 speed; uint8 secAnimId; uint8 secTime; uint8 secSpeed; uint8 blendAmount; uint8 partAnimId; uint8 partAnimTime; uint8 partAnimSpeed; uint8 partBlendAmount; }; enum { NUM_MAIN_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY = 3, NUM_PARTIAL_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY = 6 }; struct CStoredDetailedAnimationState { uint8 aAnimId[NUM_MAIN_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; uint8 aCurTime[NUM_MAIN_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; uint8 aSpeed[NUM_MAIN_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; uint8 aBlendAmount[NUM_MAIN_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; #ifdef FIX_REPLAY_BUGS int8 aBlendDelta[NUM_MAIN_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; #endif uint8 aFunctionCallbackID[NUM_MAIN_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; uint16 aFlags[NUM_MAIN_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; uint8 aAnimId2[NUM_PARTIAL_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; uint8 aCurTime2[NUM_PARTIAL_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; uint8 aSpeed2[NUM_PARTIAL_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; uint8 aBlendAmount2[NUM_PARTIAL_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; #ifdef FIX_REPLAY_BUGS int8 aBlendDelta2[NUM_PARTIAL_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; #endif uint8 aFunctionCallbackID2[NUM_PARTIAL_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; uint16 aFlags2[NUM_PARTIAL_ANIMS_IN_REPLAY]; }; #ifdef GTA_REPLAY #define REPLAY_STUB #else #define REPLAY_STUB {} #endif class CReplay { enum { MODE_RECORD = 0, MODE_PLAYBACK = 1 }; enum { REPLAYCAMMODE_ASSTORED = 0, REPLAYCAMMODE_TOPDOWN = 1, REPLAYCAMMODE_FIXED = 2 }; enum { REPLAYPACKET_END = 0, REPLAYPACKET_VEHICLE = 1, REPLAYPACKET_PED_HEADER = 2, REPLAYPACKET_PED_UPDATE = 3, REPLAYPACKET_GENERAL = 4, REPLAYPACKET_CLOCK = 5, REPLAYPACKET_WEATHER = 6, REPLAYPACKET_ENDOFFRAME = 7, REPLAYPACKET_TIMER = 8, REPLAYPACKET_BULLET_TRACES = 9 }; enum { REPLAYBUFFER_UNUSED = 0, REPLAYBUFFER_PLAYBACK = 1, REPLAYBUFFER_RECORD = 2 }; enum { NUM_REPLAYBUFFERS = 8, REPLAYBUFFERSIZE = 100000 }; struct tGeneralPacket { uint8 type; bool in_rcvehicle; CMatrix camera_pos; CVector player_pos; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tGeneralPacket, 88); struct tClockPacket { uint8 type; uint8 hours; uint8 minutes; private: uint8 __align; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tClockPacket, 4); struct tWeatherPacket { uint8 type; uint8 old_weather; uint8 new_weather; float interpolation; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tWeatherPacket, 8); struct tTimerPacket { uint8 type; uint32 timer; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tTimerPacket, 8); struct tPedHeaderPacket { uint8 type; uint8 index; uint16 mi; uint8 pedtype; private: uint8 __align[3]; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tPedHeaderPacket, 8); struct tBulletTracePacket { uint8 type; uint8 frames; uint8 lifetime; uint8 index; CVector inf; CVector sup; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tBulletTracePacket, 28); struct tEndOfFramePacket { uint8 type; private: uint8 __align[3]; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tEndOfFramePacket, 4); struct tPedUpdatePacket { uint8 type; uint8 index; int8 heading; int8 vehicle_index; CStoredAnimationState anim_state; CCompressedMatrixNotAligned matrix; int8 assoc_group_id; uint8 weapon_model; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tPedUpdatePacket, 40); struct tVehicleUpdatePacket { uint8 type; uint8 index; uint8 health; uint8 acceleration; CCompressedMatrixNotAligned matrix; int8 door_angles[2]; uint16 mi; uint32 panels; int8 velocityX; int8 velocityY; int8 velocityZ; union { int8 car_gun; int8 wheel_state; }; uint8 wheel_susp_dist[4]; uint8 wheel_rotation[4]; uint8 door_status; uint8 primary_color; uint8 secondary_color; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tVehicleUpdatePacket, 48); private: static uint8 Mode; static CAddressInReplayBuffer Record; static CAddressInReplayBuffer Playback; static uint8* pBuf0; static CAutomobile* pBuf1; static uint8* pBuf2; static CPlayerPed* pBuf3; static uint8* pBuf4; static CCutsceneHead* pBuf5; static uint8* pBuf6; static CPtrNode* pBuf7; static uint8* pBuf8; static CEntryInfoNode* pBuf9; static uint8* pBuf10; static CDummyPed* pBuf11; static uint8* pRadarBlips; static uint8* pStoredCam; static uint8* pWorld1; static CReference* pEmptyReferences; static CStoredDetailedAnimationState* pPedAnims; static uint8* pPickups; static uint8* pReferences; static uint8 BufferStatus[NUM_REPLAYBUFFERS]; static uint8 Buffers[NUM_REPLAYBUFFERS][REPLAYBUFFERSIZE]; static bool bPlayingBackFromFile; static bool bReplayEnabled; static uint32 SlowMotion; static uint32 FramesActiveLookAroundCam; static bool bDoLoadSceneWhenDone; static CPtrNode* WorldPtrList; static CPtrNode* BigBuildingPtrList; static CWanted PlayerWanted; static CPlayerInfo PlayerInfo; static uint32 Time1; static uint32 Time2; static uint32 Time3; static uint32 Time4; static uint32 Frame; static uint8 ClockHours; static uint8 ClockMinutes; static uint16 OldWeatherType; static uint16 NewWeatherType; static float WeatherInterpolationValue; static float TimeStepNonClipped; static float TimeStep; static float TimeScale; static float CameraFixedX; static float CameraFixedY; static float CameraFixedZ; static int32 OldRadioStation; static int8 CameraMode; static bool bAllowLookAroundCam; static float LoadSceneX; static float LoadSceneY; static float LoadSceneZ; static float CameraFocusX; static float CameraFocusY; static float CameraFocusZ; static bool bPlayerInRCBuggy; static float fDistanceLookAroundCam; static float fAlphaAngleLookAroundCam; static float fBetaAngleLookAroundCam; #ifdef FIX_BUGS static uint8* pGarages; static CFire* FireArray; static uint32 NumOfFires; static uint8* paProjectileInfo; static uint8* paProjectiles; static int nHandleOfPlayerPed[NUMPLAYERS]; #endif public: static void Init(void) REPLAY_STUB; static void DisableReplays(void) REPLAY_STUB; static void EnableReplays(void) REPLAY_STUB; static void Update(void) REPLAY_STUB; static void FinishPlayback(void) REPLAY_STUB; static void EmptyReplayBuffer(void) REPLAY_STUB; static void Display(void) REPLAY_STUB; static void TriggerPlayback(uint8 cam_mode, float cam_x, float cam_y, float cam_z, bool load_scene) REPLAY_STUB; static void StreamAllNecessaryCarsAndPeds(void) REPLAY_STUB; #ifndef GTA_REPLAY static bool ShouldStandardCameraBeProcessed(void) { return true; } static bool IsPlayingBack() { return false; } static bool IsPlayingBackFromFile() { return false; } #else static bool ShouldStandardCameraBeProcessed(void); static bool IsPlayingBack() { return Mode == MODE_PLAYBACK; } static bool IsPlayingBackFromFile() { return bPlayingBackFromFile; } private: static void RecordThisFrame(void); static void StorePedUpdate(CPed *ped, int id); static void StorePedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredAnimationState *state); static void StoreDetailedPedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredDetailedAnimationState *state); static void ProcessPedUpdate(CPed *ped, float interpolation, CAddressInReplayBuffer *buffer); static void RetrievePedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredAnimationState *state); static void RetrieveDetailedPedAnimation(CPed *ped, CStoredDetailedAnimationState *state); static void PlaybackThisFrame(void); static void TriggerPlaybackLastCoupleOfSeconds(uint32, uint8, float, float, float, uint32); static bool FastForwardToTime(uint32); static void StoreCarUpdate(CVehicle *vehicle, int id); static void ProcessCarUpdate(CVehicle *vehicle, float interpolation, CAddressInReplayBuffer *buffer); static bool PlayBackThisFrameInterpolation(CAddressInReplayBuffer *buffer, float interpolation, uint32 *pTimer); static void ProcessReplayCamera(void); static void StoreStuffInMem(void); static void RestoreStuffFromMem(void); static void EmptyPedsAndVehiclePools(void); static void EmptyAllPools(void); static void MarkEverythingAsNew(void); static void SaveReplayToHD(void); static void PlayReplayFromHD(void); // out of class in III PC and later because of SecuROM static void FindFirstFocusCoordinate(CVector *coord); static void ProcessLookAroundCam(void); static size_t FindSizeOfPacket(uint8); #endif };