/***************************************************************************** * * File : rpcollis.h * * Abstract : World collision plugin for Renderware. * ***************************************************************************** * * This file is a product of Criterion Software Ltd. * * This file is provided as is with no warranties of any kind and is * provided without any obligation on Criterion Software Ltd. or * Canon Inc. to assist in its use or modification. * * Criterion Software Ltd. will not, under any * circumstances, be liable for any lost revenue or other damages arising * from the use of this file. * * Copyright (c) 2000 Criterion Software Ltd. * All Rights Reserved. * * RenderWare is a trademark of Canon Inc. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef RPCOLLIS_H #define RPCOLLIS_H /* Doxygen plugin groups. */ /** * \defgroup rpcollis RpCollision * \ingroup collisiondetection * * Collision Plugin for RenderWare Graphics. */ /****************************************************************************** * Include files */ #include <rwcore.h> #include <rpworld.h> #include "rpcollis.rpe" /* automatically generated header file */ /****************************************************************************** * Global Types */ /** * \ingroup rpcollis * RpIntersectType, this type represents the different types of * primitives that can be used to intersect with an object (for example, see * \ref RpCollisionWorldForAllIntersections): */ enum RpIntersectType { rpINTERSECTNONE = 0, rpINTERSECTLINE, /**<Line Intersection */ rpINTERSECTPOINT, /**<Point Intersection */ rpINTERSECTSPHERE, /**<Sphere Intersection */ rpINTERSECTBOX, /**<Box intersection */ rpINTERSECTATOMIC, /**<Atomic Intersection based on bounding sphere */ rpINTERSECTTYPEFORCEENUMSIZEINT = RWFORCEENUMSIZEINT }; typedef enum RpIntersectType RpIntersectType; typedef union RpIntersectData RpIntersectData; /** * \ingroup rpcollis * RpIntersectData, this union type is used to specify the parameters * for an intersection primitive of the desired type (\ref RpIntersectType) */ union RpIntersectData { RwLine line; /**<For type rpINTERSECTLINE */ RwV3d point; /**<For type rpINTERSECTPOINT */ RwSphere sphere; /**<For type rpINTERSECTSPHERE */ RwBBox box; /**<For type rpINTERSECTBOX */ void *object; /**<For type rpINTERSECTATOMIC - this * should hold a pointer to the atomic */ }; typedef struct RpIntersection RpIntersection; /** * \ingroup rpcollis * \struct RpIntersection * Intersection Object. This type represents data for an * intersection primitive. It specifies the intersection type * (line, sphere, etc.) (type) and parameters describing the given type (t): */ struct RpIntersection { RpIntersectData t; /**< Intersection data. Union type - one * of line, point, sphere or RW object */ RpIntersectType type; /**< Intersection type - see * \ref RpIntersectType */ }; typedef struct RpCollisionTriangle RpCollisionTriangle; /** * \ingroup rpcollis * \struct RpCollisionTriangle * A structure representing a collision between * an \ref RpIntersection primitive and a triangle. * The collision is specified by the triangle's plane normal * (normal), the first triangle vertex (point), an index to the triangle in * the object geometry's triangle list (index) and the positions of the * triangle's vertices (vertices). Note all vector components are in object * space. * * \see RpCollisionWorldForAllIntersections * \see RpCollisionGeometryForAllIntersections * \see RpAtomicForAllIntersections * \see RpIntersectionCallBackWorldTriangle * \see RpIntersectionCallBackGeometryTriangle */ struct RpCollisionTriangle { RwV3d normal; /**< Triangle normal */ RwV3d point; /**< First triangle vertex */ RwInt32 index; /**< Index of triangle in object (if applicable) */ RwV3d *vertices[3]; /**< Pointers to three triangle vertices */ }; typedef struct RpCollisionBuildParam RpCollisionBuildParam; /** * \ingroup rpcollis * \struct RpCollisionBuildParam * This structure is a place-holder for parameters that may be * introduced in future to control the generation of collision data when using * the functions \ref RpCollisionWorldSectorBuildData, * \ref RpCollisionWorldBuildData or \ref RpCollisionGeometryBuildData. * Currently, a NULL pointer should be passed to these functions, as no * parameters are defined. If parameters are introduced, a NULL pointer will * indicate that default values should be used. */ struct RpCollisionBuildParam { RwInt32 dummy; /**< Not used */ }; /** * \ingroup rpcollis * \ref RpIntersectionCallBackWorldTriangle represents the function called * from \ref RpCollisionWorldForAllIntersections for all intersections between * the specified primitive and the static geometry in a given world. This * function should return a pointer to the current collision triangle to * indicate success. The callback may return NULL to terminate further * callbacks on the world. * * \note The memory pointed to by collTriangle is stored on the stack. * This memory should be considered volatile. To use this data outside * of the iterator, copy the contents. * * \param intersection Pointer to the intersection primitive. * \param sector Pointer to the world sector containing the triangle. * \param collTriangle Pointer to the \ref RpCollisionTriangle representing * the triangle in the world's static geometry that is intersected. * \param distance The distance to the intersection point(s). * Note that the distance returned depends on the intersection type and is * normalized for the given intersection primitive. * \li rpINTERSECTLINE Distance from start of line to collision * triangle, normalized to length of line. * \li rpINTERSECTSPHERE Distance of sphere's center from the collision * triangle along the direction of the normal, and normalized * to the sphere's radius (may be negative if the sphere center * is behind the triangle's plane with respect to the direction * of the normal). * \li rpINTERSECTBOX Distance is undefined. * \li rpINTERSECTATOMIC Distance of atomic's bounding-sphere center * from the collision triangle along the direction of the normal * and normalized to sphere's radius. * \param data User defined data pointer * * \return Pointer to the current collision triangle. */ typedef RpCollisionTriangle *(*RpIntersectionCallBackWorldTriangle) (RpIntersection * intersection, RpWorldSector * sector, RpCollisionTriangle * collTriangle, RwReal distance, void *data); /** * \ingroup rpcollis * \ref RpIntersectionCallBackAtomic represents the function called from * \ref RpWorldForAllAtomicIntersections for all intersections between the * specified primitive and collision atomics in a given world. This function * should return the current atomic to indicate success. The callback may * return NULL to terminate further callbacks on the world. * * \param intersection Pointer to the intersection primitive. * \param sector Pointer to the world sector containing * the intersected triangles. * \param atomic Pointer to the intersected atomic. * \param distance The collision distance. The distance returned * depends on the intersection type which is defined in \ref RpIntersectType. * \li rpINTERSECTPOINT Distance of point from atomic's bounding * sphere center, normalized to sphere's radius. * \li rpINTERSECTLINE Distance of atomic's bounding-sphere center from * start of line, projected onto the line, normalized to length of line. * Note that by this definition, if the line starts or ends inside the * sphere, this distance maybe negative or greater than one. * \li rpINTERSECTSPHERE Distance of atomic's bounding-sphere center * from sphere's center, normalized to sum of spheres' radii. * \li rpINTERSECTBOX Distance undefined. * \li rpINTERSECTATOMIC Distance between atomics' bounding-sphere * centers, normalized to sum of spheres' radii. * \param data User defined data pointer. * * \return Pointer to the current atomic. */ typedef RpAtomic *(*RpIntersectionCallBackAtomic) (RpIntersection * intersection, RpWorldSector * sector, RpAtomic * atomic, RwReal distance, void *data); /** * \ingroup rpcollis * \ref RpIntersectionCallBackWorldSector represents the function called from * \ref RpWorldForAllWorldSectorIntersections for all intersections between the * specified primitive and world sectors in a given world. This function should * return the current world sector to indicate success. The callback may return * NULL to terminate further callbacks on the world. * * \param intersection Pointer to the intersection primitive. * \param sector Pointer to the world sector containing the intersected * polygons. * \param data User defined data pointer * * \return Pointer to the current world sector. */ typedef RpWorldSector *(*RpIntersectionCallBackWorldSector) (RpIntersection * intersection, RpWorldSector * worldSector, void *data); /** * \ingroup rpcollis * \ref RpIntersectionCallBackGeometryTriangle represents the function called * from \ref RpAtomicForAllIntersections and * \ref RpCollisionGeometryForAllIntersections * for all intersections between the specified primitive and a given atomic. * This function should return a pointer to the current collision triangle to * indicate success. The callback may return NULL to terminate further * callbacks on the atomic. * * Note that the vertices and normal of the collision triangle are given * in the coordinate space of the geometry. If they are required in world * coordinates, they must be transformed using \ref RwV3dTransformPoints and * \ref RwV3dTransformVectors with the LTM of the atomic's frame. This must * be passed via the user-defined data if required. * * \param intersection Pointer to the intersection primitive. * \param collTri Pointer to the \ref RpCollisionTriangle * representing the triangle in the atomic that is intersected. * \param distance The distance to the intersection point(s). * Note that the distance returned depends on the intersection type and is * normalized for the given intersection primitive. * \li rpINTERSECTLINE Distance from start of line to collision * triangle, normalized to length of line. * \li rpINTERSECTSPHERE Distance of sphere's center from the collision * triangle along the direction of the normal, and normalized * to the sphere's radius (may be negative if the sphere center * is behind the triangle's plane with respect to the direction * of the normal). * \li rpINTERSECTATOMIC Distance of atomic's bounding-sphere center * from the collision triangle along the direction of the normal, and * normalized to sphere's radius. * \param data User defined data pointer * * \return Pointer to the current collision triangle. */ typedef RpCollisionTriangle *(*RpIntersectionCallBackGeometryTriangle) (RpIntersection *intersection, RpCollisionTriangle *collTriangle, RwReal distance, void *data); /****************************************************************************** * Plugin API Functions */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Plugin attachment */ extern RwBool RpCollisionPluginAttach(void); /* World collisions */ extern RpWorldSector * RpCollisionWorldSectorBuildData( RpWorldSector *worldSector, RpCollisionBuildParam *param); extern RpWorldSector * RpCollisionWorldSectorDestroyData( RpWorldSector *worldSector); extern RwBool RpCollisionWorldSectorQueryData( RpWorldSector *worldSector); extern RpWorld * RpCollisionWorldBuildData( RpWorld *world, RpCollisionBuildParam *param); extern RpWorld * RpCollisionWorldDestroyData( RpWorld *world); extern RwBool RpCollisionWorldQueryData( RpWorld *world); extern RpWorld * RpWorldForAllWorldSectorIntersections( RpWorld *world, RpIntersection *intersection, RpIntersectionCallBackWorldSector callBack, void *data); extern RpWorld * RpWorldForAllAtomicIntersections( RpWorld *world, RpIntersection *intersection, RpIntersectionCallBackAtomic callBack, void *data); extern RpWorld * RpCollisionWorldForAllIntersections( RpWorld *world, RpIntersection *intersection, RpIntersectionCallBackWorldTriangle callBack, void *data); /* Geometry and atomic collisions */ extern RpGeometry * RpCollisionGeometryBuildData( RpGeometry *geometry, RpCollisionBuildParam *param); extern RwBool RpCollisionGeometryQueryData( RpGeometry *geometry); extern RpGeometry * RpCollisionGeometryDestroyData( RpGeometry *geometry); extern RpGeometry * RpCollisionGeometryForAllIntersections( RpGeometry *geometry, RpIntersection *intersection, RpIntersectionCallBackGeometryTriangle callBack, void *data); extern RpAtomic * RpAtomicForAllIntersections( RpAtomic *atomic, RpIntersection *intersection, RpIntersectionCallBackGeometryTriangle callBack, void *data); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* RPCOLLIS_H */