#include "common.h" #include "main.h" #include "patcher.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "CarGen.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "Date.h" #include "FileMgr.h" #include "GameLogic.h" #include "Gangs.h" #include "Garages.h" #include "GenericGameStorage.h" #include "PathFind.h" #include "PCSave.h" #include "Phones.h" #include "Pickups.h" #include "PlayerPed.h" #include "Pools.h" #include "Radar.h" #include "Restart.h" #include "Script.h" #include "Stats.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "World.h" #include "Zones.h" const int SIZE_OF_ONE_GAME_IN_BYTES = 201729; char (&DefaultPCSaveFileName)[260] = *(char(*)[260])*(uintptr*)0x8E28C0; char (&ValidSaveName)[260] = *(char(*)[260])*(uintptr*)0x8E2CBC; char (&LoadFileName)[256] = *(char(*)[256])*(uintptr*)0x9403C4; wchar (&SlotFileName)[SLOT_COUNT][260] = *(wchar(*)[SLOT_COUNT][260])*(uintptr*)0x6F07C8; wchar (&SlotSaveDate)[SLOT_COUNT][70] = *(wchar(*)[SLOT_COUNT][70])*(uintptr*)0x72B858; int &CheckSum = *(int*)0x8E2BE0; eLevelName &m_LevelToLoad = *(eLevelName*)0x8E29CC; char SaveFileNameJustSaved[260]; int (&Slots)[SLOT_COUNT+1] = *(int(*)[SLOT_COUNT+1])*(uintptr*)0x72803C; CDate &CompileDateAndTime = *(CDate*)0x72BCB8; #define ReadDataFromBufferPointer(buf, to) memcpy(&to, buf, sizeof(to)); buf += align4bytes(sizeof(to)); #define WriteDataToBufferPointer(buf, from) memcpy(buf, &from, sizeof(from)); buf += align4bytes(sizeof(from)); //WRAPPER bool GenericSave(int file) { EAXJMP(0x58F8D0); } WRAPPER bool GenericLoad() { EAXJMP(0x590A00); } bool GenericSave(int file) { /*char *tmpSaveName; wchar saveName[24]; SYSTEMTIME saveTime;*/ // TODO: Use GetLastMissionPassedName() to get this //tmpSaveName = CStats::LastMissionPassedName; //AsciiToUnicode(tmpSaveName, saveName); //// TODO: some stuff here //memcpy(work_buff, saveName, 0x30); //GetLocalTime((SYSTEMTIME *)(work_buff + 0x30)); //*((uint32 *)(work_buff + 0x40)) = SIZE_OF_ONE_GAME_IN_BYTES; //*((uint32 *)(work_buff + 0x44)) = CGame::currLevel; // //PcSaveHelper.PcClassSaveRoutine(file, work_buff, 0xE8); uint8 *buf; uint8 *tmpbuf; uint8 *postsize; uint32 size; uint32 reserved; bool result; // TODO: simplevars and scripts for (int i = 1; i < 19; i++) { buf = work_buff; size = 0; reserved = 0; MakeSpaceForSizeInBufferPointer(tmpbuf, buf, postsize); switch (i) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: ThePaths.Save(buf, &size); break; case 6: break; case 7: CPickups::Save(buf, &size); break; case 8: gPhoneInfo.Save(buf, &size); break; case 9: CRestart::SaveAllRestartPoints(buf, &size); break; case 10: CRadar::SaveAllRadarBlips(buf, &size); break; case 11: CTheZones::SaveAllZones(buf, &size); break; case 12: CGangs::SaveAllGangData(buf, &size); break; case 13: CTheCarGenerators::SaveAllCarGenerators(buf, &size); break; case 14: break; case 15: break; case 16: break; case 17: break; case 18: break; case 19: break; } CopySizeAndPreparePointer(tmpbuf, buf, postsize, reserved, size); result = PcSaveHelper.PcClassSaveRoutine(file, work_buff, size); if (!result) { return false; } } // TODO: padding return true; } bool ReadInSizeofSaveFileBuffer(int32 &file, uint32 &size) { file = CFileMgr::OpenFile(LoadFileName, "rb"); if (file == 0) { PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_OPEN; return false; } CFileMgr::Read(file, (const char*)&size, sizeof(size)); if (CFileMgr::GetErrorReadWrite(file)) { PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_READ; if (!CloseFile(file)) PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_CLOSE; return false; } return true; } bool ReadDataFromFile(int32 file, uint8 *buf, uint32 size) { if (file == 0) { PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_OPEN; return false; } size_t read_size = CFileMgr::Read(file, (const char*)buf, size); if (CFileMgr::GetErrorReadWrite(file) || read_size != size) { PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_READ; if (!CloseFile(file)) PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_CLOSE; return false; } return true; } bool CloseFile(int32 file) { return CFileMgr::CloseFile(file) == 0; } void DoGameSpecificStuffAfterSucessLoad() { StillToFadeOut = true; JustLoadedDontFadeInYet = true; CTheScripts::Process(); } bool CheckSlotDataValid(int32 slot) { PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_SUCCESSFUL; if (CheckDataNotCorrupt(slot, LoadFileName)) { CStreaming::DeleteAllRwObjects(); return true; } PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_DATA_INVALID; return false; } void MakeSpaceForSizeInBufferPointer(uint8 *&presize, uint8 *&buf, uint8 *&postsize) { presize = buf; buf += sizeof(uint32); postsize = buf; } void CopySizeAndPreparePointer(uint8 *&buf, uint8 *&postbuf, uint8 *&postbuf2, uint32 &unused, uint32 &size) { memcpy(buf, &size, sizeof(size)); size = align4bytes(size); postbuf2 += size; postbuf = postbuf2; } void DoGameSpecificStuffBeforeSave() { CGameLogic::PassTime(360); CPlayerPed *ped = FindPlayerPed(); ped->m_fCurrentStamina = ped->m_fMaxStamina; CGame::TidyUpMemory(true, false); } void MakeValidSaveName(int32 slot) { ValidSaveName[0] = '\0'; sprintf(ValidSaveName, "%s%i", DefaultPCSaveFileName, slot + 1); strncat(ValidSaveName, ".b", 5); } wchar * GetSavedGameDateAndTime(int32 slot) { return SlotSaveDate[slot]; } wchar * GetNameOfSavedGame(int32 slot) { return SlotFileName[slot]; } bool CheckDataNotCorrupt(int32 slot, char *name) { char filename[100]; int32 blocknum = 0; eLevelName level = LEVEL_NONE; CheckSum = 0; uint32 bytes_processed = 0; sprintf(filename, "%s%i%s", DefaultPCSaveFileName, slot + 1, ".b"); int file = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "rb"); if (file == 0) return false; strcpy(name, filename); while (SIZE_OF_ONE_GAME_IN_BYTES - sizeof(uint32) > bytes_processed && blocknum < 40) { int32 blocksize; if (!ReadDataFromFile(file, (uint8*)&blocksize, sizeof(blocksize))) { CloseFile(file); return false; } if (blocksize > align4bytes(sizeof(work_buff))) blocksize = sizeof(work_buff) - sizeof(uint32); if (!ReadDataFromFile(file, work_buff, align4bytes(blocksize))) { CloseFile(file); return false; } CheckSum += ((uint8*)&blocksize)[0]; CheckSum += ((uint8*)&blocksize)[1]; CheckSum += ((uint8*)&blocksize)[2]; CheckSum += ((uint8*)&blocksize)[3]; uint8 *_work_buf = work_buff; for (int i = 0; i < align4bytes(blocksize); i++) { CheckSum += *_work_buf++; bytes_processed++; } if (blocknum == 0) memcpy(&level, work_buff+4, sizeof(level)); blocknum++; } int32 _checkSum; if (ReadDataFromFile(file, (uint8*)&_checkSum, sizeof(_checkSum))) { if (CloseFile(file)) { if (CheckSum == _checkSum) { m_LevelToLoad = level; return true; } return false; } return false; } CloseFile(file); return false; } bool RestoreForStartLoad() { uint8 buf[999]; int file = CFileMgr::OpenFile(LoadFileName, "rb"); if (file == 0) { PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_OPEN; return false; } ReadDataFromFile(file, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (CFileMgr::GetErrorReadWrite(file)) { PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_READ; if (!CloseFile(file)) PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_CLOSE; return false; } else { uint8 *_buf = buf + sizeof(int32) + sizeof(wchar[24]) + sizeof(SYSTEMTIME) + sizeof(SIZE_OF_ONE_GAME_IN_BYTES); ReadDataFromBufferPointer(_buf, CGame::currLevel); ReadDataFromBufferPointer(_buf, TheCamera.GetPosition().x); ReadDataFromBufferPointer(_buf, TheCamera.GetPosition().y); ReadDataFromBufferPointer(_buf, TheCamera.GetPosition().z); CStreaming::RemoveUnusedBigBuildings(CGame::currLevel); CStreaming::RemoveUnusedBuildings(CGame::currLevel); CCollision::SortOutCollisionAfterLoad(); CStreaming::RequestBigBuildings(CGame::currLevel); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); CStreaming::HaveAllBigBuildingsLoaded(CGame::currLevel); CGame::TidyUpMemory(true, false); if (CloseFile(file)) { return true; } else { PcSaveHelper.nErrorCode = SAVESTATUS_ERR_LOAD_CLOSE; return false; } } } int align4bytes(int32 size) { return (size + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC; } STARTPATCHES //InjectHook(0x58F8D0, GenericSave, PATCH_JUMP); //InjectHook(0x590A00, GenericLoad, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591910, ReadInSizeofSaveFileBuffer, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591990, ReadDataFromFile, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591A00, CloseFile, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591A20, DoGameSpecificStuffAfterSucessLoad, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591A40, CheckSlotDataValid, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591A80, MakeSpaceForSizeInBufferPointer, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591AA0, CopySizeAndPreparePointer, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591AE0, DoGameSpecificStuffBeforeSave, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591B10, MakeValidSaveName, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591B50, GetSavedGameDateAndTime, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591B60, GetNameOfSavedGame, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591B70, CheckDataNotCorrupt, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591D60, RestoreForStartLoad, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x591E80, align4bytes, PATCH_JUMP); ENDPATCHES