#pragma once #include "Game.h" #include "PedType.h" class CPed; class CVehicle; class CDummyObject; class CObject; struct PedGroup { int32 models[NUMMODELSPERPEDGROUP]; }; // Don't know the original name struct RegenerationPoint { eLevelName srcLevel; // this and below one may need to be exchanged eLevelName destLevel; float x1; float x2; float y1; float y2; float z1; float z2; CVector destPosA; CVector destPosB; CVector srcPosA; CVector srcPosB; }; class CPopulation { public: static PedGroup ms_pPedGroups[NUMPEDGROUPS]; static bool ms_bGivePedsWeapons; static int32 m_AllRandomPedsThisType; static float PedDensityMultiplier; static uint32 ms_nTotalMissionPeds; static int32 MaxNumberOfPedsInUse; static uint32 ms_nNumCivMale; static uint32 ms_nNumCivFemale; static uint32 ms_nNumCop; static bool bZoneChangeHasHappened; static uint32 ms_nNumEmergency; static int8 m_CountDownToPedsAtStart; static uint32 ms_nNumGang1; static uint32 ms_nNumGang2; static uint32 ms_nTotalPeds; static uint32 ms_nNumGang3; static uint32 ms_nTotalGangPeds; static uint32 ms_nNumGang4; static uint32 ms_nTotalCivPeds; static uint32 ms_nNumGang5; static uint32 ms_nNumDummy; static uint32 ms_nNumGang6; static uint32 ms_nNumGang9; static uint32 ms_nNumGang7; static uint32 ms_nNumGang8; static CVector RegenerationPoint_a; static CVector RegenerationPoint_b; static CVector RegenerationForward; static uint32 ms_nTotalCarPassengerPeds; static uint32 NumMiamiViceCops; static void Initialise(); static void Update(void); static void LoadPedGroups(); static void UpdatePedCount(ePedType, bool); static void DealWithZoneChange(eLevelName oldLevel, eLevelName newLevel, bool); static CPed *AddPedInCar(CVehicle *car, bool isPassenger); static bool IsPointInSafeZone(CVector *coors); static void RemovePed(CPed *ent); static int32 ChooseCivilianOccupation(int32); static int32 ChoosePolicePedOccupation(); static int32 ChooseGangOccupation(int); static void FindCollisionZoneForCoors(CVector*, int*, eLevelName*); static void FindClosestZoneForCoors(CVector*, int*, eLevelName, eLevelName); static void GeneratePedsAtStartOfGame(); static float PedCreationDistMultiplier(); static CPed *AddPed(ePedType pedType, uint32 mi, CVector const &coors, int32 modifier = 0); static void AddToPopulation(float, float, float, float); static void ManagePopulation(void); static void MoveCarsAndPedsOutOfAbandonedZones(void); static void ConvertToRealObject(CDummyObject*); static void ConvertToDummyObject(CObject*); static void ConvertAllObjectsToDummyObjects(void); static bool TestRoomForDummyObject(CObject*); static bool TestSafeForRealObject(CDummyObject*); static CPed* AddDeadPedInFrontOfCar(const CVector& pos, CVehicle* pCulprit); };