#include "common.h" #ifdef AUDIO_OAL #include "stream.h" #include "sampman.h" #ifdef _WIN32 // TODO: This is due to version difference of 32-bit libmpg123 and 64-bit libmpg123, fix it #ifndef _WIN64 typedef long ssize_t; #endif #pragma comment( lib, "libsndfile-1.lib" ) #pragma comment( lib, "libmpg123.lib" ) #else #include "crossplatform.h" #endif #include #include class CSndFile : public IDecoder { SNDFILE *m_pfSound; SF_INFO m_soundInfo; public: CSndFile(const char *path) : m_pfSound(nil) { memset(&m_soundInfo, 0, sizeof(m_soundInfo)); m_pfSound = sf_open(path, SFM_READ, &m_soundInfo); } ~CSndFile() { if ( m_pfSound ) { sf_close(m_pfSound); m_pfSound = nil; } } bool IsOpened() { return m_pfSound != nil; } uint32 GetSampleSize() { return sizeof(uint16); } uint32 GetSampleCount() { return m_soundInfo.frames; } uint32 GetSampleRate() { return m_soundInfo.samplerate; } uint32 GetChannels() { return m_soundInfo.channels; } void Seek(uint32 milliseconds) { if ( !IsOpened() ) return; sf_seek(m_pfSound, ms2samples(milliseconds), SF_SEEK_SET); } uint32 Tell() { if ( !IsOpened() ) return 0; return samples2ms(sf_seek(m_pfSound, 0, SF_SEEK_CUR)); } uint32 Decode(void *buffer) { if ( !IsOpened() ) return 0; return sf_read_short(m_pfSound, (short *)buffer, GetBufferSamples()) * GetSampleSize(); } }; class CMP3File : public IDecoder { mpg123_handle *m_pMH; bool m_bOpened; uint32 m_nRate; uint32 m_nChannels; public: CMP3File(const char *path) : m_pMH(nil), m_bOpened(false), m_nRate(0), m_nChannels(0) { m_pMH = mpg123_new(nil, nil); if ( m_pMH ) { long rate = 0; int channels = 0; int encoding = 0; m_bOpened = mpg123_open(m_pMH, path) == MPG123_OK && mpg123_getformat(m_pMH, &rate, &channels, &encoding) == MPG123_OK; m_nRate = rate; m_nChannels = channels; if ( IsOpened() ) { mpg123_format_none(m_pMH); mpg123_format(m_pMH, rate, channels, encoding); } } } ~CMP3File() { if ( m_pMH ) { mpg123_close(m_pMH); mpg123_delete(m_pMH); m_pMH = nil; } } bool IsOpened() { return m_bOpened; } uint32 GetSampleSize() { return sizeof(uint16); } uint32 GetSampleCount() { if ( !IsOpened() ) return 0; return mpg123_length(m_pMH); } uint32 GetSampleRate() { return m_nRate; } uint32 GetChannels() { return m_nChannels; } void Seek(uint32 milliseconds) { if ( !IsOpened() ) return; mpg123_seek(m_pMH, ms2samples(milliseconds)*GetSampleSize(), SEEK_SET); } uint32 Tell() { if ( !IsOpened() ) return 0; return samples2ms(mpg123_tell(m_pMH)/GetSampleSize()); } uint32 Decode(void *buffer) { if ( !IsOpened() ) return 0; size_t size; int err = mpg123_read(m_pMH, (unsigned char *)buffer, GetBufferSize(), &size); #if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_WIN64) assert("We can't handle audio files more then 2 GB yet :shrug:" && (size < UINT32_MAX)); #endif if (err != MPG123_OK && err != MPG123_DONE) return 0; return (uint32)size; } }; void CStream::Initialise() { mpg123_init(); } void CStream::Terminate() { mpg123_exit(); } CStream::CStream(char *filename, ALuint &source, ALuint (&buffers)[NUM_STREAMBUFFERS]) : m_alSource(source), m_alBuffers(buffers), m_pBuffer(nil), m_bPaused(false), m_bActive(false), m_pSoundFile(nil), m_bReset(false), m_nVolume(0), m_nPan(0), m_nPosBeforeReset(0) { // Be case-insensitive on linux (from https://github.com/OneSadCookie/fcaseopen/) #if !defined(_WIN32) FILE *test = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!test) { char *r = (char*)alloca(strlen(filename) + 2); if (casepath(filename, r)) { strcpy(m_aFilename, r); } } else { fclose(test); #else { #endif strcpy(m_aFilename, filename); } DEV("Stream %s\n", m_aFilename); if (!strcasecmp(&m_aFilename[strlen(m_aFilename) - strlen(".mp3")], ".mp3")) m_pSoundFile = new CMP3File(m_aFilename); else if (!strcasecmp(&m_aFilename[strlen(m_aFilename) - strlen(".wav")], ".wav")) m_pSoundFile = new CSndFile(m_aFilename); else m_pSoundFile = nil; ASSERT(m_pSoundFile != nil); if (m_pSoundFile && m_pSoundFile->IsOpened() ) { m_pBuffer = malloc(m_pSoundFile->GetBufferSize()); ASSERT(m_pBuffer!=nil); DEV("AvgSamplesPerSec: %d\n", m_pSoundFile->GetAvgSamplesPerSec()); DEV("SampleCount: %d\n", m_pSoundFile->GetSampleCount()); DEV("SampleRate: %d\n", m_pSoundFile->GetSampleRate()); DEV("Channels: %d\n", m_pSoundFile->GetChannels()); DEV("Buffer Samples: %d\n", m_pSoundFile->GetBufferSamples()); DEV("Buffer sec: %f\n", (float(m_pSoundFile->GetBufferSamples()) / float(m_pSoundFile->GetChannels())/ float(m_pSoundFile->GetSampleRate()))); DEV("Length MS: %02d:%02d\n", (m_pSoundFile->GetLength() / 1000) / 60, (m_pSoundFile->GetLength() / 1000) % 60); return; } } CStream::~CStream() { Delete(); } void CStream::Delete() { Stop(); ClearBuffers(); if ( m_pSoundFile ) { delete m_pSoundFile; m_pSoundFile = nil; } if ( m_pBuffer ) { free(m_pBuffer); m_pBuffer = nil; } } bool CStream::HasSource() { return m_alSource != AL_NONE; } bool CStream::IsOpened() { return m_pSoundFile->IsOpened(); } bool CStream::IsPlaying() { if ( !HasSource() || !IsOpened() ) return false; if ( m_pSoundFile->IsOpened() && !m_bPaused ) { ALint sourceState; alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &sourceState); if ( m_bActive || sourceState == AL_PLAYING ) return true; } return false; } void CStream::Pause() { if ( !HasSource() ) return; ALint sourceState = AL_PAUSED; alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &sourceState); if (sourceState != AL_PAUSED ) alSourcePause(m_alSource); } void CStream::SetPause(bool bPause) { if ( !HasSource() ) return; if ( bPause ) { Pause(); m_bPaused = true; } else { if (m_bPaused) SetPlay(true); m_bPaused = false; } } void CStream::SetPitch(float pitch) { if ( !HasSource() ) return; alSourcef(m_alSource, AL_PITCH, pitch); } void CStream::SetGain(float gain) { if ( !HasSource() ) return; alSourcef(m_alSource, AL_GAIN, gain); } void CStream::SetPosition(float x, float y, float z) { if ( !HasSource() ) return; alSource3f(m_alSource, AL_POSITION, x, y, z); } void CStream::SetVolume(uint32 nVol) { m_nVolume = nVol; SetGain(ALfloat(nVol) / MAX_VOLUME); } void CStream::SetPan(uint8 nPan) { m_nPan = nPan; SetPosition((nPan - 63)/64.0f, 0.0f, Sqrt(1.0f-SQR((nPan-63)/64.0f))); } void CStream::SetPosMS(uint32 nPos) { if ( !m_pSoundFile->IsOpened() ) return; m_pSoundFile->Seek(nPos); ClearBuffers(); } uint32 CStream::GetPosMS() { if ( !HasSource() ) return 0; if ( !m_pSoundFile->IsOpened() ) return 0; ALint offset; //alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &offset); alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_BYTE_OFFSET, &offset); return m_pSoundFile->Tell() - m_pSoundFile->samples2ms(m_pSoundFile->GetBufferSamples() * (NUM_STREAMBUFFERS-1)) + m_pSoundFile->samples2ms(offset/m_pSoundFile->GetSampleSize()); } uint32 CStream::GetLengthMS() { if ( !m_pSoundFile->IsOpened() ) return 0; return m_pSoundFile->GetLength(); } bool CStream::FillBuffer(ALuint alBuffer) { if ( !HasSource() ) return false; if ( !m_pSoundFile->IsOpened() ) return false; if ( !(alBuffer != AL_NONE && alIsBuffer(alBuffer)) ) return false; uint32 size = m_pSoundFile->Decode(m_pBuffer); if( size == 0 ) return false; alBufferData(alBuffer, m_pSoundFile->GetChannels() == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, m_pBuffer, size, m_pSoundFile->GetSampleRate()); return true; } int32 CStream::FillBuffers() { int32 i = 0; for ( i = 0; i < NUM_STREAMBUFFERS; i++ ) { if ( !FillBuffer(m_alBuffers[i]) ) break; alSourceQueueBuffers(m_alSource, 1, &m_alBuffers[i]); } return i; } void CStream::ClearBuffers() { if ( !HasSource() ) return; ALint buffersQueued; alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &buffersQueued); ALuint value; while (buffersQueued--) alSourceUnqueueBuffers(m_alSource, 1, &value); } bool CStream::Setup() { if ( m_pSoundFile->IsOpened() ) { m_pSoundFile->Seek(0); alSourcei(m_alSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE); //SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); SetPitch(1.0f); //SetPan(m_nPan); //SetVolume(100); } return IsOpened(); } void CStream::SetPlay(bool state) { if ( !HasSource() ) return; if ( state ) { ALint sourceState = AL_PLAYING; alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &sourceState); if (sourceState != AL_PLAYING ) alSourcePlay(m_alSource); m_bActive = true; } else { ALint sourceState = AL_STOPPED; alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &sourceState); if (sourceState != AL_STOPPED ) alSourceStop(m_alSource); m_bActive = false; } } void CStream::Start() { if ( !HasSource() ) return; if ( FillBuffers() != 0 ) SetPlay(true); } void CStream::Stop() { if ( !HasSource() ) return; SetPlay(false); } void CStream::Update() { if ( !IsOpened() ) return; if ( !HasSource() ) return; if ( m_bReset ) return; if ( !m_bPaused ) { ALint sourceState; ALint buffersProcessed = 0; alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &sourceState); alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &buffersProcessed); ALint looping = AL_FALSE; alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_LOOPING, &looping); if ( looping == AL_TRUE ) { TRACE("stream set looping"); alSourcei(m_alSource, AL_LOOPING, AL_TRUE); } while( buffersProcessed-- ) { ALuint buffer; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(m_alSource, 1, &buffer); if ( m_bActive && FillBuffer(buffer) ) alSourceQueueBuffers(m_alSource, 1, &buffer); } if ( sourceState != AL_PLAYING ) { alGetSourcei(m_alSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &buffersProcessed); SetPlay(buffersProcessed!=0); } } } void CStream::ProviderInit() { if ( m_bReset ) { if ( Setup() ) { SetPan(m_nPan); SetVolume(m_nVolume); SetPosMS(m_nPosBeforeReset); if (m_bActive) FillBuffers(); SetPlay(m_bActive); if ( m_bPaused ) Pause(); } m_bReset = false; } } void CStream::ProviderTerm() { m_bReset = true; m_nPosBeforeReset = GetPosMS(); ClearBuffers(); } #endif