#include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "patcher.h" #include "Renderer.h" #include "Credits.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "debugmenu_public.h" void **rwengine = *(void***)0x5A10E1; GlobalScene &Scene = *(GlobalScene*)0x726768; DebugMenuAPI gDebugMenuAPI; WRAPPER void *gtanew(uint32 sz) { EAXJMP(0x5A0690); } WRAPPER void gtadelete(void *p) { EAXJMP(0x5A07E0); } // overload our own new/delete with GTA's functions void *operator new(size_t sz) { return gtanew(sz); } void operator delete(void *ptr) noexcept { gtadelete(ptr); } #ifdef USE_PS2_RAND unsigned __int64 myrand_seed = 1; #else unsigned long int myrand_seed = 1; #endif int myrand(void) { #ifdef USE_PS2_RAND // Use our own implementation of rand, stolen from PS2 myrand_seed = 0x5851F42D4C957F2D * myrand_seed + 1; return ((myrand_seed >> 32) & 0x7FFFFFFF); #else // or original codewarrior rand myrand_seed = myrand_seed * 1103515245 + 12345; return((myrand_seed >> 16) & 0x7FFF); #endif } void mysrand(unsigned int seed) { myrand_seed = seed; } // platform stuff char* GetUserDirectory(void) { static char path[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(path, "userfiles"); mkdir(path); return path; } int (*open_script_orig)(const char *path, const char *mode); int open_script(const char *path, const char *mode) { if(GetAsyncKeyState('G') & 0x8000) return open_script_orig("main.scm", mode); if(GetAsyncKeyState('D') & 0x8000) return open_script_orig("main_d.scm", mode); // if(GetAsyncKeyState('R') & 0x8000) return open_script_orig("main_freeroam.scm", mode); return open_script_orig(path, mode); } int gDbgSurf; void (*DebugMenuProcess)(void); void (*DebugMenuRender)(void); static void stub(void) { } void DebugMenuInit(void) { if(DebugMenuLoad()){ DebugMenuProcess = (void(*)(void))GetProcAddress(gDebugMenuAPI.module, "DebugMenuProcess"); DebugMenuRender = (void(*)(void))GetProcAddress(gDebugMenuAPI.module, "DebugMenuRender"); } if(DebugMenuProcess == nil || DebugMenuRender == nil){ DebugMenuProcess = stub; DebugMenuRender = stub; } } int (*RsEventHandler_orig)(int a, int b); int delayedPatches10(int a, int b) { DebugMenuInit(); if(DebugMenuLoad()){ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Show Ped Road Groups", (int8*)&gbShowPedRoadGroups, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Show Car Road Groups", (int8*)&gbShowCarRoadGroups, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Show Collision Polys", (int8*)&gbShowCollisionPolys, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Don't render Buildings", (int8*)&gbDontRenderBuildings, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Don't render Big Buildings", (int8*)&gbDontRenderBigBuildings, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Don't render Peds", (int8*)&gbDontRenderPeds, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Don't render Objects", (int8*)&gbDontRenderObjects, nil); DebugMenuAddVar("Debug", "Dbg Surface", &gDbgSurf, nil, 1, 0, 34, nil); DebugMenuAddCmd("Debug", "Start Credits", CCredits::Start); DebugMenuAddCmd("Debug", "Stop Credits", CCredits::Stop); } return RsEventHandler_orig(a, b); } void __declspec(naked) HeadlightsFix() { static const float fMinusOne = -1.0f; _asm { fld [esp+708h-690h] fcomp fMinusOne fnstsw ax and ah, 5 cmp ah, 1 jnz HeadlightsFix_DontLimit fld fMinusOne fstp [esp+708h-690h] HeadlightsFix_DontLimit: fld [esp+708h-690h] fabs fld st push 0x5382F2 retn } } const int re3_buffsize = 1024; static char re3_buff[re3_buffsize]; void re3_assert(const char *expr, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, const char *func) { int nCode; strcpy_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "Assertion failed!" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "File: "); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, filename ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "Line: " ); _itoa_s( lineno, re3_buff + strlen(re3_buff), re3_buffsize - strlen(re3_buff), 10 ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n"); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "Function: "); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, func ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "Expression: "); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, expr); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n"); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "(Press Retry to debug the application)"); nCode = ::MessageBoxA(NULL, re3_buff, "RE3 Assertion Failed!", MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|MB_ICONHAND|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TASKMODAL); if (nCode == IDABORT) { raise(SIGABRT); _exit(3); } if (nCode == IDRETRY) { __debugbreak(); return; } if (nCode == IDIGNORE) return; abort(); } void re3_debug(char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); vsprintf_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, format, va); va_end(va); printf("%s\n", re3_buff); } void re3_trace(const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, const char *func, char *format, ...) { char buff[re3_buffsize *2]; va_list va; va_start(va, format); vsprintf_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, format, va); va_end(va); sprintf_s(buff, re3_buffsize * 2, "[%s.%s:%d]: %s", filename, func, lineno, re3_buff); OutputDebugStringA(buff); } void patch() { StaticPatcher::Apply(); Patch(0x46BC61+6, 1.0f); // car distance InjectHook(0x59E460, printf, PATCH_JUMP); // stolen from silentpatch (sorry) Patch(0x5382BF, 0x0EEB); InjectHook(0x5382EC, HeadlightsFix, PATCH_JUMP); InterceptCall(&open_script_orig, open_script, 0x438869); InterceptCall(&RsEventHandler_orig, delayedPatches10, 0x58275E); } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID) { if(reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH){ AllocConsole(); freopen("CONIN$", "r", stdin); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr); if (*(DWORD*)0x5C1E75 == 0xB85548EC) // 1.0 patch(); else return FALSE; } return TRUE; }