#include "common.h" #include "RwHelper.h" #include "General.h" #include "Bones.h" #include "SurfaceTable.h" #include "Ped.h" #include "NodeName.h" #include "VisibilityPlugins.h" #include "ModelInfo.h" void CPedModelInfo::DeleteRwObject(void) { if(m_hitColModel) delete m_hitColModel; m_hitColModel = nil; #ifdef PED_SKIN RwFrame *frame; if(m_head){ frame = RpAtomicGetFrame(m_head); RpAtomicDestroy(m_head); RwFrameDestroy(frame); } if(m_lhand){ frame = RpAtomicGetFrame(m_lhand); RpAtomicDestroy(m_lhand); RwFrameDestroy(frame); } if(m_rhand){ frame = RpAtomicGetFrame(m_rhand); RpAtomicDestroy(m_rhand); RwFrameDestroy(frame); } #endif CClumpModelInfo::DeleteRwObject(); // PC calls this first } RwObjectNameIdAssocation CPedModelInfo::m_pPedIds[PED_NODE_MAX] = { { "Smid", PED_MID, 0, }, // that is strange... { "Shead", PED_HEAD, 0, }, { "Supperarml", PED_UPPERARML, 0, }, { "Supperarmr", PED_UPPERARMR, 0, }, { "SLhand", PED_HANDL, 0, }, { "SRhand", PED_HANDR, 0, }, { "Supperlegl", PED_UPPERLEGL, 0, }, { "Supperlegr", PED_UPPERLEGR, 0, }, { "Sfootl", PED_FOOTL, 0, }, { "Sfootr", PED_FOOTR, 0, }, { "Slowerlegr", PED_LOWERLEGR, 0, }, { nil, 0, 0, }, }; #ifdef PED_SKIN struct LimbCBarg { CPedModelInfo *mi; RpClump *clump; int32 frameIDs[3]; }; RpAtomic* CPedModelInfo::findLimbsCb(RpAtomic *atomic, void *data) { LimbCBarg *limbs = (LimbCBarg*)data; RwFrame *frame = RpAtomicGetFrame(atomic); const char *name = GetFrameNodeName(frame); if(CGeneral::faststricmp(name, "Shead01") == 0){ limbs->frameIDs[0] = RpHAnimFrameGetID(frame); limbs->mi->m_head = atomic; RpClumpRemoveAtomic(limbs->clump, atomic); RwFrameRemoveChild(frame); }else if(CGeneral::faststricmp(name, "SLhand01") == 0){ limbs->frameIDs[1] = RpHAnimFrameGetID(frame); limbs->mi->m_lhand = atomic; RpClumpRemoveAtomic(limbs->clump, atomic); RwFrameRemoveChild(frame); }else if(CGeneral::faststricmp(name, "SRhand01") == 0){ limbs->frameIDs[2] = RpHAnimFrameGetID(frame); limbs->mi->m_rhand = atomic; RpClumpRemoveAtomic(limbs->clump, atomic); RwFrameRemoveChild(frame); } return atomic; } #endif void CPedModelInfo::SetClump(RpClump *clump) { #ifdef PED_SKIN // CB has to be set here before atomics are detached from clump if(strncmp(GetName(), "player", 7) == 0) RpClumpForAllAtomics(clump, SetAtomicRendererCB, (void*)CVisibilityPlugins::RenderPlayerCB); if(IsClumpSkinned(clump)){ LimbCBarg limbs = { this, clump, { 0, 0, 0 } }; RpClumpForAllAtomics(clump, findLimbsCb, &limbs); } CClumpModelInfo::SetClump(clump); SetFrameIds(m_pPedIds); if(m_hitColModel == nil && !IsClumpSkinned(clump)) CreateHitColModel(); // And again because CClumpModelInfo resets it if(strncmp(GetName(), "player", 7) == 0) RpClumpForAllAtomics(m_clump, SetAtomicRendererCB, (void*)CVisibilityPlugins::RenderPlayerCB); else if(IsClumpSkinned(clump)) // skinned peds have no low detail version, so they don't have the right render Cb RpClumpForAllAtomics(m_clump, SetAtomicRendererCB, (void*)CVisibilityPlugins::RenderPedCB); #else CClumpModelInfo::SetClump(clump); SetFrameIds(m_pPedIds); if(m_hitColModel == nil) CreateHitColModel(); if(strncmp(GetName(), "player", 7) == 0) RpClumpForAllAtomics(m_clump, SetAtomicRendererCB, (void*)CVisibilityPlugins::RenderPlayerCB); #endif } RpAtomic* CountAtomicsCB(RpAtomic *atomic, void *data) { (*(int32*)data)++; return atomic; } RpAtomic* GetAtomicListCB(RpAtomic *atomic, void *data) { **(RpAtomic***)data = atomic; (*(RpAtomic***)data)++; return atomic; } RwFrame* FindPedFrameFromNameCB(RwFrame *frame, void *data) { RwObjectNameAssociation *assoc = (RwObjectNameAssociation*)data; if(CGeneral::faststricmp(GetFrameNodeName(frame)+1, assoc->name+1)){ RwFrameForAllChildren(frame, FindPedFrameFromNameCB, assoc); return assoc->frame ? nil : frame; }else{ assoc->frame = frame; return nil; } } void CPedModelInfo::SetLowDetailClump(RpClump *lodclump) { RpAtomic *atomics[16]; RpAtomic **pAtm; int32 numAtm, numLodAtm; int i; RwObjectNameAssociation assoc; numAtm = 0; numLodAtm = 0; RpClumpForAllAtomics(m_clump, CountAtomicsCB, &numAtm); // actually unused RpClumpForAllAtomics(lodclump, CountAtomicsCB, &numLodAtm); RpClumpForAllAtomics(m_clump, SetAtomicRendererCB, (void*)CVisibilityPlugins::RenderPedHiDetailCB); RpClumpForAllAtomics(lodclump, SetAtomicRendererCB, (void*)CVisibilityPlugins::RenderPedLowDetailCB); pAtm = atomics; RpClumpForAllAtomics(lodclump, GetAtomicListCB, &pAtm); for(i = 0; i < numLodAtm; i++){ assoc.name = GetFrameNodeName(RpAtomicGetFrame(atomics[i])); assoc.frame = nil; RwFrameForAllChildren(RpClumpGetFrame(m_clump), FindPedFrameFromNameCB, &assoc); if(assoc.frame){ RpAtomicSetFrame(atomics[i], assoc.frame); RpClumpRemoveAtomic(lodclump, atomics[i]); RpClumpAddAtomic(m_clump, atomics[i]); } } } struct ColNodeInfo { char *name; int pedNode; int pieceType; float x, z; float radius; }; #define NUMPEDINFONODES 10 ColNodeInfo m_pColNodeInfos[NUMPEDINFONODES] = { { nil, PED_HEAD, PEDPIECE_HEAD, 0.0f, 0.05f, 0.15f }, { nil, PED_MID, PEDPIECE_TORSO, 0.0f, 0.15f, 0.2f }, { nil, PED_MID, PEDPIECE_TORSO, 0.0f, -0.05f, 0.25f }, { nil, PED_MID, PEDPIECE_MID, 0.0f, -0.25f, 0.25f }, { nil, PED_UPPERARML, PEDPIECE_LEFTARM, 0.03f, -0.05f, 0.16f }, { nil, PED_UPPERARMR, PEDPIECE_RIGHTARM, -0.03f, -0.05f, 0.16f }, { nil, PED_LOWERLEGL, PEDPIECE_LEFTLEG, 0.0f, 0.15f, 0.2f }, { nil, PED_LOWERLEGR, PEDPIECE_RIGHTLEG, 0.0f, 0.15f, 0.2f }, { nil, PED_FOOTL, PEDPIECE_LEFTLEG, 0.0f, 0.15f, 0.15f }, { nil, PED_FOOTR, PEDPIECE_RIGHTLEG, 0.0f, 0.15f, 0.15f }, }; RwObject* FindHeadRadiusCB(RwObject *object, void *data) { RpAtomic *atomic = (RpAtomic*)object; *(float*)data = RpAtomicGetBoundingSphere(atomic)->radius; return nil; } void CPedModelInfo::CreateHitColModel(void) { RwObjectNameAssociation nameAssoc; RwObjectIdAssociation idAssoc; CVector center; RwFrame *nodeFrame; CColModel *colmodel = new CColModel; CColSphere *spheres = (CColSphere*)RwMalloc(NUMPEDINFONODES*sizeof(CColSphere)); RwFrame *root = RpClumpGetFrame(m_clump); RwMatrix *mat = RwMatrixCreate(); for(int i = 0; i < NUMPEDINFONODES; i++){ nodeFrame = nil; if(m_pColNodeInfos[i].name){ nameAssoc.name = m_pColNodeInfos[i].name; nameAssoc.frame = nil; RwFrameForAllChildren(root, FindFrameFromNameCB, &nameAssoc); nodeFrame = nameAssoc.frame; }else{ idAssoc.id = m_pColNodeInfos[i].pedNode; idAssoc.frame = nil; RwFrameForAllChildren(root, FindFrameFromIdCB, &idAssoc); nodeFrame = idAssoc.frame; } if(nodeFrame){ float radius = m_pColNodeInfos[i].radius; if(m_pColNodeInfos[i].pieceType == PEDPIECE_HEAD) RwFrameForAllObjects(nodeFrame, FindHeadRadiusCB, &radius); RwMatrixTransform(mat, RwFrameGetMatrix(nodeFrame), rwCOMBINEREPLACE); const char *name = GetFrameNodeName(nodeFrame); for(nodeFrame = RwFrameGetParent(nodeFrame); nodeFrame; nodeFrame = RwFrameGetParent(nodeFrame)){ name = GetFrameNodeName(nodeFrame); RwMatrixTransform(mat, RwFrameGetMatrix(nodeFrame), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); if(RwFrameGetParent(nodeFrame) == root) break; } center.x = mat->pos.x + m_pColNodeInfos[i].x; center.y = mat->pos.y + 0.0f; center.z = mat->pos.z + m_pColNodeInfos[i].z; spheres[i].Set(radius, center, SURFACE_FLESH, m_pColNodeInfos[i].pieceType); } } RwMatrixDestroy(mat); colmodel->spheres = spheres; colmodel->numSpheres = NUMPEDINFONODES; center.x = center.y = center.z = 0.0f; colmodel->boundingSphere.Set(2.0f, center); CVector min, max; min.x = min.y = -0.5f; min.z = -1.2f; max.x = max.y = 0.5f; max.z = 1.2f; colmodel->boundingBox.Set(min, max); colmodel->level = LEVEL_NONE; m_hitColModel = colmodel; } CColModel* CPedModelInfo::AnimatePedColModel(CColModel* colmodel, RwFrame* frame) { RwObjectNameAssociation nameAssoc; RwObjectIdAssociation idAssoc; RwMatrix* mat = RwMatrixCreate(); CColSphere* spheres = colmodel->spheres; for (int i = 0; i < NUMPEDINFONODES; i++) { RwFrame* f = nil; if (m_pColNodeInfos[i].name) { nameAssoc.name = m_pColNodeInfos[i].name; nameAssoc.frame = nil; RwFrameForAllChildren(frame, FindFrameFromNameCB, &nameAssoc); f = nameAssoc.frame; } else { idAssoc.id = m_pColNodeInfos[i].pedNode; idAssoc.frame = nil; RwFrameForAllChildren(frame, FindFrameFromIdCB, &idAssoc); f = idAssoc.frame; } if (f) { RwMatrixCopy(mat, RwFrameGetMatrix(f)); for (f = RwFrameGetParent(f); f; f = RwFrameGetParent(f)) { RwMatrixTransform(mat, RwFrameGetMatrix(f), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); if (RwFrameGetParent(f) == frame) break; } spheres[i].center.x = mat->pos.x + m_pColNodeInfos[i].x; spheres[i].center.y = mat->pos.y + 0.0f; spheres[i].center.z = mat->pos.z + m_pColNodeInfos[i].z; } } return colmodel; } #ifdef PED_SKIN void CPedModelInfo::CreateHitColModelSkinned(RpClump *clump) { CVector center; RpHAnimHierarchy *hier = GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump(clump); CColModel *colmodel = new CColModel; CColSphere *spheres = (CColSphere*)RwMalloc(NUMPEDINFONODES*sizeof(CColSphere)); RwFrame *root = RpClumpGetFrame(m_clump); RwMatrix *invmat = RwMatrixCreate(); RwMatrix *mat = RwMatrixCreate(); RwMatrixInvert(invmat, RwFrameGetMatrix(RpClumpGetFrame(clump))); for(int i = 0; i < NUMPEDINFONODES; i++){ *mat = *invmat; int id = ConvertPedNode2BoneTag(m_pColNodeInfos[i].pedNode); // this is wrong, wtf R* ??? int idx = RpHAnimIDGetIndex(hier, id); // This doesn't really work as the positions are not initialized yet RwMatrixTransform(mat, &RpHAnimHierarchyGetMatrixArray(hier)[idx], rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT); RwV3d pos = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; RwV3dTransformPoints(&pos, &pos, 1, mat); center.x = pos.x + m_pColNodeInfos[i].x; center.y = pos.y + 0.0f; center.z = pos.z + m_pColNodeInfos[i].z; spheres[i].Set(m_pColNodeInfos[i].radius, center, SURFACE_FLESH, m_pColNodeInfos[i].pieceType); } RwMatrixDestroy(invmat); RwMatrixDestroy(mat); colmodel->spheres = spheres; colmodel->numSpheres = NUMPEDINFONODES; center.x = center.y = center.z = 0.0f; colmodel->boundingSphere.Set(2.0f, center); CVector min, max; min.x = min.y = -0.5f; min.z = -1.2f; max.x = max.y = 0.5f; max.z = 1.2f; colmodel->boundingBox.Set(min, max); colmodel->level = LEVEL_NONE; m_hitColModel = colmodel; } CColModel* CPedModelInfo::AnimatePedColModelSkinned(RpClump *clump) { if(m_hitColModel == nil){ CreateHitColModelSkinned(clump); return m_hitColModel; } RwMatrix *invmat, *mat; CColSphere *spheres = m_hitColModel->spheres; RpHAnimHierarchy *hier = GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump(clump); invmat = RwMatrixCreate(); mat = RwMatrixCreate(); RwMatrixInvert(invmat, RwFrameGetMatrix(RpClumpGetFrame(clump))); for(int i = 0; i < NUMPEDINFONODES; i++){ *mat = *invmat; int id = ConvertPedNode2BoneTag(m_pColNodeInfos[i].pedNode); int idx = RpHAnimIDGetIndex(hier, id); RwMatrixTransform(mat, &RpHAnimHierarchyGetMatrixArray(hier)[idx], rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT); RwV3d pos = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; RwV3dTransformPoints(&pos, &pos, 1, mat); spheres[i].center.x = pos.x + m_pColNodeInfos[i].x; spheres[i].center.y = pos.y + 0.0f; spheres[i].center.z = pos.z + m_pColNodeInfos[i].z; } RwMatrixDestroy(invmat); RwMatrixDestroy(mat); return m_hitColModel; } #endif