// Public Interfaces for the DX9 Video Mixing Renderer DShow filter
// Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002, Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

import "unknwn.idl";

cpp_quote("#if 0")
// This is temporary work around to persuade
// MIDL to allow forward declarations.
typedef DWORD           IDirect3DDevice9;
typedef DWORD           IDirect3DSurface9;
typedef DWORD           D3DFORMAT;
typedef DWORD           D3DCOLOR;
typedef DWORD           D3DPOOL;
typedef DWORD*          HMONITOR;
typedef struct {DWORD dw1; DWORD dw2;} AM_MEDIA_TYPE;
cpp_quote ("#endif")

// public interfaces supported by the VMR9

interface IVMRSurface9;

interface IVMRSurfaceAllocator9;
interface IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify9;
interface IVMRImagePresenter9;
interface IVMRImagePresenterConfig9;
interface IVMRMonitorConfig9;
interface IVMRWindowlessControl9;

interface IVMRMixerControl9;
interface IVMRImageCompositor9;
interface IVMRMixerBitmap9;

interface IVMRFilterConfig9;
interface IVMRAspectRatioControl9;
interface IVMRVideoStreamControl9;

// Allocator Presenter interfaces

// IVMRImagePresenter9
typedef enum {
    VMR9Sample_SyncPoint       = 0x00000001,
    VMR9Sample_Preroll         = 0x00000002,
    VMR9Sample_Discontinuity   = 0x00000004,
    VMR9Sample_TimeValid       = 0x00000008,
    VMR9Sample_SrcDstRectsValid= 0x00000010
} VMR9PresentationFlags;

typedef struct _VMR9PresentationInfo {
    DWORD                   dwFlags;
    IDirect3DSurface9*      lpSurf;
    REFERENCE_TIME          rtStart;
    REFERENCE_TIME          rtEnd;
    SIZE                    szAspectRatio;
    RECT                    rcSrc;
    RECT                    rcDst;
    DWORD                   dwReserved1;
    DWORD                   dwReserved2;
} VMR9PresentationInfo;

    helpstring("IVMRImagePresenter9 Interface"),
interface IVMRImagePresenter9 : IUnknown
    HRESULT StartPresenting(
        [in] DWORD_PTR dwUserID

    HRESULT StopPresenting(
        [in] DWORD_PTR dwUserID

    HRESULT PresentImage(
        [in] DWORD_PTR dwUserID,
        [in] VMR9PresentationInfo* lpPresInfo

// IVMRSurfaceAllocator
typedef enum {
    // surface types/usage
    VMR9AllocFlag_3DRenderTarget        = 0x0001,
    VMR9AllocFlag_DXVATarget            = 0x0002,

    // VMR9AllocFlag_TextureSurface can be combined with
    // DXVATarget and 3DRenderTarget
    VMR9AllocFlag_TextureSurface        = 0x0004,
    VMR9AllocFlag_OffscreenSurface      = 0x0008,
    VMR9AllocFlag_UsageReserved         = 0x00F0,
    VMR9AllocFlag_UsageMask             = 0x00FF

    // surface
} VMR9SurfaceAllocationFlags;

typedef struct _VMR9AllocationInfo {
    DWORD                   dwFlags;    // see VMR9SurfaceAllocationFlags
    DWORD                   dwWidth;
    DWORD                   dwHeight;
    D3DFORMAT               Format;     // 0 means use a format compatible with the display
    D3DPOOL                 Pool;
    DWORD                   MinBuffers;
    SIZE                    szAspectRatio;
    SIZE                    szNativeSize;
} VMR9AllocationInfo;

    helpstring("IVMRSurfaceAllocator9 Interface"),
interface IVMRSurfaceAllocator9 : IUnknown
    HRESULT InitializeDevice(
        [in] DWORD_PTR dwUserID,
        [in] VMR9AllocationInfo* lpAllocInfo,
        [in, out] DWORD* lpNumBuffers

    HRESULT TerminateDevice(
        [in] DWORD_PTR dwID

    HRESULT GetSurface(
        [in] DWORD_PTR dwUserID,
        [in] DWORD SurfaceIndex,
        [in] DWORD SurfaceFlags,
        [out] IDirect3DSurface9** lplpSurface

    HRESULT AdviseNotify(
        [in] IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify9* lpIVMRSurfAllocNotify

// IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify9
    helpstring("IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify9 Interface"),
interface IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify9 : IUnknown
    HRESULT AdviseSurfaceAllocator(
        [in] DWORD_PTR dwUserID,
        [in] IVMRSurfaceAllocator9* lpIVRMSurfaceAllocator

    HRESULT SetD3DDevice(
        [in] IDirect3DDevice9* lpD3DDevice,
        [in] HMONITOR hMonitor

    HRESULT ChangeD3DDevice(
        [in] IDirect3DDevice9* lpD3DDevice,
        [in] HMONITOR hMonitor

    HRESULT AllocateSurfaceHelper(
        [in] VMR9AllocationInfo* lpAllocInfo,
        [in, out] DWORD* lpNumBuffers,
        [out] IDirect3DSurface9** lplpSurface

    HRESULT NotifyEvent(
        [in] LONG EventCode,
        [in] LONG_PTR Param1,
        [in] LONG_PTR Param2

// Application control and configuration interfaces

// IVMRWindowlessControl9
typedef enum {
} VMR9AspectRatioMode;

    helpstring("IVMRWindowlessControl Interface"),
interface IVMRWindowlessControl9 : IUnknown
    // Video size and position information
    HRESULT GetNativeVideoSize(
        [out] LONG* lpWidth,
        [out] LONG* lpHeight,
        [out] LONG* lpARWidth,
        [out] LONG* lpARHeight

    HRESULT GetMinIdealVideoSize(
        [out] LONG* lpWidth,
        [out] LONG* lpHeight

    HRESULT GetMaxIdealVideoSize(
        [out] LONG* lpWidth,
        [out] LONG* lpHeight

    HRESULT SetVideoPosition(
        [in] const LPRECT lpSRCRect,
        [in] const LPRECT lpDSTRect

    HRESULT GetVideoPosition(
        [out] LPRECT lpSRCRect,
        [out] LPRECT lpDSTRect

    HRESULT GetAspectRatioMode(
        [out] DWORD* lpAspectRatioMode

    HRESULT SetAspectRatioMode(
        [in] DWORD AspectRatioMode

    // Display and clipping management
    HRESULT SetVideoClippingWindow(
        [in] HWND hwnd

    HRESULT RepaintVideo(
        [in] HWND hwnd,
        [in] HDC hdc

    HRESULT DisplayModeChanged();

    // GetCurrentImage
    // Returns the current image being displayed.  This images
    // is returned in the form of packed Windows DIB.
    // GetCurrentImage can be called at any time, also
    // the caller is responsible for free the returned memory
    // by calling CoTaskMemFree.
    // Excessive use of this function will degrade video
    // playback performed.
    HRESULT GetCurrentImage(
        [out] BYTE** lpDib

    // Border Color control
    // The border color is color used to fill any area of the
    // the destination rectangle that does not contain video.
    // It is typically used in two instances.  When the video
    // straddles two monitors and when the VMR is trying
    // to maintain the aspect ratio of the movies by letter
    // boxing the video to fit within the specified destination
    // rectangle. See SetAspectRatioMode above.
    HRESULT SetBorderColor(
        [in] COLORREF Clr

    HRESULT GetBorderColor(
        [out] COLORREF* lpClr

// IVMRMixerControl9

typedef enum {
    MixerPref9_NoDecimation             = 0x00000001, // No decimation - full size
    MixerPref9_DecimateOutput           = 0x00000002, // decimate output by 2 in x & y
    MixerPref9_ARAdjustXorY             = 0x00000004, // adjust the aspect ratio in x or y
    MixerPref9_NonSquareMixing          = 0x00000008, // assume AP can handle non-square mixing, avoids intermediate scales
    MixerPref9_DecimateMask             = 0x0000000F,

    MixerPref9_BiLinearFiltering        = 0x00000010, // use bi-linear filtering
    MixerPref9_PointFiltering           = 0x00000020, // use point filtering
    MixerPref9_AnisotropicFiltering     = 0x00000040, //
    MixerPref9_PyramidalQuadFiltering   = 0x00000080, // 4-sample tent
    MixerPref9_GaussianQuadFiltering    = 0x00000100, // 4-sample gaussian
    MixerPref9_FilteringReserved        = 0x00000E00, // bits reserved for future use.
    MixerPref9_FilteringMask            = 0x00000FF0, // OR of all above flags

    MixerPref9_RenderTargetRGB          = 0x00001000,
    MixerPref9_RenderTargetYUV          = 0x00002000, // Uses DXVA to perform mixing
    MixerPref9_RenderTargetReserved     = 0x000FC000, // bits reserved for future use.
    MixerPref9_RenderTargetMask         = 0x000FF000, // OR of all above flags

    // Dynamic changes that can be performed when the VMR's mixer is
    // configured to use the YUV Render target (see MixerPref_RenderTargetYUV)
    // These preferences can be applied while the graph is running and take effect
    // when the next frame is composed by the mixer.
    MixerPref9_DynamicSwitchToBOB       = 0x00100000,
    MixerPref9_DynamicDecimateBy2       = 0x00200000,

    MixerPref9_DynamicReserved          = 0x00C00000,
    MixerPref9_DynamicMask              = 0x00F00000

} VMR9MixerPrefs;

//  Normalized relative rectangle
//  Coordinate ranges: x=[0...1) y=[0...1)
//  Where the output window goes from 0,0 (closed inclusive lower bound)
//  to 1,1 (open exclusive upper bound)
typedef struct _VMR9NormalizedRect
    float left;
    float top;
    float right;
    float bottom;
} VMR9NormalizedRect;

typedef enum {
    ProcAmpControl9_Brightness            = 0x00000001,
    ProcAmpControl9_Contrast              = 0x00000002,
    ProcAmpControl9_Hue                   = 0x00000004,
    ProcAmpControl9_Saturation            = 0x00000008,
    ProcAmpControl9_Mask                  = 0x0000000F
} VMR9ProcAmpControlFlags;

typedef struct _VMR9ProcAmpControl
    DWORD       dwSize;
    DWORD       dwFlags;
    float       Brightness;
    float       Contrast;
    float       Hue;
    float       Saturation;
} VMR9ProcAmpControl;

typedef struct _VMR9ProcAmpControlRange
    DWORD                       dwSize;
    VMR9ProcAmpControlFlags     dwProperty; // see VMR9ProcAmpControlFlags above
    float                       MinValue;
    float                       MaxValue;
    float                       DefaultValue;
    float                       StepSize;
} VMR9ProcAmpControlRange;

    helpstring("IVMRMixerControl9 Interface"),
interface IVMRMixerControl9 : IUnknown
    HRESULT SetAlpha(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [in] float Alpha // Source alpha premultication factor (global alpha for source)

    HRESULT GetAlpha(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [out] float* pAlpha

    HRESULT SetZOrder(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [in] DWORD dwZ

    HRESULT GetZOrder(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [out] DWORD* pZ

    HRESULT SetOutputRect(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [in] const VMR9NormalizedRect *pRect

    HRESULT GetOutputRect(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [out] VMR9NormalizedRect *pRect

    HRESULT SetBackgroundClr(
        [in] COLORREF ClrBkg

    HRESULT GetBackgroundClr(
        [in] COLORREF* lpClrBkg

    HRESULT SetMixingPrefs(
        [in] DWORD dwMixerPrefs  // a combination of VMRMixingPrefFlags

    HRESULT GetMixingPrefs(
        [out] DWORD* pdwMixerPrefs

    HRESULT SetProcAmpControl(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [in] VMR9ProcAmpControl* lpClrControl

    HRESULT GetProcAmpControl(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [in, out] VMR9ProcAmpControl* lpClrControl

    HRESULT GetProcAmpControlRange(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [in, out] VMR9ProcAmpControlRange* lpClrControl

// IVMRMixerBitmap9

typedef struct _VMR9AlphaBitmap
    DWORD               dwFlags;        // flags word
    HDC                 hdc;            // DC for the bitmap to copy
    IDirect3DSurface9*  pDDS;           // D3D surface to copy
    RECT                rSrc;           // rectangle to copy from the DC/DDS
    VMR9NormalizedRect  rDest;          // output rectangle in composition space
    FLOAT               fAlpha;         // opacity of the bitmap
    COLORREF            clrSrcKey;      // src color key
    DWORD               dwFilterMode;   // See "SetMixerPrefs"
} VMR9AlphaBitmap;

typedef enum {

    // Disable the alpha bitmap for now
    VMR9AlphaBitmap_Disable                     = 0x00000001,

    // Take the bitmap from the HDC rather than the DirectDraw surface
    VMR9AlphaBitmap_hDC                         = 0x00000002,

    // Take the entire DDraw surface - rSrc is ignored
    VMR9AlphaBitmap_EntireDDS                   = 0x00000004,

    // Indicates that the clrTrans value is valid and should be
    // used when blending
    VMR9AlphaBitmap_SrcColorKey                 = 0x00000008,

    // Indicates that the rSrc rectangle is valid and specifies a
    // sub-rectangle of the of original app image to be blended.
    // Use of this parameter enables "Image Strips"
    VMR9AlphaBitmap_SrcRect                     = 0x00000010,

    // Indicates that dwFilterMode parameter is valid and should be
    // used to overide the default filtering method used by the VMR.
    // MixerPref_PointFiltering is particulaly useful for images that
    // contain text and do not need to be stretch prior to blending with
    // the video content.
    VMR9AlphaBitmap_FilterMode                  = 0x00000020
} VMR9AlphaBitmapFlags;

    helpstring("IVMRMixerBitmap Interface"),
interface IVMRMixerBitmap9 : IUnknown
    // Set bitmap, location to blend it, and blending value
    HRESULT SetAlphaBitmap(
        [in] const VMR9AlphaBitmap* pBmpParms

    // Change bitmap location, size and blending value,
    // graph must be running for change to take effect.
    HRESULT UpdateAlphaBitmapParameters(
        [in] const VMR9AlphaBitmap* pBmpParms

    // Get bitmap, location to blend it, and blending value
    HRESULT GetAlphaBitmapParameters(
        [out] VMR9AlphaBitmap* pBmpParms

// IVMRSurface9
    helpstring("IVMRSurface Interface"),
interface IVMRSurface9 : IUnknown
    HRESULT IsSurfaceLocked();

    HRESULT LockSurface(
        [out] BYTE** lpSurface

    HRESULT UnlockSurface();

    HRESULT GetSurface(
        [out] IDirect3DSurface9** lplpSurface

// IID_IVMRImagePresenterConfig9 - this interface allows applications
// to configure the default Microsoft provided allocator-presenter
// inorder to simplify the implementation of their own
// allocator-presenter plug-in.
typedef enum {
    RenderPrefs9_DoNotRenderBorder           = 0x00000001, // app paints color keys
    RenderPrefs9_Mask                        = 0x00000001, // OR of all above flags
} VMR9RenderPrefs;
    helpstring("IVMRImagePresenterConfig9 Interface"),

interface IVMRImagePresenterConfig9 : IUnknown

    HRESULT SetRenderingPrefs(
        [in] DWORD dwRenderFlags   // see VMRRenderPrefs for valid flags

    HRESULT GetRenderingPrefs(
        [out] DWORD* dwRenderFlags // see VMRRenderPrefs for valid flags


// IVMRVideoStreamControl9
    helpstring("IVMRMixerStreamConfig Interface"),
interface IVMRVideoStreamControl9: IUnknown

    HRESULT SetStreamActiveState(
            [in] BOOL fActive

    HRESULT GetStreamActiveState(
            [out] BOOL* lpfActive

typedef enum {
    VMR9Mode_Windowed                        = 0x00000001,
    VMR9Mode_Windowless                      = 0x00000002,
    VMR9Mode_Renderless                      = 0x00000004,

    // not a valid value to pass to SetRenderMode
    VMR9Mode_Mask                            = 0x00000007, // OR of all above flags
} VMR9Mode;

    helpstring("IVMRFilterConfig9 Interface"),
interface IVMRFilterConfig9 : IUnknown
    HRESULT SetImageCompositor(
            [in] IVMRImageCompositor9* lpVMRImgCompositor

    HRESULT SetNumberOfStreams(
            [in] DWORD dwMaxStreams

    HRESULT GetNumberOfStreams(
            [out] DWORD* pdwMaxStreams

    HRESULT SetRenderingPrefs(
            [in] DWORD dwRenderFlags  // a combination of VMR9RenderPrefs

    HRESULT GetRenderingPrefs(
            [out] DWORD* pdwRenderFlags

    HRESULT SetRenderingMode(
            [in] DWORD Mode  // a combination of VMRMode

    HRESULT GetRenderingMode(
            [out] DWORD* pMode

// IVMRAspectRatioControl9
    helpstring("IVMRAspectRatioControl9 Interface"),
interface IVMRAspectRatioControl9 : IUnknown
    HRESULT GetAspectRatioMode(
        [out] LPDWORD lpdwARMode

    HRESULT SetAspectRatioMode(
        [in] DWORD dwARMode

// VMR Multimon configuration interface

typedef struct _VMR9MonitorInfo {
    UINT        uDevID;
    RECT        rcMonitor;
    HMONITOR    hMon;
    DWORD       dwFlags;    // described in MONITORINFOEX, currently only MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY
    wchar_t     szDevice[VMR9DEVICENAMELEN];
    wchar_t     szDescription[VMR9DEVICEDESCRIPTIONLEN];
    LARGE_INTEGER liDriverVersion;
    DWORD       dwVendorId;
    DWORD       dwDeviceId;
    DWORD       dwSubSysId;
    DWORD       dwRevision;
} VMR9MonitorInfo;

    helpstring("IVMRMonitorConfig9 Interface"),
interface IVMRMonitorConfig9 : IUnknown
    // Use this method on a Multi-Monitor system to specify to the
    // mixer filter which Direct Draw driver should be used when connecting
    // to an upstream decoder filter.
    HRESULT SetMonitor(
        [in] UINT uDev

    // Use this method to determine the direct draw object that will be used when
    // connecting the  mixer filter to an upstream decoder filter.
    HRESULT GetMonitor(
        [out] UINT *puDev

    // Use this method on a multi-monitor system to specify to the
    //  mixer filter the default Direct Draw device to use when
    // connecting to an upstream filter.  The default direct draw device
    // can be overriden for a particular connection by SetMonitor method
    // described above.
    HRESULT SetDefaultMonitor(
        [in] UINT uDev

    // Use this method on a multi-monitor system to determine which
    // is the default direct draw device the overlay mixer filter
    // will  use when connecting to an upstream filter.
    HRESULT GetDefaultMonitor(
        [out] UINT* puDev

    // Use this method to get a list of Direct Draw device GUIDs and thier
    // associated monitor information that the mixer can use when
    // connecting to an upstream decoder filter.  Passing down a NULL pInfo
    // parameter allows the app to determine the required array size (returned
    // in pdwNumDevices).  Otherwise, dwNumDevices returns the actual
    // number of devices retrieved.
    HRESULT GetAvailableMonitors(
        [out, size_is(dwMaxInfoArraySize)] VMR9MonitorInfo* pInfo,
        [in] DWORD dwMaxInfoArraySize, // in array members
        [out] DWORD* pdwNumDevices // actual number of devices retrieved

// IVMRDeinterlaceControl
// New interfaced introduced into the WindowsXP SP1 release of the VMR.
// This interface allows applications to control the DX-VA deinterlacing
// support provided by the VMR.
// The VMR needs to be set into "mixing" mode for this interface to work.
// SetDeinterlaceMode is only effective for new connections made to the
// VMR.  It should be noted that the graphics device driver may refuse
// to use the specified deinterlace mode, in which case 3 fallback
// policies are offered by the VMR, these being:
//      1. Fallback to the next best mode offered by the driver.
//      2. Fallback to the BOB deinterlace mode.
//      3. Fallback to the WEAVE deinterlace mode (ie. turn deinterlacing off).

typedef enum {
    DeinterlacePref9_NextBest = 0x01,
    DeinterlacePref9_BOB = 0x02,
    DeinterlacePref9_Weave = 0x04,
    DeinterlacePref9_Mask = 0x07
} VMR9DeinterlacePrefs;

typedef enum {

    // the algorithm is unknown or proprietary
    DeinterlaceTech9_Unknown                = 0x0000,

    // the algorithm creates the missing lines by repeating
    // the line either above or below it - this method will look very jaggy and
    // isn't recommended
    DeinterlaceTech9_BOBLineReplicate       = 0x0001,

    // the algorithm creates the missing lines by vertically stretching each
    // video field by a factor of two, for example by averaging two lines or
    // using a [-1, 9, 9, -1]/16 filter across four lines.
    // Slight vertical adjustments are made to ensure that the resulting image
    // does not "bob" up and down.
    DeinterlaceTech9_BOBVerticalStretch     = 0x0002,

    // the pixels in the missing line are recreated by a median filtering operation
    DeinterlaceTech9_MedianFiltering        = 0x0004,

    // the pixels in the missing line are recreated by an edge filter.
    // In this process, spatial directional filters are applied to determine
    // the orientation of edges in the picture content, and missing
    // pixels are created by filtering along (rather than across) the
    // detected edges.
    DeinterlaceTech9_EdgeFiltering          = 0x0010,

    // the pixels in the missing line are recreated by switching on a field by
    // field basis between using either spatial or temporal interpolation
    // depending on the amount of motion.
    DeinterlaceTech9_FieldAdaptive          = 0x0020,

    // the pixels in the missing line are recreated by switching on a pixel by pixel
    // basis between using either spatial or temporal interpolation depending on
    // the amount of motion..
    DeinterlaceTech9_PixelAdaptive          = 0x0040,

    // Motion Vector Steering  identifies objects within a sequence of video
    // fields.  The missing pixels are recreated after first aligning the
    // movement axes of the individual objects in the scene to make them
    // parallel with the time axis.
    DeinterlaceTech9_MotionVectorSteered      = 0x0080

} VMR9DeinterlaceTech;

typedef struct _VMR9Frequency {
    DWORD dwNumerator;
    DWORD dwDenominator;
} VMR9Frequency;

typedef enum _VMR9_SampleFormat {
    VMR9_SampleReserved      = 1,
    VMR9_SampleProgressiveFrame = 2,
    VMR9_SampleFieldInterleavedEvenFirst = 3,
    VMR9_SampleFieldInterleavedOddFirst = 4,
    VMR9_SampleFieldSingleEven = 5,
    VMR9_SampleFieldSingleOdd = 6,
} VMR9_SampleFormat;

typedef struct _VMR9VideoDesc {
    DWORD               dwSize;
    DWORD               dwSampleWidth;
    DWORD               dwSampleHeight;
    VMR9_SampleFormat   SampleFormat;
    DWORD               dwFourCC;
    VMR9Frequency       InputSampleFreq;
    VMR9Frequency       OutputFrameFreq;
} VMR9VideoDesc;

typedef struct _VMR9DeinterlaceCaps {
    DWORD               dwSize;
    DWORD               dwNumPreviousOutputFrames;
    DWORD               dwNumForwardRefSamples;
    DWORD               dwNumBackwardRefSamples;
    VMR9DeinterlaceTech DeinterlaceTechnology;
} VMR9DeinterlaceCaps;

    helpstring("IVMRDeinterlaceControl9 Interface"),
interface IVMRDeinterlaceControl9 : IUnknown
    // For the specified video description returns the
    // number of deinterlacing modes available to the VMR.
    // The deinterlacing modes are returned in descending
    // quality order ie. the best quality mode is at
    // lpdwNumDeinterlaceModes[0], the next best at
    // lpdwNumDeinterlaceModes[1] and so on.
    // To determine how big an array of guids to pass to the
    // GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes method call
    // GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes(lpVideoDescription, &dwNumModes, NULL);
    HRESULT GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes(
        [in] VMR9VideoDesc* lpVideoDescription,
        [in] [out] LPDWORD lpdwNumDeinterlaceModes,
        [out] LPGUID lpDeinterlaceModes

    // For the given video description get the capabilities of the
    // specified de-interlace mode.
    HRESULT GetDeinterlaceModeCaps(
        [in] LPGUID lpDeinterlaceMode,
        [in] VMR9VideoDesc* lpVideoDescription,
        [out] VMR9DeinterlaceCaps* lpDeinterlaceCaps

    // Get/Set the deinterlace mode that you would like the
    // VMR to use when de-interlacing the specified stream.
    // It should be noted that the VMR may not actually be able
    // to use the requested deinterlace mode, in which case the
    // the VMR will fall back to other de-interlace modes as specified
    // by the de-interlace preferences (see SetDeinterlacePrefs below).
    HRESULT GetDeinterlaceMode(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [out] LPGUID lpDeinterlaceMode  // returns GUID_NULL if SetDeinterlaceMode
        );                              // has not been called yet.

    HRESULT SetDeinterlaceMode(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,          // use 0xFFFFFFFF to set mode for all streams
        [in] LPGUID lpDeinterlaceMode   // GUID_NULL == turn deinterlacing off

    HRESULT GetDeinterlacePrefs(
        [out] LPDWORD lpdwDeinterlacePrefs

    HRESULT SetDeinterlacePrefs(
        [in] DWORD dwDeinterlacePrefs

    // Get the DeinterlaceMode currently in use for the specified
    // video stream (ie. pin).  The returned GUID will be NULL if
    // the de-interlacing h/w has not been created by the VMR at the
    // time the function is called, or if the VMR determines that
    // this stream should not or can be de-interlaced.
    HRESULT GetActualDeinterlaceMode(
        [in] DWORD dwStreamID,
        [out] LPGUID lpDeinterlaceMode

// IVMRImageCompositor9

typedef struct _VMR9VideoStreamInfo {
    IDirect3DSurface9*          pddsVideoSurface;
    DWORD                       dwWidth, dwHeight;
    DWORD                       dwStrmID;
    FLOAT                       fAlpha;
    VMR9NormalizedRect          rNormal;
    REFERENCE_TIME              rtStart;
    REFERENCE_TIME              rtEnd;
    VMR9_SampleFormat           SampleFormat;
} VMR9VideoStreamInfo;
    helpstring("IVMRImageCompositor9 Interface"),
interface IVMRImageCompositor9 : IUnknown
    HRESULT InitCompositionDevice(
        [in] IUnknown* pD3DDevice

    HRESULT TermCompositionDevice(
        [in] IUnknown* pD3DDevice

    HRESULT SetStreamMediaType(
        [in] DWORD dwStrmID,
        [in] AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt,
        [in] BOOL fTexture

    HRESULT CompositeImage(
        [in] IUnknown* pD3DDevice,
        [in] IDirect3DSurface9* pddsRenderTarget,
        [in] AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmtRenderTarget,
        [in] REFERENCE_TIME rtStart,
        [in] REFERENCE_TIME rtEnd,
        [in] D3DCOLOR dwClrBkGnd,
        [in] VMR9VideoStreamInfo* pVideoStreamInfo,
        [in] UINT cStreams