#include "common.h" #ifndef MASTER #include "main.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Ped.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "Text.h" static char ObjectiveText[][28] = { "No Obj", "Wait on Foot", "Flee on Foot Till Safe", "Guard Spot", "Guard Area", "Wait in Car", "Wait in Car then Getout", "Kill Char on Foot", "Kill Char Any Means", "Flee Char on Foot Till Safe", "Flee Char on Foot Always", "GoTo Char on Foot", "Follow Char in Formation", "Leave Car", "Enter Car as Passenger", "Enter Car as Driver", "Follow Car in Car", "Fire at Obj from Vehicle", "Destroy Obj", "Destroy Car", "GoTo Area Any Means", "GoTo Area on Foot", "Run to Area", "GoTo Area in Car", "Follow Car on Foot Woffset", "Guard Attack", "Set Leader", "Follow Route", "Solicit", "Take Taxi", "Catch Train", "Buy IceCream", "Steal Any Car", "Mug Char", #ifdef VC_PED_PORTS "Leave Car and Die" #endif }; static char StateText[][18] = { "None", "Idle", "Look Entity", "Look Heading", "Wander Range", "Wander Path", "Seek Pos", "Seek Entity", "Flee Pos", "Flee Entity", "Pursue", "Follow Path", "Sniper Mode", "Rocket Mode", "Dummy", "Pause", "Attack", "Fight", "Face Phone", "Make Call", "Chat", "Mug", "AimGun", "AI Control", "Seek Car", "Seek InBoat", "Follow Route", "C.P.R.", "Solicit", "Buy IceCream", "Investigate", "Step away", "On Fire", "Unknown", "STATES_NO_AI", "Jump", "Fall", "GetUp", "Stagger", "Dive away", "STATES_NO_ST", "Enter Train", "Exit Train", "Arrest Plyr", "Driving", "Passenger", "Taxi Passngr", "Open Door", "Die", "Dead", "CarJack", "Drag fm Car", "Enter Car", "Steal Car", "Exit Car", "Hands Up", "Arrested", }; static char PersonalityTypeText[][18] = { "Player", "Cop", "Medic", "Fireman", "Gang 1", "Gang 2", "Gang 3", "Gang 4", "Gang 5", "Gang 6", "Gang 7", "Street Guy", "Suit Guy", "Sensible Guy", "Geek Guy", "Old Guy", "Tough Guy", "Street Girl", "Suit Girl", "Sensible Girl", "Geek Girl", "Old Girl", "Tough Girl", "Tramp Male", "Tramp Female", "Tourist", "Prostitute", "Criminal", "Busker", "Taxi Driver", "Psycho", "Steward", "Sports Fan", "Shopper", "Old Shopper" }; static char WaitStateText[][16] = { "No Wait", "Traffic Lights", "Pause CrossRoad", "Look CrossRoad", "Look Ped", "Look Shop", "Look Accident", "FaceOff Gang", "Double Back", "Hit Wall", "Turn 180deg", "Surprised", "Ped Stuck", "Look About", "Play Duck", "Play Cower", "Play Taxi", "Play HandsUp", "Play HandsCower", "Play Chat", "Finish Flee", }; void CPed::DebugDrawPedDestination(CPed *, int, int) { #ifndef FINAL // TODO: something was here #endif // !FINAL } void CPed::DebugDrawPedDesiredHeading(CPed *, int, int) { #ifndef FINAL // TODO: something was here #endif // !FINAL } void CPed::DebugDrawCollisionRadius(float, float, float, float, int) { #ifndef FINAL // TODO: something was here #endif // !FINAL } void CPed::DebugDrawVisionRange(CVector a1, float) { for (int i = a1.x - 90; i < a1.x + 89; i += 30) { #ifndef FINAL // TODO: something was here #endif // !FINAL } } void CPed::DebugDrawVisionSimple(CVector, float) { #ifndef FINAL // TODO: something was here #endif // !FINAL } void CPed::DebugDrawLook() { #ifndef FINAL // TODO: something was here #endif // !FINAL } void CPed::DebugDrawPedPsyche() { #ifndef FINAL // TODO: something was here #endif // !FINAL } void CPed::DebugDrawDebugLines() { #ifndef FINAL // TODO: something was here #endif // !FINAL } int nDisplayDebugInfo = 0; void CPed::SwitchDebugDisplay(void) { if (++nDisplayDebugInfo > 2) nDisplayDebugInfo = 0; } int CPed::GetDebugDisplay(void) { return nDisplayDebugInfo; } void CPed::DebugDrawLookAtPoints() { // TODO: mobile code } void CPed::DebugRenderOnePedText(void) { if ((GetPosition() - TheCamera.GetPosition()).MagnitudeSqr() < sq(30.0f)) { float width, height; RwV3d screenCoords; CVector bitAbove = GetPosition(); bitAbove.z += 2.0f; if (CSprite::CalcScreenCoors(bitAbove, &screenCoords, &width, &height, true)) { float lineHeight = SCREEN_SCALE_Y(Min(height / 100.0f, 0.7f) * 22.0f); DefinedState(); CFont::SetPropOn(); CFont::SetBackgroundOn(); // Originally both of them were being divided by 60.0f. float xScale = Min(width / 240.0f, 0.7f); float yScale = Min(height / 80.0f, 0.7f); CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(xScale), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(yScale)); CFont::SetCentreOn(); CFont::SetCentreSize(SCREEN_WIDTH); CFont::SetJustifyOff(); CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(255, 255, 0, 255)); CFont::SetBackGroundOnlyTextOn(); CFont::SetFontStyle(0); AsciiToUnicode(StateText[m_nPedState], gUString); CFont::PrintString(screenCoords.x, screenCoords.y, gUString); AsciiToUnicode(ObjectiveText[m_objective], gUString); CFont::PrintString(screenCoords.x, screenCoords.y + lineHeight, gUString); AsciiToUnicode(PersonalityTypeText[m_pedStats->m_type], gUString); CFont::PrintString(screenCoords.x, screenCoords.y + 2 * lineHeight, gUString); AsciiToUnicode(WaitStateText[m_nWaitState], gUString); CFont::PrintString(screenCoords.x, screenCoords.y + 3 * lineHeight, gUString); if (m_nPedState == PED_SEEK_POS || m_nPedState == PED_SEEK_ENTITY) { sprintf(gString, "Safe distance to target: %.2f", m_distanceToCountSeekDone); AsciiToUnicode(gString, gUString); CFont::PrintString(screenCoords.x, screenCoords.y + 4 * lineHeight, gUString); } DefinedState(); } } } void CPed::DebugRenderClosePedText() { // TODO: mobile code } #endif