2024-10-11 22:17:30 +02:00

131 lines
4.8 KiB

from typing import Optional
from time import time
from html import escape
from mautrix.types import TextMessageEventContent, MessageType, Format, RelatesTo, RelationType
from maubot import Plugin, MessageEvent
from maubot.handlers import command
import sqlite3
class PizzaBot(Plugin):
def __init__(self):
def plural(num: float, unit: str, decimals: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
num = round(num, decimals)
if num == 1:
return f"{num} {unit}"
return f"{num} {unit}s"
def create_db () -> None:
s = sqlite3.connect("pizza.db")
c = s.cursor()
CREATE TABLE if not exists pizza_table(
order text NOT NULL,
owner text NOT NULL,
count integer DEFAULT 1,
ts integer NOT NULL
def ms():
return round(time.time()*1000)
def insert(owner, text) -> None:
s = sqlite3.connect("pizza.db")
c = s.cursor()
c.execute("INSERT INTO pizza_table (order,owner,ts) VALUES (?,?,?)", (owner,text, ms()))
def lookup(text) -> bool:
s = sqlite3.connect("pizza.db")
c = s.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT order FROM pizza_table where owner = ? ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1;", (owner))
r = c.fetchone()
return r is not None
def lookup_order() -> str:
s = sqlite3.connect("pizza.db")
c = s.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT order FROM pizza_table where ts > ? ORDER BY ts DESC;", (ms() - 60*60*4))
r = c.fetchall()
msg = "Saved orders within the last 4 hours:"
for entry in r:
msg += str(entry[0]) + "\n"
return msg"pizza", help="Add a Pizza")
@command.argument("message", pass_raw=True, required=True)
async def ping_handler(self, evt: MessageEvent, message: str = "") -> None:
owner = evt.sender.split(":", 1)[1]
if not lookup(owner):
insert(owner, message)"order", help="Show complete order")
@command.argument("message", pass_raw=True, required=True)
async def ping_handler(self, evt: MessageEvent, message: str = "") -> None:
owner = evt.sender.split(":", 1)[1]
msg = lookup_order()
await evt.respond(msg)
def prettify_diff(cls, diff: int) -> str:
if abs(diff) < 10 * 1_000:
return f"{diff} ms"
elif abs(diff) < 60 * 1_000:
return cls.plural(diff / 1_000, 'second', decimals=1)
minutes, seconds = divmod(diff / 1_000, 60)
if abs(minutes) < 60:
return f"{cls.plural(minutes, 'minute')} and {cls.plural(seconds, 'second')}"
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
if abs(hours) < 24:
return (f"{cls.plural(hours, 'hour')}, {cls.plural(minutes, 'minute')}"
f" and {cls.plural(seconds, 'second')}")
days, hours = divmod(hours, 24)
return (f"{cls.plural(days, 'day')}, {cls.plural(hours, 'hour')}, "
f"{cls.plural(minutes, 'minute')} and {cls.plural(seconds, 'second')}")"ping", help="Ping")
@command.argument("message", pass_raw=True, required=False)
async def ping_handler(self, evt: MessageEvent, message: str = "") -> None:
diff = int(time() * 1000) - evt.timestamp
pretty_diff = self.prettify_diff(diff)
text_message = f'"{message[:20]}" took' if message else "took"
html_message = f'"{escape(message[:20])}" took' if message else "took"
content = TextMessageEventContent(
msgtype=MessageType.NOTICE, format=Format.HTML,
body=f"{evt.sender}: Pong! (ping {text_message} {pretty_diff} to arrive)",
formatted_body=f"<a href='{evt.sender}'>{evt.sender}</a>: Pong! "
f"(<a href='{evt.room_id}/{evt.event_id}'>ping</a> {html_message} "
f"{pretty_diff} to arrive)",
pong_from = evt.sender.split(":", 1)[1]
content.relates_to["from"] = pong_from
content.relates_to["ms"] = diff
content["pong"] = {
"ms": diff,
"from": pong_from,
"ping": evt.event_id,
await evt.respond(content)"echo", help="Repeat a message")
@command.argument("message", pass_raw=True)
async def echo_handler(self, evt: MessageEvent, message: str) -> None:
await evt.respond(message)