import unittest from collections import OrderedDict from hashlib import sha1 from nyaa import utils class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase): def test_sha1_hash(self): bencoded_test_data = b'd5:hello5:world7:numbersli1ei2eee' self.assertEqual( utils.sha1_hash(bencoded_test_data), sha1(bencoded_test_data).digest()) def test_sorted_pathdict(self): initial = { '': 11805, '': 34247, '': 6499, '': 11948, 'static': { 'img': { 'nyaa.png': 1200, 'sukebei.png': 1100, }, 'js': { 'main.js': 3000, }, }, '': 5148, '': 24293, 'templates': { 'upload.html': 3000, 'home.html': 1200, 'layout.html': 23000, }, '': 14700, } expected = OrderedDict({ 'static': OrderedDict({ 'img': OrderedDict({ 'nyaa.png': 1200, 'sukebei.png': 1100, }), 'js': OrderedDict({ 'main.js': 3000, }), }), 'templates': OrderedDict({ 'home.html': 1200, 'layout.html': 23000, 'upload.html': 3000, }), '': 6499, '': 11805, '': 24293, '': 34247, '': 5148, '': 11948, '': 14700, }) self.assertDictEqual(utils.sorted_pathdict(initial), expected) @unittest.skip('Not yet implemented') def test_cached_function(self): # TODO: Test with a function that generates something random? pass def test_flatten_dict(self): initial = OrderedDict({ 'static': OrderedDict({ 'img': OrderedDict({ 'nyaa.png': 1200, 'sukebei.png': 1100, }), 'js': OrderedDict({ 'main.js': 3000, }), 'favicon.ico': 1000, }), 'templates': [ {'home.html': 1200}, {'layout.html': 23000}, {'upload.html': 3000}, ], '': 6499, '': 11805, '': 24293, '': 34247, '': 5148, '': 11948, '': 14700, }) expected = { 'static/img/nyaa.png': 1200, 'static/img/sukebei.png': 1100, 'static/js/main.js': 3000, 'static/favicon.ico': 1000, 'templates/home.html': 1200, 'templates/layout.html': 23000, 'templates/upload.html': 3000, '': 6499, '': 11805, '': 24293, '': 34247, '': 5148, '': 14700, '': 11948, } self.assertDictEqual(utils.flatten_dict(initial), expected) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()