{% extends "layout.html" %} {% from "_formhelpers.html" import render_field, render_menu_with_button %} {%- macro review_class(rec) -%} {%- if rec.name == 'ACCEPT' -%} {{ 'panel-success' -}} {%- elif rec.name == 'REJECT' -%} {{ 'panel-danger' -}} {%- elif rec.name == 'ABSTAIN' -%} {{ 'panel-default' -}} {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%} {% block title %}{{ app.submitter.username }}'s Application :: {{ config.SITE_NAME }}{% endblock %} {% block body %}

{{ app.submitter.username }}'s Application

Submitted on
{{ app.created_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') }}
{{ app.status.name.capitalize() }}

Why do you think you should be given trusted status?

{{- app.why_give | escape | replace('\r\n', '\n') | replace('\n', ' '|safe) -}}

Why do you want to become a trusted user?

{{- app.why_want | escape | replace('\r\n', '\n') | replace('\n', ' '|safe) -}}
{%- if decision_form -%} {%- endif -%}

Reviews - {{ app.reviews | length }}

{% for rev in app.reviews %}

{{ rev.reviewer.username }}'s Review

{{- rev.comment | escape | replace('\r\n', '\n') | replace('\n', ' '|safe) -}}
{% endfor %}
{{ review_form.csrf_token }}
{{ render_field(review_form.comment, class_="form-control") }}
{{ render_menu_with_button(review_form.recommendation, 'Submit') }}
{% endblock %}