
182 lines
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import flask
from nyaa import app, db
from nyaa import models, forms
from nyaa import bencode, utils
import os
import json
from werkzeug import secure_filename
from collections import OrderedDict
from orderedset import OrderedSet
from ipaddress import ip_address
def get_category_id_map():
''' Reads database for categories and turns them into a dict with
ids as keys and name list as the value, ala
{'1_0': ['Anime'], '1_2': ['Anime', 'English-translated'], ...} '''
cat_id_map = {}
for main_cat in models.MainCategory.query:
cat_id_map[main_cat.id_as_string] = [main_cat.name]
for sub_cat in main_cat.sub_categories:
cat_id_map[sub_cat.id_as_string] = [main_cat.name, sub_cat.name]
return cat_id_map
def _replace_utf8_values(dict_or_list):
''' Will replace 'property' with 'property.utf-8' and remove latter if it exists.
Thanks, bitcomet! :/ '''
did_change = False
if isinstance(dict_or_list, dict):
for key in [key for key in dict_or_list.keys() if key.endswith('.utf-8')]:
dict_or_list[key.replace('.utf-8', '')] = dict_or_list.pop(key)
did_change = True
for value in dict_or_list.values():
did_change = _replace_utf8_values(value) or did_change
elif isinstance(dict_or_list, list):
for item in dict_or_list:
did_change = _replace_utf8_values(item) or did_change
return did_change
2017-05-18 03:56:36 +00:00
def handle_torrent_upload(upload_form, uploading_user=None, fromAPI=False):
torrent_data = upload_form.torrent_file.parsed_data
# The torrent has been validated and is safe to access with ['foo'] etc - all relevant
# keys and values have been checked for (see UploadForm in forms.py for details)
info_dict = torrent_data.torrent_dict['info']
changed_to_utf8 = _replace_utf8_values(torrent_data.torrent_dict)
# Use uploader-given name or grab it from the torrent
display_name = upload_form.display_name.data.strip() or info_dict['name'].decode('utf8').strip()
information = (upload_form.information.data or '').strip()
description = (upload_form.description.data or '').strip()
torrent_filesize = info_dict.get('length') or sum(
f['length'] for f in info_dict.get('files'))
# In case no encoding, assume UTF-8.
torrent_encoding = torrent_data.torrent_dict.get('encoding', b'utf-8').decode('utf-8')
torrent = models.Torrent(info_hash=torrent_data.info_hash,
# Store bencoded info_dict
torrent.info = models.TorrentInfo(info_dict=torrent_data.bencoded_info_dict)
torrent.stats = models.Statistic()
torrent.has_torrent = True
# Fields with default value will be None before first commit, so set .flags
torrent.flags = 0
torrent.anonymous = upload_form.is_anonymous.data if uploading_user else True
torrent.hidden = upload_form.is_hidden.data
torrent.remake = upload_form.is_remake.data
torrent.complete = upload_form.is_complete.data
# Copy trusted status from user if possible
2017-05-20 18:56:22 +00:00
can_mark_trusted = uploading_user and uploading_user.is_trusted
# To do, automatically mark trusted if user is trusted unless user specifies otherwise
2017-05-22 14:03:34 +00:00
torrent.trusted = upload_form.is_trusted.data if can_mark_trusted else False
# Set category ids
2017-05-19 12:36:33 +00:00
torrent.main_category_id, torrent.sub_category_id = \
# To simplify parsing the filelist, turn single-file torrent into a list
torrent_filelist = info_dict.get('files')
used_path_encoding = changed_to_utf8 and 'utf-8' or torrent_encoding
parsed_file_tree = dict()
if not torrent_filelist:
# If single-file, the root will be the file-tree (no directory)
file_tree_root = parsed_file_tree
torrent_filelist = [{'length': torrent_filesize, 'path': [info_dict['name']]}]
# If multi-file, use the directory name as root for files
file_tree_root = parsed_file_tree.setdefault(
info_dict['name'].decode(used_path_encoding), {})
# Parse file dicts into a tree
for file_dict in torrent_filelist:
# Decode path parts from utf8-bytes
path_parts = [path_part.decode(used_path_encoding) for path_part in file_dict['path']]
filename = path_parts.pop()
current_directory = file_tree_root
for directory in path_parts:
current_directory = current_directory.setdefault(directory, {})
# Don't add empty filenames (BitComet directory)
if filename:
current_directory[filename] = file_dict['length']
parsed_file_tree = utils.sorted_pathdict(parsed_file_tree)
json_bytes = json.dumps(parsed_file_tree, separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf8')
torrent.filelist = models.TorrentFilelist(filelist_blob=json_bytes)
# Store the users trackers
trackers = OrderedSet()
announce = torrent_data.torrent_dict.get('announce', b'').decode('ascii')
if announce:
# List of lists with single item
announce_list = torrent_data.torrent_dict.get('announce-list', [])
for announce in announce_list:
# Remove our trackers, maybe? TODO ?
# Search for/Add trackers in DB
db_trackers = OrderedSet()
for announce in trackers:
tracker = models.Trackers.by_uri(announce)
# Insert new tracker if not found
if not tracker:
tracker = models.Trackers(uri=announce)
2017-05-23 13:18:17 +00:00
# Store tracker refs in DB
for order, tracker in enumerate(db_trackers):
torrent_tracker = models.TorrentTrackers(torrent_id=torrent.id,
2017-05-14 06:25:01 +00:00
tracker_id=tracker.id, order=order)
# Store the actual torrent file as well
torrent_file = upload_form.torrent_file.data
if app.config.get('BACKUP_TORRENT_FOLDER'):
torrent_file.seek(0, 0)
torrent_dir = app.config['BACKUP_TORRENT_FOLDER']
if not os.path.exists(torrent_dir):
2017-05-14 06:25:01 +00:00
torrent_path = os.path.join(torrent_dir, '{}.{}'.format(
torrent.id, secure_filename(torrent_file.filename)))
2017-05-14 06:25:01 +00:00
return torrent