#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #define IRLED_PIN 4 #define RECV_PIN 5 #define TOPIC "foobar/aerie/lounge/hifi" // Update these with values suitable for your network. const char* ssid = "foobar"; const char* password = ""; const char* mqtt_server = ""; decode_results results; IRsend irsend(IRLED_PIN); IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); //1024, 15U, true); WiFiClient espClient; PubSubClient client(espClient); typedef struct { /* 501 bytes for 20 commands */ uint32_t codes[20]; char commands[20][20]; uint8_t command_lengths[20]; uint8_t size; } storage; storage store; int deleteCommand(char * command, uint8_t length){ if (length < 20 && store.size > 1){ for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < store.size ; i++){ if ( strncmp(command, store.commands[i], length ) == 0){ memcpy( store.commands[i], store.commands[store.size], store.command_lengths[store.size]); store.command_lengths[i] = store.command_lengths[store.size]; store.codes[i] = store.codes[store.size]; store.size--; saveStore(); return 0; } } } return -1; } int saveCommand(char * command, uint8_t length, uint32_t code){ if ( length < 20){ memcpy( store.commands[store.size], command, length ); store.command_lengths[store.size] = length; store.codes[store.size] = code; store.size++; saveStore(); return 0; } return -1; } int saveStore(){ EEPROM.begin(512); // 4096 Possible EEPROM.put( 0, store ); // address of begin of eeprom "0" delay(200); EEPROM.commit(); // Only needed for ESP8266 to get data written EEPROM.end(); // Free RAM copy of structure } int loadStore(){ EEPROM.begin(512); EEPROM.get(0, store); EEPROM.end(); } void setup_wifi() { delay(10); // We start by connecting to a WiFi network Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println("Connected!"); randomSeed(micros()); /* Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); Serial.println("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); */ } int check(char * buf, int length){ char * a = buf; for (;a-buf < length;a++){ Serial.println(a); if (*a >= 58 || *a <= 47) return 0; } return 1; } int checkHex(char * buf, int length){ char * a = buf; for (;a-buf < length;a++){ //Serial.println(a); if (!(*a < 58 && *a > 47 || *a > 64 && *a < 71 || *a > 96 && *a < 103)) return 0; } return 1; } void callback(char* topic, byte* p, unsigned int length) { char *payload = (char *)p; if ( length >= 6 ){ if ( strncmp(payload, "beamer", 6) == 0){ irsend.sendNEC(0x5ea1936cUL,32); } if ( strncmp(payload, "lauter", 6) == 0){ irsend.sendNEC(0x5EA158A7UL,32); } if ( strncmp(payload, "leiser", 6) == 0){ irsend.sendNEC(0x5EA1D827UL,32); } } if ( length >= 7 ){ if ( strncmp(payload, "standby", 7) == 0){ irsend.sendNEC(0x7E81FE01UL,32); } } if ( length >= 5 ){ if ( strncmp(payload, "power", 5) == 0){ irsend.sendNEC(0x7e817e81UL,32); } } if ( length >= 3 ){ if ( strncmp(payload, "dvd", 3) == 0){ irsend.sendNEC(0x5ea1837cUL,32); } if ( strncmp(payload, "mpd", 3) == 0){ irsend.sendNEC(0x5ea1c837UL, 32); } if ( strncmp(payload, "dtv", 3) == 0){ irsend.sendNEC(0x5ea12ad5UL,32); } } if ( store.size > 0){ for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < store.size; i++){ if (strncmp(payload, store.commands[i], store.command_lengths[i]) == 0){ irsend.sendNEC(store.codes[i],32); } } } if ( length > 16 && strncmp(payload, "record:", 7) == 0){ //record:command:code //Serial.println("Custom0"); char * a = payload + 7; char command[20]; uint8_t length = 0; uint32_t code = 0; memcpy(command, NULL, 20); int i = 0; for ( ; i < 20; i++ ){ if (*(a+i) == ':'){ memcpy(command, a, i); length = i; } } if ( checkHex(a+i+1,8) ){ char *start = a+1+i; char *end = a+i+8; *(end+1) = ' '; code = strtoul(start,&end,16); } if ( code != 0 && length != 0){ if ( saveCommand(command, length, code) == 0 ){ char buff[35]; char * pos = buff; pos += sprintf(pos, "%s","Added command: "); pos += sprintf(pos, "%s", command); client.publish(TOPIC, buff); } } } if ( length > 16 && strncmp(payload, "delete:", 7) == 0){ //delete:comamnd: //Serial.println("Custom0"); char * a = payload + 7; char command[20]; uint8_t length = 0; memcpy(command, NULL, 20); int i = 0; for ( ; i < 20; i++ ){ if (*(a+i) == ':'){ memcpy(command, a, i); length = i; } } if ( length > 0 ){ if (deleteCommand(command, length) == 0){ char buff[37]; char * pos = buff; pos += sprintf(pos, "%s","deleted command: "); pos += sprintf(pos, "%s", command); client.publish(TOPIC, buff); } } } if ( length > 11 && strncmp(payload, "nec:", 4) == 0){ //Serial.println("Custom0"); if ( checkHex(payload+4, 8)){ char *start = payload + 4; char *end = payload + 7 + 4; *(end+1) = ' '; unsigned int nec_code = strtoul (start, &end, 16); irsend.sendNEC(nec_code, 32); char buff[20]; char * pos = buff; Serial.println(nec_code); pos += sprintf(pos, "%s","Sent NEC Code: "); pos += sprintf(pos, "%X", nec_code); Serial.println(buff); client.publish(TOPIC, buff); } } } void reconnect() { while (!client.connected()) { String clientId = "HIFI LOUNGE CTRL"; clientId += String(random(0xffff), HEX); if (client.connect(clientId.c_str())) { client.publish(TOPIC, "HIFI Control Online"); client.subscribe(TOPIC); } else { delay(5000); } } } void setup() { pinMode(IRLED_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(IRLED_PIN, LOW); // Turn the LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level// Initialize the BUILTIN_LED pin as an output Serial.begin(115200); setup_wifi(); client.setServer(mqtt_server, 1883); client.setCallback(callback); irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver loadStore(); } void loop() { if (!client.connected()) { reconnect(); } client.loop(); if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { Serial.println("entered irrecv decoding phase"); if (results.overflow){ client.publish(TOPIC, "Parsing failed!"); } else { char msg_buf[51] = "32bit Representation NEC Code:\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; itoa(results.value, (msg_buf+30), 16); serialPrintUint64(results.value, HEX); client.publish(TOPIC, msg_buf); } irrecv.resume(); } } /* 7e81fe01 standby 7e817e81 power 5ea1c837 dvr 5ea1936c md/cd-r 5ea16897 tuner 5ea1e11e multi channel in Code:5ea1837c dvd Code:5ea12ad5 dtv */