/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2018 hcab14@mail.com. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "adaptive_dfe_impl.h" #define VOLK_SAFE_DELETE(x) \ volk_free(x); \ x = nullptr namespace gr { namespace digitalhf { namespace { class GILLock { PyGILState_STATE _state; public: GILLock() :_state(PyGILState_Ensure()) {} ~GILLock() { PyGILState_Release(_state); } } ; } adaptive_dfe::sptr adaptive_dfe::make(int sps, // samples per symbol int nB, // number of forward FIR taps int nF, // number of backward FIR taps int nW, // number of feedback taps std::string python_module_name) { return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr (new adaptive_dfe_impl(sps, nB, nF, nW, python_module_name)); } /* * The private constructor */ adaptive_dfe_impl::adaptive_dfe_impl(int sps, // samples per symbol int nB, // number of forward FIR taps int nF, // number of backward FIR taps int nW, // number of feedback taps std::string python_module_name) : gr::block("adaptive_dfe", gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)), gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex))) , _sps(sps) , _nB(nB) , _nF(nF) , _nW(nW) , _mu(0.01) , _alpha(0.0005) , _py_module_name(python_module_name) , _physicalLayer() , _taps_samples(nullptr) , _taps_symbols(nullptr) , _hist_samples(nullptr) , _hist_symbols(nullptr) , _hist_sample_index(0) , _hist_symbol_index(0) , _sample_counter(0) , _constellations() , _constellation_index() , _symbols() , _scramble() , _descrambled_symbols() , _symbol_counter(0) , _df(0) , _phase(0) , _b{0.338187046465954, -0.288839024460507} , _ud(0) , _state(WAIT_FOR_PREAMBLE) { } /* * Our virtual destructor. */ adaptive_dfe_impl::~adaptive_dfe_impl() { VOLK_SAFE_DELETE(_taps_samples); VOLK_SAFE_DELETE(_taps_symbols); VOLK_SAFE_DELETE(_hist_samples); VOLK_SAFE_DELETE(_hist_symbols); } void adaptive_dfe_impl::forecast (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required) { ninput_items_required[0] = _sps*noutput_items; } int adaptive_dfe_impl::general_work(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items) { gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock); gr_complex const* in = (gr_complex const *)input_items[0]; gr_complex *out = (gr_complex *)output_items[0]; int nout = 0; int i = 0; for (; i(), boost::python::make_tuple(_descrambled_symbols.size()), boost::python::make_tuple(sizeof(gr_complex)), boost::python::object()); update_doppler_information(_physicalLayer.attr("get_doppler")(s)); update_frame_information(_physicalLayer.attr("get_frame")()); } catch (boost::python::error_already_set const&) { PyErr_Print(); } } gr_complex known_symbol = _symbols[_symbol_counter]; bool is_known = true; for (int k=0; k<1; ++k) { filter_output = 0; #if 1 volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc(&filter_output, _hist_samples+_hist_sample_index, _taps_samples, _nB+_nF+1); #else for (int l=0; l<_nB+_nF+1; ++l) { assert(_hist_sample_index+l < 2*(_nB+_nF+1)); filter_output += _hist_samples[_hist_sample_index+l]*_taps_samples[l]; } #endif gr_complex dot_symbols=0; for (int l=0; l<_nW; ++l) { assert(_hist_symbol_index+l < 2*_nW); dot_symbols += _hist_symbols[_hist_symbol_index+l]*_taps_symbols[l]; } filter_output += dot_symbols; if (std::abs(known_symbol) < 1e-5) { // not known is_known = false; gr_complex descrambled_filter_output = std::conj(_scramble[_symbol_counter]) * filter_output; gr::digital::constellation_sptr constell = _constellations[_constellation_index]; unsigned int jc = constell->decision_maker(&descrambled_filter_output); constell->map_to_points(jc, &descrambled_filter_output); known_symbol = _scramble[_symbol_counter] * descrambled_filter_output; } gr_complex err = filter_output - known_symbol; if (_symbol_counter >= 0) { for (int j=0; j<_nB+_nF+1; ++j) { _taps_samples[j] -= _mu*err*std::conj(_hist_samples[_hist_sample_index+j]); } for (int j=0; j<_nW; ++j) { assert(_hist_symbol_index+j < 2*_nW); _taps_symbols[j] -= _mu*err*std::conj(_hist_symbols[_hist_symbol_index+j]) + _alpha*_taps_symbols[j]; } } // if (_sample_counter < 80*5) // std::cout << "filter: " << _symbol_counter << " " << _sample_counter << " " << filter_output << " " << known_symbol << " " << std::abs(err) << std::endl; } if (is_known) { _taps_symbols[_hist_symbol_index] = _taps_symbols[_hist_symbol_index + _nW] = known_symbol; if (++_hist_symbol_index == _nW) _hist_symbol_index = 0; } _descrambled_symbols[_symbol_counter] = filter_output*std::conj(_scramble[_symbol_counter]); out[nout++] = filter_output; ++_symbol_counter; } _sample_counter += 1; } } consume(0, i); // Tell runtime system how many output items we produced. return nout; } bool adaptive_dfe_impl::start() { gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock); // make sure python is ready for threading if( Py_IsInitialized() ){ GILLock gil_lock; if(PyEval_ThreadsInitialized() != 1 ){ PyEval_InitThreads(); } boost::python::numpy::initialize(); } else { throw std::runtime_error("dont use adaptive_dfe without python!"); } _taps_samples = (gr_complex*)(volk_malloc( (_nB+_nF+1)*sizeof(gr_complex), volk_get_alignment())); _taps_symbols = (gr_complex*)(volk_malloc( _nW*sizeof(gr_complex), volk_get_alignment())); _hist_samples = (gr_complex*)(volk_malloc(2*(_nB+_nF+1)*sizeof(gr_complex), volk_get_alignment())); _hist_symbols = (gr_complex*)(volk_malloc( 2*_nW*sizeof(gr_complex), volk_get_alignment())); _taps_samples[_nB+1] = 1; _taps_symbols[0] = 1; std::cout << "adaptive_dfe_impl::start()" << std::endl; GILLock gil_lock; try { boost::python::object module = boost::python::import(boost::python::str("digitalhf.physical_layer." + _py_module_name)); boost::python::object PhysicalLayer = module.attr("PhysicalLayer"); _physicalLayer = PhysicalLayer(); update_constellations(_physicalLayer.attr("get_constellations")()); } catch (boost::python::error_already_set const&) { PyErr_Print(); return false; } return true; } bool adaptive_dfe_impl::stop() { gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock); std::cout << "adaptive_dfe_impl::stop()" << std::endl; GILLock gil_lock; _physicalLayer = boost::python::object(); VOLK_SAFE_DELETE(_taps_samples); VOLK_SAFE_DELETE(_taps_symbols); VOLK_SAFE_DELETE(_hist_samples); VOLK_SAFE_DELETE(_hist_symbols); return true; } void adaptive_dfe_impl::update_constellations(boost::python::object obj) { int const n = boost::python::extract(obj.attr("__len__")()); _constellations.resize(n); for (int i=0; i constell(m); std::vector pre_diff_code(m); for (int j=0; j(obj.attr("__len__")()); assert(n==2); boost::python::numpy::ndarray array = boost::python::numpy::array(obj[0]); char const* data = array.get_data(); int const m = array.shape(0); _symbols.resize(m); _scramble.resize(m); _descrambled_symbols.resize(m); for (int i=0; i(obj[1]); } void adaptive_dfe_impl::update_doppler_information(boost::python::object obj) { int const n = boost::python::extract(obj.attr("__len__")()); assert(n==2); bool const do_continue = boost::python::extract(obj[0]); float const doppler = boost::python::extract(obj[1]); update_pll(doppler); } void adaptive_dfe_impl::update_pll(float doppler) { if (doppler == 0) return; float const delta_f = doppler/_sps; if (_df == 0) { // init _ud = _df = delta_f; } else { float const ud_old = _ud; _ud = delta_f; _df +=_b[0]*_ud + _b[1]*ud_old; } std::cout << "PLL: " << _df << " " << delta_f << std::endl; } void adaptive_dfe_impl::insert_sample(gr_complex z) { // local oscillator update _phase += _df; if (_phase > M_PI) _phase -= 2*M_PI; if (_phase < -M_PI) _phase += 2*M_PI; // insert sample into the circular buffer _hist_samples[_hist_sample_index] = _hist_samples[_hist_sample_index+_nB+_nF+1] = z * gr_expj(-_phase); if (++_hist_sample_index == _nB+_nF+1) _hist_sample_index = 0; } bool adaptive_dfe_impl::get_correlation_tag(uint64_t i, uint64_t& offset, float& phase_est) { std::vector v; get_tags_in_window(v, 0, i,i+1); for (int j=0; j 18e3) return true; } } return false; } } /* namespace digitalhf */ } /* namespace gr */