Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/hb9fxq/gr-digitalhf synced 2025-03-14 21:07:17 +00:00

HFDL ARINC635 physical layer decoder added

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Mayer 2019-09-14 17:03:12 +02:00
parent 176fc41650
commit 4b0c109e9a
6 changed files with 316 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -62,13 +62,15 @@ class msg_proxy(gr.basic_block):
symbols = pmt.to_python(pmt.dict_ref(msg_in, pmt.intern('symbols'), pmt.PMT_NIL))
soft_dec = pmt.to_python(pmt.dict_ref(msg_in, pmt.intern('soft_dec'), pmt.PMT_NIL))
symb,constellation_idx,do_continue,save_soft_dec = self._obj.get_next_frame(symbols)
if do_continue and len(soft_dec) != 0:
bits,self._quality = self._obj.decode_soft_dec(soft_dec)
bits = np.array(bits, dtype=np.uint8)
msg_out = pmt.make_dict()
msg_out = pmt.dict_add(msg_out, pmt.intern('packet_len'), pmt.to_pmt(len(bits)))
msg = pmt.cons(msg_out, pmt.to_pmt(bits))
self.message_port_pub(self._port_bits, msg)
if len(soft_dec) != 0:
bits,q = self._obj.decode_soft_dec(soft_dec)
if len(bits) > 0:
self._quality = q
bits = np.array(bits, dtype=np.uint8)
msg_out = pmt.make_dict()
msg_out = pmt.dict_add(msg_out, pmt.intern('packet_len'), pmt.to_pmt(len(bits)))
msg = pmt.cons(msg_out, pmt.to_pmt(bits))
self.message_port_pub(self._port_bits, msg)
msg_out = pmt.to_pmt({'symb': symb['symb'],
'scramble': symb['scramble'],

View file

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ GR_PYTHON_INSTALL(
DESTINATION ${GR_PYTHON_DIR}/digitalhf/physical_layer

View file

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
## -*- python -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import common
from digitalhf.digitalhf_swig import viterbi27
## ---- constellatios -----------------------------------------------------------
BPSK=np.array(zip(np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.arange(2)/2), [0,1]), common.CONST_DTYPE)
QPSK=np.array(zip(np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.arange(4)/4), [0,1,3,2]), common.CONST_DTYPE)
PSK8=np.array(zip(np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.arange(8)/8), [0,1,3,2,6,7,5,4]), common.CONST_DTYPE)
## ---- constellation indices ---------------------------------------------------
class LFSR(object):
def __init__(self, init, taps):
self._init = np.array(init, dtype=np.bool)
self._state = np.array(init, dtype=np.bool)
self._taps = np.array(taps, dtype=np.bool)
def reset(self):
self._state = self._init
def next(self):
self._state = np.concatenate([[np.sum(self._state&self._taps)&1], self._state[0:-1]])
return self._state
LFSR_PREAMBLE = LFSR([1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
LFSR_M1 = LFSR([1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
LFSR_SCRAMBLE = LFSR([1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1],
PREAMBLE = common.n_psk(2, np.array([LFSR_PREAMBLE.next()[0] for _ in range(127)]))
M1 = common.n_psk(2, np.array([LFSR_M1.next()[0] for _ in range(127)]))
SCRAMBLE = common.n_psk(2, np.array([LFSR_SCRAMBLE.next()[0] for _ in range(120)]))
PROBE = common.n_psk(2, np.array([0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1]))
T = np.tile(PROBE, 9)
SHIFTS = [72,82,113,123,61,103,93,9]
{'bps': 300, 'intl': {'type': 'S', 'cols': 54}, 'shift': 72, 'mode': MODE_BPSK, 'repeat': 2},
{'bps': 600, 'intl': {'type': 'S', 'cols': 54}, 'shift': 82, 'mode': MODE_BPSK, 'repeat': 1},
{'bps': 1200, 'intl': {'type': 'S', 'cols': 108}, 'shift': 113, 'mode': MODE_QPSK, 'repeat': 1},
{'bps': 1800, 'intl': {'type': 'S', 'cols': 162}, 'shift': 123, 'mode': MODE_8PSK, 'repeat': 1},
{'bps': 300, 'intl': {'type': 'L', 'cols': 126}, 'shift': 61, 'mode': MODE_BPSK, 'repeat': 2},
{'bps': 600, 'intl': {'type': 'L', 'cols': 126}, 'shift': 103, 'mode': MODE_BPSK, 'repeat': 1},
{'bps': 1200, 'intl': {'type': 'L', 'cols': 252}, 'shift': 93, 'mode': MODE_QPSK, 'repeat': 1},
{'bps': 1800, 'intl': {'type': 'L', 'cols': 378}, 'shift': 9, 'mode': MODE_8PSK, 'repeat': 1}
## interleaver -> number of 45-symbol frames
NUM_FRAMES = { 'S': 72,
'L': 168 }
## interleave -> interleaver increment
INTL_INCR = { 'S': -17,
'L': -23 }
class DeInterleaver(object):
def __init__(self, ncols, di):
self._matrix = np.zeros((40, ncols), dtype=np.float32)
self._ncols = ncols
self._dj = di
self._i = 0
self._j = 0
self._counter = 0
def insert(self, v):
for val in v:
self._counter += 1
self._matrix[self._i][self._j] = val
self._i += 1
self._j = np.mod(self._j + self._dj, self._ncols)
if self._i == 40:
self._i = 0
self._j += 1
print('insert: ', self._i, self._j, self._counter, 40*self._ncols)
return self._counter == 40*self._ncols
def fetch(self):
r = np.zeros(40*self._ncols)
idx = np.mod(9*np.arange(40, dtype=np.int), 40)
for j in range(self._ncols):
r[j*40:(j+1)*40] = self._matrix[idx,j]
return r
## ---- physcal layer class -----------------------------------------------------
class PhysicalLayer(object):
"""Physical layer description for HFDL ARINC 635"""
def __init__(self, sps):
self._sps = sps
self._frame_counter = -1
self._constellations = [BPSK, QPSK, PSK8]
self._preamble = self.get_preamble()
self._pre_counter = -1
self._mode = {}
self._viterbi_dec = viterbi27(0x6d, 0x4f)
self._repeat = 1
self._mode_descr = 'UNKNOWN'
def get_constellations(self):
return self._constellations
def get_next_frame(self, symbols):
"""returns a tuple describing the frame:
[0] ... known+unknown symbols and scrambling
[1] ... modulation type after descrambling
[2] ... a boolean indicating if the processing should continue
[3] ... a boolean indicating if the soft decision for the unknown
symbols are saved"""
print('-------------------- get_frame --------------------',
self._pre_counter, self._frame_counter)
success = True
if len(symbols) == 0:
self._frame_counter = -1
s = self.get_preamble()
s['scramble'][-15:] = 1
return [s,MODE_BPSK,success,False]
if self._frame_counter == -1: ## preamble mode
success,idx = self.decode_preamble(symbols)
print('IDX= ', idx)
if idx == 0: ## 2nd preamble frame
s = self._preamble
s = np.roll(s, -15)
s['symb'][-15:] = 0
s['scramble'][-15:] = 1
return [s,MODE_BPSK,True,False]
self._frame_counter = 0
mode = MODES[idx-1]
print('MODE=', mode)
self._mode = mode['mode']
self._mode_descr = "HFDL bps=%d intl=%s " % (mode['bps'], mode['intl']['type'])
self._num_frames = NUM_FRAMES[mode['intl']['type']]
self._deintl = DeInterleaver(mode['intl']['cols'], INTL_INCR[mode['intl']['type']])
self._repeat = mode['repeat']
self._a = self.make_data_frame(mode)
s = np.concatenate([np.roll(M1, -(15+SHIFTS[idx-1])), T])
a = common.make_scr(s,s)
return [a,MODE_BPSK,True,False]
if self._frame_counter >= 0: ## data
print('====', self._frame_counter, self._num_frames)
do_continue = use_soft_dec = self.get_data_frame_quality(symbols)
if self._frame_counter == self._num_frames:
self._frame_counter = 0
do_continue = False
self._frame_counter += len(self._a)/45;
if not do_continue:
self._frame_counter = -2
print("SUCCESS ", do_continue, use_soft_dec)
return [self._a, self._mode, do_continue, use_soft_dec]
def make_data_frame(self, mode):
s = np.zeros(180, dtype=common.SYMB_SCRAMBLE_DTYPE)
s['scramble'][:] = 1
for i in range(0,180,45):
s['scramble'][i :i+30] = SCRAMBLE[i*30/45:i*30/45+30]
s['scramble'][i+30:i+45] = PROBE
s['symb' ][i+30:i+45] = PROBE
return s
def get_data_frame_quality(self, symbols):
s = symbols[-15:]
mean_s = np.mean(s)
tests = [np.abs(mean_s) > 0.4,
np.real(mean_s) > np.imag(mean_s)]
print('FRAME_QUALITY: ', s, mean_s, tests)
success = all(tests)
return success
def get_doppler(self, iq_samples):
"""quality check and doppler estimation for preamble"""
r = {'success': False, ## -- quality flag
'doppler': 0} ## -- doppler estimate (rad/symb)
if len(iq_samples) != 0:
sps = self._sps
_,zp = self.get_preamble_z() ## length is sps*128
cc = np.correlate(iq_samples, zp[0:32*sps])
imax = np.argmax(np.abs(cc[0:32*sps]))
print('imax=', imax, len(iq_samples), len(cc))
pks = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.complex64)
for i in range(4):
idx = 32*sps*i+np.arange(32*sps)
idx = idx[idx<len(iq_samples)]
pks[i] = np.vdot(zp[idx], iq_samples[idx])
print('pks=', pks)
r['success'] = True
if r['success']:
r['doppler'] = common.freq_est(pks)/(32*sps)
print('success=', r['success'], 'doppler=', r['doppler'],
return r
def decode_preamble(self, symbols):
st = symbols[-50:-15] ## should all be 1+0i
print('st=', st)
test = np.mean(np.real(st)) > 0.5 and np.max(np.imag(st)) < 0.5
## decide what is the next frame
t = symbols[-15:]
print('t=', t, np.angle(t))
tt = np.zeros(1+len(MODES))
tt[0] = np.abs(np.vdot(t, self._preamble['symb'][0:15]))
for i in range(1,len(tt)):
tt[i] = np.abs(np.vdot(t, np.roll(M1, -SHIFTS[i-1])[0:15]))
print('XXX ', tt)
ii = np.argmax(tt)
## TODO: add a meaningful QA test
return True,ii
def set_mode(self, _):
def get_mode(self):
return self._mode_descr
def decode_soft_dec(self, soft_dec):
is_full = self._deintl.insert(soft_dec)
print('decode_soft_dec ', len(soft_dec), is_full, '******************************')
if not is_full:
return [],0.0
r = self._deintl.fetch()
rd = r if self._repeat == 1 else r[0::2]+r[1::2]
decoded_bits = self._viterbi_dec.udpate(rd)
quality = 100.0*self._viterbi_dec.quality()/(2*len(decoded_bits))
print('qyality= ', quality, ' bits=', decoded_bits)
return decoded_bits,quality
def get_preamble():
"""preamble symbols + scrambler"""
a = common.make_scr(PREAMBLE, PREAMBLE);
return a
def get_preamble_z(self):
"""preamble symbols for preamble correlation"""
a = PhysicalLayer.get_preamble()
## add one more symbol to get a 128 symbol sequence
z = np.array([z for z in a['symb'] for _ in range(self._sps)])
return 3,np.concatenate([z, z[0:2*self._sps]])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# p = make_preamble()
# print(len(p), p)
# print(len(p0), p0)
# print(np.all(p==p0))
m1='011 1011 0111 1010 0010 1100 1011 1110 0010 0000 0110 0110 1100 0111 0011 1010 1110 0001 0011 0000 0101 0101 1010 0111 1001 00001 1010 1000 0111 1111'
# m1=make_m1()
# l= [72,82,113,123,61,103,93,9]
# print(m1)
# for i in l:
# print(np.roll(m1,-i)[:31])
# scr='13' '1B' 'C4' '25' '0F' '8C' '15' 'EF' 'CD' '6A' 'EC' '99' '6E' '23' '68'
# scr=make_scr()
# 300 72 61
# 600 82 103
# 1200 113 93
# 1800 123 9

View file

@ -88,8 +88,13 @@ MODE_8PSK=2
## ---- mode definitions --------------------------------------------------------
MODE = [[{} for _ in range(8)] for _ in range(8)]
MODE[7][6] = {'bit_rate':4800, 'ci':MODE_8PSK, 'interleaver':['N', 1, 1], 'unknown':32,'known':16, 'nsymb': 1, 'coding_rate': 'n/a', 'repeat': 1}
MODE[5][6] = {} # reserved
MODE[7][7] = {'bit_rate':2400, 'ci':MODE_8PSK, 'interleaver':['S', 40, 72], 'unknown':32,'known':16, 'nsymb': 1, 'coding_rate': '1/2', 'repeat': 1}
#(5,7) is reserved
MODE[5][7] = {'bit_rate': 600, 'ci':MODE_BPSK, 'interleaver':['S', 40, 18], 'unknown':20,'known':20, 'nsymb': 1, 'coding_rate': '1/2', 'repeat': 1}
MODE[6][4] = {'bit_rate':2400, 'ci':MODE_8PSK, 'interleaver':['S', 40, 72], 'unknown':32,'known':16, 'nsymb': 1, 'coding_rate': '1/2', 'repeat': 1}
MODE[4][4] = {'bit_rate':2400, 'ci':MODE_8PSK, 'interleaver':['L', 40,576], 'unknown':32,'known':16, 'nsymb': 1, 'coding_rate': '1/2', 'repeat': 1}
@ -157,6 +162,7 @@ class PhysicalLayer(object):
self._d1d2 = [-1,-1] ## D1,D2
self._mode = {}
self._scr_data = ScrambleData()
self._mode_description = 'UNKNOWN'
def get_constellations(self):
return self._constellations
@ -216,7 +222,8 @@ class PhysicalLayer(object):
def get_doppler(self, iq_samples):
"""quality check and doppler estimation for preamble"""
success,doppler = True,0
r = {'success': False, ## -- quality flag
'doppler': 0} ## -- doppler estimate (rad/symb)
if len(iq_samples) != 0:
sps = self._sps
zp = np.array([z for z in PhysicalLayer.get_preamble()['symb']
@ -230,17 +237,17 @@ class PhysicalLayer(object):
tpks = np.abs(cc[imax+3*16*sps:imax+5*16*sps])
print('imax=', imax, 'apks=',apks,
np.mean(apks), np.mean(tpks))
success = np.mean(apks) > 5*np.mean(tpks) and apks[0]/apks[1] > 0.5 and apks[0]/apks[1] < 2.0
if success:
r['success'] = np.bool(np.mean(apks) > 5*np.mean(tpks) and apks[0]/apks[1] > 0.5 and apks[0]/apks[1] < 2.0)
if r['success']:
idx = np.arange(32*sps)
pks = [np.correlate(iq_samples[imax+i*32*sps+idx],
zp[ i*32*sps+idx])[0]
for i in range(9)]
doppler = common.freq_est(pks)/(32*sps)
print('success=', success, 'doppler=', doppler,
r['doppler'] = common.freq_est(pks)/(32*sps)
print('success=', r['success'], 'doppler=', r['doppler'],
return success,doppler
return r
def decode_preamble(self, symbols):
data = [FROM_WALSH8[np.packbits
@ -251,6 +258,7 @@ class PhysicalLayer(object):
self._pre_counter = sum([(x&3)*(1<<2*y) for (x,y) in zip(data[11:14][::-1], range(3))])
self._d1d2 = data[9:11]
print('MODE:', data[9:11])
self._mode = mode = MODE[data[9]][data[10]]
self._block_len = 11520 if mode['interleaver'][0] == 'L' else 1440
self._frame_len = mode['known'] + mode['unknown']
@ -261,12 +269,18 @@ class PhysicalLayer(object):
self._deinterleaver = Deinterleaver(mode['interleaver'][1], mode['interleaver'][2])
self._depuncturer = common.Depuncturer(repeat=mode['repeat'])
self._viterbi_decoder = viterbi27(0x6d, 0x4f)
print(self._d1d2, mode, self._frame_len)
self._mode_description = 'MIL_STD_188-110A: %dbps intl=%s [U=%d,K=%d]' % (mode['bit_rate'],
mode['unknown'], mode['known'])
print(self._d1d2, mode, self._frame_len, self._mode_description)
return True
def set_mode(self, _):
def get_mode(self):
return self._mode_description
def decode_soft_dec(self, soft_dec):
print('decode_soft_dec', len(soft_dec), soft_dec.dtype)
if self._mode['known'] == 0: ## orthogonal WALSH modulation
@ -285,14 +299,15 @@ class PhysicalLayer(object):
r = self._deinterleaver.load(soft_dec)
print('decode_soft_dec r=', r.shape)
if r.shape[0] == 0:
return []
return [],0.0
##print('deinterleaved bits: ', [x for x in 1*(r>0)])
rd = self._depuncturer.process(r)
decoded_bits = self._viterbi_decoder.udpate(rd)
##print('bits=', decoded_bits)
return decoded_bits
quality = 100.0*self._viterbi_decoder.quality()/(2*len(decoded_bits))
return decoded_bits,quality
def get_preamble():

View file

@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ class PhysicalLayer(object):
return r
def set_mode(self, mode):
def set_mode(self, _):
def get_mode(self):

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class physical_layer_driver(gr.hier_block2):
self._corr_est = digital.corr_est_cc(symbols = (preamble_samples.tolist()),
sps = sps,
mark_delay = preamble_offset,
threshold = 0.3,
threshold = 0.1,
threshold_method = 1)
self._doppler_correction = digitalhf.doppler_correction_cc(preamble_length, len(preamble_samples))
self._adaptive_filter = digitalhf.adaptive_dfe(sps, nB, nF, nW, mu, alpha)