# PWDB - New generation of Password Mass-Analysis ## Goal Leaving the 20 year old stuff of red team behind. Stuff works fine, and no one bothers to check/replace it trough decades. ## Included dumps You can check the status.txt in this repository to keep track of included dumps. ## Cool Stats * From lines of dumps, `257.669.588` were filtered as either corrupt data(gibberish in improper format) or test accounts. * 1 Billion credentials boil down to `168.919.919` passwords, and `393.386.953` usernames. * Most common password is `123456`. It covers roughly `0.722%` of all the passwords. (Around 7 million times per billion) * Most common 1000 passwords cover `6.607%` of all the passwords. * With most common 10 million passwords, hit-rate is at `36.28%`. * Average password length is `9.4822` characters. * 12.04% of passwords contain special characters. * 28.79% of passwords are letters only. * 26.16% of passwords are lowercase only. * 13.37% of passwords are numbers only. ## Unique Passwords * `8.83%` of the passwords are unique - they were only found once. * Their average length was `9.7965` characters. * Suprisingly, just a fraction of these passwords are meaningless. * Only `7.082%` of these passwords contain special characters - Rest matches `^[a-zA-Z0-9]$` * `20.02%` of these passwords are letters only, and `15.02%` is only lowercase. * Average length for lowercase-unique passwords were `9.3694` characters. ## Cool Stats of comparison with rockyou.txt * Rockyou.txt contains `14.344.391` passwords. * After filtering most common `14.344.391` (same as rockyou) most common passwords, `11.583.476` of them were not in the rockyou.txt (a ratio of **%80**) * Just in the first 1000 lines of rockyou and this data, there is a difference of **411** lines - meaning **411** passwords were not in rockyou.txt's top 1k lines. * From most common 1000 passwords, **37** of them were not in rockyou (all of rockyou). This passwords are: ### 37 passwords rockyou is missing that are ranked top 1000. *Very likely that around 8 of these are from test accounts/bad dumps that i failed to filter correctly* ``` 123hfjdk147 1464688081 159753qq 2012comeer 6V21wbgad Blink123 D1lakiss Exigent Groupd2013 Indya123 N0=Acc3ss R9lw4j8khX Status Telechargement aobo2010 baili123com bhf cme2012 demon1q2w3e demon1q2w3e4r demon1q2w3e4r5t exigent g13916055158 hg0209 lincogo1 lizottes megaparol12345 minecraft nks230kjs82 nonmember nyq28Giz1Z pk3x7w9W rr123456rr startfinding youbye123 yuantuo2012 ```