# PWDB - New generation of Password Mass-Analysis ## Goal Leaving the 20 year old stuff of red team behind. Stuff works fine, and no one bothers to check/replace it through decades. ## Included dumps You can check the status.txt in this repository to keep track of included dumps. ## Curious about a statistic? Please create an issue and explain what you want to learn, and if its interesting i'll query the thing and add the result! ## Cool Stats * From lines of dumps, `257.669.588` were filtered as either corrupt data(gibberish in improper format) or test accounts. * 1 Billion credentials boil down to `168.919.919` passwords, and `393.386.953` usernames. * Most common password is `123456`. It covers roughly `0.722%` of all the passwords. (Around 7 million times per billion) * Most common 1000 passwords cover `6.607%` of all the passwords. * With most common 1 million passwords, hit-rate is at `36.28%`, and with most common 10 million passwords hit rate is at `54.00%`. * Average password length is `9.4822` characters. * 12.04% of passwords contain special characters. * 28.79% of passwords are letters only. * 26.16% of passwords are lowercase only. * 13.37% of passwords are numbers only. * 34.41% of all passwords end with digits, but only 4.522% of all passwords start with digits. ## Unique Passwords * `8.83%` of the passwords are unique - they were only found once. * Their average length was `9.7965` characters. * Suprisingly, just a fraction of these passwords are meaningless. * Only `7.082%` of these passwords contain special characters - Rest matches `^[a-zA-Z0-9]$` * `20.02%` of these passwords are letters only, and `15.02%` is only lowercase. * Average length for lowercase-unique passwords were `9.3694` characters. ## Language Specifics I've partioned my data depending on the top level domains of the email providers. (filter here: https://gist.github.com/FlameOfIgnis/9a1da894e8ae385a1ee58b8a734b8979) I'm only releasing short lists of top 150 passwords for now. I'll eventually release full lists. I'll try to refrain from releasing an incomplete version publicly for now. I'll update these lists per billion credentials i process. So even though some of the languages lists are not complete yet, they'll be in a better shape soon. I've had enough data for * Ukranian * German * Russian * Italian * Japanese * Portugese * Polish * French accounts to generate 1M password lists. In contrast to that, I had too little data to work with for * Serbian * Azerbaijani * Arabic * Georgian * Romanian * Uzbek * Macedonian * Persian * Armenian * Albanian * Turkmen * Castillian * Amharic * Burmese * Bulgarian * Mangolian * Catalan * Tigrinya * Tajik * Korean accounts to generate reliable lists. And i had a total of 0 accounts with Slovene language. ## Cool Stats of comparison with rockyou.txt * Rockyou.txt contains `14.344.391` passwords. * After filtering most common `14.344.391` (same as rockyou) most common passwords, `11.583.476` of them were not in the rockyou.txt (a ratio of **%80**) * Just in the first 1000 lines of rockyou and this data, there is a difference of **411** lines - meaning **411** passwords were not in rockyou.txt's top 1k lines. * From most common 1000 passwords, **37** of them were not in rockyou (all of rockyou). This passwords are: ### 37 passwords rockyou is missing that are ranked top 1000. *Very likely that around 8 of these are from test accounts/bad dumps that i failed to filter correctly* ``` 123hfjdk147 1464688081 159753qq 2012comeer 6V21wbgad Blink123 D1lakiss Exigent Groupd2013 Indya123 N0=Acc3ss R9lw4j8khX Status Telechargement aobo2010 baili123com bhf cme2012 demon1q2w3e demon1q2w3e4r demon1q2w3e4r5t exigent g13916055158 hg0209 lincogo1 lizottes megaparol12345 minecraft nks230kjs82 nonmember nyq28Giz1Z pk3x7w9W rr123456rr startfinding youbye123 yuantuo2012 ``` ## Updating I'll try to work in chunks of 1 billion credentials and update it regularly as it processes the data, until i run out of dumps.